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Create a summarized presentation problem contingency plan for the following issues:

· Audience members appear bored and uninterested in the presentation.

· Audience members frequently interrupt the presentation with objections.

· Audience members allude to the inconvenience they experienced because of the rescheduled presentation.

· Audience members ask probing questions the presentation team is unprepared to answer.

Limit contingency summaries to no more than two paragraphs per contingency and one paragraph per identified concern.

In your paper,

· Appraise the value or lack of value associated with asking for a presentation to be rescheduled because of an emergency.

· Frame your response with likely client reactions to the reschedule request.

· Determine three areas of concern the potential client might have based upon the reschedule request.

Presentation Skills Course: Coping With Emergencies paper

· Must be five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA format.

· Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must utilize academic voice. 

Creates a Summarized Presentation Problem Contingency Plan for the Four Bulleted Issues As Highlighted in the Assignment Instructions

Appraises the Value or Lack of Value Associated With Asking For a Presentation to Be Rescheduled Because of an Emergency and Frames the Response With Likely Client Reactions to the Request for a Rescheduled Presentation

Determines Three Areas of Concern the Potential Client Might Have Based Upon the Request to Reschedule the Presentation

 Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: APA Formatting

Written Communication: Page Requirement

Intro, Thesis, & Conclusion

Written Communication: Resource Requirement

  • Case Study
  • Emergency with presentation member to the Client going to be absent. Now problem

    statement is to explain the situation to the Client and create the contingency plan for the issues

    that would follow with the presentation.

  • Introduction
  • It is a widespread issue these days that the delivery of the presentation gets delayed.

    Furthermore, there are several things that we need to work on even after creating the display—

    for example, getting delayed or being stuck anywhere. In this case, we have an issue where we

    have a member who cannot present the presentation, and we must explain that to the Client. We

    must satisfy the Client and make a contingency plan for the emergency issues we face due to our

    problems. So, let us see what type of issue we will face and discuss the solutions. Therefore, the

    contingency plan will provide different disputes covering the audience about the team member

    responsible for the delay or disturbing it. The paper will also control three concerns we need to

    convince the Client of concerning an appeal to reschedule the arrangement.

  • Contingency Plans
  • First and foremost, the team needs to devise a strategy to tackle the situation where the

    member is absent from presenting the current presentation. Then, the team needs to demonstrate

    the exact presentation materials utilizing another scenario. Client can ask a different question

    about each of the methods and how to understand the content that the absent member was going

    to present. Organization or anywhere, there are what-if scenarios where the team must maintain

    plan b in case anyone does not come or for any other reason. Contingency plans are those plans

    that teams create to avoid situations like these. This situation handling is crucial within the team

    because the organization can get away with a smooth solution and present. The plan is a proposal

    on how efficiently a person can circumnavigate the scope of daily operations that may negatively

    disturb the establishment’s capacity to function (Rezaei et al., 2019).

    Audience Members Appear Bored and Uninterested in The Presentation

    First, in the presentation, is the audience and their response. It is crucial to know the

    audience, and we need to identify the need of the audience and their interests. Moving towards

    the fact that the team must move their audience’s attention towards them is a challenging job if

    you need to know their audience’s interest. Nevertheless, if the claim is known, diverting the

    audience from a boring topic to make them listen is acceptable for a content creator. Apart from

    curiosity, the team needs to identify the level of experience, knowledge background, and

    understanding of any topic. So, to tackle this situation, the contingency plan for this scenario can

    be to engage the audience with diverting skills of a presenter and side members. To identify the

    audience’s needs and create the opportunity for them to catch the presentation exciting and their

    gain is related to the exhibit.

    Another solution is to make the audience look at the display after a short time. Keep them

    engaged by reminding them to look at the display quickly so they can interact with the team. It is

    also earnest that the team emphasize the performance and explain the reasons and advantages to

    the audience by defining the areas of generating research questions from the exhibition. The

    audience member’s focus can be attained by creating a diversion at short intervals. Interact with

    them so they cannot divert themselves from this point. These are the main factors the team needs

    to focus on to make the contingency plan for this scenario.

  • The Audience Repeatedly Interjects the Presentation with the Resistance
  • Team members know the product, and they have whole experience with the product as

    well. Nevertheless, the main problem arises when anyone interrupts the presentation. So, to

    tackle this situation, the team has to be interactive, as anyone who has questions at any point

    would not hesitate to ask when a team member is interacting with the audience. Handling

    objections or questions is critical in attending to the audience’s response. When the team listens

    to the queries or any objection as an improvement, it would not feel like a personal attack. The

    team has the dilemma of defending their reason or statements as a false assumption about the

    presentation. Just explaining the issue or product knowledge is enough for the audience if you

    have the proper knowledge. Being defensive is a wrong strategy in production. Any question that

    arises in the middle can be attended with the answer like, “how do you think we should lead it to,

    or is there any other way you have in your mind?” or “can you please add value to the product

    knowledge? This would help us know the concerns of our audience.”. Also, team members can

    reaffirm the opposition before generously giving away the answers (Shanholtzer et al., 2019).

