Essay prompt:
· Analyze how the increasing intensity of information technology investments, the digitization of business, and the big shifts in the U.S. economy have affected the competitive dynamics of Courier industry – FedEx.
For background on how the increasing intensity of information technology investments, the digitization of business, and the big shifts in the U.S. economy have affected competitive dynamics, please do the below readings. I have attached the articles.
· Hagel, J., Brown, J.S., and Davison, L. “The Big Shift: Measuring the Forces of Change,” Harvard Business Review (87:7-8), Jul-Aug 2009, pp 86-90.
· McAfee, A., and Brynjolfsson, E. “Investing in the IT that makes a competitive difference,” Harvard Business Review (86:7-8), Jul-Aug 2008, pp. 98-107.
· Govindrajan, V. & Srivastava, A. (2016). “Strategy When Creative Destruction Accelerates.” Tuck School of Business Working Paper No. 2836135, Available at SSRN: to an external site.
Writing criteria:
1. How well does the essay build on course concepts covered in the reading above.
2. How well does the essay build on facts and evidence of the Courier industry in analyzing the essay prompt.
Essay format:
· Use a maximum of one, single-sided page (no more than 600 words), single-line spacing, 1″ margins on all sides, Verdana font type, and 10-point font size.
International Business
The Big Shift: Measuring the
Forces of Change
by John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison
From the Magazine (July–August 2009)
Summary. Reprint: R0907Q Traditional metrics don’t capture many of the
challenges and opportunities in store for U.S. companies and the national
economy. The authors, from Deloitte, present a framework for understanding the
forces that have transformed business over…
During a steep recession, managers obsess over short-term
performance goals such as cost cutting, sales, and market share
growth. Meanwhile, economists chart data like GDP growth,
unemployment levels, and balance-of-trade shifts to gauge the
health of the overall business environment. The problem is,
focusing only on traditional metrics often masks long-term forces
of change that undercut normal sources of economic value.
“Normal” may in fact be a thing of the past: Even when the
economy heats up again, companies’ returns will remain under
One reason traditional measures alone don’t capture the
challenges and opportunities for U.S. companies and the national
economy is that the digital infrastructure supporting the lion’s
share of industries has sustained rapid performance
improvements—especially in computing power, bandwidth, and
storage. Previous infrastructures experienced sharp bursts of
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innovation in underlying technologies, such as the telephone and
the internal combustion engine, and then quickly stabilized.
Today, we do not yet see any signs of stabilization, which suggests
not only that competitive intensity (which has more than doubled
in the past 40 years) will continue to build but also that the digital
infrastructure will keep boosting the potential—and necessity—
for business innovation.
To help managers in this decidedly challenging time, we present a
framework for understanding three waves of transformation in
the competitive landscape: foundations for major change; flows of
resources, such as knowledge, that allow firms to enhance
productivity; and the impacts of the foundations and flows on
companies and the economy. Combined, those factors reflect
what we call the Big Shift in the global business environment.
The Shift Index
Executives can use the metrics here to gauge the long-
term forces shaping the business environment and
improve their …
Additionally, we have developed an index to measure the changes
that have had the biggest effect on business over the past four
decades (see the exhibit “The Shift Index”). That set of metrics
reveals a dramatic increase in performance pressure on U.S.
companies. Their average return on assets (ROA) has steadily
fallen to almost one quarter of what it was in 1965, despite the fact
that labor productivity has improved. Worse yet, even the highest-
performing companies are struggling to maintain their ROA levels
and losing their leadership positions at an ever-faster rate. The
paradox of falling ROA alongside growing productivity is
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explained at least in part by the rising total compensation of
knowledge workers and other talented employees, and by
consumers’ growing power over vendors that end up “competing
away” their cost savings. An even closer look at the situation
shows a fundamental mismatch between the mind-set of today’s
companies and the environment in which they compete.
Elements of the Big Shift
The first, foundational wave in the Big Shift consists of the
extraordinary changes in digital infrastructure that enable vastly
greater productivity, transparency, and connectivity. Consider
how companies can use digital technology to create ecosystems of
diverse, far-flung users, designers, and suppliers in which product
and process innovations fuel performance gains without
introducing too much complexity.
The second wave involves the increasing movement of
knowledge, talent, and capital. Knowledge flows—which occur in
any social, fluid environment where learning and collaboration
can take place—are quickly becoming one of the most crucial
sources of value creation. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other
social media foster them. Virtual communities and online
discussion forums do, too. So do companies situated near one
another, working on similar problems. Twentieth-century
institutions built and protected knowledge stocks—proprietary
resources that no one else could access. The more the business
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environment changes, however, the faster the value of what you
know at any point in time diminishes. In this world, success
hinges on the ability to participate in a growing array of
knowledge flows in order to rapidly refresh your knowledge
stocks. For instance, when an organization tries to improve cycle
times in a manufacturing process, it finds far more value in
problem solving shaped by the diverse experiences, perspectives,
and learning of a tightly knit team (shared through knowledge
flows) than in a training manual (knowledge stocks) alone.
