i need help
Unit 1 Assignment
Due Jan. 26 at 5 pm (Canvas)
For this assignment, you will answer questions based on what you learned from a selection of
short videos, primary sources, and secondary sources about New Spain and the world in the
sixteenth century. This assignment has three parts, and you should use only your lecture notes
and the primary and secondary sources listed below. Using sources other than these will be
Please submit your answers as separate Word or Files document and draw on the information
and terminology you learned in lectures to complete the assignment. Be sure to refer to the
information on the syllabus for further guidance, especially “Formatting and Editorial
By now, you should have read or watched the following primary and secondary sources:
• Unsettling Journeys, “Defining Mestizaje and the Nature of History,”
• “Screen with the Siege of Belgrade,” https://smarthistory.org/screen-with-the-siege-of-
• “Aztec Historian Describes First Japanese in Mexico (1610)”
• Chimalpahin, Annals of his Time, pgs. 3-7, 17-22, and 273-277. (On Canvas)
• Unsettling Journeys, “Columbus’s Landing and Erasing Native History,”
• “The Medici Collect the Americas,” https://smarthistory.org/medici-americas/
• Unsettling Journeys, “Indigenous People BEFORE the Conquest,”
• Dana Leibsohn & Meha Priyadarshini, “Transpacific: Beyond Silk and Silver,” Colonial
Latin American Review 25, no. 1 (2016): 1-15. (On Canvas)
• “Images of Africans in the Codex Telleriano Remensis and Codex Azcatitlan,”
I. Define the following terms/names in 1-2 complete sentences, and be sure to cite your sources.
Example: In Annals of his Time, the translators define “macehualli” as “commoner,” although they
indicate it could also refer to “the people” broadly (Lockhart et al. 2006, 17).
1. altepetl
2. Manila galleon
3. biombo
4. historiography
5. codex
6. Chimalpahin
7. Tenochtitlan
8. cabinet of curiosity
9. Boxer Codex
10. Viceroyalty of New Spain
II. In 1-3 sentences, please explain the following concepts, use examples, and be sure to cite your
Example: What was a missionary?
Missionaries were members of religious orders like the Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and
Jesuits who went to New Spain intending to convert the Native peoples to Christianity (lecture).
1. What was the main idea of unit 1?
2. How would you describe mestizaje?
3. How would you describe the impact of the Manila galleon on trade and cross-cultural
interaction in New Spain?
4. How would you describe the reception of objects and images from New Spain in
5. How would you describe the impact of the arrival of Europeans to New Spain on the
history and culture of Native peoples?
6. What criteria would you use to assess a primary or secondary source? How did you
know the information was accurate? Did you detect any biases or different versions?
7. Describe something you learned that you found surprising or changed your
understanding of art and history in New Spain in the sixteenth century.
III. Please answer the following questions in one paragraph, and be sure to cite your sources.
1. Please write 1 paragraph (4-8 sentences) that compares and contrasts a biombo with a
cabinet of curiosity. Use examples to explain what the collecting and displaying of
objects and images teach us about global trade, cross-cultural interaction, and the
visual/material prosperities of art in the sixteenth century. Be sure to cite your sources.
(Pro tip: start your paragraph by stating what the comparison reveals about the
collecting and display of objects from New Spain).
2. Please write 1 paragraph (4-8 sentences) explaining how silences and stereotypes
originating in the sixteenth century have shaped our understanding of the history of
Mexico and its inhabitants today. Be sure to cite your sources. (Pro tip: review the
Unsettling Journeys videos).
Series Chimalpahin
Susan Schroeder, Series Editor
‘ ‘·
Annals of His Time
Don Domingo de San Anton Mufi6n
Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin
Edited and translated by
James Lockhart, Susan Schroeder,
and Doris N amala
Stanford University Press
Stanford, California
The present book belongs to an ongoing informal Series Chimalpahin organized by Susan
Schroeder as general or series editor to publish the entire extant output of Chimalpahin in
critical editions in English and the original language. Further volumes, whose venue,
editorship, and even content are still not fully determined, are to be expected in due course.
In the name of flexibility, the items in the series will not bear volume numbers, The two
volume Codex Chimalpahin, edited by Arthur AnderSon and Schroeder, should be counted
as part of this effort.
Stanford University Press
Stanford, California
© 2006 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or in any information
storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Stanford University
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free, archival-quality paper
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Ant6n Mufi6n, 1579-1660.
Annals of his time : don Domingo de San Ant6n Mufi6n Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin /
edited and translated by James Lockhart, Susan Schroeder, and Doris Namala.
p. cm.-(Series Chimalpahin)
Introduction in English; English and Nahuatl on opposite pages.
Includes bibliographical references and index,
ISBN 0-8047-5454-3 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Ant6n Mufi6n, 1579-
1660, 2. Manuscripts, Nahuatl-Mexico-Mexico City, 3. Aztecs-History. 4. Aztecs
Politics and government. 5. Aztecs-Social life and customs. L Lockhart, James. II.
Schroeder, Susan. III. Namala, Doris. IV. Title, V. Series.
F1219.54.A98C45 2006
Original Printing 2006
Last figure below indicates year of this printing:
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06
Some Major Blocks of Text
Figure I. First page of the Paris manuscript
Figure 2. Annals entry for the beginning of the year 5 Rabbit, 1614
Map l. Mexico City in Chimalpahin’s time
Annals of His Time
The Manuscript and its History
Some Aspects of the Edition
Transcription and Translation
1608 (with parts from 1609)
Some major blocks of text
Flood of 1604
Flooding and excavation, 1607
World, Mexica, and Spanish Mexican history
Arrival of the Japanese, 1610
Eclipse, 1611
Earthquake, 1611
Fray Geronimo de Zarate, 1612
Funeral of Archbishop Guerra, 1612
Suspected rebellion of blacks, 1612
Two female opponents of crosses, 1613
The vicinity of San Antonio Abad, 1613
A new archbishop, 1613
The pallium, 1613
More Japanese affairs, 1614
The order of San Antonio, 1614
More on the order of San Antonio, 1614
Figure l, First page of the Paris manuscript. Fonds Mexicain 220, p. I. Reproduced with the
permission of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France.
Figure 2. Annals entry for the beginning of the year 5 tochtli, I 6 I 4, with standard information
about the election of the cabildo officials of Tenochtitlan. Fonds Mexicain 220, p. 238.
Reproduced with the permission of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France.
□ 0
SANTIAGO ” :I’ELOLCO —\—-~ San!aCruzde
~\ It ‘sanflilgo
~ Tlalelolco
c Coleglo
H Hospital ~
• Site or Building w-
Drafted by Robin IL Gary, 2004
Ada tecl li’nm a ma b ·Richard.Bo ·ct’ 1980
Map 1. Mexico City in Chimalpahin’s time.
Annals of His Time
yn ipampa ye nican nictlallia nicmachiyotia yn imiquilitzin ynin omoteneuh
tzino huey teopixqui omoyetzticatca yniqu iuhqui yxiptlatzin omochiuhtzinoti
catca nican Sancto Padre ynic huel omohuelitiltiaya yniqu icatzinco ypampa
tzinco miec Jubileos oquimotemaquillitia yn iuh otiquittaque auh monequi no
quimatizque oncan in quittazque ytocatenehuallocatzin yn aquique i;atepan ye
nemiquihui yn amo quimottilique yn amo quimiximachilique ynin ye huey teo
pixqui ocatca ypampa yuh ninomati caocac yuhqui nican Mexico oc ce teopixqui
yttoz yn oc ompa ye tonitztihui ypan cahuitl
The reason that I set down and record here the death of this said late great re
ligious is that he became like the representative of the holy Father here because
he was fully authorized to go along issuing many jubilees in his name and on
his behalf, as we saw. And also those who will live later, who didn’t see and
know how great a religious he was, need to know of him and see his name men
tioned, because I think that in future times another religious like him will not be
seen again here in Mexico.
(From Chimalpahin’s entry for September 7, 1614.)
Annals of His Time
The premier practitioner of the genre of Nahuatl annals in the form they took after the
conquest was born in 1579 in Amaquemecan (Amecameca), baptized apparently as Do
mingo Francisco, then went very young to Mexico City, and eventually came to be
known there as don Domingo de San Anton after the church where he worked, sometimes
referring to himself in magnificent fashion as don Domingo de San Ant6n Muii6n Chi
malpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin. Scholars somehow settled on calling him Chimalpahin,
one of two names of earlier lords of Amaquemecan that he appropriated to himself, and
though that convention is not well founded, it is too late to protest, and we will call him
Chimalpahin too. 1
The item we publish here is devoted overwhelmingly (despite one abbreviated resume
of Mexica history from the beginning) to events occurring in the time after Chimalpahin
was born, and indeed the momentum accumulates as he reaches the years of his early
prime. After very brief annual entries for the 1570s and 80s, clearly set down after the
fact, for the 1590s and early 1600s we find usually from two to four pages. For 1604 to
1608 we see an increase to five to nine pages a year, and then a further large and rapid
increase in the first years of the second decade of the seventeenth century, when Chimal
pahin was in his thirties, reaching a maximum of 41 pages for 1613 before the series as
we know it halts in 1615. A reader cannot avoid the impression that the material certainly
from about 1608 to the end, and possibly from considerably earlier, was first written pri
marily at the time of the events, and it deals for the most part with things the author saw
or heard about as they happened. No wonder that from as early as the eighteenth century
I. We even retain the practice, originating with the author himself, of writing the
name with an h, though by standard orthography it is not justified, The second element of
the name appears to be a preterit agentive form of the verb paina, “to run, hasten,” in
which a glottal stop is not otherwise attested.
