Research your state or county government website

Research your state or county government website to locate information on a recently adopted sex crime statue in your area. Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you do the following: Provide a brief summary of the statute, including the intended category of sexual offense. Explain how the statute could impact laws or enforcement in the […]

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research problem

Over the last few weeks, you have conducted research in your field of study to identify a research problem you will turn into a research question. In your initial post, consider patterns you found as you were looking at this information. What did you notice? What is the relationship between your field of study in […]

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Formulating A Question

Overview In this assignment, you will practice using a flowchart template to write research questions. Prompt In Module Eight, you will submit your research question for Project Three: Research Question. In this activity, you will practice creating a research question using one of the flowcharts provided (or one you create yourself). You only need to […]

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The Relationship Between Social Sciences, Methodologies, And Data Types

Over the last few weeks, you have conducted research in your field of study to identify a research problem you will turn into a research question. In your initial post, consider patterns you found as you were looking at this information. What did you notice? What is the relationship between your field of study in […]

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Breast Cancer Global Quality Care, Barriers, And Strategies For Intervention

Breast Cancer Global Quality Care, Barriers, and Strategies for Intervention   Breast Cancer Global Quality Care, Barriers, and Strategies for Intervention Breast cancer rates vary worldwide. These rates differ among age, women and men, and different ethnicities. In 2020 there were 1.1 per 100,000 new cases of breast cancer in men and 118.8 per 100,000 […]

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Risk Perception

Week 5 Discussion – Perceptions of Risk 16 Unread replies16 Replies Please respond to the following: Using the information presented in Practical Project Risk Management  in Figure 6-3, “Common Influences on Risk Perception,” determine the  conscious factors, subconscious factors, and affective factors for this  project. Examine how awareness of such factors influences the decision  to hire outside […]

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health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi,

Overview Imagine that you have been appointed the director of health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya—a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents and chronic and communicable diseases, and it houses an HIV/AIDS ward. As you settle into your position, you realize that the […]

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Research Questions And Data Collection Methods

Overview In this assignment, you will explore the relationship between research questions and data collection methods. You will also explore the benefits and drawbacks of specific data collection methods. Prompt Look back at the research questions you submitted for your Milestone Three assignment in Module Five and select an appropriate data collection method for each […]

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Mini-Literature On Cardiovascular Disease

Mini-literature on Cardiovascular Disease The topic that i decided for my Capstone project is Cardiovascular disease in minority population. My rationale for selecting these particular subject matter is because it is not talked about in my community, the African American community. American Hospital Association (AHA) in an article published on Jan 18th, 2022, stated that Disparities in cardiovascular disease […]

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Human services practitioners

Human services practitioners strive to improve the lives of thousands of individuals every day. The support can be in the creation of programs, improving access to programs, and advocating for changes or support for an individual or groups of individuals. In this assignment, you serve as a human services practitioner at a community reentry center. […]

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