Historical Reflection

Directions for Make-up Historical Reflection.You may create an Historical Reflection in response to content addressed during week 11 and analyze the life and achievements of Sarah Winnemucca; Or you may submit the Historical Reflection from Weeks 5 and or 9, if you did not turn one in for Weeks 5 and or 9. Support your […]

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Historical Reflection

See the detailed Historical Reflection directions for information about requirements and scoring rubric. For Part I, identify and explain three significant statements, or “gold nuggets” from this week’s historical sources. Part II: For Part II, prepare a three-paragraph response to this key question: Based upon the evidence examined this week, did WW II unleash permanent […]

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Museum Project

Select one artifact from a virtual online museum or other venue Give an overview of the artifact itself, the culture and time period in which it was created Assignment is to be completed online. A virtual museum is acceptable. The dates for the artifact are Pre-history to the 21st century Topics limited to Middle Eastern […]

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Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth

Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition). Please use this edition (or the 8th) Answer the following questions in an essay of approximately 800 words (900 is the absolute maximum). Your essay should: (1) begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly articulates a thesis and outlines the areas of […]

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The myths of Oedipus and his family,

Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition). Please use this edition (or the 8th) Answer the following questions in an essay of approximately 800 words (900 is the absolute maximum). Your essay should: (1) begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly articulates a thesis and outlines the areas of […]

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history essay.

i I need to do my history essay. I attached the links to guides here. There is a one file that explain how to write the essay. For this you need to separately create a outline as well. Essay is 4 to 5 pages. As well as I need the outline as well separately. Please […]

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Local History Project Instructions

Tell Me Who You Are Local History Project Instructions:For this project, each student must interview at least one individual. You may interview a family member, relative,friend, neighbor, classmate, co-worker, fellow congregant, or others. The purpose is to record and document a person orsomeone from an organization whom you admire and respect and has contributed to […]

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Classical Myth (9th edition

Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition). Please use this edition (or the 8th) Answer the following questions in an essay of approximately 800 words (900 is the absolute maximum). Your essay should: (1) begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly articulates a thesis and outlines the areas of […]

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The myths of Oedipus

Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition). Please use this edition (or the 8th) Answer the following questions in an essay of approximately 800 words (900 is the absolute maximum). Your essay should: (1) begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly articulates a thesis and outlines the areas of […]

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history essay.

Hi I need to do my history essay. I attached the links to guides here. There is a one file that explain how to write the essay. For this you need to separately create a outline as well. Essay is 4 to 5 pages. As well as I need the outline as well separately. Please […]

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