Choosing a Specialty in Advanced Practice Nursing
I chose to pursue my Master’s in Nursing to become a family nurse practitioner because of the various areas to work in as a family nurse practitioner. Ideally, I would like to work in reproductive endocrinology, but I know this will be rather difficult coming out of school unless I get experience working in a reproductive endocrinology clinic as a registered nurse before finishing school. I have worked in an OBGYN clinic as a nurse doing triage and reviewing lab results, but through personal experience being a long-term patient of reproductive endocrinology clinic, I know that is the area of women’s health I want to pursue. Through my personal experience, I believe I can be a perfect fertility confidant while also being a practitioner. In an article from the Nursing Journal of India (2011), the difficulties patients face during the vulnerable stages of treatment for infertility are discussed. The nurse acts as a confidant to help these men and women through this time. I not only can provide this type of relationship, but also act as the provider.
According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (n.d.), the state of Georgia has a restricted practice law in place for Nurse Practitioners. This means as a nurse practitioner practicing in Georgia, I will have life-long, or as long as Georgia is a restricted practice state, supervision by a medical provider to provide patient care. Moving from Washington, a full practice state, to Georgia recently has made the decision to pursue a nurse practitioner degree difficult in itself because of this restriction. Living in Washington I was accustomed to advanced practice nurses having more freedom in their patient care and even running their own practices without medical provider supervision. I feel it will benefit me early in my career as a nurse practitioner to have the guidance of a medical provider this restriction will facilitate, but maybe not later in my career.
Professional Organizations related to Women’s Health Nursing
One professional organization related to this specialty is the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (n.d.). Benefits of membership in this organization include access to journal articles from the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, free webinars with continuing education opportunities, and access to a career center to assist in applying for jobs, resume advice and job alerts. Through this membership, I look forward to the educational and networking opportunities with other like-minded nurses and future nurse practitioners.
American Association of Nurse Practitioners (n.d.) State Practice Environment. Retrieved August 1, 2023 from
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (n.d) Become a Member. Retrieved August 1, 2023 from
Atri, S. (2011). Role of Nurse in Invitro Fertilization. Nursing Journal of India, 102(4), 86-7.
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