Throughout this course, you have examined and applied a wide variety of tools that may be used to enhance performance objectives for health care quality, efficiency, and cost in health services organizations. From day-to-day operations to strategic decision making and initiative planning, these tools serve various purposes in affording health care administration leaders with a variety of perspectives and mitigation strategies to enhance performance in health care delivery. Health services organizations must aim to not only deliver cost-effective and high-quality health care services but they also must operate efficiently to maximize the bottom line for business operations. For this Assignment, you will conduct research about a hospital using the Hospital Compare data source for any large U.S. city. Find a hospital that you are interested in or familiar with for this Assignment. Then, select two similar hospitals for comparative analysis. Then, analyze the organization’s position within the local and regional health care system. Analyze the cost, quality, and access metrics of the organization. Reflect on the metrics that might be monitored by the different types of control charts on the Hospital Compare data source. Think about how you would proceed with conducting a complete quality assessment of the hospitals you selected. Provide a description of the hospital you selected, its geographic area, the population it serves, and the reason you selected it. Provide a detailed comparison of this hospital with two other similar hospitals in the community as well as state / national rates. Be sure to address all of the following components: Similarities / differences in hospitals Surveys of Patients Experiences Timely and Effective Care Complications Readmissions and Deaths Use of Medical Imaging Payment and Value of Care Categorize each of the subcomponents as whether they are structure, process, or outcome oriented, and identify how / if they link to cost, quality, and access. Be specific in your categorization. Explain whether there are there significant differences in the proportion of patients who gave the three hospitals a rating of 9 or 10. NOTE: You can find the number of respondents by clicking on the “View More Details” link on the Hospital Compare site. Conduct appropriate hypothesis testing for your comparison. How did your selected hospital perform in comparison to the others from a statistical point of view? Identify three separate measures that should be monitored using variable control charts, attributes or failures control charts, and nonconformity control charts. Provide your overall assessment of this hospital’s performance on cost, quality, and access measures. Be sure to reference your statistical results and analyses that assisted you in the development of your overall assessment.
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