World Peace Game

Focus on Hunter’s display of Emotional Intelligence (EI) within his verbal and non-verbal attitudes/behaviors as he explains the World Peace Game in the video. Draw upon and include EI terminology in your assessment that is drawn first from what you have learned in Chapters 1-11, Sparrow and Knight (2009) Applied EI knowledge). Two pages in […]

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systematic exploration designed

Patricia: A needs assessment is a systematic exploration designed to identify the gaps between what is and what ought to be (Boiarsky, 2004). It is the tool of choice of consultants because it provides a means of discovering what clients, consumers, and customers perceive as their needs (Boiarsky, 2004). Additionally, it may be used to […]

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Christian Political Worldview

The essential Christian political worldview is the citizens of the kingdom of heaven should be the best citizens in the kingdom of the world.

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Introduction to Business Analytics

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the following: Chapter 1: Introduction to Business Analytics Chapter 2: Data Management and Wrangling Chapter 3: Summary Measures Imagine that you are hired as a data analyst for a bank. The bank would like to learn more about its customers’ spending and banking habits to identify areas […]

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Using Spreadsheets to Create a Business Case from Raw Data

Background This exercise helps students understand how a raw file of sales transactions can be analyzed to produce valuable information for managers. Your challenge is to see what the data is telling you via the Dashboard you created and then present your case for improvement! You are the Senior Vice President of Sales for the […]

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findings of your research i

Organize and interpret the findings of your research in one to two pages (12-point, double-spaced). This is based on previous weeks about the case below, if you need attachment of these please advise. Case 3 Helen Company’s fiscal year ends on June 30th. Its employees (with at least three months of experience) are entitled to […]

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As a manager of the Fortune 500 company selected in week one, you will be responsible for differentiating the business’ systematic and unsystematic risk. Name 3 or more examples of systematic or unsystematic risks your company might face. Think of some implications if your company decides not to be proactive and plan for these risks. […]

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FASB and other databases.

Conduct research to find a recent case involving fraud that used technology. In one to two pages (12-point font, double-spaced), summarize your findings. What database or databases did you use? This is Accounting, please use the FASB and other databases.

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Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies

Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies Energy prices and global warming are discussed daily in the news as the environmental impact of e-waste is just beginning to be recognized. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility need to be taken seriously by all managers because everyone should have an active role in helping to preserve the environment. Assignment You’ve been […]

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Moving A Company Slide Show

Instructions: In Chapters 3 of your text on table 3.2 there are listed nine models and approaches to organizational change. Consider that you are a large organization and you are preparing to move your business from New Jersey to Arizona in 12 months. Your business has 2500 employees. Some will lose their job, some will […]

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