Knowledge flows can help companies gain competitive advantage
in an age of near-constant disruption. The software company SAP,
for instance, routinely taps the more than 1.5 million participants
in its Developer Network, which extends well beyond the
boundaries of the firm. Those who post questions for the network
community to address will receive a response in 17 minutes, on
average, and 85% of all the questions posted to date have been
rated as “resolved.” By providing a virtual platform for customers,
developers, system integrators, and service vendors to create and
exchange knowledge, SAP has significantly increased the
productivity of all the participants in its ecosystem.
The good news is that strong foundational technology is enabling
much richer and more diverse knowledge flows. The bad news is
that mind-sets and practices tend to hamper the generation of
and participation in those flows. That is why we give such
prominence to them in the second wave of the Big Shift. The
number and quality of knowledge flows at a firm—partly
determined by its adoption of openness, cross-enterprise teams,
and information sharing—will be key indicators of its ability to
master the Big Shift and turn performance challenges into
opportunities. The ultimate differentiator among companies,
though, may be a competency for creating and sharing knowledge
across enterprises. Growth in intercompany knowledge flows will
be a particularly important sign that firms are adopting the new
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institutional architectures, governance structures, and
operational practices necessary to take full advantage of the
digital infrastructure.
The initial findings from our research indicate a correlation
between the rapidly growing use of social media and the
increasing knowledge flows between organizations. Worker
passion also appears to be an important amplifier: When people
are engaged with their work and pushing the performance
envelope, they seek ways to connect with others who share their
passion and who can help them get better faster. Self-employed
people are more than twice as likely to be passionate about their
work as those who work for firms, according to a survey we
conducted. This suggests a potential red flag for institutional
leaders—companies appear to have difficulty holding on to
passionate workers.
The final wave reflects how well companies are exploiting
foundational improvements in the digital infrastructure by
creating and sharing knowledge—and what impacts those
changes are having on markets, firms, and individuals. For now,
institutional performance is almost universally suffering in the
face of intensifying competition. But over time, as firms learn
how to harness the digital infrastructure and participate more
effectively in knowledge flows, their performance will improve.
Differences in approach between top-performing and
underperforming companies are telling. As some organizations
participate more in knowledge flows, we should see them break
ahead of the pack and significantly improve overall performance
in the long term. Others, still wedded to the old ways of operating,
are likely to deteriorate quickly.
Closing the Performance Gap
Our research findings highlight the stark performance challenges
for companies. What’s more, the data suggest that unless firms
take radical action, the gap between their potential and their
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realized opportunities will grow wider. That’s because the benefits
from the modest productivity improvements that companies have
achieved increasingly accrue not to the firm or its shareholders
but to creative talent and customers, who are gaining market
power as competition intensifies.
Until now, companies were designed to get more efficient by
growing ever larger, and that’s how they created considerable
economic value. The rapidly changing digital infrastructure has
altered the equation, however: As stability gives way to change
and uncertainty, institutions must increase not just efficiency but
also the rate at which they learn and innovate, which in turn will
boost their rate of performance improvement. “Scalable
efficiency,” in other words, must be replaced by “scalable
learning.” The mismatch between the way companies are
operated and governed on the one hand and how the business
landscape is changing on the other helps explain why returns are
deteriorating while talent and customers reap the rewards of
So, how can companies narrow the growing gap between the
performance promised by digital technology and their actual
financial results? Just as twentieth-century firms discovered how
to harness then-new energy, transportation, and communication
infrastructures to become bigger and more efficient, today’s firms
must make the most of the digital infrastructure. This requires
innovations at the institutional level that better position
organizations to succeed both during the current recession and
after the economy recovers. By developing diverse relationships
across enterprises, firms can accelerate performance
improvement as they add participants to their ecosystems,
expanding their learning and innovation—much as SAP has done
with its Developer Network.
Companies must therefore design and then track operational
metrics showing how well they participate in knowledge flows.
For example, they might want to identify relevant geographic
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clusters of talent around the world and assess their access to that
talent. In addition, they might want to track the number of
institutions with which they collaborate to improve performance.
In contrast to the twentieth century—when senior management
decided what shape a company should take in terms of culture,
values, processes, and organizational structure—now we’ll see
institutional innovations largely propelled by individuals,
especially the younger workers, who put digital technologies such
as social media to their most effective use. But management can
play an important supporting role: Recognize that passionate
employees are often talented and motivated but also tend to be
unhappy, because they see a lot of potential for themselves and
for their companies but can feel blocked in their efforts to achieve
it. Identify those who are adept participants in knowledge flows,
provide them with platforms and tools to pursue their passions,
and then celebrate their successes to inspire others.• • •
Performance pressures will continue to increase well past the
current downturn. As a result, leaders must move beyond the
marginal expense cuts they might be focusing on now in order to
weather the recession. They need instead to be ruthless about
deciding which assets, metrics, operations, and practices have the
greatest potential to generate long-term profitable growth and
shedding those that do not. They must keep coming back to the
most basic question of all: What business are we really in?
It’s not just about being lean; it’s also about making smart
investments in the future. One of the easiest but most powerful
ways firms can achieve the performance improvements promised
by technology is to jettison management’s distinction between
“creative talent” and the rest of the organization. All workers can
continually improve their performance by engaging in creative
problem solving, often by connecting with peers inside and
outside the firm. Japanese automakers used elements of thisYou are seeing this message because ad or script blocking software is interfering with
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approach with dramatic effects on the bottom line, turning
assembly-line employees from manual laborers into problem
Our Research
We pulled together four decades’ worth of data from
more than a dozen sources, designed and conducted
four …
At the end of the day, the Big Shift framework puts a number of
key questions on the leadership agenda: Are companies organized
to effectively generate and participate in a broader range of
knowledge flows, especially those that go beyond the boundaries
of the firm? How can they best create and capture value from such
flows? And, most important, how do they measure their progress
navigating the Big Shift in the business landscape? We hope that
the Shift Index will help executives answer those questions—in
these difficult times and beyond.
