Ottoman Empire.

1. Watch the following video: When did the Ottomans gain control of Anatolia (the historic homeland of the Armenians)? Describe the “millet system” of the Ottoman Empire. What is a “designated infidel?” Who did the Ottomans ally themselves with as German and Russia went to war? Where were the Armenians told they would be taken […]

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The Ancient Greeks

Remember to use complete sentences and capitalization. In at least 300 words, answer the following question: Focusing on the course themes of government and either social class or gender roles, identify and explain the major similarities or differences between ancient Athens and Sparta. Suggestion for formulating a clear answer: Instead of describing Athens and Sparta […]

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History Art History

Discuss the development of the human figure in Greek art from the Archaic through the Hellenistic periods. Please use specific works of art to compare and contrast.

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History Art History Homework

The Minoans created a peaceful, secure and joyful culture that celebrated the natural world in the arts. Discuss at least two specific examples that demonstrate this statement.

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black-figure style of vase painting

Compare and contrast the black-figure style of vase painting with that of the red-figure style in both technique and illusionism in painting. Select specific images to include with your posts.

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differences between the Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings

How would you describe the differences between the Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings that we have looked at so far in class? In your opinion, what accounts for this difference? Are there any similarities? Select one specific image from each culture to reference in your post. Please also include an image of each work that […]

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Cultural Development

America’s diverse culture was built on the lives of its native people and immigrants, beginning with the early settlements of the English and continuing through the arrival of enslaved Africans to Gadsden Wharf and the primarily European immigrants to Ellis Island. Each of these groups of people came from vastly different cultures and under vastly […]

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Cultural Development

America’s diverse culture was built on the lives of its native people and immigrants, beginning with the early settlements of the English and continuing through the arrival of enslaved Africans to Gadsden Wharf and the primarily European immigrants to Ellis Island. Each of these groups of people came from vastly different cultures and under vastly […]

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backs and a single suitcase full of their most treasured possessions.

Immigrants often arrived with only the clothes on their backs and a single suitcase full of their most treasured possessions. The Suitcase.jpg You are asked to write a brief narrative about an immigrant’s suitcase for this discussion. In your first paragraph, using your imagination and what you have learned, describe the immigrant who is carrying […]

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how the women are dressed and what behaviors they are engaged in.

The reference for this Book please put it in Chicago style with each assignment with its own reference. DuBois, Ellen, C. and Lynn Dumenil. Through Women’s Eyes. Available from: MBS Direct, (5th Edition). Macmillan Higher Education, 2018. Chapters 4 and 5 of Through Women’s Eyes and the content guides for this module call attention to […]

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