Hello. I would like to have you write the essay with topic is Dialysis. The instructions are as below. I would like to request no Plagiarism in my essay. Thank you.
Healthcare technology: Dialysis (I would like to get back the essay on 8/13/2023)
-Write a 4-5 page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.
-For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.
-Include the following sections
1.Introduction – 5 points/5% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.)
• The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcare technology meets one of the following criteria:
o Has been introduced recently at the bedside for care of the complex adult patient.
o Is a non-traditional modality for very ill patients in special circumstances.
o Is being used in a new way to treat a patient with complex needs.
o Requires specific training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education.
• Introduce the healthcare technology.
• Name the healthcare technology.
• A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the healthcare technology.
2.Explanation and Background– 15 points/15% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.)
• Include a clear description of the healthcare technology.
• Discuss how the healthcare technology works.
• Describe the patient population it is used for.
• Include medication, safety, and cost considerations as applicable.
3.Risks and Benefits– 15 points/15% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.)
• Describe how the healthcare technology can benefit the patient.
• Discuss ways to promote positive outcomes.
• Explain the complications that may arise.
• Discuss considerations for preventing complications.
4.Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities– 20 points/20% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section)
• Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistive personnel, providers, case managers, clinical nurse specialists, and researchers.
• Describe the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team that is involved in the use of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
• Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team caring for the patient.
• Discuss one challenge in working with an interdisciplinary team.
5.Nursing Scope of Practice – 15 points/15% (Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.)
• Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using healthcare technology.
• Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using healthcare technology.
• Discuss attitudes needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using healthcare technology.
6.Patient Education – 20 points/20% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.)
• Describe the information to be taught to the patient and/or family.
• Discuss how information will be taught.
• Discuss potential cultural considerations to teaching
• Explain how the effectiveness of the teaching will be evaluated.
7. Conclusion – 5 points/5% (Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.)
• Provide a summary of the paper.
• No new information is introduced.
• Include additional resources for further learning.
8.APA Style and Organization – 5 points/5% (Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.)
• References are submitted with paper.
• Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
• Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
• At least three (3), nursing, scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided.
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