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Assessing the health of a community or population requires a different skill set than assessing individual patients. Individual patients are assessed using direct observation during the process of identifying their condition, needs, abilities, and preferences. The health of populations is assessed using data analytics that aggregate findings based on a predefined geographic area or a common characteristic. For example, a population can include the people in an entire county, state, or nation. Additionally, a population can include the people in a hospital unit or community or any other group of individuals who have shared characteristics (e.g., older women or those who attend a common event at the same place and time). A disease investigator or advanced practice nurse defines the population of interest, which may change as the investigation progresses. Defining the population is extremely important as it is essential to describe the outbreak in terms of person, place, and time (PPT).

For this task, you will create a professional multimedia presentation. This presentation will be based on your analysis of an investigation conducted in the outbreak scenario. See the “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation” in the Web Link section. It is recommended that you complete your review of this outbreak before you begin your presentation since all the information in your presentation will come from this case scenario.

You will present the methods, processes, and results of your investigation of the outbreak that are essential to controlling the spread of this disease and preventing future outbreaks. Additionally, you will present information on the guiding principles that form the basis for investigating and managing infectious disease outbreaks.



Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 50% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. 

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. 

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., , .ppt, .pptx).

Complete the “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation” (referred to as the outbreak scenario for this task) found in the Web Links section.

Note: Before starting the simulation, please read the attached “Prelude: Epidemiology of an Outbreak” and “Tutorial Crab Apple Valley” documents.

A.   Create a multimedia presentation (suggested length of 22 slides) on your investigation of the outbreak scenario. You may use the attached “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation Multimedia Presentation Template.”

Note: While you need to create a presentation, you do not need to present it. 

Note: The multimedia presentation for this performance assessment should be uploaded as a separate attachment and should not be included in the e-portfolio or submitted as a link. 

B.   In your presentation, provide your presenter notes for each slide in the presentation, including the appropriate level of explanation, analysis, and discussion of the outbreak scenario.

C.   In your presentation, provide a title slide that includes each of the following components:

•   your name

•   the title of the presentation

•   title of course

•   instructor Name

•   the date the presentation was submitted

D.   In your presentation, provide a slide that includes an outline of the main topics that will be included in your presentation in the order they will be presented.

E.   In your presentation, describe the background of the outbreak scenario from part A by doing each of the following:

1.   Describe the key components of the case definition for the outbreak scenario.

2.   Explain the 10 steps used in the outbreak investigation and include an example for each step.

F.   In your presentation, discuss methods used to determine the existence and scope of the outbreak scenario.

1.   Discuss the active and passive surveillance methods used to identify cases in the outbreak scenario.

2.   Provide the number of suspect cases in the entire outbreak scenario.

3.   Provide the number of probable cases in the entire outbreak scenario.

4.   Discuss the mode of transmission for the outbreak scenario for both locations, including specific examples from the scenario.

5.   Discuss how the cumulative incidence can be utilized with the outbreak scenario.

6.   Calculate the cumulative incidence for the entire outbreak scenario.

G.   In your presentation, justify your study design choice to guide your analysis of the outbreak scenario by doing the following:

1.   Construct a purpose statement for your outbreak scenario research project.

2.   Describe the data collected for the outbreak scenario research project from parts F1 and F2.

3.   Present a screen capture of the outbreak plot that is clear and provides correct information.

a.  Analyze the significance of the epi curve.

4.   Analyze the significance of the incubation period of the outbreak scenario.

5.   Describe the differences between an endemic, an epidemic, and a pandemic.

a.   Discuss whether this scenario outbreak is experiencing an endemic, epidemic, or pandemic.

6.   Calculate the case fatality rate.

a.   Describe the significance of the case fatality rate.

7.   Calculate the primary and secondary attack rates.

a.   Describe how the primary and secondary attacks occurred.

H.   In your presentation, discuss the three measures of outbreak management for the outbreak scenario.

1.   Provide a rationale for the control measures that should be implemented in the outbreak scenario.

2.   Formulate a plan to disseminate information on the outbreak to other agencies and the public.

I.   In your presentation, reflect on your learning experience by responding to each of the following questions:

•   What do you know now about investigating an outbreak that you did not know before?

