Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on how do institutional weaknesses create or exacerbate political risk in mongolia Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
The interwar period is recognized as the time frame from 1919 to 1939. It is time in which World War I ended and the World War II began. Due to this, it is recognized as one of the vital time frames for financial institutions as entre change-over is taking place. This is because, it is a time, in which the banking institutions of various nations like France, Britain, and Mongolia is trying to pull back a huge amount of money from stock markets.
This is mainly due to the downfall or crash of stock markets. As a result of which, the economic activities of the nation of Mongolia slowed down thereby declining the prosperity of the nation to a significant extent. Along with this, due to lack of financial help from the institutions, the idea of overproduction and future investment is stopped that hindered the economic progress of the nation of Mongolia to a certain extent. It is mainly due to the presence of economic turmoil or recession in the nation.
In addition, due to recession numerous institutions became closed thereby terminating or a huge amount of individuals. As a result of which, the rate of unemployment and redundancy enhanced thereby declining the level of living standards and economic conditions of the citizens of Mongolia certainly. Moreover, the income level of the educated citizens reduced mainly due to a decline in the profit margin of the organizations. As a result of which, the economic conditions attained significant changeover that also offered considerable impacts over the political scenario of the nation (Milet, 1998). The economic distress also increased the prices of the products to a high-soaring height that proved extremely problematic for the citizens to maintain their livings. These underlining reasons are considered as some of the important reasons that hindered the political stability of the nation of Mongolia among others.
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