English worksheet

Please tell me a answers


Test 1

Match the following pictures with the names of the captions given below. Write the letter of the most suitable

picture in the bracket given against each caption. One is done for you.

(a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e) (f)

1.Hurricane ( ) 4.Water pollution ( )

2.UNICEF ( b ) 5.Tsunami ( )

3.Air pollution ( ) 6.Power ( )


Test 2

Complete the following dialogue using the most suitable words given in the brackets. One is done for you.

main, delicious, heavy , friendly, good, Famous

Rani : I am really hungry. I Want a (1)…………… heavy …………… meal now.

Suba : Then, let’s go to (2)……………………… Bake House in the corner of the


Rani ;Is it a (4)…………………………one?

Suba :Yes,the food is (5)……………………….and the waiters are (6)…………………………

Rani :Then OK.Let’s go there.

(5 marks)



INDEX NO: …………………………………

Test 3

Study the picture and fill in the blanks using the words given below. The first one is done for you.

This is a picture of a school. There is a three (1)……………….. building. The (2)……….. and trees are marking

the boundary of the playground. It (3)……………….. be the (4)……………… time. Many children are playing

in the playground. Two girls are (5)………………… Some boys are playing (6)…………………… A(7)

…………. of girls are (8)………………… volleyball. There is a (9)…………………….. and a see saw. Two

boys are (10)…………………….. while some of them are sitting under the tree. A (11)……man………… is

ringing the bell.


Test 4

Fill in the blanks in the following advertisement using the words given in the box. One is done for you.


We are a reputed garment factory …………the export market.

We are looking……. a smart,

Young girl or boy ………. work as our sales promotion officer.

 If you are graduate, fluent ………… English, Sinhala and Tamil,

You are the right choice.

 Computer literacy and driving (preferable)

Apply………… 10th January 2023 ……to…

Personal Manager,

Rama Garment,

Main Street, Colombo


for ,in , to , before , of , to












Test 5

Read the text and complete the table given below. One is done for you.

Chandrayaan-2, India’s second mission to the Moon will, for the first time, unravel secrets around the Moon’s

the South Pole. Chandrayaan-2 is a three –part spacecraft –an orbiter, a lander, and a rover. The lander is named

Vikram after Vikram Sarabhai, the founder of the Indian space programme. The Rover is named Pragyan,

meaning ‘wisdom’.

Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22 July atop ISRO ‘s GSLV Mk-III at 2:43 p.m. from the Satish Dhawan Space

Centre at Sriharikota. Performing as expected, the rocket released Chandrayaan-2 in a highly elliptic orbit

around Earth about 17 minutes later. In fact, it was released 6000 Km higher than planned. The solar arrays on

Chandrayaan-2 deployed smoothly as the probe began its journey.

Table Information

Eg.1.The text is about

Space Mission

2.Name of the Mission

3.Date of launch

4.Launched centre

5.Name of the Rover

6.Founder of Indian Space Programme

(5 marks)

Test 6

A land slide has occurred and you are unable to attend the Provincial Level English Day competitions. Write a

note to your friend asking him/her to inform the teacher and send it through the postman. Use about 40-50


Include – when the landslide occurred -damage caused. (5 marks)













Test 7

Read the following letter of invitation and answer the questions.

T/St Anne’s College,



Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to invite you to our Annual Day that will be held on the 25th January 2023 at 7.30pm onwards at

our premises. Many cultural programmes, dance, singing, and drama will be performed by our students. Our

honourable Guests, Secretary, Ministry of Education and Zonal Director of Education will distribute prizes and

certificates to the students. We have also arranged a delicious dinner at 9pm.

We sincerely hope that you will attend this function without fail. Please confirm your attendance on or before

23rd January 2023 by calling us at 026 2223456.

We look forward to your presence.

Yours Sincerely,



Students’ Union,

T/St Anne’s College.

1. How often does the school celebrate the college day

a. At the year end b. thrice a month c.Once a year

2. What will be awarded at the event

a. Gifts and Medals b.Medals and prizes c.Prizes and certificates

3. “Performed” in paragraph 1 line 2 means

a. Distributed b.staged c.Arranged

4. The guests should confirm their attendance on or before.

a. 25th January 2023 b.23rd January 2023 c.05th January 2023

5. Who has written the invitation?

a. Honourable guests. b.Secretary, Students Union c.Principal (5marks)


Write a paragraph on one of the following topics. Use about 50 to 60 words. (5 marks)

a.A game you like b.Joy of gardening.












