This Project

Click on the words: “Project Assignment” above to upload your assignment PROJECT: Select one, but only one, of the following options to complete for the project component of your grade. This Project is due as noted with the course schedule. Submit the project early to avoid all emergencies. Note:  Spelling and grammar are critical and five points will […]

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short term CDs or savings accounts

Discussion Questions:Since 2000, the US has had two major recessions and the both the stock and bond markets have experienced big drops in value.  This has made investing a volatile experience.  Interest rates are currently at 50-year lows so returns on short term CDs or savings accounts are almost zero. Has all this turmoil effected your outlook on investing? […]

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In this assignment, you are to critically read and evaluate a scholarly article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the study field. Learning how to critique a journal article has several benefits, including preparing you for publishing in the future and keeping you current on the literature in your field of study. The practical application is […]

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Research Paper

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or […]

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Understanding Data Collection And Performance Improvement

Scenario Oakridge Hospital is preparing for redesignation of its Magnet Status, which represents diverse populations in primary, secondary and tertiary settings. As the clinical analyst for the hospital, it is your responsibility to ensure that all of the collected and submitted data meets criteria to maintain the covenant status. The Board of Directors asked The […]

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How can corporate culture be changed?

When should a person from outside the company be hired to manage the company or one of its units? How can corporate culture be changed? How can a company keep from sliding into the decline stage of the organizational product life cycle.

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workplace communication as a leader/manager.

In a 200-250 word discussion post, summarize your major findings from this course. Focus on the ideas that were new, eye-opening, and changed the ways you approach workplace communication as a leader/manager. Discuss how this new knowledge will influence your communication behaviors. If you have already applied or are planning to apply any course outcomes […]

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importance of communication behaviour in workplace

In a 10 slides PP  , summarize your major findings from this course. Focus on the ideas that were new, eye-opening, and changed the ways you approach workplace communication as a leader/manager. Discuss how this new knowledge will influence your communication behaviors. If you have already applied or are planning to apply any course outcomes […]

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Effectiveness And Delivery Of Presentations

1 page Find a Ted Talk presentation that interests you.  Evaluate the speaker’s effectiveness and delivery with the techniques that you have learned in this Unit. Choose one thing you learned about preparing content and one thing you learned about presenting and include a reference from the textbook. Analyze whether the speaker executed each well […]

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marketing and consumer behavior

How has your perspective or understanding of marketing and consumer behavior been changed, challenged, reinforced, or deepened ? Explain.

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