A version of this article appeared in the July–August 2009 issue of Harvard
Business Review.
John Hagel III recently retired from Deloitte,
where he founded and led the Center for the
Edge, a research center based in Silicon Valley.
A long-time resident of Silicon Valley, he is also
a compulsive writer, having published eight
books, including his most recent one, The
Journey Beyond Fear. He will be establishing a
new Center to offer programs based on the
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John Seely Brown, coauthor of A New Culture
of Learning and The Power of Pull as well as
many other books and articles, is a visiting
scholar at the University of Southern California
and independent cochair of the Deloitte Center
for the Edge. He was formerly the chief
scientist of Xerox and director of its Palo Alto
Research Center.
Lang Davison ( is
the executive director.
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Electronic copy available at:
Strategy When Creative Destruction Accelerates
Vijay Govindarajan
Coxe Distinguished Professor, Tuck School of Business and a Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard
Business School
Anup Srivastava
Assistant Professor, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College,
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Electronic copy available at:
Strategy When Creative Destruction Accelerates
Life is short. That’s never been more true for corporations today. An analysis of all 29,688 firms
that listed from 1960 through 2009, divided into 10-year cohorts, reveals that newly listed firms in
recent cohorts fail more frequently than did those in older ones (Figure 1). Creative destruction is
accelerating because there is a fundamental shift in the American economy. The pre-1970 firms
tended to be heavily invested in physical infrastructure, such as factories and inventories. Later
cohorts have relied increasingly on intangible assets, such as databases, proprietary algorithms,
and expert workers (Figure 2). This transformation is a double-edged sword. The good news is
that newer firms are more nimble. The bad news for these firms is that their days are numbered.
That is, unless they continuously innovate.
The newer firms are grounded in novel business models, like digital services, that can be launched
and distributed quickly. This gives them an advantage over production firms. “Idea” companies
don’t require an expensive infrastructure of factories, warehouses, and suppliers to operate. They
don’t need an extensive distribution network to get their product to market. They don’t need
elaborate marketing campaigns—news of successful products spreads rapidly through blogs and
social networks. Winners emerge quickly and reap rewards disproportionately larger than the
initial investments. Uber, for example, officially launched its mobile app in select U.S. cities in
2011 and within a year’s time had expanded into Europe. Now, its market cap exceeds $60 billion.
Contrast this with the evolution of the automotive industry. Around the beginning of the 20th
century, more than 200 companies sprang up in the U.S. to produce automobiles. It took almost
half a century for the number of large domestic automakers to shrink to four. Despite the
introduction of such disruptive technologies as the assembly line, integrated supply chains, and
lean manufacturing, the consolidation took 50 years. Innovations rooted in physical assets take
time to create. Even Silicon Valley automaker Tesla not only has invested in a capital-intensive
assembly plant in California, but also is building a Gigafactory in Nevada to produce lithium
batteries and a nationwide network of Superchargers for its electric cars. Tesla and other tangible
goods firms, many of them listed in the 1960s and 1970s, do have a distinct advantage, however:
The time and money necessary to produce tangible goods create entry barriers and offer protection
against competitors—unlike ideas, which can be more easily imitated.
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And that is the central challenge for firms that rely mostly on intangible assets today: It’s easier
and faster to copy an idea and commoditize digital strategy than to create a physical infrastructure.
Myspace, launched in 2003, was the largest social networking site in the world from 2005 to 2008
before being usurped by relative newcomer Facebook (which rolled out to the public in 2006). It’s
a scenario that is repeated time and again: Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, Apple Notes, Google
Keep, Simplenote, and other note-taking apps leapfrog over each other vying for the same
consumers, as do Skype, FaceTime, Viber, jitsi, and Google Hangouts in the video-chat arena.
Some of them will not survive even as new competitors enter the market.
At any point in time, newer firms outnumber companies in earlier cohorts (Figure 3). The overall
business environment thus keeps changing with the arrival of newer cohorts. Creative destruction
therefore will only speed up in the future, offering both opportunities and threats. The landscape
will change at a dizzying pace, luring investors with the promise of fast ROIs and winner-takes-
all reward structures, creating historically unparalleled opportunities for market capitalization.
Already this year, 18 companies—7 of them U.S. firms—have achieved unicorn status (startups
valued at $1 billion). But the fall from grace can happen just as quickly. Consider Groupon,
described by Forbes as “the fastest growing company ever” just two years after its 2008 launch,
now the poster child for bad business models. Even older, well-established idea companies can be
whiplashed by the market roller-coaster, as Microsoft will testify. The software giant gained more
than $270 billion in market capitalization from August 1998 to December 1999 and then lost in
excess of $340 billion over the next 13 months. Cisco gained $ 300 billion of market cap from
August 1999 to March 2000 and then lost $420 billion over the next one year. Apple lost $150
billion market cap in just one month in 2016.
