Match the structure with its function: Umbilical cord.

Match the structure with its function: Umbilical cord. Carries blood to and from the placenta

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Which structure represents the interatrial shunt?

Which structure represents the interatrial shunt? Foramen ovale

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Which of the following occurs eight weeks into pregnancy?

Which of the following occurs eight weeks into pregnancy? The head of the fetus is nearly as large as the body.

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The function of the ductus arteriosus is to __________.

The function of the ductus arteriosus is to __________. bypass the pulmonary circuit

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Match the structure with its function: Ligamentum venosum.

Match the structure with its function: Ligamentum venosum. Formed when the ductus venosus collapses

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Match the developmental event: Eighth to the ninth month.

Match the developmental event: Eighth to the ninth month. Fat laid down in subcutaneous tissue.

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Match the organ with the correct germ layer from which it forms: Liver.

Match the organ with the correct germ layer from which it forms: Liver. Endoderm

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Match the structure with its function: Fossa ovalis.

Match the structure with its function: Fossa ovalis. Depression on the wall of the atrial septum

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Which of the following occurs 17-20 weeks into pregnancy, during the fetal period?

Which of the following occurs 17-20 weeks into pregnancy, during the fetal period? Quickening (fetal movement) occurs.

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Identify the anatomical structure at “C.”

Identify the anatomical structure at “C.” Forms virtually everything else besides the nervous system, skin, digestive, respiratory, and urogenital systems, and associated glands

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