•   Based on what you have learned, what might you do differently if given the opportunity to investigate an outbreak?

•   In what ways can you apply the concepts you have learned to your current clinical practice?

J.   Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.

K.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your 

Due date


Telemedicine Advancement in Emergency Rooms

Author Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)

College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

D031: Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice

Instructor Name


Telemedicine Advancement in Emergency Rooms


Rural emergency departments are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to treating patients with acute illnesses. The absence of experts inside the office is a downside and couldpossibly have deadly results for our patients. Telemedicine is the freshest innovation accessible, and keeping in mind that costly, it gives significant advantages to emergency room patients and staff.Telemedicine will permit the emergency room to go with faster choices in regards to a patient’s demeanor orneed for quick development. In no less than a half year, The emergency room will execute telemedicine forcardiology patients requiring administrations. The following a half year will start the execution oftelemedicine for nervous system science and mental claims to fame. Telemedicine expands admittance todoctors and experts guaranteeing that patients get the perfect consideration at the ideal time and in theperfect spot (Truth Sheet: Telehealth, 2019). Telemedicine is connected to a 30-35%

decrease in

mortality (Di Lenarda et al., 2017).

A1. Role of innovative nurse leader

Nurse educators will be officially liable for preparing staff on the machine and training them on legitimate advances when a discussion is requested. Instructors will be accessible for different kinds of feedback. Laying out a telemedicine champion in the trauma center could be helpful when teachers are not free. Preparing staff is perhaps the greatest obstacle and normally requires more than one meeting (Hamm et al., 2020). Their casual job is counsel with different offices with this sort of hardware to get thoughts on the most proficient method to better our cycle.

Innovation is viewed as another device, thought, or strategy for playing out an ongoing interaction. It is otherwise called developing something new or further developing something currently in present. Nurse innovators act as agents of change. They drive new procedures and use innovation to work on understanding considerations. Leaders likewise have areas of strength for construction with different experts in medical care. They can utilize an instrument we now have and track down an alternate reason for it. They can conceptualize groundbreaking plans to work on by and large persistent consideration and security (Williams et al., 2016). We are the foundation of medical care. Medical care is steadily evolving. New ideas are expected to continually adjust to changes. Nurse innovators make answers for existing cycles, better approaches to utilize current materials, as well as new purposes for innovation.

A2. Summary of community of practice from the CPE

A2. Outline of a local area of training from the CPE

A2a. Our county is a rural community with 21,000 residents, comprising overwhelmingly more seasoned Caucasian residents (89.2%) (Speedy Realities Lampasas Province, 2019). A fifth of the populace locally is uninsured, bringing about the trauma center being their trauma center and their essential doctor. Our people group likewise has a 12.4% neediness rate, making it remarkably difficult for some to bear the cost of medical services (Speedy Realities Lampasas Region, 2019).

A2b.Our office is a five-bed emergency room, which is the closest medical clinic for thirty miles. Contingent upon which course you head from our province, going south, the emergency clinic is 30min away, going west, the medical clinic is 40min away, and going north, the clinic is an hour away. Our emergency room balances out the patient surprisingly well and starts moving straightaway. We have no experts in our neighborhood. As may be obvious, we are a basic access office that serves numerous residents. Our patients are our main partners with the most current development.

A2c. Alongside our patients being key partners, our emergency room staff are key members in this advancement cycle. Emergency room doctors and trauma center attendants have consistently worked intently together to focus on the patients they experience. The trauma center staff’s conventional jobs will keep on being what they are prepared to do, which is conveying exceptional consideration to our patients through information, innovation, and experience. This telemedicine development will guarantee we give the greatest of care to our patients, diminishing obligation on the doctors and the medical clinic while

working on quiet

fulfillment/results. The casual job of trauma center staff is to go to schooling on the development, show others what they have realized, and be advertisers of their office. Neighborhood clinic organization plays a conventional part in supporting the development and being the wellspring of subsidizing for the machine. The production of telemedicine brought to our office will further develop the administrations the medical clinic can publicize and diminish responsibility for those with deadly results. Press Ganey assumes a huge part in emergency clinic financing and facilities, so further developing patient fulfillment will just make a positive difference. Alongside the acquisition of the gear, the organization will start strategies in regards to the legitimate advances included while involving the machine for the conference, another conventional job organization play. Their casual jobs would incorporate proceeding to be a piece of the confidence working for the development all through the medical clinic and offering their skill.