The pressure on CEOs, particularly heads of companies listed in the past two decades, to produce
short-term value is immense. But beating the survival odds depends on developing a long-term
strategy, one that is invested in continuous innovation.
No company—whether its products are tangible or intangible, is a century or a year old—has the
luxury of basking in yesterday’s success. However, in this information age, that success can be
appropriated too swiftly by a newer company with a better idea. The key to competitive advantage
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is ensuring innovation is an integral part of business strategy, a nonstop cycle of mining, testing,
and executing. Equally important is the timely pullback of organizational resources from
yesterday’s promising ideas that now appear less promising and their continual redeployment
towards tomorrow’s new ideas. In other words, to survive you must build a better mousetrap each
day—or at least an app for one.
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Figure 1
A company listed before 1970 had a 92 percent chance of surviving the next five years, compared to just 63 percent
for a company listed between 2000 and 2009.
If we delete firms that died in 2000 and 2008, the result still holds. That is to say, after controlling for
bust and the Great Recession, the results still show a decline in survival rates over time.
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Figure 2
Changing completive strategies
To address new economic environment, each new
cohort of listed firms spends more on building
intellectual assets and less on physical assets.
Annual expenditures
on organizational
capital as a percentage
of total
Annual expenditure
on physical assets as
a percentage of total
Firms listed in the decade
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Of the total number of firms in 2009, 60 percent were listed between 2000 and 2009 and only 5 percent were
listed prior to 1960.
Figure 3
Constant renewal of listed firms
The set of listed-firm population keeps
renewing itself with the constant listing of new
firm and demise of legacy firms. The average
characteristics at a given time reflect those of
the newest cohorts.
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Electronic copy available at:
Process Management
Investing in the IT That Makes
a Competitive Difference
by Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson
From the Magazine (July–August 2008)
Summary. Reprint: R0807J Investments in certain technologies do confer a
competitive edge—one that has to be constantly renewed, as rivals don’t merely
match your moves but use technology to develop more potent ones and leapfrog
over you. That’s the conclusion of…
It’s not just you. It really is getting harder to outpace the other
guys. Our recent research finds that since the middle of the 1990s,
which marked the mainstream adoption of the internet and
commercial enterprise software, competition within the U.S.
economy has accelerated to unprecedented levels. There are a
number of possible reasons for this quickening, including M&A
activity, the opening up of global markets, and companies’
continuing R&D efforts. However, we found that a central catalyst
in this shift is the massive increase in the power of IT
To better understand when and where IT confers competitive
advantage in today’s economy, we studied all publicly traded U.S.
companies in all industries from the 1960s through 2005, looking
at relevant performance indicators from each (including sales,
earnings, profitability, and market capitalization) and found some
striking patterns: Since the mid-1990s, a new competitive
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dynamic has emerged—greater gaps between the leaders and
laggards in an industry, more concentrated and winner-take-all
markets, and more churn among rivals in a sector. Strikingly, this
pattern closely matches the turbulent “creative destruction”
mode of capitalism that was first predicted over 60 years ago by
economist Joseph Schumpeter. This accelerated competition has
coincided with a sharp increase in the quantity and quality of IT
investments, as more organizations have moved to bolster (or
altogether replace) their existing operating models using the
internet and enterprise software. Tellingly, the changes in
competitive dynamics are most apparent in precisely those
sectors that have spent the most on information technology, even
when we controlled for other factors.
This pattern is a familiar one in markets for digitized products
like computer software and music. Those industries have long
been dominated by both a winner-take-all dynamic and high
turbulence, as each group of dominant innovators is threatened
by succeeding waves of innovation. Consider how quickly Google
supplanted Yahoo, which supplanted AltaVista and others that
created the search engine market from nothing. Or the relative
speed with which new recording artists can dominate sales in a
Most industries have historically been fairly immune from this
kind of Schumpeterian competition. However, our findings show
that the internet and enterprise IT are now accelerating
competition within traditional industries in the broader U.S.
economy. Why? Not because more products are becoming digital
but because more processes are: Just as a digital photo or a web-
search algorithm can be endlessly replicated quickly and
accurately by copying the underlying bits, a company’s unique
business processes can now be propagated with much higher
fidelity across the organization by embedding it in enterprise
information technology. As a result, an innovator with a better
way of doing things can scale up with unprecedented speed to
dominate an industry. In response, a rival can roll out further
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process innovations throughout its product lines and geographic
markets to recapture market share. Winners can win big and fast,
but not necessarily for very long.
CVS, Cisco, and Otis Elevator are among the many companies
we’ve observed gaining a market edge by competing on
technology-enabled processes—carefully examining their
working methods, revamping them in interesting ways, and using
readily available enterprise software and networking technologies
to spread these process changes to far-flung locations so they’re
executed the same way every time.
The link between technology and
competition has become much
stronger since the mid-1990s.
In the following pages, we’ll explore why the link between
technology and competition has become much stronger and
tighter since the mid-1990s, and we’ll clarify the roles that
business leaders and enterprise technologies should play in this
new environment. Competing at such high speeds isn’t easy, and
not everyone will be able to keep up. The senior executives who
do may realize not only greatly improved business processes but
also higher market share and increased market value.
