Subsequent events

Subsequent events Occurs after the fiscal year-end but before the statements are issued.

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Summary of significant accounting policies

Summary of significant accounting policies Important to a user in comparing financial information across companies.

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Working capital

Working capital Current assets minus current liabilities.

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Intangible asset

Intangible asset Lacks physical substance.

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Current liabilities

Current liabilities Important to a user in comparing financial information across companies.

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Operating cycle

Operating cycle Period of time from payment of cash to collection of cash.

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Current assets

Current assets Items expected to be converted to cash or consumed within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.

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Liquidity Refers to the ability of a company to convert its assets to cash to pay its current obligations.

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Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with the balance sheet and financial disclosures. Pair each item from List A (by letter) with the item from List B that is most appropriately associated with it.

Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with the balance sheet and financial disclosures. Pair each item from List A (by letter) with the item from List B that is most appropriately associated with it. Balance Sheet An organized array of assets, liabilities, and equity.

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Employee benefit plans.

Employee benefit plans. in a separate disclosure note

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