The Sociology of Poverty

Task Briefing Front Sheet (TA04b) graded
Unit Title and
The Sociology of Poverty WJF699
Unit: Level: Three Credit Value: 3
Date Set: 15th November 2022 Date Due:
3rd January 2023
(September Tuesday
Student Name:
Tutor Name: Anthony Adabale and Nenadi Adamu
Task No.: 1 of 1
Task Title: The Sociology of Poverty
Date of Internal
Verification of
Description of Assessment Task (mapped to ACs)
You are required to answer three questions in a formal essay structure of
approximately 1700 words.
Introduction – Introduce the assignment, topic and what you are going to cover in your essay. You may
want to include a well-chosen quote here to link in with your essay’s content and focus.
TIP: Brief overview: Definition of poverty (referenced) and … For example: This essay will explore… The
focus of the essay will aim to address… following three questions-list the questions you will cover–give
some indication of your aims. (100 words maximum)
Q1: Analyse different types of poverty and identify ways in which poverty is measured. (AC1.1 & AC1.2)
(350 words)
Use examples and sociological evidence to substantiate your points, accurately referencing all sources used.
What is absolute poverty?
• How is it measured?
• What are the indicators of poverty/deprivation?
• What is the poverty line? What does it mean to live above or below the poverty line?
• How could you explain this in terms of material deprivation? Think about basic needs.
• What is useful about this definition of poverty?
• What are some of the limitations of defining poverty this way?
What is relative poverty?
• How is it measured?
• What are the indicators of poverty according to this definition? Provide examples.
• How would this be linked to social exclusion?
• How could you explain this in terms of cultural deprivation?
• What is useful about this definition of poverty?
• What are some of the limitations of defining poverty this way?
Other ways to measure poverty?
• How else could poverty be measured (think about recent developments)
• Why is measuring poverty difficult?
• The welfare state – how does this measure poverty in terms of determining the types of benefits
people are entitled to? (keep this brief as you will cover this in more detail further on).
Q2: Critically evaluate at least three theories of the causes of poverty. (700 words)
Use examples and sociological evidence to substantiate your points, accurately referencing all sources used.
You are expected to explicitly refer to named sociologists and their work/research findings within your
discussion of sociological perspectives and theories. Try to look at both historical and current sociological
theories and research. Discuss the issues that these theories focus on. Choose a minimum of three theories
to evaluate.
Some theories to choose from include:
• culture of poverty,
• cycle of deprivation,
• welfare dependency,
• structural inequality.
You must include 3 of these as a minimum but you are welcome to include more.
How to approach this for each theory you choose (follow these steps for each theory you include):
o State the key aspects of the explanation (who or what does it blame for the existence and
maintenance of poverty?).
o Refer to some research/evidence that helps to support this explanation of poverty. Include key
sociologists where relevant.
o Why might this explanation of poverty useful?
o What are some of the issues with this explanation of poverty?
❖ Once you have completed the above for each theory, consider which theory might best explain
poverty from the ones you have included and state why you think this based on the points you
have included.
❖ Also consider any factors that may explain poverty that these theories might not have considered.
Q3: Critically evaluate at least two theoretical approaches to poverty reduction (500 words)
Use examples and sociological evidence to substantiate your points, accurately referencing all sources used.
You are expected to explicitly refer to named sociologists/theorists and relevant research and policies.
You need to include a minimum of two of the following theoretical approaches on how to reduce poverty
(you are welcome to research others and have these agreed):
• The New Right approach
• Social Democratic
• Marxist
For each theoretical approach to poverty reduction, you could consider:
o What are the basic assumptions of the approach in terms of reducing poverty (what needs to
o Do these interventions aim to change the individual, society, or both? For example, does it aim to
address cultural or structural factors?
o What type of poverty is the approach addressing? E.g. cultural or material deprivation? Absolute or
relative poverty?
o What policies/interventions/laws/benefits/programmes/initiatives, etc should exist in society to
reduce poverty according to this theoretical approach? Have any of these already been established
either in the UK or in other countries?
o What are the strengths, or potential strengths, of the way that this theoretical approach aims to
reduce poverty? Could you include evidence here? If something has been introduced already, has it
shown that it works?
o What are some of the issues or potential limitations in relation to the way this theoretical approach
aims to reduce poverty? Could you refer to evidence here? If something has been introduced
already, has it shown that it is not working well to reduce poverty?