– 3 –
the work was being called the Diario, diary or journal. The word “Diario” by now has a
tradition as strong as it is lasting, but there can be no doubt that it did not originate with
Chimalpahin, and we consider it to be highly misleading.
For a century and more after his rediscovery in the late nineteenth century, translators
and commentators gave their attention above all to his massive effort to tell the
precontact history of central Mexico (principally Amaquemecan and Mexico Tenoch
titlan),2 but recently his extensive and equally impressive writing on postcontact times
has also drawn attention,3 and the present publication is part of that trend.
The texts published here belong in the clearest and fullest way to the tradition of
Nahuatl annals, a genre concerned primarily with events of interest to the public, and
indeed to the public of the author’s own local sociopolitical entity. They are no diary;
Chimalpahin’s own activities are barely mentioned, his feelings fully and openly ex-
pressed only on rare occasions. And indeed it would have been against the annals tradition
to give the work a title at all, or even perhaps to conceive it as a separate entity as op
posed to other texts Chimalpahin wrote or compiled.4 We publish this set of annals sep
arately, respecting its character as an independent corpus and sequence in the original, but
in a sense it belongs together with a large number of similar entries scattered through
Chimalpahin’ s other manuscripts despite their often preponderantly precontact subject
matter, and we hope that in due course all this material can be subjected to a common
2. The Paris annals that have come to be called the “Relaciones” constitute the bulk of
Ch.’ s writings about the precontact era. Dating to the time that the materials seem first to
have become available in Paris, Remi Simeon published the sixth and seventh Relaciones
in French in 1889. The Germans followed after an interval, with several scholars trans
lating and publishing different Relaciones; Ernst Mengin published the fifth Relacion in
German (1944, 1949, 1950), followed by a handsome series of volumes with facsimiles
of all the Paris Relaciones. In 1958 Walter Lehmann and Gerdt Kutscher published more
selections from the same sources. Gtinter Zimmermann, the most accomplished member
of this school, published portions of the second, third, and eighth Relaciones in 1960, and
in 1963-65 he brought out his invaluable transcription of both the corpus of Relaciones
and Ch.’s contemporary annals (the so-called “Diario,” the text edited here). A set of ana
lytical notes to the edition conveyed many ofZimmermann’s insights, but a planned full
translation of the texts never came to pass. In the edition Zimmermann reorganized all of
the Relaciones into chronological order by individual entry. On the one hand he for the
first time brought out the scope of Ch.’ s work and made research in it more feasible,
while on the other hand he obscured the integrity of the individual texts and caused
considerable confusion regarding the nature of annals and of Ch.’ s oeuvre. A recent publi
cation by Elke Ruhnau (Chimalpahin 2001A) with all of the Relaciones sums up the
accomplishments of the German school.
In the time after World War II Mexican scholars also began publishing portions of the
Relaciones in Spanish translation, often without transcriptions; most of this work is
mentioned in Schroeder 1991, pp. 26-30. Far the best of these efforts, by Rafael Tena
(Chimalpahin 1998), embraces the entire Relaciones, containing both a full transcription
and an excellent translation.
3. As in Chimalpahin 2001 (the Tena edition) and Namala 2002.
4. See the passage on pp. 238-39, at n. 4, which could be construed as including
Ch.’s contemporary annals within the same framework or as a later patt of the same work
as preconquest portions.
Although the original strong pictorial component of postconquest annals has virtually
disappeared in Chimalpahin ( only in some of the later years do we find even any pictorial
representation of the Nahuatl year signs),5 in every other way the work published here has
the characteristics of a classic set of annals, in addition to some transformations and
developments of those characteristics that are rarely seen elsewhere. In the annals tradi
tion, the present work is organized into year units, giving both the Spanish calendar year
and what is taken for its Nahuatl preconquest-style equivalent. Within each year every
entry is separate from every other, connected only by a strictly chronological sequence of
months and days.
The content is broadly speaking ultra-typical of Nahuatl annals both before and after
the conquest: the celebration of the local sociopolitical entity by detailing its officers and
public functions and in other ways; a record of the installation and removal of local high
officials; reports of plagues, storms, and earthquakes, and of scandalous and other locally
newsworthy events. Its main anomaly is its breadth. Almost any set of annals one can
point to will concentrate overwhelmingly on and have as its focal point the author’s
home entity, where he invariably writes. The same principle obtains in Chimalpahin, but
his migration gave him two homes. The primary focus in his contemporary annals is on
the place of his residence as an adult, when he was doing the writing of the present text,
on the indigenous Mexico Tenochtitlan and the Spanish Mexico City, including the
amorphous single overall entity that they were becoming; the double nature of that entity
explains much that seems quite unique in Chimalpahin’ s work here. But the reader will
also find many traces of his roots in Amaquemecan and even specifically in Tzaqualtitlan
Tenanco within it.
Chimalpahin’s contemporary writings have many possible uses. It appears to us that
they illuminate in the first instance the author’s mentality and conceptual equipment, and
to an extent Nahua mentality and concepts in his time more generally. They are surely the
best developed of known annals material with a postconquest range, not forgetting the
Tlaxcalan don Juan Buenaventura Zapata y Mendoza, whose writings can be considered at
least in the same class. 6 Although the Nahua annalists may report facts mentioned no
where else, especially on matters purely inside the indigenous context, the annals should
not be taken for objective reporting, nor is their main value a contribution of facts.
Chimalpahin, exceptional though he is in many ways, is the same as the others in this
respect. The most obvious use of Chimalpahin’ s writing on his own time is in intel
lectual and cultural studies dealing with Nahua attitudes and concepts in the urban centers
of central Mexico in the first half of the seventeenth century. The picture that emerges is
one of persistence, if in a modified form, of Nahua concepts, structures, and values at the
very core of Nahua-Spanish contact.
With his well developed writings, his repeated use of the same terms in many slight
ly varying contexts, Chimalpahin offers a rich opportunity for the study of Nahua cate
gories of various kinds. Studies based primarily on his writings with precontact content,
though ranging over the whole corpus, have already illuminated his sociopolitical
5. Although Ch. is a rather extreme example, the gradual diminishing of the pictorial
element is a fact of the evolution of the genre; also, from early on there were annals with
out a pictorial element, such as the “Annals of Juan Bautista” (Reyes Garcia 2001).
6. See Lockhart 1992, pp. 391-92.
categories. 7 In his contemporary writings Chimalpahin makes copious use of Nahua
social categories. 8 He demonstrates how Nahuatl responded to the need to talk about
indigenous people as a single ethnic group by expanding the semantic range of existing
terms as well as mining the language’s great potential for new formations. The most all
embracing of these terms, the related macehualli and nican tlaca, will be discussed in
greater detail below under matters of translation (p. 17), in which they figure so strongly.
Both used native vocabulary and built on while extending native meanings. They even
both appeared at first above all in the first person plural, with the prefix ti-, “we,” which
had been used in preconquest times to indicate ethnic or gender solidarity. This form
proved transitional, since as the new meanings became established the ti- was increasingly
dropped, as we see happening in the very texts published here.
Despite these large ethnic terms, the use of already established references to smaller
groups of indigenous continued to predominate. Chimalpahin’s writings demonstrate that
the altepetl and tlaxi/acalli (i.e., the Nahua etlmic state and its constituent parts; see the
discussion below, pp. 17-18) still functioned as the Nahuas’ primary source of ethnic
identity, since individuals and groups are identified by altepetl and tlaxilacalli names, and
the terms altepehuaque and tlaxi/acaleque (“people of the altepetl and tlaxilacalli”) abound.
At the same time, however, altepehuaque undergoes some semantic change, as its mean
ing extends to embrace the non-indigenous population too. Chaneque (“possessors of
homes, residents, citizens”) also becomes an ethnically open term, as it refers to people of
any ethnicity who reside within the limits of an altepetl or tlaxilacalli. The term tlaca
nechico/tin (“people gathered from various places”) in reference to the non-Nahua indig
enous residents of Mexico Tenochtitlan is a Nahuatl construction but apparently not part
of the basic traditional vocabulary and may have been influenced by Spanish designations
of outsiders.
Regarding Chimalpahin’ s categories for non-indigenous people we find a very different
scenario. Here well established Spanish loanwords prevail, suggesting that by Chimal
pahin’s time people of non- or partially indigenous descent had long been accepted as part
of the Nahuas’ daily lives. Much as with the relatively fewer occurrences of the archaic
nican tlaca in reference to the indigenous, Chimalpahin rarely calls the Spaniards cristia
nos, “Christians,” which tended to be the preferred term in the early postconquest years.
Instead, the hybrid word castilteca and Spanish espailo/es, as well as forms with double
plurals, one from each language, espaii.olestin and espafi.olesme, far outnumber the earlier
term. A careful analysis of these contemporary annals even suggests that casti/teca too
was declining during the time of Chimalpahin’s literary activity. Whereas casti/teca and
the double plurals of espafio/es dominate in the earlier entries, after 1613 they disappear
entirely. During the same time period, between 1613 and 1615, simple espaiioles with
out the double plural appears 50 times. Thus we learn in Chimalpahin not only about
Nahuatl social categorization but something about the chronology of its evolution.
