dspy complete annotated bibliograpgy

Thus far, you have searched the library and found seven articles: five for the Week 3 Discussion and two for the Week 4 Discussion. Develop and submit an annotated bibliography consisting of five articles chosen from among the seven articles you previously identified. At least one article relevant to the gap you identified in the Week 4 Discussion should be included in the annotated bibliography. Note: You can use this article for this week’s Discussion.

Use the Annotated Bibliography Sample Document from the Writing Center (located in this week’s Learning Resources) as a guideline for developing your Annotated Bibliography.



When searching for articles, I used ProQuest and Google Scholar since these two databases contain a lot of peer-reviewed articles that are suitable for this task. The databases are also free to access, which was essential in identifying what is ideal for this task. The keywords I used were “effects of the death penalty in America.” When choosing articles, I chose the ones which appealed to me and were related to the program I am currently taking. The goal was to understand the death penalty from different aspects, which few people do.

The keywords I used in my paper were “effects of the death penalty in America.” This phrase was used to search for articles in ProQuest and Google Scholar. The goal was to locate articles that explain the death penalty from different aspects, which not many people do. The keywords were chosen to help narrow the search and identify the most relevant articles to answer the research question. The articles I chose discussed topics such as racism and racial inequality, the racial split and gender disparity in death penalty support, the impact of the death sentence on the accused’s relatives and loved ones, the state of the death penalty, and the effect of wrongful conviction rate on death penalty support.

The gap I identified is the lack of knowledge and understanding of the death penalty from different aspects. The articles I chose discussed topics such as racism and racial inequality, the racial split and gender disparity in death penalty support, the impact of the death sentence on the accused’s relatives and loved ones, the state of the death penalty, and the effect of wrongful conviction rate on death penalty support. These topics are often overlooked when discussing the death penalty, and it is important to understand them to have an informed conversation about the practice.

It is a true gap because these topics are often overlooked when discussing the death penalty. Understanding the different aspects of the death penalty is essential to have an informed conversation about the practice. The articles I chose provided a different perspective on the death penalty, one that is often not discussed. These perspectives are essential to consider when debating the death penalty.

Understanding The Effects of the Death Penalty

To locate the five articles, I utilized two databases: ProQuest and Google Scholar. These two databases contain a lot of peer-reviewed articles, which are suitable for this task. The databases are also free to access, which was essential in identifying what is ideal for this task. The keywords I used were “effects of the death penalty in America.” When choosing articles, I chose the ones which appealed to me and were related to the program I am currently taking. The goal was to understand the death penalty from different aspects, which not many people do.

Kastellec (2020) was the first article I chose to assess. Racism and racial inequality have emerged as serious issues in the world today. The topic is a sore spot for society and has affected almost every societal pillar. This also includes the death penalty. Kastellec (2020) performs a quantitative analysis to determine the role that racism plays in the death penalty to determine the racial discrepancy that appears when issuing the death penalty. This is a critical issue to understand.

Godcharles et al. (2019) also give vital insights regarding the racial split and gender disparity in death penalty support, as well as the role that empathy plays in bridging the support gap. According to the report, while many people in the country support the death sentence, African Americans and women support it less. The study contributes to determining if empathy has a role in support for the practice. This article is important because these individuals will be on the jury, and understanding their state of mind concerning the death penalty will be beneficial in the future.

Sharp (2005) is also a good article for understanding the death penalty. The article discusses the impact of the death sentence on the accused’s relatives and loved ones. Often, when we advocate for the death penalty, the criminal justice system forgets that there are other victims of the act. The story is inspired by Anna Hauptmann, the spouse of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who was charged with the murder of Charles Lindbergh’s baby. Bruno was sentenced to death despite many thinking he was innocent. The article highlights the suffering that family members of those sent to death row face. This is a perspective that many in my program, including me, may lack.

Desai and Garrett (2018) explain how the death penalty in the contemporary world. The article explains that the practice has declined and that only a few are engaging in the practice anymore. There have also been cases where individuals sent to death row keep appealing until the case is thrown out. This essay serves to put into perspective a fact about the death sentence that the media and society are unaware of: it is not a widespread occurrence.

Wu (2022) produces an essay in which she explains qualitative analysis study that examines the influence of a high false conviction rate on the death sentence. The study intended to ascertain the impact of a wrongful conviction on a potential jury member. People who learned of a false conviction were less inclined to support the death penalty, according to the research. This exemplifies the impact of a mistaken conviction on the death sentence.

The link between these articles is that they all explain a different aspect of the death penalty, one that many do not know. This is why I chose these articles. They explain the death penalty from aspects that were previously hard to understand unless through reading about them.


Desai, A., & Garrett, B. L. (2018). The state of the death penalty. Notre Dame L. Rev., 94, 1255.

Godcharles, B. D., Rad, J. D., Heide, K. M., Cochran, J. K., & Solomon, E. P. (2019). Can empathy close the racial divide and gender gap in death penalty support?. Behavioral sciences & the law, 37(1), 16-37.

Kastellec, J. P. (2021). Race, context, and judging on the Courts of Appeals: Race-based panel effects in death penalty cases. Justice System Journal, 42(3-4), 394-415.

Sharp, S. F. (2005). Hidden victims: The effects of the death penalty on families of the accused. Rutgers University Press.

Wu, S. (2022). The effect of wrongful conviction rate on death penalty support: a research note. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 18(4), 871-884.

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