Clinical informatics plays a conventional part in guaranteeing all administrations are ready and keep on working appropriately every day. They will give appropriate networks and investigate all issues. This advancement won’t find true success without this gathering of people. Their casual job in our gathering is to address questions and offer help with the plan. Nurture instructors will be officially liable for preparing staff on the machine and teaching them legitimate advances when a meeting is requested. Teachers will be accessible for different kinds of feedback. Laying out a telemedicine champion in the emergency room could be helpful when teachers are not free. Preparing staff is perhaps the greatest obstacle and as a rule requires more than one meeting (Hamm et al., 2020). Their casual job is to talk with different offices with this sort of gear to get thoughts on the most proficient method to better our cycle. The other fundamental partner is the gathering of cardiologists that will give the interviews. Their proper preparation in cardiology is the skill we look for. Agreements will be set up with them through our executives, and a 1-800 number will be utilized to arrive at the doctor ready to come in case of an emergency. A specialist-to-specialist will be finished with the emergency room doctor and the cardiologist before they remoting in to see the patient. After the cardiologist’s evaluation, they will give their suggestions to the trauma center doctor to additional treat the patient. The cardiologist’s casual job is to visit the office and talk with our doctors before starting an agreement to see our framework and how we capability.

The fundamental objective for all partners included is to give the best consideration to our patients. Time is a muscle, and some have less extra time than others. Seeking appropriate treatment at all measures of time is everybody’s objective.

A3. Internal and external factors that prompted the proposal

Twenty percent of the populace in our community are uninsured, coming about within the ER being their crisis room and their essential physician. Our community moreover contains a 12.4% poverty rate, making it nearly impossible for some to manage and afford to manage bear healthcare (Fast Actualities Lampasas County, 2019). Our office may be a five-bed ER, which is the closest hospital for thirty miles. On a regular move, there are two nurses and one ER doctor each day. We don’t have specialists that can quickly see our patients within the ER. Anything that requires more than emergency intervention is exchanged to another office. We have a surgery office but no specialist on staff to see patients. We have a cardiologist on staff, but he sees patients one day a week. When we have a psych quiet come in, we call the emergency hotline, and they have 8 hours from the time of the call to be at our office to see the quiet. Patients with stroke side effects have no neurologist on staff to see them prescribe encouraged treatment.

A5. Innovation Alignment

Proposed Innovation 

Telemedicine has not been a critical piece of the clinical field until Coronavirus turned out to be so uncontrolled. It has been around since the 1960s, however, is seldom utilized. The innovation accessible to us for a long time has not been brought to the very front until our new pandemic. 76% of U.S. emergency clinics talk with professionals about the utilization of PCs and innovation. “Restricted Federal medical insurance inclusion obstructs the development of telehealth administrations. Current rule confines most telehealth administrations to patients situated in country regions and unambiguous settings (like a medical clinic or doctor’s office), covers just a set number of administrations, and permits just ongoing, two-way video meeting capacities, with restricted special cases, for example, tele-stroke. Changes required to incorporate the broad end of geographic and setting areas necessities so patients beyond rustic regions can profit from telehealth; extending the kinds of innovation that can be utilized, including remote checking; and covering all administrations that are protected to give, instead of a little rundown of supported administrations” (Truth Sheet: Telehealth, 2019, p. 2). The pandemic has expected a lift to these specific principles yet will be returning into impact from now on (Hamm et al., 2020). Telemedicine is the method representing things to come. Medical clinics ought to be permitted to offer this support unafraid of delinquency from the insurance agency. Federal medical insurance is the most reduced payer for teleservices and was just paying for these administrations in country regions until the ongoing pandemic (Kuehn, 2016).