In the context of all other ethnic groups, Chimalpahin uses Spanish loanwords from
the beginning. Whether it be other Europeans, blacks, Japanese, or people of mixed
descent, Chimalpahin calls these groups exactly as the Spaniards did. Even Nahuatl
7. Schroeder 1991, pp, 119-97; Lockhart 1992, pp. 14–44, passim.
8. For more on the categories and topics of Ch. as discussed in the following several
paragraphs, see Namala 2002.
tliltique, literally “blacks,” in reference to people of African descent represents a direct
translation of Spanish negros. Perhaps the use of criollo is a bit of an exception, as
Chimalpahin always pairs it with the Nahuatl circumscription nican tepiltzin, “a child of
people here,” implying his relative unfamiliarity with the word, and after all it was only
at that time beginning to come into use in Spanish to refer to ethnic Spaniards, and that
usually in the restricted realm of officeholding.
Chimalpahin’s gender categories partake of some of the same trends observed with
ethnic categories. As with the evolution of Nahuatl words that came to designate indig
enous people as a group in the postconquest years, the basic Nahuatl gender terms cihuatl,
“woman, female” and oquichtli, “man, male,” also took on a distinct ethnic dimension by
referring not merely to women and men but specifically to indigenous women and
indigenous men. With men, the form using ti-, “we,” also appears with ethnic meaning,
extending its preconquest use to indicate the solidarity of males as a group.9 Regarding
Spanish women and men, Chimalpahin consistently uses Spanish loanwords, if not
always in exactly the same way as in Spanish texts. 10 Chimalpahin’s vocabulary dem
onstrates that Spanish gender terms were subjected to the same gendered rules as their
Nahuatl counterparts, for the male and female terms were generally borrowed separately.
In his reporting in general, so close to traditional annals fare, Chimalpahin documents
a thriving indigenous culture despite or perhaps because of the interconnectedness of the
indigenous and Spanish worlds. For example, Chimalpahin’s often repeated respect for the
ruling authorities, indigenous and Spanish alike, speaks to the annalist’s deeply felt re
sponsibility to portray the greatness of his altepetl, and it is both Spanish and indigenous
officials, both secular and ecclesiastic, who more than anyone else represent this great
ness. Altepetl reportage and magnification is thus Chimalpahin’s basic thrust, and a quite
noncommittal but approving stance is his main mode, both of these things fully within
the Nahua annals tradition. If we look at the text as a whole, we will soon grasp that
demographic decline, economic woes, and other scourges of the indigenous population are
not major themes, and not much space is devoted to them. When Chimalpahin does turn
to such a topic, it is usually to speak of something that was of great public concern in
Mexico City, often among high civil and ecclesiastical officials, as in his reporting of
great loss of indigenous life in connection with the vast project of draining the Valley
of Mexico, the Desagiie. Likewise, negative comments on officials are rare, and when we
see them, the reason is often, apparently, that the majority confonsus in Spanish official
dom, especially in the ecclesiastical sector, was also negative, as with the criticism of
the Franciscan fray Ger6nimo de Zarate, chaplain at the central Franciscan establishment
for indigenous people, San Jose, or of Archbishop Guerra for his continued frivolities
after a major earthquake had struck and devastated the city.11 At times, it is true, we seem
to detect a more personal note, as when Chimalpahin deplores the denuding of the slopes
of Chapultepec, which he had thought so beautiful, as the result of a Spanish effort to
locate some entirely illusory deposits of gold, with the wood of the formerly glorious
9. I.e., in precontact and even postcontact usage any group of men was called “we
men” if a man was speaking; the same expression now took on an ethnic coloration as
well. For a subtlety of this usage see pp. 182-83, n. 7,
10. See below, p. 20, for the meaning of senora in Nahuatl.
II. Pp. 194-201, 212-13, 250-51 (Zarate), pp. 188-93 (Guerra).
felled trees going for cooking. 12 Even here in a sense the greatness of the altepetl is at
In Chimalpahin’ s portrayal of natural phenomena and in particular natural disasters his
split personality in terms of upholding indigenous traditions versus embracing modernity
sometimes comes to the fore. On the one hand, he fully accepts and eagerly passes on to
his readers modern scientific explanations of, for example, a solar eclipse, clearly rejecting
his ancestors’ non-Christian religious interpretation of such an event. On the other hand,
and again mirroring his own times, Chimalpahin is not immune to superstitious beliefs
regarding this matter, either, and not merely indigenous beliefs, for the Spaniards had their
own superstitions, not clearly distinguished from scientific findings, on such matters.
Ultimately, church processions replace ancient Mexica rituals as a means of coping with
natural disasters in the annalist’s accounts. They also become symbols of unity, joining
together the altepetl’s Spanish and indigenous citizens in their plea to a common deity for
help, as well as in the display of altepetl magnificence. Yet processions by cofradfas and
various other kinds of organizations are also a way in which a series of sociopolitical,
corporate, and religious entities and subentities, Spanish and indigenous, expressed them
selves within a framework of rivalry, and Chimalpahin reports the processions with a
sharp sense of their significance within the politics of entities.
It becomes clear that Chimalpahin’s notion of the altepetl was in the process of
changing, as the Spanish city that was developing within its boundaries became more and
more integrated with the indigenous entity and into Chimalpahin’s writing. This tendency
is seen in other annals t90 but is more pronounced in Chimalpahin’ s work, in part be
cause of the nature of the capital city, in part because Chimalpahin was himself so em
bedded in the Spanish ecclesiastical world. While ethnicity remains an important factor in
the definition and acceptance of localized identities, spectacles and scandals illustrate the
ever-changing boundaries of rivalry and unity, as they cut across ethnic lines. For exam
ple, Chimalpahin’s entries show that localized identities continue to reflect the original
Nahua arrangement of Mexico Tenochtitlan’s four separate and separately functioning
parts, each of them displaying a strong sense of microethnic identity and pride; moreover,
his often condescending remarks regarding Tlatelolco not only reinforce his Tenochca
perspective, but also acknowledge the separate, if clearly inferior, status of that altepetl,
even though from the Spanish point of view it was becoming just another part of the
colonial City of Mexico. And Chimalpahin gives us examples of pride and separatist
tendencies among Mexica entities far smaller than the four great districts.
In his few explicit statements about his motives for writing his contemporary annals,
Chimalpahin tends to stress the need to convey to future generations how things in the
altepetl were in his day. He wants future citizens to know and be amazed that the area
around the church of San Ant6n, by their time well developed, had in his been almost a
lake; he thinks they will need to know that there had been such a figure as a particular
Jesuit savant whom Chimalpahin and many others admired. 13 If we look at his writing
itself as mute evidence on this point, over and above the traditional annalist’s stance we
can detect a reporter’s urge to portray unusual events vividly, as with the great earthquake
or the arrival of the Japanese. 14 We also find him intent on explaining to indigenous
12. Pp. 300-03.
13. Pp. 258-59 (San Anton), 284-87 (Jesuit).
people and even to himself new Spanish or European lore that has just been relayed to
him by some Spaniard, generally an ecclesiastic, as in his discussion of the mechanics of
the solar eclipses just alluded to, or in his treatise on the order of San Antonio Abad. 15
In the long run the serious reader of this large portion of Chimalpahin’ s work will
learn how his qualities are reflected, if sometimes subtly, in virtually all parts of it. At
first the reader may get an ultimately false impression of an endless series of short,
trivial, uncommunicative entries. Until one acquires the background and then develops the
sensitivities needed to appreciate such material fully, it can be helpful to concentrate on
some of the more spectacular passages in the work, where Chimalpahin’s qualities are
more immediately evident. Some of the outstanding examples are the already mentioned
earthquake account (pp. 186-93) and the descriptions of the Japanese (pp. 170-73, 272-
77);16 others include the funeral procession of Archbishop Guerra (pp. 200-11), the tales
related to an alleged uprising by those of African descent (214-25), and two accounts
about women who opposed the erection of crosses and were miraculously struck down
(pp. 250-57). First reactions may vary to the description of the solar eclipse (176-85) and
the accounts of water channeling projects (96-107, passim, and 292-95).
Processions and other public events in Mexico City play such a role in Chimalpahin
that one gains a better sense of things if one knows the general layout of the Mexico City
of his time, especially the location of churches and public buildings. With no ,attempt to
be exhaustive, we have provided a map which we hope will be of use to the reader.
We have done our best in the English translation to give the reader most of the content
and a good deal of the flavor of the Nahuatl original. Something that cannot easily be
conveyed in a translation is the way that Chimalpahin used Spanish loanwords in his
Nahuatl original; only a survey of the transcription of the original will give one a full
sense of how Chimalpahin on the one hand was very conversant with a large amount of
Spanish lore and concepts, and the corresponding Spanish luanwur
I I . ‘
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atlatecochcaltechtli atl. auh yn ixquich tlacatl, cochia yncamapa. yn o yuh quimatque.
tlallolini yn cenca chicahuac. mochi tlacatl ye meuhtehuaque yn Icochian yn oncan
cochia, quiyahuac quiquiztehuaque. yn espaiiolcs. yhuan seiiorati. ,an moch iuh quiquiz
tehuaque. y quenin cochia cequintin ,an tlacamisahuia. cequi petlauhtihuitze. yn ithualco
hualquizque. cequintin niman otlihpan. momanaco. yuhquin ma ,a ticepantlahuanque oto
chiuhque. ynic titomauhtia. yn tiquitta calli. quemman in mochi ye pachi.1 yn tlaltitech
ye yauh yehica ceca miyec yn hualtepehuia tell. yn xamitl calticpac nohuian techachan,
tlalii tcpehuia. nohuian ytlacauh yn calli yn tepantli moch cuitlatzayan. yn mane! yacuic
calli yn quin moch omochiuh omoquetz. mochi oc cenca yehuatl, moch itlacauh tzatza
yan, yhuan yn La compaiiia de Jesus. go!esio. teatinos. teopancalli yn icpac ye tetzopqui,
tlaco tzayan. auh yn S. Franco. teopancalli, yuh mihto. omapilli ynic tlallac. auh yn
S.tiago tlatilolco. teopancalli yancuic achi quezquican yn cuitlatzatzayan. yhuan teocal
tepitzitzin ocean yn huetz teocaltepantli. ynic ceccan oncan yn S.ta catalina. ,acatenco.
