Discussion: Mission, Vision, and Values Statementss




Pick a passenger Airline carrier based in the United States of America. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of this airline has asked you, a renowned Strategic Management expert, to draft a Mission Statement for the company. Your task is to come up with a new Mission Statement and Values Statement that addresses the following: 

Provide a background of the company that you have selected: 

Do some research in the library on the airline industry. Open the Trident University IBIS World document and scroll to the bottom of the page. Visit IBIS World in the Library Databases (an organization well known for conducting industry-level research). Run a search on “Airlines in the U.S.” in the search window. This will lead you to a detailed and industry-specific report. After familiarizing yourself with the airline industry, write your Mission statement. 

Develop a new Mission Statement that: 

1. States the business the airline is in.

2. Is creative, informative, and simple. 


Develop a new Values Statement: 

1. Specify at least five specific core values of the airline.

2. Use the Mission Statement as a reference point.

3. State whether the airline is internally focused, externally focused, or both.  An internal focus would be oriented toward employee needs or company profits, while an external focus would be oriented towards the needs of the community (e.g., philanthropy). 

Be creative. Consider the specific target market of the airline (its passengers or the kind of services it offers), and remember that this airline is in competition with other major airlines. 

Assignment Expectations 

To receive full credit for the discussion, you must complete the following: 

1. Enter a minimum of 3 quality posts: Your own initial/original post of 200 words or more and responses of at least 100 words to 2 classmates. 

2. Cite at least one source in your initial post.

3. Provide a References section at the bottom of your original post in APA 7 style. 

Grading Note: 

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted.



Assignment Title

Student Name

College/Department Name, Trident University International

Course Number: Course Name

Professor Name


[Notes provided throughout for additional clarity. Ensure to remove notes before submission.]


Assignment Title Here

[Titles and 1st Level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Do not begin with an Introduction heading. The introduction paragraph(s) should orient the reader to all of the concepts presented in the sections that follow. Begin the first line indented, one line below the assignment title. Ensure to provide appropriate in-text citations in the following manner: Students may synthesize information from a resource and cite the resource at the end (Author & Second, YYYY). Students may also provide the authors in the sentence by stating that Author and Second (YYYY) explain certain information in this manner. For more than two authors, use Author et al. (YYYY) format or end statement (Author et al., YYYY). See APA Manual for additional formats of in-text citations. Each citation should have a corresponding reference in the reference list. Each reference in the reference list must also have at least one corresponding in-text citation.]

Theme/Topic Heading

[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]

[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]

Theme/Topic Heading [repeat as needed]

[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]

[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]
Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]

[Themes/Topics may have one or more subthemes/subtopics. These second level headings should be in Word Styles format of “Heading 2,” aligned left, title case heading, bold. This information should be relevant to the prior Heading 1 topic. Repeat for multiple subthemes or subtopics.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]
[Themes/Topics may have one or more subthemes/subtopics. These second level headings should be in Word Styles format of “Heading 2,” aligned left, title case heading, bold. This information should be relevant to the prior Heading 1 topic. Repeat for multiple subthemes or subtopics.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading

[For major topics that may need a breakdown of subtopics into additional sections, provide third level headings in the Word Styles format of “Heading 3,” aligned left, title case heading, bold italic.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]
[For major topics that may need a breakdown of subtopics into additional sections, provide third level headings in the Word Styles format of “Heading 3,” aligned left, title case heading, bold italic.]
Theme/Topic Heading [repeat as needed]
[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]
[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]

[Each new topic should begin with a first level heading. Provide second level and third level headings, as necessary.]

Summary or Conclusion

[Summary or Conclusion heading should be a first level heading using the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Summarize key points presented in throughout the assignment.]

Example of tables provided:

Table 1
Caption for Table 1




Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Note. Briefly describe what the Table represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter. There is a line space between the note and the next heading/paragraph to separate the text.

Example of figures provided: (note that if it would not fit in the space provided, the entire Table or Figure is moved the next page; if Table or Figure if longer than one page, ensure title appears with the beginning of the Table or Figure):

Figure 1
Case Study Research

Note. This figure defines the case study design by Yin (2018). Briefly describe what the Figure represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter. There is a line space between the note and the next heading/paragraph to separate the text.


[References heading should be a first level heading using the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold.]

Ahn, J. (2004). Electronic portfolios: Blending technology, accountability and assessment.
T.H.E. Journal, 31(9), 12-18. https://thejournal.com/Articles/2004/04/01/Electronic-Portfolios-Blending-Technology-Accountability–Assessment.aspx

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology.
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa

U.S. Government Printing Office. (2006). Catalog of U.S. Government publications: New electronic titles.

Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2001).
Narrative mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution. Jossey-Bass.

Yin, R. K. (2018).
Case study research and applications:


and methods (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Note: All resources cited in the assignment must be included in the list of references. For each reference listed, there must be at least one corresponding citation within the body of the text, and vice-versa. Double space references in the reference list. Resources longer than one line of text should provide a hanging indent of 1/2 inch of subsequent lines. Sort in alpha surname/title order. Only capitalize the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any. Do not bold the title. Know when to italicize and when not to (i.e., periodical/non-periodical/publication versus book/report/paper). Italicize volume numbers. Please refer to the
APA Publication Manual for guidance.APA requires a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) be provided, if one has been assigned.

See below for the updated APA headings guideline:

Level 1

Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading

Level 2

Left-Aligned, Bold, Title Case Heading

Level 3 

Left-Aligned, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading 

Level 4

Indented, Bold, Title Case Heading with a Period
Begin body text after the period. 

Level 5

Indented, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading with a Period.
 Begin body text after the period. 







Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

In the Module 1 Case study, we will be exploring the Mission, Vision, and Values statements of Microsoft.

Case Assignment


Do some research in the library and on the internet, and find the following:

a. Five criteria that comprise good (quality) Mission statements; and

b. Five criteria that comprise good (quality) Vision statements.

2. Visit the corporate website of Microsoft and read the organization’s Mission and Vision statements: 


3. Using the specific criteria that you listed in Item #1 above, critique the Mission and Vision statements of Microsoft as follows:

a. Mission Statement: Is the organization’s Mission statement a “good” Mission statement? Why or why not? Justify your answer using your five chosen criteria. Be specific.

b. Vision Statement: Is the organization’s Vision statement a “good” Vision statement? Why or why not? Justify your answer using your 5 chosen criteria. Be specific.

4. Finally, find the company’s Values statement: Conclude your paper with an analysis of the company’s Values statement: What do Microsoft’s values say about the organization’s sense of ethics?



Assignment Expectations

· The minimum length requirement for this Module Case Assignment is 5 full pages (excluding Title and Reference pages) to include 3 scholarly sources. 

· Provide an APA-formatted title page. Use the 

APA 7 Template

· The 5 full-pages will include an introduction, body of work with 3 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion (that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought).

· Provide an APA7-formatted References Page (See APA 7 “References” section at 



· Upload your paper to the Case Dropbox before the assignment due date.

· Proofread your work!.

Also, see the sources below for APA and Student Support Services: 


Student Support Resources


· Trident

 Introduction to APA 


Understanding Plagiarism


Grading Note: 

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric in the Case Dropbox is used for this Case Assignment. 


Privacy Policy



Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing issues raised in the discussion.

The postings were well written with very few errors.  Appropriate supporting information was properly cited and referenced.

Initial post occurs in a timely manner (1-3 days into the module) allowing ample time for classmates to respond and engage.

Module 1 – SLP


In this Module, you will be considered a Strategic Management subject matter expert. You will blog about important aspects of the Strategic Management process, using articles about current events pulled from reputable sources (e.g., trade journals, newspapers, or magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Business Week, or Forbes) to support your key arguments.

For the Module 1 SLP, find a recent article that provides an example of an organization that appears to be successful (or that has been unsuccessful) in fulfilling its Mission, Vision, Values, or goals. 

Hint: Visit either ProQuest or EBSCO-Business Source Complete in the library. Type “Mission Statements,” “Vision Statements,” “Values Statements,” or “Goals” in the boxes provided. Then, click on “Subject” in the pull-down menu bar next to each. Make sure to click on “Trade Journals,” “Newspapers,” and/or “Magazines.” You will find plenty of sources from which to choose. Your main article(s) for your blog entry must be no older than 12 months. You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion and analysis; however, the current event article serving as the main focus of your paper must be no more than 12 months old. 

Remember that you are playing the role of a business expert who is blogging in the context of Strategic Management. The key is to convey to the public the importance of the Mission, Vision, and/or Values statements or organizational goals in a Strategic Management context. You will need to provide examples of an organization that has done particularly well (or one that has done poorly) in fulfilling its stated Mission, Vision, Values statements, or its goals.   

SLP Assignment Expectations

1. The minimum length requirement for this SLP Assignment is 3 full pages (excluding Title and Reference pages), to include 2 scholarly sources. 

2. Provide an APA-formatted title page. Use the 

APA 7 Template


3. The 3 full-pages will include an introduction, body of work with 2 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion (that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought).

