Simple Linear Regression

Complete Excel Exercise Use Assignment 3 Dataset [XLSX] Download Assignment 3 Dataset [XLSX]to do the following: Perform a simple linear regression with a dependent variable (cost) and an independent variable (age). Interpret the statistical significance and effect size of the regression coefficients. Discuss what regression means in practical terms. File Submissions Upload the following: The output file […]

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field of psychology.

For this journal you will apply the first step of the scientific method by identifying a research topic and explaining its importance in the field of psychology. Choose a topic of interest to you in psychology that is relevant to your current or future career. The journal assignment should be two double-spaced pages in length. […]

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.  ( in its entirety, paying special attention to Standards 8 and 10 that cover ethics in research and therapeutic practice. Oftentimes research methods courses discuss the ethics of research and focus on historic examples of unethical research studies. This discussion […]

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major research methods

Examine the major research methods that will be covered in the course. Based on your current understanding of these major research approaches, select one method you are particularly interested in researching further, and explain why you are interested in learning more about this method. How might this method be useful in your future career?

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Education Stages Of Life Interview Assignment

interview two  individuals that are in different stages of Adulthood. You may choose  from the following stages: Emerging/Early Adulthood (20-40), Middle  Adulthood (40-65), Late Adulthood (65+). Interview Requirements:  Interviews can be conducted via phone, video conferencing, email, or in  person. You can select your own questions to be included in the  interview. However, the following core questions must […]

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Blockchain Technology

Nearing the end of the semester, it is now time for students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Students should; Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future […]

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studying a social science field different from yours

Hello fellow classmates and instructor, With my feed of study it can be a lot to handle, between catching bad guys and stopping crime whether it be heinous crimes that deal with significant violence or just assault and battery this can all be a lot of work. I noticed though after going each week in […]

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Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Analyze how the ideologies of punishment influence professional practice in corrections Describe the organizational structure and logistical considerations of correctional facilities Analyze systemic issues that affect incarceration Scenario You are working for Vera Institute, a private agency dedicated to “tackl[ing] the most […]

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Journal: Research Studies In The Media

Prompt In this journal assignment, you will review a few provided resources on how studies can become famous before they are verified. You will then reflect on how this can happen and why it might be a problem. First, read Why Should We Care?, a three-page section of a FlatWorld resource. Focus on the key takeaways […]

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Research Question and Process

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Develop data-driven research questions for addressing professional problems Scenario Congratulations! You have successfully made it through two rounds of interviews for an internal position that will focus heavily on research skills. The hiring team has narrowed the candidate field to you and […]

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