pachiuh yn capilla. ynic ocean vmpa capoltitlan de los Reyes. auh yn calli. cenca
miyeccan yn pachiuh yn incal espaiioles. in ye huecahua huehuey calli ye netlapacholloc,
yhuan cequi tepantli miyeccan yn huetzico huel tlaltitech ya. no cequi tepan huetz. ye
micohuac cenca achi huel quezquican yn mexico. ye netlapacholoc calli ye micohuac, auh
ynic cenchinampa yn culhuacan yn cuitlahuac. oc cenca vmpa yn ciudad xochimilco yn
tlatlacauh tlaco yxtlapan yn teopancalli 2 yn huel tlaltitech. ahcico, yhuan yuh machiztico,
y nican Me[p. 154]Xico, yn ompa motlapachoque. matlactli tlacatl. yn inchachan yn incal
ynpan pachiuh yn oncan cochia. yn hue! niman micque. yn amo moyolcuititihui, yhuan
teocaltepitzitzin. achi quezquican, yn ompa xixitin yn pahpachiuh yea tlallolinaliztli,
cenca hue! temamauhti. ynic mochiuh yhuan tetlaocolti tlatzatziztlehua yniqu iuh topan
ye mochihua, ,a hue! yayatimani tlalli, aocmo hue! titoquetzaya. ,a tihuetztihuetzia yn
titoquetzaya. Imel yuh ypan ncmachoc ca ye ye tlami n cemanahuatl, mochi tlacatl. aocac
quilnamiquia yn tleyn cecenyaca cecentlacatl ychachan quimopiallia. yn teocuitlatl yn
tlatquitl. moch callitic mocauhtiquiz. aocac conittac. aocac conmocuitlahui. ynic chollolo
huac. ynic necholtiloc quiyahuac. yn ohtlipan, yn ixquichcauh manca tlallolinaliztli,
yhuan miyec tlacatl mococo. ynic tlayohuayan chollohuaya. ynic hualquiztiquizque.
ynchachan espaiiolesme auh ,an tel hue! achitonca yn onmanca. tlallolinaliztli ca niman
quiz. yece ye omihto hue! temamauhti. ynic manca ynic onmochiuh, auh yn otlathuic yn
o hue! tlanez. ye niman moch nez. yttaloc. yhua moch machiztic yn ixquich tlamantli
oquitlaco. tlallolinaliztli. ynic nohuian nican yhtic ciudad Mexico, yhuan ,an ya yhui
nemauhtilotoc, ,a ticmahmaticate 3 yn iuh omochiuh tlallolinaliz. 4 yey tzilli yohuac.
yuhquin ipan titomati, ,a yayatimani n tlalli. yuhqul ma ye oc ceppa mochihuaz. yn iuh
nemachotoc, auh yn o yuh tlathuic yn ipan in omoteneuh cemilhuitl viernes. atle
conmotequipachilhui. yn tlahtohuani Don fray Garcia Guerra. ar,obispo Mexico. yhua
visurrey mochiuhtzinotica, atle conmitlahui, [p. 155] Yn ma tlatlatlauhtilo. yn ma no,o
tlayahuallolo ma mihto letania. yn ipampa yuh omochiuh cenca temamauhti tlallo
linaliztli, yehica ca yuh yntech ca huey tenahuatili hue! yntequitzin yn maca ,a ychca-
1. For “pachihui.”
2. Possibly the reference is to the main church of Xochimilco only’. Indeed, it is un
clear how much of the immediately following refers to Xochimilco specifically, how
much to the whole chinampa district.
3. The sense of mamati (presumably mahmati) in Molina has to do with various kinds
1611 189
sleeping in their beds. When they realized there was a very strong earthquake, they all got
up and ran out of the bedrooms where they were sleeping and hurriedly came out.side.
The Spanish men and women too all quickly came out just as they had been sleeping.
Some were just in shirts, some came out naked into the patios, some then came out into
the road. It was as though we had all gotten drunk, we were so afraid when we saw how
houses were all collapsing 1 and falling to the ground, for in people’s homes everywhere
much stone, adobe, and earth came falling in various directions from the tops of the
houses. The houses were damaged everywhere; the walls all ripped open even if they were
new houses just built; those especially were all damaged and cracked. And at the Theatine
college of the Company of Jesus, the stone vaulting above the church ripped in two, and
the Franciscan church, as was said, sank into the earth a distance of two inches; and the
new church in Santiago Tlatelolco cracked in quite a few places; and the walls of two
small churches fell; at the first one, Santa Catalina <;:acatenco, the chapel collapsed; the
other one was at Capoltitlan de las Reyes. And in very many places houses of Spaniards,
old and large houses, collapsed, covering people underneath. And some walls in many
places came falling down all the way to the ground; some also fell on people, from which
there were fatalities. In quite a few places in Mexico people were buried in houses and died
from it. And in the whole chinampa district, in Colhuacan and Cuitlahuac and especially
in the city of Xochimilco, there was damage. The churches 2 broke in half and fell right to
the ground. And it came to be known here in Mexico [p. 154] that ten people were buried
there, at their homes, when their houses collapsed on them where they were sleeping,
who died right away without confession. And small churches in quite a few places there
fell in and collapsed with the shaking of the earth. What happened was very frightening
and pitiful; cries arose that such a thing should happen to us; the earth went this way and
that and we could not stand, we would quickly fall down when we stood up, and people
really thought that the world was ending. No one remembered what money and property
each person had in his house, everything was left inside the house, no one looked at it or
saw after it while fleeing; everyone fled outside into the road as long as the earthquake
lasted, and many people were hurt running out into the night, as the Spaniards came
rushing out of their homes. But the earthquake lasted for only a very little while. Right
away it stopped, but as was said, it was very frightening when it happened and while it
lasted. When dawn came and it got fully light, everything appeared and was seen, and all
the different things that the earthquake had damaged everywhere here inside the city of
Mexico became known. People were frightened, and we [feared?]3 that as the earthquake 4
happened at 3 o'clock at night and we thought the earth was going this way and that, it
may happen again, as people think. And after dawn came on the said day of Friday,
nothing worried the ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, who is appointed archbishop in Mexico
and viceroy; he did not say [p. 155] that there should be prayers or processions or that a
litany should be said because such a very frightening earthquake had taken place. For such
is the great obligation incumbent upon [priests]. It is really their duty; they are not just
of shame and embarrassment, but this form seems somewhat different. It is not clear
which parts of this sentence refer to what happened the night before and which parts to the
feared recurrence, but there is no doubt that people were worrying that the same thing
would happen again.
4. For "tlallolinaliztli."
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–~-~~—–~————- –
pixque ca ychcapixque. 1 yn obisposme. yn arc;obisposme yn ihquac yuh tley tepan
mochihua yn. yn cenca temamauhti, tey,ahui yn oquic tzonteconti, moteyacanillia mote
pachilhuia yn ipan Sancta iglesia. ca yehuantzitzin. achtopa tzatzizque. quiteylhuizque. ye
tenemachtizque. yn tleyn. yn catlehuatl huel monequi, yn tlatlatlauhtiliztli yn tlama
cehualiztli yn tlayahualoliztli quichihuazque, yn imichcahuan, yn intlapacholhuan, yn
altepehuaque, achtopa yehuantin yntech hualpehuaz y tlahtoque yn tlamacehualiztli, ynic
yntech quittazque quintocatiqui,azque, yn incuitlapilhuan, yn imatlapalhuan, ynic tlama
cehualiztica ynic choquiztica tlaocoyaliztica ne<;ahualiztica quimoyolcehuilizque, yn tt
Dias. yn ipampa, ac;o totlacocol 2 ypapa, ac;o yquallanticatzinco, yn mochihua, yn tley
tepan mochihua yn a,o cocoliztli yn ano<;o ytla oc centlamantli, yn c;a<;o quenami yn
temamauhti, yn tey<;ahui yn c;ac;o campa yuh tepan mochihua, yn iuh axcan nican Me
xico, o topan mochiuh, auh yn ipa pani. yn iuh nican o topan mochiuh axcan. atle ypa
oquimottili, amo quimomauhtilli. yn tlahtohuani Don fr. Garcia Guerra. ar,oopo. visu
rrey. ye motlanahuatilli ynic quaquamiminaloz. yxpantzinco. yn oncan tecpan palacio
corral. yehica ca huel ipactzin, yn quaquanmiminaliztli, ynic oncan cenquixohuac netepan
caltemaloc, in ye tlamiminalo. yn ipan in cemilhuitl viernes. oncan cenquizque yn tlahto
que [p. 156] Yn audiencia real tlaca oncan ytlantzinco cepanpacticate. yn ar,oopo visurrey.