4. Provide an APA7-formatted References Page (See APA 7 “References” section at 



5. Upload your paper to the SLP Dropbox before the assignment due date.

6. Proofread your work.

 Also, see the sources below for APA and Student Support Services: 


Student Support Resources


· Trident

 Introduction to APA 


Understanding Plagiarism

Grading Note: 

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric in the SLP Dropbox is used for this SLP Assignment. 


Assignment Title

Student Name

College/Department Name, Trident University International

Course Number: Course Name

Professor Name


[Notes provided throughout for additional clarity. Ensure to remove notes before submission.]


Assignment Title Here

[Titles and 1st Level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Do not begin with an Introduction heading. The introduction paragraph(s) should orient the reader to all of the concepts presented in the sections that follow. Begin the first line indented, one line below the assignment title. Ensure to provide appropriate in-text citations in the following manner: Students may synthesize information from a resource and cite the resource at the end (Author & Second, YYYY). Students may also provide the authors in the sentence by stating that Author and Second (YYYY) explain certain information in this manner. For more than two authors, use Author et al. (YYYY) format or end statement (Author et al., YYYY). See APA Manual for additional formats of in-text citations. Each citation should have a corresponding reference in the reference list. Each reference in the reference list must also have at least one corresponding in-text citation.]

Theme/Topic Heading

[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]

[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]

Theme/Topic Heading [repeat as needed]

[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]

[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]
Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]

[Themes/Topics may have one or more subthemes/subtopics. These second level headings should be in Word Styles format of “Heading 2,” aligned left, title case heading, bold. This information should be relevant to the prior Heading 1 topic. Repeat for multiple subthemes or subtopics.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]
[Themes/Topics may have one or more subthemes/subtopics. These second level headings should be in Word Styles format of “Heading 2,” aligned left, title case heading, bold. This information should be relevant to the prior Heading 1 topic. Repeat for multiple subthemes or subtopics.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading

[For major topics that may need a breakdown of subtopics into additional sections, provide third level headings in the Word Styles format of “Heading 3,” aligned left, title case heading, bold italic.]

Subtheme or Subtopic Heading [repeat as needed]
[For major topics that may need a breakdown of subtopics into additional sections, provide third level headings in the Word Styles format of “Heading 3,” aligned left, title case heading, bold italic.]
Theme/Topic Heading [repeat as needed]
[All 1st level headings should use the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Replace “Theme/Topic” with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.]
[Present an overview of why this topic is important to the assignment. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support statements of fact.]

[Each new topic should begin with a first level heading. Provide second level and third level headings, as necessary.]

Summary or Conclusion

[Summary or Conclusion heading should be a first level heading using the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold. Summarize key points presented in throughout the assignment.]

Example of tables provided:

Table 1
Caption for Table 1




Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Note. Briefly describe what the Table represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter. There is a line space between the note and the next heading/paragraph to separate the text.

Example of figures provided: (note that if it would not fit in the space provided, the entire Table or Figure is moved the next page; if Table or Figure if longer than one page, ensure title appears with the beginning of the Table or Figure):

Figure 1
Case Study Research

Note. This figure defines the case study design by Yin (2018). Briefly describe what the Figure represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter. There is a line space between the note and the next heading/paragraph to separate the text.


[References heading should be a first level heading using the Word Styles format of “Heading 1,” centered, title case heading, bold.]

Ahn, J. (2004). Electronic portfolios: Blending technology, accountability and assessment.
T.H.E. Journal, 31(9), 12-18. https://thejournal.com/Articles/2004/04/01/Electronic-Portfolios-Blending-Technology-Accountability–Assessment.aspx

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology.
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa

U.S. Government Printing Office. (2006). Catalog of U.S. Government publications: New electronic titles.

Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2001).
Narrative mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution. Jossey-Bass.

Yin, R. K. (2018).
Case study research and applications:


and methods (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Note: All resources cited in the assignment must be included in the list of references. For each reference listed, there must be at least one corresponding citation within the body of the text, and vice-versa. Double space references in the reference list. Resources longer than one line of text should provide a hanging indent of 1/2 inch of subsequent lines. Sort in alpha surname/title order. Only capitalize the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any. Do not bold the title. Know when to italicize and when not to (i.e., periodical/non-periodical/publication versus book/report/paper). Italicize volume numbers. Please refer to the
APA Publication Manual for guidance.APA requires a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) be provided, if one has been assigned.

See below for the updated APA headings guideline:

Level 1

Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading

Level 2

Left-Aligned, Bold, Title Case Heading

Level 3 

Left-Aligned, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading 

Level 4

Indented, Bold, Title Case Heading with a Period
Begin body text after the period. 

Level 5

Indented, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading with a Period.
 Begin body text after the period. 







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