HMGT 405 Resort and Convention Management

Submit in a Word document, the answers to the following questions:

1. What are meetings?

2. Describe some events from the past that were “meetings.”

3. Describe some current aspects of MEEC industry jobs.

4. Who attends meetings?

5. What can be accomplished by convening or attending a meeting?

6. What are key jobs in a facility (hotel, resort, conference center) that contribute to the successful outcome of a meeting?

7. What is the EIC?

8. What is APEX, and what is its impact?

9. What is the impact of meetings on the global economy?

10. What is MBECS?

11. What are the EIC Principles for Recovery?

12. Create your own career pathway in the MEEC Industry.

13. Create a list of situations in the MEEC industry where ethics would come into play.

14. List your top 10 ethics.

Kajal GhisingClass: HMGT 405 Resort and Convention ManagementProfessor: Ms. Kathleen DavisDate: September 12th, 2023Assignment number 2Submit in a Word document, the answers to the following questions:1. What are meetings? Meetings are intended for the purpose of discussing specific subjects, sharing information,making decisions, and working together on a variety of tasks or projects. Meetings can takeplace on the ground or in a virtual manner via videoconferences, phone calls, and similarcommunication tools. It forms part of and is an important aspect of communication andcollaboration for both professionals and individuals.2. Describe some events from the past that were “meetings.” Gatherings, meetings, events, and conventions have been a part of people’s lives from thebeginning. Primitive artifacts from ancient civilizations have been discovered, which wereused as meeting points where citizens gathered to discuss common interests such asgovernment, war, hunting, and tribal celebrations. Once people had established permanentdwellings in the towns and villages, there was usually a public meeting place of some sortcalled “city square” to which residents could gather for informal meetings, discussions, orcelebrations. Over half a million people went to Ephesus, Turkey, to see exhibitions,including acrobats, magicians, animal trainers, and jugglers, under the leadership of

Alexander the Great. Andrew Young, the former US ambassador to the United Nations,said at a Meeting Professionals International (MPI) meeting in Atlanta in the mid-1990sthat he was sure there would have been a meeting planner for the Last Supper, and certainlyfor the first Olympics.3. Describe some current aspects of MEEC industry jobs. The MEEC industry is associated with all segments of the hospitality and tourism sectorsuch as lodging, food & beverages, transport, and attraction which are also part ofAmerican culture and development.4. Who attends meetings? Meetings attract a diverse range of attendees, depending on their purpose and context.Typically, participants include key stakeholders, such as managers, executives, and teammembers, who gather to discuss and make decisions related to organizational goals andprojects. Additionally, subject matter experts, consultants, and specialists may attend toprovide insights or guidance on specific topics. Meetings can also include external partners,clients, or vendors when collaboration or negotiations are involved. Furthermore, stafffrom various departments, such as marketing, finance, and human resources, oftenparticipate to ensure a holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making. In somecases, meetings may be open to all employees or team members who have a stake in thediscussion. Ultimately, the composition of meeting attendees depends on the meeting’sobjectives, and a well-balanced mix of participants is essential for productive discussionsand effective decision-making.

5. What can be accomplished by convening or attending a meeting? Convening or attending a meeting can be a powerful tool for achieving various objectiveswithin an organization or group. Meetings serve as a platform for sharing criticalinformation, making decisions, solving complex problems, and developing strategies. Theypromote collaboration, enhance team dynamics, and provide opportunities for networkingand relationship building. Meetings also play a crucial role in project management,performance evaluation, and skill development. They can be used to align actions withorganizational goals, resolve conflicts, and celebrate achievements. However, it’s essentialto ensure that meetings are conducted effectively and efficiently, with clear agendas andfollow-up actions, to maximize their impact and avoid wasting valuable time and resources.6. What are key jobs in a facility (hotel, resort, conference center) that contribute to the successfuloutcome of a meeting? The activities that contribute to a meeting’s success include convention services, catering,housekeeping, security, and secretarial work. In addition, the most important five jobs in the facility (hotel, resort, conference center)that contribute to the successful outcome of a meeting are the following: Food and beverages Lodging Transportation Attractions

Entertainment7. What is the EIC? EIC is an Events Industry Council. The Event Industry Council is a global organizationthat serves as a collective voice for various segments of the events, meetings, andconventions industry. It is a non-profit organization that brings together professionals andsocieties from all over the world to cooperate on issues of industry standards, as well aspromote economic benefits for the events sector.8. What is APEX, and what is its impact? APEX is an accepted practice exchange. An initiative of the Convention Industry Council,with a view to increasing efficiency throughout meetings, conventions, and expositions byinvolving all participants in developing and implementing industry-wide acceptedpractices. An accepted practice exchange is also a process or platform where organizationsor professionals share and adopt best practices, proven methods, and successful strategieswithin a specific industry or field. The impact of such exchanges is highly positive as theyfoster knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. They can lead to increasedefficiency, higher quality outcomes, reduced errors, and innovation. By learning from eachother’s successes and failures, participants in accepted practice exchanges can collectivelyraise standards and drive advancements in their respective areas.9. What is the impact of meetings on the global economy?