yn quaquauhtlatlachia. ynic oncan oc ceppa ynpa omochiuh tlallolinaliztli, ye teotlac ypan
yey tzillini. ynic oppa omochiuh ye mocuep. ye oquiz yn tlallolinaliztli. auh macihui yn
chicahuac o no nicuel mochiuh aocmo cenca yxquich ye chicahuac yn iuh achto yohuac
omochiuh, ca ,a onquiztiquiz. c;a quexquich ynic tlatlaco, yhquac cuitlatlacotzayan, yn
iteopancaltzin S Juan bapta, Moyotlan, y motenehua S. Juan de La penitencia, yhuan no
yhquac motlapacho. ypan calli actihuetz. ce senora yhuan ypilhuan amo micque ynic ypa
callitic caltechpa ,an tlamach ynpa monacacicmantihuetzico yn calquahuitl ynic quimo
palehuili tto. Dias. yhuan oncan ycatzinco tlamahuic;olli. quimochihuili yn itla,otzin
Sefior. S. Niculas de tolentino yn ipan senora. yuh mihto, ynin senora yn ihquac oquimah
ye tlallolini, yhua yn oquittac ycal ye ipan huitz. in ye ypa actihuetzi, yn aocmo huel
momaquixtia oncan quimotzatzilili ynic quimopalehuiliz. yuh mochiuh quimopalehuili
ynic amo mic. c;an tlaltitlan yn quiquixtique, ynin iuh mochiuh ye cenca oc hualca ye
omahuic;ohuac yn S. Nicolas. nican mexico, auh·ynic oppa mochihu in tlallolinalizth
teotlac. ye niman tlaocoltzillin nohuian in campanas. yn motenehua tzillin blecarias. yn
izquican Monasterios. mexico ynic ye mochi nohuian tehteopan huel nohuian tlaocoltla
tzilliniloc, yn ipampa tlallolinaliztli vnca achto peuh yn iglesia mayor. tzillin. campanas.
auh yn ipampa yniqu iuh nohuian tlaocoltlatzilliniloc y Mexico. ye cenca tlacox.
motequipacho. yn quicac tlahtohuani arc;oopo. visurrey. ca na<;o huel pacticatca_ [p .. 1_57]
Yntla. yn tlahtoque, yn quaquauhtlatlachia. cenca quitequipacho, yn tlaocoltlatz1lhmhzth
quicac nohuia manioc, ynic tlaocoyalo netequipacholo. nemauhtillo yhua tlatl~uhtilo Y~
uo. Dias. ynic techmopalehuiliz. yehica yn ipan in ye oppa mochiuh tlallolmahzth, on~a
caquiztic. yn tleyn caquiztic, mochi tlacatl yuh quicac. yuhquin ce carreda, chachalcatia.
ynic motlallo, ynic caquiztic, yn campa hualcaquiztic. cuix tlillitic.
cuix noc;o ylhm
cacpa, ca amo huel momati yece huel caquiztic, yn iuhqui ma ytla motlallo, ye no cuel
1. Though the two occurrences of ichcapixque, "sheph':rds," seem to clash with each
other somewhat, the intention is clear: bishops are not ordmary shepherds but caretakers
for their human flocks, widely responsible for them.
2. Apparently "totlacocol" is for "totlahtlacol" or the like, with the wrong syllable re-
1611 191
keepers of sheep. Bishops and archbishops are shepherds' when something like this
happens to people, very frightening and shocking; as long as they are at the head lead and
guide in the holy Church, they are the ones who should first cry out, give ins;ructions,
warn people about things, what and what kind of thing is really needed: that their flock,
thos~ guided by them, the citizens of the altepetl, should perform prayer, penitence, pro
cessions. Pemtence should begin first with the rulers, so that their subjects will see it in
them and follow them, so that by penitence, tears, sorrowing, fasting they will placate
our lord God, because perhaps what is happening to people, disease or something else, or
whatever it should be that is frightening and shocking, wherever such things happen
to people as have happened to us here in Mexico now, happens because of our [sins],2
perha~s through his anger, and is fitting. And because the ruler don fray Garcia Guerra,
archbishop and viceroy, thought nothing of what has happened to us here now and was
not afraid of it, he gave orders that there should be bullfighting in his presence in the
palace corral, because he is a great lover of bullfighting, so that everyone assembled and
went into the corral, where there was bullfighting all day Friday; there the lords judges of
the Royal Audiencia assembled. fp. 156] They were enjoying themselves there together
with the archbishop and viceroy watching the bulls when an earthquake befell them again
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the second time that it happened that the earthquake returned
and broke out. And although it was strong again, it wasn't quite as strong as when it first
took place at night, it just passed quickly and damaged only a few things. At that time the
wall of the church of San Juan Bautista of Moyotlan, called San Juan de la Penitencia,
cracked m two, and also at that time a Spanish woman and her children were buried in a
house_ which fell in; they did not die because the beams of the house just fell gently on
them ms1de the house, at the wall, so that the beams lay sideways, by which our lord God
helped her. The beloved of our lord God the lord San Nicolas de Tolentino in his name
performed a miracle for the Spanish woman. It was said that this woman, when she real
ized the earth was shaking and saw that her house was coming down on her, was falling
m on her and she could no longer be saved, cried out to him to help her. And it came to
pass that he helped her, so that she did not die; they pulled her out from on the ground.
Because this happened, San Nicolas was worshipped even more here in Mexico. Right
after the second time there was an earthquake, in the afternoon, the bells pealed every
where in mourning; they rang for what are called public prayers at all the monasteries in
Mexico. In all the churches absolutely everywhere the bells pealed in mourning because
of the earthquake; they began to ring first at the cathedral. And because of this mournful
pealing of the bells everywhere in Mexico, the ruler, the archbishop and viceroy became
very sad3 and worried when he heard it, for he was really enjoying himself [p. J 57] among
the lords watching the bulls. He was greatly concerned by the pealing of the bells that he
heard spread all around, showing sadness, worry, fear, and prayer to our lord God to aid us,
because during this second time that there was an earthquake, there was a sound, and ev
eryone heard what kind of sound it was; it sounded like a cart grating along; it sounded
like running. Where the sound came from, whether from inside the earth4 or from the sky,
could not be established, but it was heard clearly, as though something were running, so
duplicated. But conceivably it is from cocoa and means "our harmful actions."
3. For "tlayocox."
4. For "tlallitic."
! :
! I
i ' i,r,I
yehuatl ypampa yn cenca nemauhtiloc = auh yece in yehuatzin ar,;oopo visurrey. amo
nima ye mocauhtzino. yn quaquauhtlatlachiaya. macihui n <;a tlaocoxticatca, yn quicaqui
campanas tzillini amo ye tetlacahualti yn tlamiminallo, ,;an iuh yohuac, yn tlamiminaloc,
yece yuh omihto, ,;a mococotiuh. cuel yn callac tecpan yn icochian, ynic tzonquiz qua
quamiminaliztli oncan peuhtica yn, yn c;a mocotinemi1 arc;obispo, yn aocmo pactinemi
yhuan yhquac oncan2 in miyec tlacatl espafioles. yhuan teopixq. ytech quallanque, ynic
amo tle ye topan tlahtohua tlatlauhtiliztli, mochihuaz. yn ipampa yuhqui topan omochiuh
axcan, ye oc ceca oquimonequilti yn pahpactinemiz. ynic quaquanminaloz. yn ipan in
viemes. ye cenca oquimopinahuilique, oc cenca yehuantzitzin inquisidores. ynic c;atepan
oquihualmotlacahualtilique. yn aocmo oncan tlamiminaloz. corral, ye oquixitinique mochi
yn quauhtlatzatzaqualli oncan quimanca. moch oquiquixtique. [p. 158]
y Yn ipan axcan ypehuayan metztli Setiembre de 1611 afios yhquac omachiztico. ohualla
tlahtolli yn ompa espafia. omomiquilli yn liceciado Diego lanterns. ano<;o valderas de
velasco,3 oydor del real consejo, de las indias, yehuatl yn visitador. omochiuhtzinoco,
nican ypan nueua espafia. Mexico. / no ypan in. ytlamian y metztli omoteneuh Y nica
mexico. ohuallaque omentin S. Franco de Paula teopixq. y motenehua Minimos.
y Axcan Sabado. ye .10. mani metztli Setiembre de 1611. a0 s. yhquac pielli omochiuh
yn ilhuitzin ye oquiz. seiior. S. Niculas de Tolentino. S. Augustin teopixqui, Patron
omochiuhtzino. y nican ypan ciudad. Mexico, yn ipampa tlallolinaliztli, omochiuh chi
cahuac, yn omoteneuh tlacpac. ypan metztli Agosto, mochiuh yn onca. quimochihuilli ce
tlamahui,;olli. S. Niculas. yn ipan ce senora. motlapachoca. ca yehuatl ipampa yn yn iqu
intepantlahtocatzin. oquimochihuillique espaiioles. yhua tehuantin timacehualti Mexico.
oc cenca yehuatzin yn tlahtohuani ar,;obispo visurrey ySanctotepantlahtocatzin. oquimo
chihuilli, yn ipampa ,a mococotzinotinemi, huell ipan motlahtolti. ynic pieloz. ytla
,;oylhuitzin, oc macuililhuitl tacizque. yn ilhuitzin yez. yntzontec. 4 oncan audiencia real,
quimocepanhuilique. yn oydoresme ynic Patron mochiuhtzino, yehica amo qui,;aznequi,
yn tlallolinaliztli, ,;an momoztlaye, yn tepitzin. ye tlallolini, ynic ompa hualpeuhtica yn
omoteneuh cenca chicahuac ye tlallolin ynic axcan Sabado, ye matlacpan tlallolini, ,an
moztlatica huiptlatica mochiuhtiuh -
y Axcan Juebes. ye .17. mani metztli Nouiembre de 1611. [p. 159] Afios. hue! ypan
ylhuitzin Sant. Gregorio. tamadorgo. obispo, Patron. yn nica ciudad Mexico. yhquac az
capotzalco. quimacato. possion.5 Juan grande nahuatlahto. yn Don Antonio valeriano
telpochtli, vmpa quicahuato. ynic Juez gouemador vmpa mochihuato, compatlato, D~n
Balthasar mm. vmpa Juez gouernador catca. nican S. Pablo <;oquipan ychan auh ymn
omoteneuh Don Antonio valeriano telpochtli fiscal catca. y nican S. Joseph. S. Franco.
yn onca yehuac ye mohuicac azcapotzalco, ynin telpochtli, yxhuiuhtzin. yn tlacatl huehue
Don Antonio valeriano ychantzinco azcapotzalco. in miyec xihuitl. nican omoJuezgouer
nadortilico, Mexico tenochtitlan, ypiipa yn inamictzin cihuapilli Dofia isabel de aluarado,
yn ichpochtzin catca tlacatl Don diego de aluarado. huanitzin tlahtohuani catca tenoch
titlan. auh ,an tel ychan yn omohuicac azcapotzalco. telpochtli Don Antonio, vmpa
cihuapilli, yn inantzin catca. yhuan yn omotocateneuh ycoltzin catca. vmpa chane.