Discussion of Internal and External Factors

Twenty percent of the population in our community are uninsured, resulting in the ER being their emergency room and their primary physician. Our people group likewise has a 12.4% neediness rate, making it exceptionally difficult for some to bear the cost of medical care (Fast Realities LampasasDistrict, 2019). Our office is a five-bed emergency room, which is the closest clinic for thirty miles. On a normal shift, there are two attendants and one emergency room doctor every day. We don’t have subject matter experts that can quickly see our patients in the trauma center. Whatever requires more than crisis mediation is moved to another office. We have a medical procedure office however no specialist on staff to see patients. We have a cardiologist on staff, yet he sees patients one day seven days. When we have a psych patient come in, we call the emergency hotline, and they have 8hours from the time of the call to be at our office to see the patient. Patients with stroke side effects have no nervous system specialist on staff to see them and suggest further treatment like TPA. Contingent upon which bearing your head from our province, going south, the emergency clinic is 30min away, going west, the medical clinic is 40min away, and going north, the medical clinic is an hour away. Our trauma center settles the patient surprisingly well and starts moving straightaway. We have no subject matter experts in our neighborhood you can see. We are a basic access office that serves numerous residents and could benefit significantly from a development like this.

Alignment to Strategic Initiatives

Telemedicine has not been a significant part of the medical field until Covid-19 became so rampant. It has been around since the 1960s but is rarely used. The technology available to us for many years has not been brought to the forefront until our recent pandemic. Seventy-six percent of U.S. hospitals consult with practitioners about the use of computers and technology. “Limited Medicare coverage impedes the expansion of telehealth services. The current statute restricts most telehealth services to patients located in rural areas and specific settings (such as a hospital or physician’s office), covers only a limited number of services, and allows only real-time, two-way video conference capabilities, with limited exceptions, such as tele-stroke. Changes needed include widespread elimination of geographic and setting locations requirements so patients outside of rural areas can benefit from telehealth; expanding the types of technology that can be used, including remote monitoring; and covering all services that are safe to provide, rather than a small list of approved services” (Fact Sheet: Telehealth, 2019, p. 2). The pandemic has required a lift to these certain rules but will be going back into effect in the future (Hamm et al., 2020). Telemedicine is the way of the future. Hospitals should be allowed to provide this service without fear of nonpayment from insurance companies. Medicare is the lowest payer for teleservices and was only paying for these services in rural areas until the current pandemic (Kuehn, 2016).

Purpose Statement

There are many reasons telemedicine is required in our local emergency room. The most significant is that the patient gets the right treatment perfectly positioned with impeccable timing. Telemedicine will carry the best consideration for our patients while working on understanding results and patient fulfillment.

Innovation Goal

In somewhere around 90 days of starting telecardiology, we will decrease the number of adverse results from ACS (Intense Coronary Disorder) by 75% and have a general increment to 95% inpatient fulfillment. The innovation goal is to advance telemedicine in the emergency room. The main goal for all stakeholders involved is to provide the highest quality care to our patients.

Relevant Sources Review

Table 1

Relevant Sources Summary Table

Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Sources

Published in Past 5 Years


Support the Proposed Innovation

Summary of Findings Relevant to Proposed Innovation

Evidence Strength

Level I




APA formatted scholarly reference with a DOI or retrievable link.

Present a detailed summary of the findings and

how the findings support the proposed innovation.

Refer to

WGU Levels of Evidence


Hamm, J. M., Greene, C., Sweeney, M., Mohammadie, S., Thompson, L. B., Wallace, E., &

Schrading, W. (2020). Telemedicine in the emergency department in the era of covid‐19:

Front‐line experiences from 2 institutions. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, 1(6), 1630–1636. Retrieved January 5, 2021, from

Article gave understanding to

challenges related

with telemedicine

particularly in rustic regions.

Challenges incorporate

security, no obvious physical

test by subject matter expert,

patient not feeling appreciated,

default from MCR.