Once you have considered the above points for each theoretical approach to reducing poverty, consider
which approach might be better and why? How are they different? Make sure you refer back to the points
you have covered already (evidence your critical evaluation).
Conclusion – a brief summary of what you have done – In my essay above I have answered three questions
that I was set to explore the subject of poverty. Any notable findings or considerations? (100 words)
Reference List – don’t forget to include this with your submission.
Please ensure that your essay is submitted with:
• Headers and footers to include: A title, your name, the date, page numbering.
• Full Harvard referencing and bibliography using a minimum of 5 academic sources
• 1.5x line spacing
• Standard margins
• Arial size 12 font
All work must be submitted via Turnitin to ensure that you have not copied from
the sources of information you used.
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1. Understand definitions and core
concepts in the study of poverty.
1.1. Analyse different types of poverty
1.2. Identify ways in which poverty is measured
2. Recognise Sociological explanations of
2.1 Critically evaluate at least three theories of
the causes of poverty
3. Understand different theoretical
approaches to poverty reduction
3.1. Critically evaluate at least two theoretical
approaches to poverty reduction
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Task Briefing Front Sheet (TA04b) graded
Grading Information
If you have achieved all Level 3 criteria you will receive a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following
Grade Descriptors. The GDs must be taken from the pre-established components within the QAA Grading Scheme
Handbook Section B (There are no descriptors for Pass; learners achieve a Pass by meeting all ACs for the unit at
Level 3.) Please add / delete boxes as necessary…
(Insert more rows as
To achieve a Merit: The
learner has
To achieve a Distinction: The learner
of the subject
The student demonstrates a very good grasp
of the relevant knowledge base.
The student demonstrates an excellent grasp
of the relevant knowledge base.
What this
means for the
The essay demonstrates that you have a clear
understanding of:
• A range of key concepts relating to the
sociology of poverty
• At least 3 sociological explanations of the
causes of poverty
• At least 2 theoretical approaches to poverty
• The strengths and weaknesses of each of the
sociological explanations you have chosen to
To achieve the merit:
• You will have provided a very good, mostly
detailed explanation of each concept and
• You will analyse each concept, taking into
consideration the significance in relation to
individuals and society as a whole.
• There may be more detail provided for some
parts of knowledge than others.
• Examples are used for most of the points you
have made.
• There may be some minor errors that means
not all of the explanations offer consistent
clarity of understanding.
The essay demonstrates that you have a thorough and
accurate understanding of:
• A range of key concepts in sociology
• At least 3 sociological explanations of the
causes of poverty
• At least 2 theoretical approaches to poverty
• The strengths and weaknesses of each of the
sociological explanations you have chosen to
To achieve the distinction:
• You will have provided a consistently detailed
account of each concept and theory.
• You will analyse each concept, taking into
consideration the significance in relation to
individuals and society as a whole.
• Examples are used throughout the work.
There may be some minor errors but this does not limit
the overall accuracy of the work.
The overall clarity of understanding will be to an
excellent standard.
GD2:Application of
The student’s work or performance:
a) makes use of relevant
• facts
• theories
with either
b) breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum
required to Pass
The student’s work or performance:
a) makes use of relevant
• facts
• theories
with both
b) breadth and depth
What this means for
the assignment:
Factual and theoretical knowledge is applied effectively to
the study of poverty (with either breadth or depth but not
Breadth: Your work clearly addresses all aspects of the
theoretical explanations and critique, and you may have
included a range of arguments from each
approach/explanation. You have made reference to
appropriate factual evidence and have shown in your
development of your critical evaluation that you understand
how the sociological theories can be used to explain and
reduce poverty.
Depth: Your work shows detailed knowledge of some of the
ways the theoretical approaches can apply to the
sociological study of poverty. You may not have included as
many points, but these are more detailed.