1. For "mococotinemi."
2. Perhaps the meaning is "at that point," merely reinforcing "when."
1611 193
that everyone was very frightened again because of that. = But the archbishop and viceroy
did not therefore stop watching the bulls then; even though he was sad when he heard the
bells ringing, he did not therefore halt the bullfighting, but the bullfighting kept on until
nightfall. But it was said that he began to get ill as soon as he entered his bedroom in the
palace when the bullfighting ended; at that time it began that the archbishop was con
stantly sick 1 and no longer healthy. And at that time many Spaniards and religious there2
got angry at him because he did not order prayers said for us because of what just hap
pened to us, and especially he wanted to go about enjoying himself with bullfighting on
this Friday, so that they heaped shame on him, especially the inquisitors, so that after
ward they prohibited bullfighting in the corral any longer and tore down all the wooden
enclosures he had set up there; they removed them all. [p. 158]
y Today, at the beginning of the month of September of the year 1611, was when it
became known and word came from Spain that licenciado Diego Landeras or Valderas de
Velasco, 3 judge of the Royal Council of the Indies, had passed away. He had come here to
New Spain and Mexico as inspector general. / Also, at the end of the said month two
friars of the order of San Francisco de Paula, called Minimites, came here to Mexico.
y Today, Saturday the 10th of the month of September of the year 1611, was when the
feast day of the lord San Nicolas de Tolentino, an Augustinian friar, was observed and
celebrated. He has become the patron in the city of Mexico here, because in the strong
earthquake that as was mentioned above took place in the month of August, San Nicolas
performed a miracle on a Spanish woman who had been buried [under rubble], and it was
because of this that the Spaniards, along with us commoners, made him their intercessor.
Especially the ruler, the archbishop and viceroy, made him his saintly intercessor, because
he was constantly ill. He spoke strongly in favor of holding his precious feast day five
days before the day was to come. It was by pronouneement4 of the Royal Audiencia, done
by all the civil judges together, that he was made patron, because the earthquakes do not
want to end, every day the earth shakes a little bit. Beginning with the said very strong
earthquake until today, Saturday, the earth has shaken ten times; it happens every day or
every other day. -
Y. Today, Thursday the 17th of the month of November of the year 1611, [p. 159] right
on the feast day of San Gregorio Taumaturgo, bishop, patron here in the city of Mexico,
was when Juan Grande, interpreter, took don Antonio Valeriano the younger to Azca
potzalco to give him possession 5 of office, he having been appointed judge-governor
there. He replaced don Baltasar Martin, who was judge-governor there and is from San
Pablo <;:oquipan here. This said don Antonio Valeriano the younger was fiscal here at San
Josef at San Francisco, and he left there when he went to Azcapotzalco. This young man
is the grandchild of the lord don Antonio Valeriano the elder, from Azcapotzalco, who
served as judge-governor for many years here in Mexico Tenochtitlan, because his spouse
was the lady dofia Isabel de Alvarado, who was the daughter of the lord don Diego de
Alvarado Huanitzin, who was a ruler of Tenochtitlan. Thus don Antonio the younger was
just going home to Azcapotzalco; his mother was a noblewoman there, and his grand
father whose name was mentioned was from there.
3. See pp. 92-93 at n. 6. Here Ch. uses Velasco, apparently the preferred version.
4. It seems that "yntlatzontec" would be required.
5. For "possession" or the like.
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y_ Axcan Martes. ye 29. mani metztli Nouiembre de 1611. afios. yhquac oceppa
cuepque, yn oyahque. yancuic Mexico. yn Padre fray isidro. yn inehuan franC0 faustino
quetzalma,atzin donado. amaquemecan ychan. yn quinmanillico oc cequintin S. Franco
teopixque. yn ompa quinmohuiquillia yancuic Mexico. vmpa motemachtilizque. auh ,an
omacuiltet!Metztico. y nican Mexico tenochtitlan. yn Padre fr. isidro. yn inehuan franc
faustino quetzalma,atzin.
y_ Axcan Junes. ye .19. mani metztli de diziembre de 1611. afios. yhuac opeuh yn omo
man quiyahuitl cehualatl,2 ynic o[p. 160]ceppayauh. yn intech yztac tepetl. yhuan popo
catepetl cenca ye moquimiloque, yn ceppayahuitl, yhuan ynic nohuiampa quauhtla, yn
intech tetepe, nohuian yntech huetz. yn ceppayahuitl. nahuilhuitl yn cenca cehuac ynic
quiyauh ypan Juebes. yn qui,aco cehualatl ynic ceppayauh3
‘l[ iii. tecpatl xihuitl, 1612. afios. nican motla11ique in alklesme Mexico. diego de S.
Franco ychan tequicaltitlan yhuan esteuan ___ ychan S. xpoual. xancopincan azta-
y_ Axcan Sabado. ye 21. mani metztli henero. de 1612. afios yhquac notificacion, oqui
chihuillito. S. Joseph, S. Franco yn fray Jeronimo de ,arate. capellan S. Joseph. yehuatl
oncan notificacion quichihuillico, yn sefior franc0 franco, escriuano audiencia real, yntla
nahuatilticatzinco yn sefiores. oydoresme. yn iuh mochiuh ypampa quiteylhui yn Maria
lupez. chocolanamacac. 5 tetzcoco ycha yece nican Mexico tlatilco. omochantico. ye nican
moyotlan ponhui. auh ynic quiteylhui fra6 Jeronimo de ,arate, yn Maria lupez. ypampa
ynamic yn itoca Juan perez. quipinauhti ypan domingo yn 5ca catca ye ychicomeyoc S.
Joseph temimiltitech quiquetz. ,an petlauhticaca. auh achi cocoxqui. yn oncan ytlana
huatiltica tothatzin. quimecahuitecque. yhquac quicauhque. yn ,a yuhqui micqui. yn
o,otlahuac. Mecatica, yhuan [p, 161] Yea temachti, quihto yn ipan bulpito ca oquipopo
lo miec tomines, cofradia huentli yhuan ye niman teilpiloyan quihualtehuicalti quitza
cuaco. ynic niman quixtlahualtiaya, auh yn icihuauh amo yxpan auh yn ihquac oylhuiloc
yn oquimatqui yn iuhqui ypan omochiuh ynamic ye cenca cuallan motequipacho yn
mecahuitecoc ynic niman ypampa audiencia real omoteylhuito, no yhuan mocepante
ilhuito oc omentin ce Sachristian nemi ytoca Joseph Gomez. ynic ome cihuatzintli ytoca
Maria gostan9a. ,an no yuhqui ynpan quichiuh quinpinauhti teyxpan quinquetz. quin
pepetlauh yn Joseph Gomez ye teyxpan quiquetz quipepetlauh quiteyttiti quimecahuitec
,an quinananquilli yea oncamatl tlahtolli, auh in Maria Gostan,a ynic teyxpan quiquetz
quiteyttiti quipepetlauh ychichihual pani catca ,an ipampa ychan canato yn ipan o
moteneuh Domingo II quill amo missa quicaquito teopan S. Joseph. auh amo quin iyopa
inceltin yuh ynpan quichihu in yn ixquich ica nican ye hualca11ac Mexico. ca mochi
tlacatl yuh ypan quichihuaya. yn Mexica tenochca Moyoteca yehica in tleyn ,an tepiton
no,o huey ye contequipachohuaya quicuallaniaya fr. Jeronimo de ,arate ca niman quinpi
nauhtiaya teyxpan quinquetzaya yhuan oc cequi miec tlamantli in quichihuaya in nica ye
tlatoliniaya. in cequi ca hue! tetlatlacoltica in tepinauhtiaya ynic teyxpan tequetzaya.
1. Presumably for “oc ceppa.”
2. Cehualatl momana is in Molina in the Spanish section, under “Bouer gran espacio
de tiempo,” but several other terms are also there, some of which have more connotations
than just length. By its roots and the context here cehualatl apparently also refers to a cold
or freezing rain. See also pp. 240-41 at n. 1.
