In this assessment, you will analyze the relationship between ethics and health care research. You will demonstrate your research skills by applying them to an ethical scenario you choose. While most health care managers do not conduct research, being able to evaluate research and apply it to situations, such as the ethical concerns presented in this assessment, is critical to achieving the effective management and adaptable leadership needed in the health care industry.
Select 1 of the following ethical scenarios:
A company uses patient DNA for research without the patient’s knowledge or consent.
A nonprofit organization sells fetal tissue for research. (Note: Do not assume this is illegal; this may be legal in some states or jurisdictions.)
Management invites researchers who do not have the institutional review board’s (IRB) approval or exemption to participate in a health care research project.
An oncology clinical trials coordinator is conducting a research study and selects a relative who has the cancer being investigated. The relative is placed in the group receiving the experimental drug.
Search the University Library for at least 3 peer-reviewed articles that relate to the ethical concerns of your chosen scenario or to the process step at which ethical issues may have occurred.
Assessment Deliverable
Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you:
Identify the ethical concern and at what step in the scenario the ethical concern(s) occurred.
Explain how evidence-based research can eliminate or minimize ethical concerns in the health care industry.
Compare research studies and quality management projects as they relate to the health care industry.
Explain external factors that have an impact on the ethical concern in the scenario.
Summarize the relationship between ethics and health care research using your chosen ethical scenario.
Include a title slide, detailed speaker notes explaining the content of each slide, and a reference slide.
Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources to support your presentation.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assessment.
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