How Technology Has Changed Competition
The mid-1990s marked a clear discontinuity in competitive
dynamics and the start of a period of innovation in corporate IT,
when the internet and enterprise software applications—like
enterprise resource management (ERP), customer relationship
management (CRM), and enterprise content management (ECM)
—became practical tools for business. Corporate investments in
IT surged during this time—from about $3,500 spent per worker
in 1994 to about $8,000 in 2005, according the U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA). (See the exhibit “The IT Surge.”) At the
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same time, annual productivity growth in U.S. companies roughly
doubled, after plodding along at about 1.4% for nearly 20 years.
Much attention has been paid to the connection between
productivity growth and the increase in IT investment. But hardly
any has been directed to the nature of the link between IT and
competitiveness. That’s why, with help from Harvard Business
School researcher Michael Sorell and Feng Zhu, who’s now an
assistant professor at USC, we set out two years ago to compare
the increase in IT spending with various measures of competition,
focusing on three quantifiable indicators: concentration,
turbulence, and performance spread.
The IT Surge
The total real stock of IT hardware and software in the
United States began to rise dramatically in the mid-
1990s. …
In a concentrated or winner-take-all industry, just a few
companies account for the bulk of the market share. For our
study, we focused on the degree to which each industry became
more or less concentrated over time. A sector is turbulent if the
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sales leaders in it are frequently leapfrogging one another in rank
order. And finally the performance spread in an industry is large
when the leaders and laggards differ greatly on standard
performance measures such as return on assets, profit margins,
and market capitalization per dollar of revenue—the kinds of
numbers that matter a lot to senior managers and investors.
Were there economywide changes in these three measures after
the mid-1990s, when IT spending accelerated? If so, were the
changes more pronounced in industries that were more IT
intensive—that is, where IT made up a larger share of all fixed
assets within an industry? In a word, yes.
We analyzed industry data from the BEA, as well as from annual
company reports, and found that average turbulence within U.S.
industries rose sharply starting in the mid-1990s. Furthermore,
after declining in previous decades, industry concentration
reversed course and began increasing around the same time.
Finally, the spread between the highest and lowest performers
also increased. These changes coincided with the surge in IT
investment and the concurrent productivity rise, suggesting a
fundamental change in the underlying economics of competition.
(See the exhibit “Competitive Dynamics: Several Ways to Slice
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Competitive Dynamics: Several Ways to Slice IT
How does IT spending affect the nature of competition
and the relative performance of companies within an
industry? …
Looking more closely at the data, we found that the changes in
dynamics were indeed greatest in those industries that were more
IT intensive—for instance, consumer electronics and auto parts
manufacturers. Further, we considered the role of M&A activity,
globalization, and R&D spending in our analysis of the
competitive landscape and found some minor correlations—but
none strong enough to override our measures (see the sidebar “Is
IT the Only Factor That Matters?”).
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Is IT the Only Factor That Matters?
Previous research suggests that the changes we’ve
observed in the competitive environment are not
primarily …
One interpretation of our findings might be that IT is, indeed,
inducing the intensified competition we’ve documented—but
that the change in dynamics is only temporary. According to this
argument, the years since the mid-1990s have seen a onetime
burst of innovation from IT producers, and it’s simply taking IT-
consuming companies a while to absorb them all. Businesses will
eventually figure out how to internalize all the new tools,
proponents of this theory say, and then all industries will revert to
their previous competitive patterns.
While it’s true that the tool kit of corporate IT has expanded a
great deal in recent years, we believe that an overabundance of
new technologies is not the fundamental driver of the change in
dynamics we’ve documented. Instead, our field research suggests
that businesses entered a new era of increased competitiveness in
the mid-1990s not because they had so many IT innovations to
choose from but because some of these new technologies enabled
improvements to companies’ operating models and then made it
possible to replicate those improvements much more widely.
CVS offers a great example. There’s no shortage of people looking
to fill prescriptions—or of outlets ready to handle those orders. So
CVS works hard to maintain a high level of customer service.
Imagine senior management’s concern, then, when surveys
conducted in 2002 revealed that customer satisfaction was
declining. Further analysis uncovered a key problem: Some 17%
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of the prescription orders were being delayed during the
insurance check, which was often performed after customers had
already left the store. The team decided to move the insurance
check forward in the prescription fulfillment process, before the
drug safety review, so all customers would still be around to
answer common questions such as, “Have you changed jobs?”
This two-step process change was embedded in the information
systems that supported pharmacy operations, thereby ensuring
100% compliance. The transaction screen for the drug safety
review now appeared on pharmacists’ computers only after all the
fields in the insurance-check screen had been completed; it was
simply no longer possible to do the safety review first. The
redesigned protocol helped boost customer satisfaction scores
without compromising safety—and not just in one store but in all
of them. CVS used its enterprise information technology to
replicate the new process throughout its 4,000-plus retail
pharmacies nationwide within a year. Performance increased
sharply, and overall customer satisfaction scores rose from 86% to
91%—a dramatic difference within the aggressive pharmacy
The enterprise IT underlying this initiative served two key roles.