1611-1612 195
Y Today, Tuesday the 29th of the month of November of the year 1611, was when father
fray Isidro, together with Francisco Faustino Quetzalma,atzin, lay brother from Ama
quemecan, they having gone to New Mexico, returned again. 1 They came to get other
Franciscan friars to accompany them to New Mexico to preach there. Father fray Isidro
together with Francisco Faustino Quetzalma,atzin spent only five months here in Mexico
y_ Today, Monday the 19th of the month of December of the year 1611, was when a
persistent rain2 began to set in, and [p. 160] on Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl it snowed;
they were wrapped in a great deal of snow, and snow fell all around in the forests on the
mountains. For four days there was a very cold rain; on Thursday the cold rain came to an
end [and it snowed?].3
‘ll 3 Flint Year, 1612. Here were installed the alcaldes in Mexico, Diego de San Francisco
from Tequicaltitlan and Esteban ___ from San Cristobal Xancopincan Aztacalco,4
y_ Today, Saturday the 21st of the month of January of the year 1612, was when they
went t~ San Josef at San Francisco to make a notification to fray Geronimo de Zarate,
chaplam at San Josef; the one who came to notify him there was senor Francisco Franco,
notary of the Royal Audiencia. It was done at the order of the lords judges of the Audien
cia because of a complaint against him made by Marfa L6pez, chocolate 5 seller, who is
from Tetzcoco but came here to .\1exico Tlatilco to make her home and now belongs to
Moyotlan. She complained of fray6 Ger6nimo de Zarate because he shamed her spouse
named Juan Perez on Sunday a week after [the feast day of] San Josef; he stood him up
against a stone pillar, naked and quite ill, where by the order of our father they gave him a
lashing. At that time they left him almost dead, having fainted from the lashing. And [p.
161] he preached about him, he said in the pulpit that he dissipated much money that had
been offered to the cofradfa, and then he had people take him to jail and lock him up, so
that he would pay it back. This happened when his wife was not present, and when she
was told and found out what had happened to her spouse, she got very angry and was
worried about his having been given a lashing, so that she went right away to the Royal
Audiencia to make a complaint about it. And also two others went jointly to make
complaint; one works as a sacristan, named Josef G6mez, and the second is a woman
named Marfa Constanza. He did the same thing to them, shamed them in public, standing
them up and stripping them. Josef Gomez he publicly stood up, stripped, displayed, and
gave a lashing just because he talked back with a few words. And Marfa Constanza he
publicly stood up, displayed, stripped; her breasts were exposed. The reason they went to
pick her up at her home on the said Sunday was just that // they say she didn’t go to hear
mass at the church of San Josef. This was not the first time, they were not the only ones
to whom he did such things in the time since he entered Mexico here, for he treated all the
Mexica Tenochca Moyoteca that way, because when they caused fray Ger6nimo de Zarate
concern or angered him about something whether little or big, he right away shamed
3. Or on Thursday the cold rain accompanied by snow ended?
4. Space was left for more.
5. The form chocola- is probably borrowed back into Nahuatl from Spanish.
6. For “fray.”
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porbito quihtohuaya ypan Sermon in tleyn tetlatlacol oquitemachili yn a,o pinahuiztic
yhuan yn mane! camo pinahuiztic mochi oncan quihtohuaya yn ipan porbito, quite
caquitiaya yn ipan Sermon. yuhqui ma yehuatl Justicia mayor yhuan yuhquin quisidor
mochiuhticatca mochi quimotequitiaya in huehuey Justiciatequitl, yn amoyac oc ce teo
pixqui yuhqui nican oquichihuaco yn izqui’tin ye quihualpia quihualmocuitlahuia capilla
S. Joseph. [p. 162] Yhuan tecalnamacaya yn miccacalli yn canin mani tlatlaxillacalpan
mochi quitemohuaya yea tlatlania yntla oquilhuito canin mani niman quitequixtiliaya qui
namacaya intlanel camo teopan pouhqui. intlanel oncate nemaqueque yn huel tepilhuan
ahno,o teyxhuihuan atle ypan quimonpohuaya atle ypan quimittaya huel quincuiliaya yn
incal quinhualquixtiaya quinnamaquiliaya yn ipatiuh ,an mochi quicuiya fr. Jeronimo de
garate quihtohuaya missas ye niquinchihuiliz in mimicque auh ayac quittaya yhua ayac
quimatiaya in quenin quitechihuiliaya miccamissa. yhua anotle ytla oncan quinmacaya yn
axcahuaque tlatquihuaque. yhuan huel mochi quitemohuaya in testamentos quittaya yniqu
itech quimatia in tleyn cecenmimicque oquixexelotiaque auh yntla oquimah mopia tes
tamento ytlacamo quititiznequi ytlacamo yhciuhca connextiaya yxpan ca ye teylpilloyan
tetzacuaya no ye tepinauhtiaya. ynic ,a no nepanol I onmoztlacahuiaya Mexica yn aquin
tleyn quitemachilia. conilhuitimani connextilia y fray Jeronimo de ,arate ynic huel
quitemoz ynic hue! quitechihualtiz pani motlaliz neciz quinextilizque yn ,ago tley ytech
quittaya testamentos yn miccatlatquitl in mane! cenca ye quezqui xihuitl omomiquilli
micqui, intlanel ye omoneltilili ytlahtol in tlein ytestamento ytech oquitlalitia yn imic
canenahuatil oc ceppa moch quitemohuaya quiteyxtlahualtiaya. 0 ca yehuatl in ynic cenca
tlatoliniaya omoteneuh Padre fr. Jeronimo de ,arate ayac tle ypan quittaya in Mexica yhuii
cequi espafioles ayac tle ypan quittaya y mane! tley ye tepampa quitlatlauhtiaya. yhuan oc
cequi miec tlamatli yn oquichihuaya yn intolliniloca mexica. amo huel mochi nican
mihtoz motenehuaz ca cenca miec tlamantli [p. 163] Yn tepan quichihuaya amo moneqm
moch mihtoz. ago qualli ahno,o amo cualli. ma ,an icel ye quimomaquiliz cuenta in tt
Dios. macamo ytalhuillo ma ,an motelchihua quiyocolli 2 yehuatl quimati cane! teopixqui
ytetzinco pouhqui in u 0 . dios. ca tel yxpantzinco yxcoyan ye cuenta quimomaquiliz yn
ihquac momiquiliz. auh yniqu iuhqui yn ynpan quichihuaya Mexica. ynic quintoliniaya ye
cenca quitlahuelilocamatia auh macihui yn itechpa quallania tottatzin mexica. yn iqu iuh
quinchihuaya yece ,an quihiyohuiaya ,an intech quipachohuaya, ayac hue! motlapalohuaya
in quiteyxpanhuiz quiteilhuiz audiencia real, intlacamo ,an yehuatl huel omotlapalo yn
omoteneuh Maria Lopez. oquiteilhui ymixpantzinco in tlahtoque oydores. oquichiuh yn
iuh mochi omoteneuh ypeticion quicallaqui oncan acuerdo. onca ytech yn ipeticion
quimocaquiltique tlahtoq. mochi yn ixquich tlamantli oncan capilb S. Joseph. quichih~a
ynic tlatollinia moch quimocaquiltique quimomachiltique cenca qmmomauhcaytt1hque. m
tlahtoque ynic niman omotlanahuatilique oydores ynic notificacion ochihuililoto fr. Jero
nimo de ,arate yn axcan ypan omoteneuh Sabado yn oncan capilla San Joseph. ynic a
ocmo oncan ytequiuh yez capilla callaquiz callihtic motzacuaz conuento aocmo yehuatl
I. For “nepanotl.” .
2. The phrase ma motelchihua is usually an exhortation that a not10n or propo_sal
should be rejected in favor of another: We have speculative!~, translated t~e puzzhng
“quiyocolli” as though it were the reflexive yocoya (see Mohna, yocoya.mno ).
1612 197
them, stood them up in public, and did many other lhings here by which he mistreated
everyone. In some cases it was for real sins that he would shame people and stand them
up in public; he would say in the pulpit during the sermon what sins of people he had
found out about. Whether something was shameful or not shameful, he would say it all
in !he pulpit, he would announce it in the sermon, as though he had been appointed chief
justice or inquisitor. He took all the great duties of justice upon himself, as no other friar
of all those who came here to be in charge of and talce care of the chapel of San Josef did.
[p. 162] And he would sell people’s houses, the houses of the deceased that are in the
various tlaxilacalli; he sought it all out and asked about it. If they told him where it was,
he would right away take it from people and sell it, even if it did not belong to the
church, and even if there were heirs who were truly the children or grandchildren, he would
ignore them and consider them as nothing. He would actually take their houses from
them, remove them from them and sell them away from them. Fray Ger6nimo de Zarate
would take all the money they were sold for, saying, “With it I will perform masses for
the deceased.” But no one saw or found out !hat he was performing masses for the dead,
nor did he give anything to the property owners. He searched out absolutely all of the
testaments; he inspected them so that he found out from them what each of the deceased
distributed on dying. And ifhe found out that a testament was in people’s custody, if they
didn’t want to show it to him, if !hey didn’t quickly produce it in his presence, he would
lock them up in jail and also shame them for it, so that the Mexica would betray each
other; 1 whoever knew something about someone would tell and reveal it to fray
Geronimo de Zarate, so that he could seek it, could have people make it come to the
surface and appear and they would reveal it to him. Whatever he saw in testaments in the
way of property of the deceased, even though the deceased had passed away quite a few
years ago, even though his command had already been carried out, he sought out whatever
the testator had ordered in his testament and made people pay it a second time. This then
is how the said father fray Geronimo de Zarate greatly mistreated everyone; he thought
nothing of the Mexica, and he thought nothing of some Spaniards, even when they
implored him on someone’s behalf about something. All of the many other things that he
did to mistreat the Mexica cannot be said and told here, for there were a great many lhings
[p. 163] that he did to people. It is not necessary to say it all, whether good or bad; let
him alone give an accounting to our lord God. Let him not be talked about, forget about
that. He did it of his own accord; 2 he is responsible, for he is a friar, he is dedicated to our
lord God, and in his presence he will give an accounting to him himself when he dies.