Likewise talked about rustic

charging limitations by

MCR on telemed being

lifted during the

pandemic. Telemed can

lessen how much

PPE in the trama center. Tablets,

PCs, and cartbased telemedicine are

all gadgets that can be

managed the cost of the innovation

for telemed counsels

Level VII

Expert option


Rademacher, N., Cole, G., Psoter, K. J., Kelen, G., Fan, J., Gordon, D., & Razzak, J. (2019). Use of telemedicine to screen patients in the emergency department: Matched cohort study evaluating efficiency and patient safety of telemedicine. JMIR Medical Informatics, 7(2), e11233. Retrieved January 4, 2021, from

Tried different things with

337hours of face to face

screening and 315hours

of tele screening to


adequacy and evaluate

wellbeing of tele screening.

Less patients LWBS

during face to face. Both

accomplished a similar level

of productivity. For the chest torment patient that

presents to emergency room, it

took into consideration faster

conference of

cardiologist and orders

being started sooner

than without telemed.

Patients were given a

survey to finish up

after tele screening, yet

the data was

uncertain at that point

of the report.

Level II


Kruse, C. S., Soma, M., Pulluri, D., Nemali, N. T., & Brooks, M. (2017). The effectiveness of telemedicine in the management of chronic heart disease – a systematic review. JRSM Open, 8(3), 205427041668174. Retrieved January 3, 2021, from 7

Systematic review of 20

articles to decide

viability of telemed

in overseeing heart

sickness patients.

Further develops mortality by

40%, further develops wellbeing

results by 35%.

Shows up just little

rate successful in

working on quiet

fulfillment scores. Half

of the articles explored

showed a huge

decrease in

readmissions with

telemed. Fifteen out of

the 20 articles referred to the

diminished mortality and

further developed results

Level I

Systematic Review


Kuehn, B. M. (2016). Telemedicine helps cardiologists extend their reach. Circulation, 134(16), 1189–1191. 025282

Patients are only required to travel when they need procedures or advanced diagnostics. Technology allows the cardiologist to provide patient visits and monitor them through their implantable devices (defibrillators). Telemedicine is allowing earlier intervention for patients. MCR is one of the lowest payers of telehealth so some physicians are not embracing the technology.

Level VII

Expert opinion


Di Lenarda, A., Casolo, G., Gulizia, M., Aspromonte, N., Scalvini, S., Mortara, A., Alunni, G., Ricci, R., Mantovan, R., Russo, G., Gensini, G., & Romeo, F. (2017). The future of telemedicine for the management of heart failure patients: A consensus document of the Italian association of hospital cardiologists (a.n.m.c.o), the Italian society of cardiology (s.i.c.) and the Italian society for telemedicine and eHealth (digital s.i.t.). European Heart Journal Supplements, 19(suppl_D), D113–D129.

30-35% reduction in

mortality, 15-20%

reduction in admissions.

Gave information on

different implanted

devices cardiac patients

have, ease of

synthesizing the info

back to the clinician,

patients have more

active role in their

healthcare by using

smart devices. A

the drawback to telemed is

incorrect diagnosis due

to incorrect data being

given to the physician by

the patient. Another

drawback is lack of


Level I

Meta Analysis

Synthesis of Literature

Since the new pandemic of 2020, telemedicine has become more famous than any other time. While there are many issues connected with its utilization, the advantages far surpass the dangers. In the wake of assessing different well-qualified feelings, audits and analyses, obviously, telemedicine is the method representing things to come. The innovation permits patients to be found continuously and simply be expected to go for procedural arrangements. Telemedicine guarantees the patients are perfectly positioned, getting legitimate treatment with impeccable timing. The cardiologist will actually want to remote into implantable gadgets and notice the patient’s mood (Kuehn, 2016). One region I had wanted to improve with telemedicine shows restraint fulfillment. All that I could see as expressed there was insufficient data to close the fulfillment scores changing because of the innovation (Rademacher et al., 2019). While the innovation has been accessible since the 1960s, we were pushed into utilizing it this year absent a lot of readiness. As indicated by the telemedicine articles, the patient death rate has fundamentally improved to 40%, while in general wellbeing results have worked on 35%. The patients get more precise and opportune treatment utilizing telemedicine (Kruse et al., 2017). In addition to the fact that death rates have improved, yet confirmations and readmissions have declined by 15-20% since the utilization of telemedicine in certain areas (Di Lenarda et al., 2017).