It helped the process changes stick: Clerks and pharmacists
couldn’t fall back on their old habits once the new protocol was
embedded in the company’s information systems. More
important, it also allowed for quick and easy propagation of the
new process to all 4,000 sites—radically amplifying the economic
value of the initial innovation. Without enterprise IT, CVS could
still have tried to implement this process innovation, but it would
have been much more cumbersome. Updated procedure manuals
might have been sent to all CVS locations, or managers may have
been rotated in for training sessions and then periodically
surveyed to monitor compliance. But propagating the new
process digitally accelerated and magnified its competitive
impact by vastly increasing the consistency of its execution
throughout the organization.
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Although modern commercial enterprise systems are relatively
recent—SAP’s ERP platform, for example, was introduced in 1992
—by now, companies in virtually every industry have adopted
them. According to one estimate, spending on these complex
platforms already accounted for 75% of all U.S. corporate IT
investment in 2001. More recently, IT consultancy Gartner Group
projected that worldwide enterprise software revenue would
approach $190 billion in 2008.
To understand how this profusion of enterprise IT is changing the
broader competitive landscape, imagine that a drugstore chain
like CVS has a number of rivals, most of which also have multiple
stores. Before the advent of enterprise IT, a successful innovation
by a manager at one store could lead to dominance in that
manager’s local market. But because no firm had a monopoly on
good managers, other firms might win the competitive battle in
other local markets, reflecting the relative talent at these other
locations. Sharing and replication of innovations (via analog
technologies like corporate memos, procedures manuals, and
training sessions) would be relatively slow and imperfect, and
overall market share would change little from year to year.
With the advent of enterprise IT, however, not just CVS, but its
competitors have the option to deploy technology to improve
their processes. Some may not exercise this option because they
don’t believe in the power of IT. Others will try and fail. Some will
succeed, and effective innovations will spread rapidly. The firm
with the best processes will win in most or all markets. At the
same time, competitors will be able to strike back much more
quickly: Instead of simply copying the first mover, they will
introduce further IT-based innovations, perhaps instituting
digitally mediated outsourcing or CRM software that identifies
cross- and up-selling opportunities. These innovations will also
propagate widely, rapidly, and accurately because they are
embedded in the IT system. Success will prompt these companies
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to make bolder and more frequent competitive moves, and
customers will switch from one company to another in response
to them.
As a result, performance spread will rise, as the most successful IT
exploiters pull away from the pack. Concentration will increase,
as the losers fall by the wayside. And yet turbulence will actually
intensify, as the remaining rivals use successive IT-enabled
operating-model changes to leapfrog one another over time.
Thus, despite the shakeout, rivalry in the industry will continue
to become more fast-paced, intense, and dynamic than it was
prior to the advent of enterprise technology. These are exactly the
changes we see reflected in the data.
In this Schumpeterian environment, the value of process
innovations greatly multiplies. This puts the onus on managers to
be strategic about innovating and then propagating new ways of
Competing on Digital Processes
To survive, or better yet thrive, in this more competitive
environment, the mantra for any CEO should be, “Deploy,
innovate, and propagate”: First, deploy a consistent technology
platform. Then separate yourself from the pack by coming up
with better ways of working. Finally, use the platform to
propagate these business innovations widely and reliably. In this
regard, deploying IT serves two distinct roles—as a catalyst for
innovative ideas and as an engine for delivering them. Each of the
three steps in the mantra presents different and critical
management challenges, not least of which have to do with
questions of centralization and autonomy.
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The Elements of a Successful IT-Enabled Process
Given the costs of enterprise IT and the risks inherent in
deploying it poorly, it’s especially important that the …
Deployment: the management challenge.
Since the mid-1990s, the commercial availability of enterprise
software packages has added a new item to the list of senior
management’s responsibilities: Determining which aspects of
their companies’ operating models should be globally (or at least
widely) consistent, then using technology to replicate them with
high fidelity. Some top teams have pounced on the opportunity.
Many more, however, have embraced this responsibility only
reluctantly, unwilling to tackle two formidable barriers to
deployment: fragmentation and autonomy.
Historically, regional, product, and function managers have been
given a great deal of leeway to purchase, install, and customize IT
systems as they see fit. But bitter experience has shown that it’s
prohibitively time-consuming and expensive to stitch together a
jumble of legacy systems so they can all use common data, and
support and enforce standardized processes. Even if a company
invests heavily in standardized enterprise software for the entire
organization, it may not remain standard for long, as the software
is deployed in ways other than it was originally intended in
dozens, or even hundreds, of separate instances. When that
happens, it’s almost certain that data, processes, customer
interfaces, and operating models will become inconsistent—thus
defeating the whole competitive purpose of purchasing the
package in the first place.
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That’s what initially happened at networking giant Cisco. In the
mid-1990s, Cisco successfully implemented a single ERP platform
throughout the company. Managers were then given the green
light to purchase and install as many applications as they wanted,
to sit on that platform. Cisco’s IT department helped the various
functions, technology groups, and product lines throughout the
world get their desired programs up and running without
attempting to constrain or second-guess their decisions.
When newly arrived CIO Brad Boston assessed Cisco’s IT
environment in 2001, he found that system, data, and process
fragmentation was an unintended consequence of the company’s
enthusiasm for technology. There were, for example, nine
different tools for checking the status of a customer order. Each
pulled information from different repositories and defined key
terms in different ways. The multiple databases and fuzzy terms
resulted in the circulation of conflicting order-status reports
around the company. Boston’s assessment also revealed that there
were over 50 different customer-survey tools, 15 different
business-intelligence applications, and more than 200 additional
IT projects in progress.
