Audiences are stupid. That is a universal fact in film making (see anything made by Michael Bay). Audiences will forgive bad acting (see: Tom Cruise), bad directing (again, Michael Bay), even bad writing (pretty much anything on NBC). But the one thing audiences will NOT accept is bad sound. The two times in my life I’ve walked out of a movie theatre were based completely on the unintelligible words being spoken.
For this written assignment, you will research online and find a short video with bad sound. Anything live-action is open game here – no animation. But promotional ads, commercials, training videos, narrative pieces are all acceptable…go crazy.
Once you’ve found your video, based on your own experience and the lessons from the two video tutorials, you will analyze and critique the video, making at least 3 recommendations on how the sound could have been fixed. Remember you’re focused on the sound aspect – ignore bad acting, directing, lighting, Michael Bay, etc.
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