Discuss the possible fates of a sperm cell. How many does it really take to fertilize an egg and why?

Discuss the possible fates of a sperm cell. How many does it really take to fertilize an egg and why? -Acidity of vagina -Secretions of cervix -length of fallopian tubes -Protective shell of egg ————————- 300,000,000 started

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Where are sperm deposited of the egg occur? Vagina

Where are sperm deposited of the egg occur? Vagina

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Where does fertilization of the egg occur?

Where does fertilization of the egg occur? in the fallopian tube

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What propels the egg to the uterus? how long does it take?

What propels the egg to the uterus? how long does it take? Muscle contractions in fallopian tubes then cilia 4 days

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How many chromosomes does a sperm or egg cell have?

How many chromosomes does a sperm or egg cell have? Why? 23 fertilization produces diploid zygote

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How many oocytes are present at puberty in a female? How many of these will be ovulated in her lifetime?

How many oocytes are present at puberty in a female? How many of these will be ovulated in her lifetime? Over 400,000 400 ovulated

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What happens to these bypasses after birth?

What happens to these bypasses after birth? Bypasses shut off, lungs fill with air.

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What type of blood is carried by the “D” on the diagram above? “E”? explain this

What type of blood is carried by the “D” on the diagram above? “E”? explain this D: O2-rich, coming from placenta (ie mom) E: O2-poor, already circulated thru baby needs to pick up O2 from placenta

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Why are there differences from the adult?

Why are there differences from the adult? Lungs are filled with fluid, not much O2. Baby gets O2-rich blood from mom, so it makes sense to “bypass” lungs

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Label the structures associated with fetal circulation

Label the structures associated with fetal circulation

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