Deployment efforts heighten the tensions—present in every
sizable company—between global consistency and local
autonomy. As the Cisco example shows, however, this conflict
often exists by default rather than by design. Ultimately, the top
team’s focused efforts to manage this tension reaped tremendous
Responding to the CIO’s assessment, senior managers decided to
upgrade Cisco’s original ERP system and other key applications to
support standardized data and processes. The upgrade was
budgeted at $200 million over three years. Cisco identified several
key business processes—market to sell, lead to order, quote to
cash, issue to resolution, forecast to build, idea to product, and
hire to retire—and configured its systems to support the
subprocesses involved in each stage. The software updates and
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the strategy discussions the technology engendered eventually
resulted in greater consistency throughout the organization and
contributed to Cisco’s strong performance over the past few years.
At about the same time that Cisco was untangling its legacy
spaghetti, the leader of a much older and more traditional
company was also reimagining the kinds of information systems
his firm would need to compete more successfully. When Ari
Bousbib became president of Otis in 2002, the information
systems of the 149-year-old company were not so much
fragmented as virtually nonexistent. As Harvard Business
School’s F. Warren McFarlan and Brian J. DeLacey recounted in a
2005 case study, the software applications in place were largely
antiquated for implementing the critical processes of gathering
customer requests to install a new elevator system, specifying the
exact configuration of the order, and creating a final proposal. In
many regions, in fact, the processes were still being done entirely
on paper.
Like Cisco, Otis took a hard look at its core processes and ended
up replacing old software with a new enterprise technology
platform the company called e*Logistics. It was designed to
connect sales, factory, and field operations worldwide through
the internet. Otis defined four processes—sales, order fulfillment,
field installation, and job closing—and designed e*Logistics to
ensure that improvements in the way each process was carried
out occurred uniformly, every time, everywhere. Eventually, Otis
realized not only significantly shorter sales-cycle times but higher
revenues and operating profit.
Innovation: IT-enabled opportunities.
Data analytics drawn from enterprise IT applications, along with
collective intelligence and other Web 2.0 technologies, can be
important aides not just in propagating ideas but also in
generating them. They are certainly no replacement for brilliant
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insights from a line manager or a eureka moment during a
meeting, but they can complement and speed the search for
business process innovations.
UK grocery chain Tesco is one company that employs enterprise
IT’s aggregation and analysis capabilities in this way. Like many
retailers around the world, it uses customer-rewards cards to
collect detailed data about individuals’ purchases, to categorize
customers, and to tailor offers accordingly. But the grocer goes a
step further, tracking redemption rates in great detail and
performing experiments to tweak its processes to get a better
response from customers. In an industry where the average
redemption rate for direct-marketing initiatives is about 2%,
Babson professor Tom Davenport has noted, Tesco’s data
analytics help drive its rate to approximately 20%.
Web 2.0 applications that bring collective wisdom to the fore can
also uncover potential business innovations. Jim Lavoie, CEO of
the technology firm Rite-Solutions, built something called a
“Mutual Fun” market within the company’s intranet that has
three indices employees can invest in—Savings Bonds for ideas
on saving costs, Bow Jones for ideas on extending existing
products, and Spazdaq for new product concepts. Any Rite-
Solutions employee can suggest a new idea in any of these
markets. Workers can also view the “prospectus of ideas,” invest
play money in them, and even sign up to complete any tasks
necessary to make those concepts reality. As Lavoie said in a
recent online interview with the nonprofit Business Innovation
Factory: “We believe the next brilliant idea is going to come from
somebody other than senior management, and unless you’re
trying to harvest those ideas, you’re not going to get them….That’s
why we give everybody an equal voice, and a game to provoke
their intellectual curiosity.”
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Propagation: top down and bottom up.
Part of the attraction of enterprise systems has been the
opportunity for management to impose best practices and
standardized procedures universally, as CVS did to great
advantage, and so eliminate the chaos of inconsistent homegrown
practices. There’s really no competitive advantage in having each
department develop and use its own idiosyncratic process for
inventory control, for instance, especially when best practices
already exist.
While an ERP system is an obvious tool for propagation, other
technologies are also important, and they show that innovations
do not necessarily emanate from headquarters. For instance, Web
2.0 applications can help process changes emerge organically
from lower levels in an organization. Within Cisco, for instance, a
community of about 10,000 Macintosh users was dissatisfied with
the level of support they were receiving from the company’s
central IT group. But instead of complaining, they created a wiki
to share ideas about how to use their Macs more effectively. They
posted information, files, links, and applications that could be
edited by any user—tips and tricks that ultimately became huge
productivity enhancers. In this case, process innovations flowed
through the company to its great benefit without central
management direction.
The role of decision rights.
At first glance, the Cisco and Otis examples seem to support the
view that propagating processes using enterprise IT necessarily
leads to more centralized companies—ones in which most of the
important decisions are made at the top and the rest of the
business exists only to execute them. Many of the choices about
core business processes and the systems that support them were
taken out of the hands of business-unit leaders and regionalYou are seeing this message because ad or script blocking software is interfering
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managers, and the companies’ change efforts appeared to lead to
higher levels of centralization than had previously existed. But
the reality is more complicated.
