Assignment 3 – Research Paper
An inquiry-based research paper of 1500-2000 words. Choose a topic from the list below. These are broad topics and you will need to find a narrow focus within them. Your paper should have at least five (5) academic reference courses. This should not include your textbook, Wikipedia, Brittania, Encarta, or any other online dictionaries or other very short non-academic Internet entries. You have access to online academic journals through the University of Manitoba library system. This is the best place for you to begin your search on your chosen topic. JSTOR is one online example through the UofM library system that has a lot of resources that may be helpful as you research. If you do not know how to conduct online research, please visit the library and ask for help from the reference librarian. Your paper should be submitted through UMLearn in the corresponding Assignment Folder.
Formatting Guidelines:
Please choose from ONE (1) of the following topics:
Grading Rubric for Written Papers:
Regarding the quality of the paper:
Thus, papers will be graded to the following rubric:
A+ Excellent work; clear, flawless, engagingly written, well organized, logical, and demonstrating a clear command of the topic and showing original insights in the interpretation. The work exceeds all the minimum requirements of the assignment and shows a sophisticated thesis that is well supported by evidence. Demonstrates the ability to critically analyze and/or synthesize issues and problems. There is clear evidence of advanced research. There are virtually no problems with writing style, grammar or spelling. In other words, it is impeccable in every measure or expectation.
A Exhibits almost all of the characteristics of the A+ paper but with some minor flaws in argument.
B+ The work is very good. It is well written and organized. It meets and often exceeds the minimum requirements of the assignment with frequent flashes of original thought. There is evidence of an advanced understanding of the material and evidence of attempts to critically analyze and/or synthesize issues and problems. There is clear evidence of advanced research. There are very few problems with writing style, grammar or spelling.
B Exhibits almost all of the characteristics of the B+ paper but has slight problems with the understanding of the issues and problems.
C+ The work is acceptable. It is generally clear and easy to read and meets and sometimes exceeds all of the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is evidence of a basic if unambitious or underdeveloped understanding of the material with limited analysis. There is clear evidence of basic research and/or analytical skills but there are some problems with the writing style, grammar or spelling that exceed those for the B+ to B range.
C The work is acceptable but has slight issues with clarity. It is not always easy to read but meets or sometimes exceeds the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is slightly less of an understanding of the material and there are attempts at analysis. There is clear evidence of basic research skills.
D The work is marginal. It meets only the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is evidence of only a simplistic understanding of the material. There is limited evidence of research and/or analytical skills. There are significant problems with writing style, grammar, or spelling.
F The work is unsatisfactory. It does not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment and it fails to grasp even the most basic of concepts.
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