
Select one of the following scenarios: Scenario 1: You are a budding entrepreneur with a great idea and you want to pitch it on the TV show “Shark Tank.” Your product or service should be something the Sharks will want to sink their teeth into. Scenario 2: You’ve got a great idea you want to […]

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Case Analysis Points

Case Analysis Points Note: You will lose points if you only repeat the facts without your analysis. Point Allocation for Written Analysis Asterisked Cases: 500 words (one page); Bullet points preferred Evaluate the business from an investment banker’s (consultant’s) perspective for your financier clients who you hope to retain as clients for future assignments (give […]

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Technology use

Record your speech. Please verify you can be clearly heard and seen in the video before submitting. Note: You can also use your mobile device and upload your recording. However, recording through Kaltura using these instructions links to an external site. is the recommended option. Refer to your outline to deliver a 2-3 minute speech. […]

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Legal Environment

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Laws & RegulationsLinks to an external site. webpage. Use the U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyLinks to an external site. website to find one environmental law that is relevant to your past, current, or future employer. Then address the following questions: Describe […]

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Market Analytics

Easton Realty Company Sam Easton started out as a real estate agent in Atlanta ten years ago. After working two years for a national real estate firm, he moved to Dallas, Texas. His friends and relatives convinced him that with his experience and knowledge of the real estate business, he should open his own agency. […]

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Can Someone Do My Week 6 Discussion 1 Legal Enviroment?

In the business sector, there is often a conflict between the interests of business organizations in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that they purchase. A related area of concern is when products are heavily promoted as being environmentally friendly. This practice is known as “greenwashing.” […]

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Effective Marketing Tool

Please respond to the following: Review the article,Effective Marketing Tool for the Marketing Professionals in Healthcare Organization: The 4 “S” Model. Are there any elements from this article you believe you will implement in your own marketing plan in next week’s assignment? Why or why not?

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financial statement fraud case

At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references. Research a financial statement fraud case using the ACFE Global Survey of Fraud Reports on the ACFE website, www.acfe.com, KU library/Westlaw and other research sources. Discuss the responsibility for detection and prevention of this fraud on the part of management, internal auditors, and external auditors. Be […]

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Podcast titled Accounts Payable Clerk Steals

At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references. Locate the Podcast titled Accounts Payable Clerk Steals $250,000 from Local Transit Entity on the ACFE website at https://acfe.podbean. https://acfe.podbean.com/?s=accounts+payable Post your comments regarding the fraud scheme. What responsiblity do internal auditors have for detecting this fraud? How would you ensure there is a way to […]

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Turkey Macroeconomic Measures And Policy

Different countries have different economic policies in place. In addition, because of various other factors like geo-political issues, access to capital, public health infrastructure, political system, etc., their macroeconomic indicators and economic growth rates are different. In your final paper, respond to the following questions: Report the following macroeconomic indicators for your country: GDP, economic […]

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