Global reach through e-commerce digital marketing for clothing companies

Global reach through e-commerce digital marketing for clothing companies

Hiren Prajapati


Business marketing, Conestoga College

College reading and writing skill/1085

Murrielle Michaud

Global reach through e-commerce digital marketing for clothing companies

The world has seen a massive shift towards online shopping in the past few years. The availability of fast and affordable internet, as well as the convenience of shopping from home, has led to a surge in e-commerce sales globally. In the United States, the e-commerce industry has grown significantly, with a population of 218.8 million people subscribing to online shopping, spending an average of $5,381 per person in the year 2023 (Ponzoa et al., 2023, p. 5). With this trend, the e-commerce digital marketing industry is becoming more important for businesses to reach their customers effectively.

To grow the business more quickly, every company should embrace digital marketing for e-commerce. The use of search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media advertising is essential for e-commerce clothing companies to expand their global reach and effectively reach their customers, despite potential arguments against the costs and need for frequent updates. This is because these digital marketing strategies have been proven to be effective in improving visibility, driving traffic, and increasing sales.

Search engine optimization (SEO) on digital e-commerce marketing

A large population of people in all parts of the world continuously use their smartphones to browse the internet for various reasons, including entertainment or to search for new trends. Online businesses with active websites need to capture the attention of such people by optimizing the number of people who visit their websites (Samuel, 2013, p. 10). The following are some strategies that online businesses can use to maximize their online sales. Online businesses should only share quality content that should be appealing to a potential client. This includes presenting a good image of the company to clients and assuring the clients that the company can provide better services than other organizations are willing to do. The website should allow the clients to navigate through all products and services offered by the company through keyword phrases (Ponzoa et al., 2023, p. 3). Well-formulated keyword phrases increase the chances of tracing the website if a client searches for any of the keyword phrases. It is essential for businesses that operate online to update the content that is published on their websites frequently; this can be accomplished by developing a schedule for updating the content (Samuel, 2013, p. 8). The information must always be current, following the most recent trends. When online businesses share links with consumers, they should ensure that the links are attractive to customers to encourage them to click on the links and check them out. The first benefit is that it will increase the traffic on the number of people willing to purchase company products. It lowers the cost of advertising since the company will not have to pay for online influencers. It is an effective way of building the company’s brand name since many clients will interact with the website. Due to growing online marketing competition, SEO will enable the business to remain competitive with other companies which sell similar products and services. It will also allow the company to build trust from its clients since they feel connected to the company through its website (Samuel, 2013, p.13).

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

At times online marketers who need to develop their businesses to high heights must ensure that more clients visit their websites. PPC creates an opportunity for them to increase the number of times such websites are visited by paying each time someone clicks on the link to the website (Ian, 2016, p. 4). This is often due to popular websites whereby links of the business are placed within the websites, and anytime a client clicks on the links, the business owner pays for the advert to the website owner. It is cost-effective since it allows the business to budget for the number of clicks compared to other methods whereby the website is expected to pay influencers (Ian, 2016, p. 2). It makes engine search more effective since the products are posted first each time a client searches for a product related to the business. It increases traffic since more clients are directed to the products. It is also essential to the company since it allows the business to advertise various products using a single Ad.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising is one of the most common and effective methods of digital marketing whereby paid media is used to promote businesses; there are various channels, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Various businesses can pick the most effective platform depending on the number of people it influences. People’s behavior in a specific region can be determined, which helps in determining the most effective advertising method which should be used to capture their attention (Fred, 2018, p. 7). It enables an organization to create brand awareness in specific regions whereby they are free to customize the adverts depending on the targeted market type and needs. An example is that the method used to advertise a Coca-Cola product can vary from one region to another. It is a more advanced method since it engages clients, allowing them to share their feedback on the services received (Fred, 2018, p. 3). They can also communicate with others, widening the product’s market. It enables the business to advertise products in various formats based on the needs of the targeted clients.


Several methods of digital e-commerce marketing allow online businesses to reach out to many clients. The most common methods are Search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and social media advertising. The most important issue is that various e-commerce methods vary based on a company’s advertising budget and needs. This allows flexibility on the most effective method and creates room for change if a method fails to meet the intended marketing objectives (Fred, 2018, p. 4). E-commerce advertising methods are future-oriented since they keep advancing, allowing companies to target new clients from various parts of the world.


Fred, B. (2018). Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type. Routledge, Abingdon, Vol.47 (1), p.38-54.,contains,social%20media%20advertising&offset=0

Ian, D. (2016). Pay Per Click. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, p.45-90.,contains,Pay-per-click(PPC)%20advertising&offset=10

Ponzoa, J. M., Gómez, A., & Arilla, R. (2023). Business interest associations in the USA and Europe: evaluation of digital marketing techniques applied on their websites and social networks. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, (ahead-of-print).

Samuel, S. (2013). Search engine optimisation to improve your visibility online. BMJ Publishing Group Limited, London, Vol.35 (6), p.346-349.,contains,Search%20engine%20optimisation%20in%20online%20business,AND&mode=advanced&offset=0

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