This week’s reading through Chapters 17 through 19 reframe your focus on benefits at the micro-level (patient and individual unit), meso-level (service line benefits of added capacity for patient placement), and macro-level (value-based quality benefits to the organization). Understanding the connection between financial choices made today and the future health of the organizations built to deliver healthcare into the future.
In 600 Words
Consider some of the issues that affect the efficiency of an organization. Answer each of the questions associated with the ways in which effective budgeting and maintaining good financial health can sustain an organization.
· How can budgeting help planning of staff resources?
· How can budgeting improve communication across disciplines?
· How can effective financial health improve the performance of the organization?
This activity aligns with course outcomes 1, 2 and 4.
Please use the lecture materials and other outside sources within the last 5 years
Lecture Materials
Waxman, K. (2022). Financial and business management for the doctor of nursing practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing LLC.
Read Chapters 17-19
Download the PowerPoint presentations below and use them to take notes on the assigned readings in the Waxman and Knighten 3rd Ed. text for Chapters 17 through 19:
Chapter 17_Making the Financial Case for Academic-Practice Partnerships- The ROI for Specialty Education.pptx ATTACHED
Chapter 18_Financial Management in Times of Uncertainty, Shortages, and Change.pptx ATTACHED
Chapter 19_The Efficient Hospital of the Future- Improving Patient Access and Patient Flow.pptx ATTACHED
PLEASE NOTE: This is for a HOME HEALTH ORGANIZATION, and it has to do with the Homebound patients. Please see the PICOT.
The organization she is working for is called Mecris Home Health
PICOT: Amongst nurses providing health visits to homebound patients, how does the use of the ask suicide screening question toolkit as compared to not using the ask suicide question toolkit affect referrals to behavioral health team within 3 months of the visit.
P: Amongst nurses providing health visits to homebound patients
I: using the ask suicide screening question toolkit.
C: compared to not using the ask suicide question toolkit.
O: affect the referral to behavioral health team
T: 3 Months
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