Because MCR not limiting repayment as of now, telemedicine would be started in our ER within 6 months. This time period considers satisfactory agreements to be made with doctors, more than adequate chance to buy the gear, trauma center staff to be prepared on the hardware and cycles that are set up, and time for the organization to shape arrangements in regards to the legitimate use of the gear, promoting to advertise the new innovation and has opportunity and willpower to guarantee appropriate availability. With the new innovation, its victories or issues will be assessed quarterly and tended to. Subsequent to assessing the victories in more than a six-month time span, adding different experts like nervous system science, psych, and ortho would be on the following gathering plan.

Data-Collection and Technology

Idea Generation Process

At the point when I met with the development’s key partners, we had a zoom meeting and examined various developments that could be useful to our country’s crisis division. My round table incorporated our director, our social laborer, myself, our medical caretaker instructor, one


staff part, one of our ER doctors, and the managerial secretary to record the gathering. I proactively explored various machines to present to the gathering. While all thoughts were invited, it was clear what development was the most ideal for our office.

Data Examples

Big Data Support

Our little five-bed emergency room is the closest clinic within 30miles for north of 21,000 residents. Being that we are a country’s local area, there are no subject matter experts. Having the innovation accessible for our patients would just work on understanding results. We have two centers around, and with the given destitution rate expressed beforehand, we are an essential facility for the overwhelming majority of our occupants. Since we just have five beds, we are set up with one ER doctor and two nurses 24hrs per day.

Technology Enhancements

The office has an ongoing Wi-Fi framework set up, as well as a telephone framework. What’s more, the telemedicine screen on wheels would be bought. Our office would likewise require a quicker Wi-Fi to oblige the constant video conferencing. Associations from the far-off area to our particular machine would likewise be set for the cardiologist to remote in. A standard 1800 replying mail would be laid out to instantly arrive at the ready-to-come in case of an emergency cardiologist.

Interprofessional Collaboration and Disruptive Innovation


The as it were “disruption” that I check whether we don’t carry out is that it postpones patient consideration. With our office having no experts accessible, it just eases back persistent consideration. This is the sort of thing we face consistently with every patient. A STEMI patient isn’t seen by a cardiologist until he is on the catch lab table. A stroke patient doesn’t see a nervous system specialist until they have come to their ICU bed at another office. Unfriendly results can disrupt the association by being given claims from displeased relatives. Realizing that we have telemedicine accessible, we can carry patients to our office who might have gone to different emergency clinics earlier.

Strategies to Mitigate Challenges

There might be disturbances in the assistance that we should overcome. Techniques to battle the deficiency of wi-fi are laid out in an association that is challenging to disturb. Contract with the organization to state on the off chance that assistance is intruded on, they won’t be paid for the time it is down and being fixed. The machine is down for routine support or broken will be tended to by requiring every other month machine checks from a far-off area and quarterly surveys face to face by IT. The machine’s standard upkeep will be finished after 12 PM, which is ordinarily a slow time with less understanding traffic in the emergency room.

Leverage Benefits of Disruptive Innovation

At the point when a patient sees an expert by means of telemedicine, it keeps them from being moved to another trama center. Moving a patient from our emergency room to another makes a subsequent trama center bill for the patient. It keeps on deferring appropriate treatment until seen by the expert at the subsequent office. With telemedicine, the patient will be moved to the emergency clinic and taken to the suitable floor, bypassing the trama center, and faster inception of their treatment plan.With the utilization of new innovation, patients from everywhere will come to the emergency clinic to get the best consideration. Expanded patients = expanded income. The expanded income gets our positions and those of our whole office. Expanded income could likewise get an increment different administrations not recently managed the cost of by the association.


Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion of innovation requires the steps of knowledge, influence, choice, execution, and affirmation. This cycle is essential for individuals to take on a novel thought, change, item, or reasoning (Kaminski, 2011). The trailblazer and the early adopters need minimal measure of persuading. They are inspired daring people who are ordinarily good examples and visionaries inside the office. The early larger part could do without things to be confounded and need slow consistent advancement toward an objective.

They are to a lesser extent a daring person and need to remain inside financial plan while picking an answer that others do. The late greater part are wary, answer peer pressure, need advancements verified prior to getting involved with them, and dread innovation. The late greater part are effectively impacted by slouches who allude to past approaches to getting things done. They need to keep up with the norm, not innovation wise, and dubious of anything new achieved. The objective is to move individuals inside the classes and endeavor to address everybody’s issues in every classification

Innovation Action Plan Table

Table 2

Innovation Action Plan

1 month

Team Member Role

Essential Responsibilities to Implement Proposal



PC learning online class for staff

2 weeks

Social worker

Community outreach event

1 month


Train staff

1 month 2 weeks


Final stakeholder meeting to give final

3 weeks


Getting word out

Financial Implications

Obviously, with any technology, it accompanies a cost. The clinic and organization should view at this as a speculation for their future. The machine’s expense fluctuates relying upon the kind you purchase, however they range from $1000 to $20,000, that is excluding the essential programming. The underlying expense will be significant, however the machine will pay for itself in the years to come. The protection pays a counsel on a telemedicine machine, yet your market will likewise start to develop.

Interprofessional Communication Plan

Each colleague’s responsibilitie would be finished preceding execution or we wouldn’t “go live.” The reason for the gatherings preceding starting the innovation is to guarantee that we are keeping focused and following through with responsibilities. With the social laborer following our patients, we will have the measurable information and patient reviews to reference our advancement’s viability. We will meet month to month the initial a half year after the execution with all partners to examine various cases and their results, any issues with the machine or the innovation, extra schooling that might be required.


The group will roll out any improvements promptly to work on the interaction. This advancement can possibly save many lives. Remaining in correspondence with all partners is of most extreme significance.


Purpose and Rationale

The requirement for telemedicine in our local emergency department is irrefutable. We are a country office with no expert capacities. Telemedicine would give ongoing patient tests at the bedside by the trained professional, trailed by a suggested treatment plan for the patient. The insights of our province and the encompassing region and data with respect to the clinic all demonstrate this development’s significance. While the expense of carrying this to our emergency room is significant, the advantages to the patients and the projected income cause the expense to appear to be minor. You can’t put a cost on an individual’s life, and telemedicine has demonstrated to diminish patient mortality.


The process for developing the advancement appeared to be basic. I have worked at this office for 12 years and am mindful of our capacities and what we could bring to better our association. The emergency room has been where I have worked for 16+ years, so I have seen many changes happen during my time. In my ongoing office, I charge of nurture as well as house manager. I was blown away light by the fact that telemedicine was laid out in 1960 however was seldom utilized until Coronavirus.

Strengths and Challenges

A portion of the strengths were that we as a whole came to an agreeance from the beginning with regards to what development would suit our office. The gatherings were coordinated and streamed steady with the plan. All partners offered their mastery and offered help to other people.

The greatest challenge was setting up the zoom meeting as I have never done this earlier. Likewise, endeavoring to contact a cardiologist who might consent to be in on the call was fruitless, however different partners generally partook in the zoom meeting.

Future Initiatives

The new understanding I have acquired from research is that telemedicine could likewise be utilized so that a Medical caretaker Specialist might see the less intense patients to let loose a doctor’s time in the emergency room. I feel this could help our office in light of the fact that, as referenced previously, we are some occupant’s essential consideration. Notwithstanding telecardiology, adding telepsych and teleneuro would be of significant advantage to our association. Later on, I will propose developments similarly; properly investigate things, structure my group, pay attention to info and turn out together for the objective. Collaboration makes the fantasy work.


