I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Ancient Greek Philosophy: Concepts Associated with the Presocratics. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.
The physics which pertains to the stable and unchanging component of the universe were the focus of Pre-Socratic philosophers. Logos is the internal hidden rhythm of nature which moves and regulates things as stated by Heraclitus. He stated that fire is the only material source of natural substances (Stamatellos 2006). The kosmos or the orderliness found in the arrangement of the universe that is ultimately numerical or mathematical and comprehensible to reason was conceptualized by Pythagoras, while Heraclitus, viewed the cosmos as a continuous conflict between species.
He states that the composition of opposites sustains everything in nature (Stamatellos 2006). This view of a perfectly arranged and balanced reality is may be partly true in the sense that everything in the universe was created in balance and harmony with each other but on being numerical, this is still theoretical and therefore not yet proven.Explain how the Presocratics challenged the prevailing ideas of their time. That is, how did they call into question certain mythological, religious, and anthropomorphic explanations of the world?
In your own words, explain how a philosophical explanation differs from these. The Pre-Socratic philosophers deviated from the prevailing ideas of their time because of their materialistic perspective on the origin of the earth. This materialistic concept was termed as Hylozoism which means that matter or hyle. This includes a self-developed living force that can produce and reproduce the living organism without the intervention of an outs power or force (Stamatellos 2006).
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