Test 9

Read the text and underline the most suitable word given within brackets.

Fishes (1) …………..((a)usual (b)usually (c)use) have to find their food under water, but the archerfish can shoot

down its (2)………….. ((a)prey (b) pray (c) praying) above the surface. It lives in rivers and at the shore in

Asia. The fish spies an insect, spider or caterpillar (3) ………((a) cling (b)clinging (c)clings) to the plant above

the water. It then swims up to the surface, pokes out its mouth, and spits a jet of water at its victim. This knocks

the prey the water, where the fish can gobble it up. Even though it is only about 20 centimeters (8 inches) (4)

………….((a)length (b)long (c) longer) and its eyes (5)…………… ((a) remaining (b)remain (c) remains)

underwater, the archerfish can hit its target at a distance of 3metres (10feet)


Test 10

Write questions to get the underlined part as the answer. The first one is done for you.

Eg.1.We are going to the cinema.

Where are we going?

2. John is writing a letter.


3.They go to work by bus.


4. The children are sitting in the garden.


5.Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.


6.David likes cats because they are nice.

………………………………………………………………………… (1X5=5marks)



INDEX NO: …………………………………

Test 11

Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

The ancient Romans and the Greeks too had discovered (1) ……………………. early that herbs were very

useful in the (2)…………………. of various types of diseases. However, due to (3)…………….. development

throughout the world forests and gardens have given way to ‘concrete jungles’ and (4)………………….. the

use of herbs has receded. Today (5) …………… drugs have become easy (6) ………………….. for natural

(7)…………….. However, if herbs are used (8)………………. they will help us to build a (9)………………

to a number of diseases. It is interesting to recall that Samuel Hahnemann, the exponent of the homoeopathic

school of (10)…………………… medicine, discovered another (11)……………. relating to the usage of herbs.

He discovered that by giving (12)……………….. doses at varying (13)………………….. of a particular herb

certain symptoms could be produced in (14)……………………. People.


Test 12

The Pillars of Success a social drama was staged by the students of Methodist College, Colombo. The

following comments were made by some of the viewers.

1. ‘It is a good show.” (A Parent )

2. ‘Everyone acted well.” (A Teacher )

3. ‘Even the minor characters did their part well.” (A Student )

4. ‘We will stage a drama next year.” (Some student )

5. ‘You have to practice hard.” ( Some other student )

6. ‘I am going to stage another drama next month.” ( The teacher –in –Charge )

Now report what the viewers said.

Eg.1. A parent said that it was a good show.

2.A teacher said that………………………………………………………………………………..….….…..

3. A Student said that even………………………………………………………………..…………………..

4. Some student said that……………………………………………………………….………………..……

5. Some other student suggested that……………………………………………………….…………………

6. The teacher –in –Charge said that……………………………………………………….…………………


naturally, strengths, quite, substitutes, regularly, treatment, healthy, principle, synthetic,

resistance, natural, massive, modern,

Test 13

Read the following extracts and match with the relevant tittles. Write the correct letter against the tittle.

01. Responding to an invitation

02. Giving direction

03. Description of an accident

04. Bride wanted

05. Bridegroom wanted


Test 14

Write on one of the following

a. Write a letter to your uncle in a foreign country about the economic crisis in Sri Lanka. Use about 100


Include the following

 Prices of things (food items, stationery)

 Unable to buy essential things

 Increase of utility bills (electricity, water, transport etc.)

 How you are managing this situation.


A) Beautiful female, 29, musician, is looking for

a 22-30 years old male. Should be working in

some field of art photography, theatre,

painting etc. There should be no pressure from

family for child-bearing and freedom to stay

with her own parents for long periods of time

when required. Interested please


C) Dear Bandula

Congratulations! This is good news indeed,

to hear that Sewwandi is getting married

next month. We would have been delighted

to attend it but I’m so sorry, we will be

going to India that week. We will visit you

before we leave. Thank you again for

inviting us! With warm wishes -Saman

B) It happened on highway 26 on August

31st 2022 around 2.00 P.M. There was

an animal in the opposing lane of traffic.

