Label the structures associated with the fetal circulation.

Label the structures associated with the fetal circulation.

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Fetal hemoglobin has greater attraction for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin.

Fetal hemoglobin has greater attraction for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin. True

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Label the uterus and associated structures as they appear at full term.

Label the uterus and associated structures as they appear at full term.

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Fetal circulation, Flow of blood from the placenta through the circulation and back to the placenta

Fetal circulation, Flow of blood from the placenta through the circulation and back to the placenta The umbilical VEIN transports oxygen RICH blood to the liver and the DUCUTS VENOSUS a vessel that bypasses the liver The bypass drains into the INFERIOR VENA CAVA where it mixes with oxygen POOR blood before entering the heart […]

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Match the fetal circulatory structure with its role in the fetal circulation

Match the fetal circulatory structure with its role in the fetal circulation

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Which vessel carries oxygen rich blood from the placenta to the fetus?

Which vessel carries oxygen rich blood from the placenta to the fetus? Umbilical vein

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Match the events of fetal development with the time in which they happen.

Match the events of fetal development with the time in which they happen.

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What is the placental membrane and what is its role?

What is the placental membrane and what is its role? Layer through which nutrients and gases are exchanged between embryonic and maternal blood

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What developmental structure forms the primary germ layers during the embryonic stage?

What developmental structure forms the primary germ layers during the embryonic stage? Inner cell mass

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Label the figure, identifying the extra-embryonic membranes and associated structures.

Label the figure, identifying the extra-embryonic membranes and associated structures.

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