Factual and theoretical knowledge is applied effectively to
the study of poverty (with both breadth and depth.
Breadth: Your work clearly addresses all aspects of the
theoretical explanations and critique, and you may have
included a range of arguments from each
approach/explanation. You have made reference to
appropriate factual evidence and have shown in your
development of your critical evaluation that you understand
how the sociological theories can be used to explain the
causes of and potentially reduce poverty. .
Depth: Your work shows detailed knowledge of the ways
the theoretical approaches can apply to the sociological
study of poverty. Your points are consistently applied in a
detailed way.
Use of information
The student generally appraises the relevance and value
of new information accurately.
The student generally combines or synthesises
information with outcomes that are accurate and
The student consistently appraises the relevance and
value of new information accurately.
The student consistently combines or synthesises
information with outcomes that are accurate,
appropriate and succinct, innovative and creative.
What this means
for the assignment:
Appraisal and synthesis of knowledge is generally
used effectively to the task:
Your work clearly appraises (strengths and
weaknesses) all aspects of the theoretical
explanations and critique. You have synthesised the
appropriate factual evidence with outcomes that are
sometimes accurate, appropriate, succinct,
innovative and creative to draw conclusions.
Whilst the overall response is very good, there
remain some areas that are not properly or fully
addressed which leaves the argument as evidencing
a very good response rather than an excellent one.
You have generally responded to the essay
questions well using relevant information.
Appraisal and synthesis of knowledge is
consistently used effectively to the task:
Your work clearly appraises all aspects of the
theoretical explanations and critique. You have
synthesised the appropriate factual evidence with
outcomes that are accurate, appropriate, succinct,
innovative and creative. The argument evidences an
excellent response.
You have consistently responded to the questions in
the assignment, always applying the most relevant
theories and other information.
Communication and
The student’s work shows very good command of:
• format
• structure
• language (including technical or
specialist language)
• spelling
• punctuation
• referencing
The student’s work shows excellent command of:
• format
• structure
• language (including technical or
specialist language)
• spelling
• punctuation
• referencing
What this means for
the assignment: Key terminology associated with the sociological study of
poverty is evident and is mostly used accurately. There is
evidence of some additional research that has been
referenced well.
There is a logical structure to the assignment and care is
taken in spelling and punctuation, with some errors that
do not detract from the overall quality of the assignment.
Key terminology associated with the sociological study of
poverty is used fluently and accurately.
There is evidence of a wider range of additional research
that has been carefully referenced following the
academic conventions of referencing.
There is a logical structure to the assignment and care is
taken in spelling and punctuation, with possibly some
minor errors that do not detract from the overall quality
of the assignment.
GD7: Quality
The work is structured in a way that is generally logical
and fluent.
Taken as a whole, the student’s work demonstrates a
very good response to the demands of the
The work is structured in a way that is consistently
logical and fluent.
Taken as a whole, the work demonstrates an excellent
response to the demands of the brief/assignment.
What this means for
the assignment:
The work responds to the essay title set and
forwards a generally well thought out response to all
aspects of the title. Whilst the overall response is
very good there remain some areas that are not
properly or fully addressed which leaves the
argument as evidencing a very good response rather
than an excellent one.
The work responds to the essay title set and
forwards a consistently well thought out response to
all aspects of the title. The overall response is
excellent and there few areas requiring any
significant development. The argument evidences
an excellent response.
What this means for this assignment
(Please give guidance to the student to explain what the grade descriptor components mean within the context of
the task in order that s/he may be able to achieve Merits or a Distinctions)
As a general rule,
(A) If you attempt the assessment criteria you will be awarded a Level 3 Pass.
(B) If your account is analytical you will be awarded a Level 3 Merit.
(C) If your account is evaluative you will be awarded a Level 3 Distinction.
In all cases, breadth and depth of responses will be taken into account.
Grade Profile Achieved for Assignment
Final unit grade, if applicable 1
If there is more than one assignment for a unit, the final provisional grade for the unit cannot be awarded until all
assignments have been completed, and this space should be left blank.
Tutor Feedback
Individual Targets:
Areas for
Improvement: Tick

Tutor Signature: Date:

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