Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to apply the three dimensions of sexuality (biological, psychological, sociocultural) that you have learned in class by describing how they are or are not covered within The Hunting Ground, a documentary about sexual assault on college campuses.
Assignment: For this video reaction, you must watch the film “The Hunting Ground.” After you watch the film, address the points below.
Technical Requirements:
500-800 words in length (not including references)
Use of outside evidence to support your claims. You should have 3 sources: 1. the documentary; 2. the textbook; and 3. one source of your choice that supports your narrative and is reliable and valid.
APA referencing style required.
Paper formatting:
Font: Times New Roman; Arial; Calibri
Font Size: 12 pt
Margins: 1 inch each
Spacing: double spaced
Textbook (only need ch. 1; can be found online for free):
greenberg, j. s., bruess, c. e., & oswalt, s. b. (2016). exploring the dimensions of human sexuality. (6th ed.). sudbury, ma: jones and bartlett publishers. isbn-13: 978- 1284081541, isbn-10: 1284081540.
Content Requirements:
For this assignment, you must write a 4-paragraph essay that answers the following questions:
Paragraph 1:
Summarize The Hunting Ground using at least 3 details from the documentary.
Don’t forget to use citations for the video in your discussion.
Paragraph 2:
Define each of the three dimensions of human sexuality, using the textbook as your guide. Then, choose two dimensions that this video addresses and explain how each dimension is addressed using examples.
Don’t forget to use citations for both the textbook and video in your discussion.
Paragraph 3:
What are two implications on or consequences of the content of this documentary on two of the following issues: sex, gender, society, or public health? (For example, how might society be impacted by sexual assault on college campuses?)
Don’t forget to use citations for both the video and the additional source in these discussions.
Paragraph 4:
What (if anything) surprised you in this video? If nothing surprised you, why not?
Note: The goal with this question in paragraph 4 is to express your opinion and insights. You do not need references here and first person is appropriate.
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