The other vehicle swerved into my lane

hitting me. My car totaled and I suffered

a broken leg and concussion.

D) Kayastha family seeks alliance for their

handsome, 29 years 5’11’ tall son.

Educated, Working. Looking for a

beautiful, tall, smart, homely, educated

girl. Call :98100000000(Delhi),


E) Go straight ahead, past the hospital, and then turn right. Go along Marina Drive and turn right

into king’s Avenue. Take the second turning on the right. Cross the street. You are in front of the

Newton Pharmacy.



(b)The following table shows the TV programmes the teachers of a school like to watch. Study the table and

write description about it. Following words will help you.

Majority, minority, most, equal, least, more popular, least popular, more than, less than

(10 marks)






























TV programmes watched by the teachers Percentage

1. News 30%

2.Teledramas 25%

3.Films 20%

4.Documentaries 10%

5.Cartoons 05%

6.Sports 10%

Test 15

Read the following text and answer the questions given below it.

The year was 1665. A young man returned to his native village, Wools Thorpe, for holidays. One day, the young

man was sitting under an apple tree in his mother’s beautiful garden. Suddenly, he saw an apple falling to the

ground. He began to wonder why the apple fell towards the ground. Why did it not go left, right or upward?

Why all the bodies fell towards the earth? He concluded that there must be some force that attracts all things

towards the earth. He also concluded that all bodies, from the lightest petal to the highest star, attract each other

by some force. Do you know who that young man was? He was the world famous scientist Sir Issac Newton.

On the basis of the falling apple, Newton gave his famous ‘Law of Universal Gravitation’. According to this

law, everybody in this universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the

product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Sir Issac Newton

is called the father of Physics, and is considered as one of the greatest scientists of the world.

The childhood of Newton was very interesting. He was sent to school at the age of twelve. In school he did not

do well, thought he was very good at drawing and mechanical inventions. An uncle of his, aware of this talent,

arranged for him to go to Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of nineteen. In 1665, he did his graduation

from there. He was fortunate to have worked with his professor of mathematics, Issac Barrow, who saw an

extraordinary talent in Newton. In 1669, Barrow gave up his professorship so that Newton could succeed him.

Thus Newton became the professor of mathematics in Trinity College at the age of twenty-seven. In 1672,

Newton was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of his work in mathematics.

1. Say whether the following statements are True(T) or False (F) by writing “T” or “F” in the space given.

i. Sir Issac Newton is called the father of physics. (……..)

ii. He already knows that apple fell down towards the ground. (……..)

iii. Issac Barrow was the world famous scientist. (……..)

iv. He was sent to school at the age of twelve. (………)

(1/2 X 4= 2marks)

2. Write the word in the passage that is similar in meaning to the following phrases.

i. A large body of matter with no definite shape……………………………………..………..

ii. Combined/ cause to combine to form a single entity……………………………….………

(1X2 = 2marks)

3. What conclusion did Sir Issac Newton arrive at on seeing an apple fall to the ground?



4. Why was Newton considered fortunate in 1665?


(1 mark)

5. What do the following words in the passage refer to?

i.‘He’ in paragraph 1 line 3…………………………..……………..…..

ii.‘his’ in paragraph 3 line 6. …………………………………………… (1/2 X 2= 1mark)

6. Write the sentence that says Issac is a talented person.



Test 16

Write on one of the following topics. Use about 200 words.

(a) Do you think the career guidance influences a student’s life? Write an article to be included in the

magazine page of Sunday Times. Include

 What you mean by career guidance

 Why and How it helps you

 Other important facts.

(b) Write a speech that you would deliver in your student’s Literary Association about where our

younger generation is leading our country by using drugs.

 Who uses drugs

 What the effects are

 Ways of spreading / How it is spread

 What precautions are made by the authorities?

(c) Changes in lifestyle because of fuel crisis and price hike.

 Present lifestyle of the people.

 As a result of fuel crisis and price hike Economic crisis

 How it effects the lifestyle of the public

 Effects of price hike on essentials

(d) Write a dialogue between two friends on the way to school. Complete the dialogue between them.

Begin like this.

Mala: Have you prepared for the examination?

Bala: Oh No! I couldn’t prepare for the exam because of power failure. When I sat down to study

the power went off……………………… (15 marks)



















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