    The other methods of conducting grievances comprise disagreeing with the audience, utilizing

    stories from the past, and waiting before answering an objection.

  • The Audience experiences inconveniences
  • This reason is standard in organizations, but every time it happens, we have that tension

    build up in the environment due to the stress we have about the rescheduled session.

    Nevertheless, the main thing is about the current session of presenting the issue that happened.

    To ease the audience about the problem is to provide solid reasons to believe in, and reasons

    should be compelling for them to create an opinion about the team and product. In this case, the

    best contingency plan is to apologize for any inconvenience and reinstate whenever any member

    seems to be alluded to by the rescheduled presentation session. This would provide them a level

    of easiness that the team is serious about the issue that has happened.

    Moreover, they would remember the problems that could have happened and why they

    had to reschedule the presentation. The postponement should be explained openly to the

    audience. Also, the communication should be straight and to the point. No long explanation

    required from the team is needed. It is vital to demonstrate to the audience the that you value

    them, and rescheduling the presentation means you want to give it despite the cancellation

    (Ehlen et al., 2018). There is also an excellent plan to include suggestions or any changes for the

    next time if anything happens or what to adopt next time. This would enable a sense of belief in

    the audience about how to best avoid these situations.

  • When the Audience Asks Questions, the Presenters Should Have Some Answers
  • This is the most common problem about the presentation, but also this could be the most

    challenging issue that we face in this scenario. Every member should be ready to explain the

    product knowledge again with other words when asked a question. If there is doubt in the

    audience member’s mind, he can clear that point from the product knowledge itself. However, if

    the issue persists, try to avoid being over-smart and providing a wrong answer to the audience.

    This would increase the disbelief about needing to prepare for the presentation, which would

    make you reschedule. Consequently, to deal with this during the creation, regulate how and when

    the crew takes questions throughout the presentation. (Kocaoglu et al., 2019). The reverse

    strategy can answer these types of scenarios. We can ask the audience to simplify the question if

    we need help understanding it or have problems answering it. This would give us some time to

    brainstorm ideas and create the opportunity for us to think about possible solutions. Furthermore,

    the team may gather previous inquiries, allowing enough time to plan the presentation while still

    addressing the audience’s needs. Doing this accurately will give the audience enough time to

    think of questions thoughtfully.

  • Areas of Apprehension the Client Has Based on Past Reschedule Request
  • Assignment

    This would be the problem in the Client’s mind when the team makes a rescheduling

    request. The Client has a mindset about the presentation, and when the team asks about the

    rescheduling, it creates concern about the task itself in the back of the Client’s mind. It is also

    possible that the Client thinks about the difficulty of studying for the team. Then in this scenario,

    the concentration is shifted to the assignment involved. The Customer is concerned about the

    request, but he thinks more about the completion of the study or any effects on the job’s progress.


    Another concern about the rescheduling request that would arise in this scenario can be

    the team itself. There is also a possibility in the back of the Client’s mind that the team needs

    coordination or problems happening within the group that would be problematic. The Client

    could also think about the incompetency of the team that they cannot pull off the job now, and

    the audience could be questioning the team’s information about the creation. Furthermore, the

    Consumer seeks more information and is mindful of the advantages of a presentation’s



    The Client could think about the possible outcomes if this reschedule is made. Of course,

    this could impact the project and create impacts that are not even associated with it. However,

    that is natural for the Client to overthink the possible mishaps about the project delay or

    cancellation. However, this makes the Customer seek more explanations from others.

  • Conclusion
  • Considering the contingency plans for the rescheduling process and issues from the

    audience can be dealt with different solutions, and others could also think of different answers.

    That is why contingency plans are made up according to the scene because everyone can lead the

    scenarios to their understanding, and it could lead them to different results and solutions. So, the

    team must focus on project and audience knowledge to make contingency plans. Goals are the

    main objectives, and audiences can be confusing sometimes, but mostly, they are the critical

    point to make the presentation successful if you have a grip on your audience.

  • References
  • Ehlen, P., Gibbon, D. C., Gilbert, M., Johnston, M., Liu, Z., & Shahraray, B. (2018). U.S. Patent

    No. 9,959,260. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

    Hanifa, R., & Yusra, S. R. (2018). Insight on Delivering Oral Presentation: Preparations,

    Problems, and Solutions. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 4(4), 318-325.

    Kocaoglu, B., Araujo, P. H., & van Eck, C. F. (2019). How to Make a Good Poster Presentation.

    Essential Methods Handbook for Clinical Orthopaedic Research (pp. 219-225). Springer,

    Berlin, Heidelberg.

    Shanholtzer, B., Thoron, A., & Bunch, J. C. (2019). [WC337] Tips for Delivering Effective

    Presentations. EDIS, 2019(6), 4-4.

      Case Study


      Contingency Plans

      The Audience Repeatedly Interjects the Presentation with the Resistance

      The Audience experiences inconveniences

      When the Audience Asks Questions, the Presenters Should Have Some Answers

      Areas of Apprehension the Client Has Based on Past Reschedule Request






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