It is one of the largest contributors to national GDP. The MEEC industry is growing everyyear because more people are aware of it. It increases the sector of travel and tourism, which in turn results in an increased regionaleconomy. That’s 400 billion in spending and 2 million people employed.10. What is MBECS? MBECS is a meeting and business events competency standard. It contains the necessaryknowledge, skills, and abilities of meeting and event professionals.11. What are the EIC Principles for Recovery? In September 2021, the Event Industry Council (EIC) introduced a set of “Principles forRecovery” to guide the events and meetings industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.Here are the Event Industry Council’s Principles for Recovery in a concise format: Health and Safety First: Prioritize the well-being of all participants. Guidance and Compliance: Follow health guidelines and regulations. Transparent Communication: Clearly communicate safety measures and changes. Risk Assessment: Evaluate and manage risks for each event. Flexibility and Adaptability: Be ready to adjust event plans as needed. Collaboration: Work with industry peers and health authorities. Sustainability and Resilience: Consider long-term sustainability. Innovation: Embrace technology and innovative solutions. Inclusion: Ensure accessibility and inclusivity. Continuous Learning: Stay updated and improve based on experience.

12. Create your own career pathway in the MEEC Industry. Here is a hypothetical career pathway in the Meetings, Events, Exhibition, and Conventions(MEEC) industry, showcasing various roles and potential advancement opportunities:1. Event Assistant/Coordinator (Entry-Level): At an event planning agency, convention center, or hotel, you can start yourcareer as an event coordinator or assistant. Event logistical assistance, vendor coordination, and administration duties arealso responsibilities. Gain experience in the preparation of small-scale events, like meetings andseminars2. Event Planner/Coordinator (Intermediate Level): You may be a consultant or coordinator who is responsible for the organizationand implementation of an event on your own after several years. I am working on major events, such as conferences, trade shows, and weddings.Develop the skills of strong organizational and client management.3. Meeting Planner/Conference Manager: Specialize in the management of conferences or meetings. Work with organizations, associations, and companies to organize and organizeannual meetings or conferences.

Develop your skills in content creation, speaker coordination, and attendeeengagement.4. Event Manager/Producer (Senior Level): In the role of event manager or producer, progress has been made. Provideoversight of a team of event organizers and coordinators. Management of large and prominent events with an emphasis on creativity andinnovation. Build strong industry connections and vendor relationships.5. Destination Management Company (DMC) Manager: Explore a career in DMC management, where you coordinate comprehensiveevent services in specific destinations. Plan and manage events, tours, and activities for clients visiting a particularlocation. Develop expertise in local logistics, venue selection, and culturalconsiderations.6. Exhibition and Trade Show Specialist: Transition into exhibition and trade show management. Work with organizations to plan and execute large-scale trade shows, expos,and exhibitions. Develop skills in booth design, sponsorships, and exhibitor relations.7. Event Technology Specialist:

Explore the technological aspect of the industry. Become an expert in event management software, virtual event platforms, andevent technology solutions. Assist organizations in incorporating technology to enhance their events.8. Sustainability and Green Events Coordinator: Focus on sustainability and eco-friendly event planning. Help clients reduce the environmental impact of their events throughsustainable practices and green initiatives. Stay updated on eco-friendly event trends and certifications.9. MEEC Industry Consultant: Share your expertise by becoming a consultant. Advise businesses, organizations, or venues on optimizing their MEECoperations, strategy, and profitability. Offer specialized knowledge in areassuch as risk management, marketing, or security.10. Industry Association Leader/Executive: Transition into a leadership role within an industry association like MPI (MeetingProfessionals International) or PCMA (Professional Convention ManagementAssociation). Advocate for industry standards, best practices, and professional development. Influence policy and trends in the MEEC sector.

11. Entrepreneur/Event Agency Owner: Consider starting your own event planning agency, DMC, or specialized event techcompany. Build a portfolio of clients and expand your business in various niches within theMEEC industry.Networking, continuous learning, and professional certifications can be essential for careeradvancement in the MEEC industry. Adapt your pathway based on your interests,strengths, and the evolving trends in the field.13. Create a list of situations in the MEEC industry where ethics would come into play. The MEEC (Meetings, Events, Exhibitions, and Conferences) industry is a diverse anddynamic field that often involves complex ethical considerations. Here’s a list of situationswhere ethics would come into play in the MEEC industry: Environmental Impact: Choosing event venues, transportation options, andmaterials that minimize the carbon footprint and reduce environmental harm.

Accessibility: Ensuring that events are accessible to individuals with disabilities,including providing appropriate accommodation and accessible facilities. Inclusivity: Promoting diversity and inclusivity in event planning, marketing, andparticipation, and addressing issues of discrimination or bias. Data Privacy: Handling attendee data responsibly and in compliance with dataprotection laws to protect individuals’ privacy. Fair Pricing: Setting fair and transparent pricing for event tickets, exhibitor booths,and sponsorships, avoiding price gouging or unfair practices. Safety and Security: Implementing robust security measures to ensure the safety ofattendees and staff and having emergency response plans in place.14. List your top 10 ethics. Here are the 10 ethics following are:a. Honestyb. Integrityc. Respectd. Fairness/ Justicee. Accountabilityf. Beneficenceg. Empathy/ compassionh. Nonmaleficencei. Confidentiality

j. Loyalty and fidelity

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