Even as some decisions become centralized and standardized,
others are pushed outward from headquarters. Senior executives
do play a primary role in identifying and propagating critical
business processes, but line managers and employees often end
up with more discretion within these processes to serve customer
needs and to apply tacit, idiosyncratic, or relationship-specific
information that only they have. To appreciate how important
this distinction is, consider an analogy from government. The
process of writing a constitution is inherently a highly centralized
activity—a small group of framers makes decisions on behalf of
an entire population. It’s perfectly possible, and in fact common,
however, for that constitution to define a highly decentralized
At both Cisco and Otis, local managers and frontline employees
retained critical responsibilities in their companies’ IT-enabled
operating models—and often gained new ones. After e*Logistics
was put in place at Otis, for example, field installation supervisors
became responsible for the first time for certifying that a site was
ready to install an elevator before it would be shipped. (In the old
operating model, the equipment was simply shipped as soon as it
was manufactured.) The new business practice was standardized
throughout the world, but it was not centralized. It actually
placed more responsibility in the hands of frontline employees.
Consider, too, the Spanish clothing company Zara. It has more
than 1,000 stores worldwide, and they all order clothes exactly the
same way, using the same digital form, following a rigid weekly
timetable for placing orders. Most other large apparel retailers
rely on sophisticated forecasting algorithms, executed by
computers at headquarters, to determine which clothes will sell in
each location and in what quantities. Headquarters pushes these
clothes down to stores with virtually no input from their
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managers. Zara’s store managers, however, have almost complete
discretion over which clothes to order; they choose them based on
local tastes and immediate demand.
This sharp difference between Zara’s and other retailers’
approaches to the same challenge highlights a critically important
point: We don’t expect that enterprise IT will inevitably lead to
one best way to execute core processes. In fact, it can prompt a
great deal of experimentation and variation, as companies try to
understand who has the most relevant knowledge to make
decisions and where, ultimately, to site decision rights.
Maximizing Return on Talent
As corporate IT facilitates the implementation and monitoring of
processes, the value of simply carrying out rote instructions will
fall while the value of inventing better methods will rise. In some
cases, this may even lead to a “superstar” effect, as
disproportionate rewards accrue to the very best knowledge
workers. Human resource policies and corporate culture will need
to evolve to support this type of worker. An effective leader and a
well-designed organization will need not only to aggressively seek
out and identify such individuals and the innovations they
generate but also to develop and reward them appropriately.
An analysis of 400 U.S. companies that Erik Brynjolfsson
published with Wharton professor Lorin Hitt in 2005, found that
organizations successfully using IT were significantly more
aggressive in vetting new hires: They considered more applicants.
They scrutinized each one more intensively. They involved senior
management (not just HR) early and often in the interview
process. After identifying top talent, these firms invested
substantially more time and money on both internal and external
training and education. Furthermore, they gave their employees
more discretion in how to do their jobs while linking their
compensation and rewards—including promotions—more tightly
to performance using a suite of metrics that was more detailed
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than competitors’. The costs of managing talent in this way may
be high, but the payoff increases exponentially if you can leverage
the talents of a high-performing manager at one location to
maximize results in thousands of sites worldwide.• • •
The arrival of powerful new information technologies does not
render obsolete all previous assumptions and insights about how
to do business, but it does open up new opportunities to
executives. Our research has led us to three conclusions: First of
all, the data show that IT has sharpened differences among
companies instead of reducing them. This reflects the fact that
while companies have always varied widely in their ability to
select, adopt, and exploit innovations, technology has accelerated
and amplified these differences. Second, line executives matter:
Highly qualified vendors, consultants, and IT departments might
be necessary for the successful implementation of enterprise
technologies themselves, but the real value comes from the
process innovations that can now be delivered on those platforms.
Fostering the right innovations and propagating them widely are
both executive responsibilities—ones that can’t be delegated.
Finally, the competitive shakeup brought on by IT is not nearly
complete, even in the IT-intensive U.S. economy. We expect to see
these altered competitive dynamics in other countries, as well, as
their IT investments grow.
It is not easy for most companies to deploy enterprise IT
successfully. The technologies themselves are complicated to
configure and test, and changing people’s behavior and attitudes
toward technology is even more challenging. Enterprise IT
typically changes many jobs in major ways; this is never an easy
sell to either employees or line managers. As the performance
spread, concentration, and churn increase, management becomes
a distinctly less comfortable profession—more unforgiving of
mistakes, faster to weed out low performers. Even those
executives who are prepared will not necessarily survive the
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inevitable turbulence. But those who do can expect outsize
rewards—at least until another player comes along and uses IT to
propagate a business innovation that’s even better.
A version of this article appeared in the July–August 2008 issue of Harvard
Business Review.
Andrew McAfee is the cofounder of the
Initiative on the Digital Economy in the MIT
Sloan School of Management. His next book,
The Geek Way: The Radical Mindset
Transforming the Future of Business, will be
published by Little, Brown in 2023.
Erik Brynjolfsson is the Jerry Yang and Akiko
Yamazaki Professor and a senior fellow at the
Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI
(HAI), and is the director of the Stanford Digital
Economy Lab. He also is the Ralph Landau
Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for
Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), professor
by courtesy at the Stanford Graduate School of
Business and Stanford Department of
Economics, and a research associate at the
National Bureau of Economic Research.
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