Di Lenarda, A., Casolo, G., Gulizia, M., Aspromonte, N., Scalvini, S., Mortara, A., Alunni, G., Ricci, R., Mantovan, R., Russo, G., Gensini, G., & Romeo, F. (2017). The future of telemedicine for the management of heart failure patients: A consensus document of the italian association of hospital cardiologists (a.n.m.c.o), the italian society of cardiology (s.i.c.) and the italian society for telemedicine and ehealth (digital s.i.t.).
European Heart

Journal Supplements,
19(suppl_D), D113–D129.

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AJM2 Task 1:

Author Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)

College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

D028:Advanced Health Assessment for Patients and Populations

Instructor Name


You will have robust speaker notes for every slide except the References slide.
Presenter notes must be scholarly with full sentences and paragraphs. Do not use bullet points on your presenter notes.
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar must be accurate.
In-text citations must be included either on the slide or in the speaker notes.
Indent each new paragraph in the speaker notes.
Speaker notes should be in APA format. However, double spacing is not required.
When submitting the PowerPoint for evaluation, you must first save it to your desktop you must first save it to your desktop as a .ppt or .pptx document or as a file and then submit.  Do not submit a LINK to your PowerPoint as it will be returned for revisions. 
Use bullet points on the actual slides to highlight key information from speaker notes.
If pictures are used on the slides, and they are stock images from Word, they do not have to be referenced. Pictures that do NOT come from Word stock images will need in-text citations and a reference list entry.














Describe the Significance of Epi Curve shown above



Discuss Outbreak type


Describe the significance of the case fatality rate



Describe how the primary and secondary attack rates occurred


Provide a rationale for the control measures that should be implemented in the outbreak scenario



• What do you know now about investigating an outbreak that you did not know before?
• Based on what you have learned, what might you do differently if given the opportunity to investigate an outbreak?
• In what ways can you apply the concepts you have learned to your current clinical practice?



Prelude: Epidemiology of an Outbreak

Did you ever wonder if the nursing process was more versatile than only applying it to clinical practice and academic discussions? Have you ever been asked to perform a clinical task or procedure without being informed first why it was necessary? Did you understand the “why” behind all the actions taken to address outbreaks in recent years? Have you considered the differences in the implications and the extent of endemic, epidemic, or pandemic outbreaks?

This aspect of your course will increase your understanding of the how, what, where, why, and when of outbreaks and provide you with an opportunity to translate theory into practice in your new professional role. Let the exploration of an outbreak investigation begin!

What you need to know before you start the outbreak scenario.

This scenario was developed especially for you!

Follow the instructions on each slide.

Listen to and read the text at the bottom of the screen for the slides with audio.


Only select the “Transcript” button if you would like to view the full audio text for several slides. Once selected, you will be able to turn it off by clicking the button labeled “Close.”

Click on the button labeled “Pause” to pause any of the videos and the “Play” symbol to restart.


You will see a button labeled “Prev” and a button labeled “Next.” Use these buttons to advance or go back.


You will also see a button labeled “Prev” and a button labeled “Submit” when you are on a slide that requires you to perform an action or actions. Click on the “Submit” button when you have completed the action.

To drag and drop an item on a slide, use your left mouse button and click on the selected item, hold the mouse button down, and move the selected item to the new location by moving your mouse. Then release the mouse button.

For the “Case Definition” slide, you will need to drag each word to the correct definition space. If the word turns green, it is correct. If it turns red, either it is not part of the definition, or it may not be in the correct space in the definition. Drag the incorrect words to the trash can. You can only move forward if you have moved all the words to their correct location.


The “Home” button is the one with the symbol of a house on it. This button will take you back to the “Home” page to review a specific section of the scenario if you want.

Take notes as you navigate the scenario. When you have completed the scenario, you may select the

“Home” button to return to and review any of the sections of the course. If you select one of the sections to review, you will progress through the section again and must select the “Home” button again to navigate to another section without completing the slide requirements again.

Enjoy the learning experience! Some of the words in an outbreak investigation may be foreign to you, but the approach is significantly aligned with the nursing process.





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