Because he did such lhings to the Mexica and mistreated them, !hey thought him very
evil, but although the Mexica were angry about our father because he treated them like
this, they had patience with him, they kept it inside, no one dared to make it public and
make complaint to the Royal Audiencia, if it hadn’t been for the said Marfa Lopez, who
was so bold as to accuse him before the lords judges of the Audiencia. She did all the
things aforementioned; she entered a petition when the court was in deliberation, and in
her petition she announced to the judges all the different things that he did at the chapel
of San Josef to mistreat everyone. The lords heard and found out about all of it, and saw
it as a very frightful thing, so that right away the judges ordered that someone go and
notify fray Geronimo de Zarate today on the said Saturday at the chapel of San Josef that
his duty would no longer be at the chapel. He was to go inside the monastery, shut
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quinmocuitlahuiz in Mexica. yhua ynic aocmo yuhqui quichihuaz tetolliniliztli tepinauh
tiliztli yn temecahuitequiliztli yn iuh ynpan quichihuaya mexica yn necito tlacpac huel
yxquich tlamantli quicahualtique ynic aocmo tepinauhtiz ynic aocmo temecahuitequiz ynic
aocmo teyxpan tequetzaz, auh ye quipenatique ynic ,an tzauhtiaz callihtic conuento yhcuac
amo nican catca mexico yn commissario. quauhtemalan mohuicac, yhuan yn prouincial
amo no nican mexico moyetzticat[p. 164]ca nohuiyan altepetl ypan mohuicac visita qui
mochihuilito. auh yece in yehuatl omoteneuh fr. Jeronimo de 9arate. ca ,an quexquichcauh
,an quezquilhuitl ynic huel onmocauhca yn. ynic aocmo tle ye quintollini mexica <;a mo
cauhticatca yece amo no ye quicauh in capilla S. Joseph. i;an ya yehuatl oncan mocauh.
yniqu itequiuh capillero mochiuhticatca -//-
v Axcan Junes ye .30. mani Metztli henero de 1612. afios. yhcuac oncan Sancto Domingo
~eotlac otlayahualoloc ypampatzinco nemecahuitecoc in teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fr.
Garcia Guerra ari;obispo visurrey. ynic cenca mococotzinoticatca momiquiliznequi, yn
quimococolhuia postema ytzcaltzinco motlalli, auh yn omoteneuh ye tlayahualoloc ye
huatzin oquimotlayahuallochtilique quimoquixtilique yn christo ymiquiliztzi in quimo
temohuilitihui quimotoquilitihui mochipa ypan viernes Sancto. y monoltitiuh andasco
quimonapalhuitiaque in Sancto Domingo teopixque. yn icatzinco tlatlatlauhtiloc ari;obis
po visurrey ynic quimopahtiliz quimoquechiliz tt0 . dios. ynic amo quimotlatlatiliz quimo
mictiliz. auh yn omoteneuh ye tlayahualoloc ynic hualquixohuac S: Dommgo teopan ye
niman oncan hualhuilohuac yn iglesia mayor. quimoquixtilico yn inetoquiliz yxiptlatzin
xpo. ye niman quimohuiquilique quimoquixtilito yn la casa professa. anoi;o_ S~n lgnaci~.
nimann ic quimohuiquilique quimoquixtilito S. Franco. ye niman quimohmqmhque qm
moquixtilito visitacion monjas ynic quimocuepilique ye niman huillohuac quimo~
quixtilito concepcion monjas. ayoticpac, ye niman quimohuiquilique quixohuato S.
o monjas. ye niman oc ceppa vmpa quimocallaquillito quimocahuilito yn teopan S.
Domingo, auh no yhui yn izquican teopa monasterios yn oncan moyetzticate teopixque
frayles [p. 165] hue! yzquican no ypampatzinco tlatlatlauhtiloc, yn omoteneuhtzmo t~o
yotica tlahtohuani ari;obispo, auh i;a no yhui yn izquican teopan mona_stenos mon~as
tlatlatlauhtiloc huel ce semana yn izquican mixtlapohuiltiticatca Sanct!sstmo Sacrameto
cecemilhuitl ynic amo momiquiliz. i;an quimochicahuiliz in tt0
• Dios. II auh niman yn
ichicomeyoc yn ipan Domingo ynic .5. mani metztli febrero, ye yohua yn oquimotla
polhuilique postema yn omoteneuh motlalli ytzcaltzinco ar9obispo. in quimococolhuia
temalli yn oncan hualquiz. yevatl ynic momiquiliznequi -
y Axcan Domingo ye .12. mani metztli febrero de 1612 afios. yhcuac ye otzonquiz mis'.a
huey yn oncan capilla S. Joseph S. Franco. oc achto tetzacualloc amoyac huel hualqmz
quiyahuac, auh yn ihcuac ye otzacualloc ye nima callihticpa yn hualquiz fr. Jeronim_o de
i;arate, omopepetlauh mecatl yn iquechtlan oquitlalli ye oquihualtititztia yn oncan fiscal
ye niman altar mayor omotlancuaquetzato yn tottatzin chocatia, quihtotia m~camo
ximotequipachocan yn anMexica. cane! aocmo anquimottitillani yn tell yn quahmtl, ma
nehua nictzacua ynic niman oncan ayah in temimiltitech yn oncan otequetzaya yn
otepinauhtiaya huel quinahuatequito yn temimilli oncan ye mohuitequi quilhuia fiscal
1612 199
himself up there, and no longer take care of the Mexica. No longer was he to perform
such mistreatment, shaming, and lashings as he had been inflicting on the Mexica, which
appeared above. They stopped him from doing absolutely all the different things, so that
he would no longer shame people, give them lashings, or stand them up in public. And
they set a fine for him so that he would stay closed up inside the monastery. The
commissary was not here in Mexico at that time, having gone to Guatemala, and the
provincial head was not here in Mexico either; [p. 164] be had gone to the various altepetl
all around, carrying out an inspection. But it was only for a little while, a few days, that
the said fray Geronimo de Zarate really stopped mistreating the Mexica in some way. He
was stopped for the time being, but he did not therefore leave the chapel of San Josef, he
was only prevented from holding the post of chaplain that he had been appointed to.
y Today, Monday the 30th of the month of January of the year 1612, was when there was
a procession at Santo Domingo in the afternoon; there was flagellation on account of the
spiritual ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, archbishop and viceroy, since he was very sick and
on the point of death. An abscess that settled in his right side was hurting him. And for
the said procession they took around and brought out the Death of Christ, which they
always take down and follow on Good Friday, which lies on a carrying platform. The
Dominican friars bore it; they were asked to in the name of the archbishop and viceroy, so
that our lord God would heal him and raise him up, so he would not efface him and cause
his death. And as to how the said procession went, when they came out of the church of
Santo Domingo, they came and passed by the cathedral with the image of the burial of
Christ; then they took it and passed by the Casa Profesa, or San Ignacio; then they took
it and passed by San Francisco; then they took it and passed by the nunnery of the
Visitacion, where they turned it around, then went and passed by the nunnery of the
Concepcion at Ayoticpac with it; then they took it and passed by the nunnery of San
L~ren~o; then they once again delivered it to and put it in the church of Santo Domingo.
L1kew1se m all the monastery churches, where the friars are, [p. 165] in each one there
were also prayers on behalf of the said spiritual ruler, the archbishop, and likewise there
were prayers in all the nunnery churches. For a whole week the most Holy Sacrament was
open to view every day so that he would not die, but rather our lord God would give him
health.// Then on the seventh day [after the procession], on Sunday the 5th of the month
of February, at night, they opened the abscess which as mentioned had settled in the
archbishop's right side and was hurting him; pus came out of it; for that reason he was at
the point of death. -
Y Today, Sunday the 12th of the month of February of the year 1612, was when, the high
mass at the chapel of San Josef at San Francisco having finished, people were shut in for
a while; no one could come outside. And when people were closed in, then fray Geronimo
de Zarate came out from inside the building, stripped, with a rope placed at his neck, by
which the fiscal there went pulling him until he knelt at the main altar. Our father went
weeping, saying, "Do not worry, Mexica, for you will no longer be shown castigation;
let me pay for it." Then he went next to the stone column where he used to stand people
up and shame them and put his arms all the way around the column where people were
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xinechhuitequi. auh yn fiscal amo tlapalohuaya 1 in quihuitequiz. ynic c;an iyoma yehuatl
ya mohuitequi tottatzin ye cenca ycahuacaque in Mexica yn quittaij. c;an ic micahuique
quihtoque tleyca yn iuh quimochihuilia yn tottatzin auh c;an quitlacahualtique yn tottatzin
fr. Jeronimo de c;arate ynic amo yuhqui quichihuaz c;a caantiaque in callihtic quicallaquique
yn ihcuac yn yuhqui quichiuh cenca mochicahua quiteylhuia audiencia real yn Maria
Lopez. yece c;an concahuaco yn ineteylhuil. amo quitzonquixti, ynic no niman [p. 166]
Oc ceppa quipehualti omoteneuh fr. Jeronimo de c;arate in ye tlatollinia in ye tepinauhtia
yn iuh omoteneuh achtopa quichihuaya.
y Axcan miercoles ynic .22. mani Metztli febrero de 1612. a0 s. yhcuac omomiquilli in
yecmahuizticatlacatzintli teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fray Garcia Guerra arcobispo
yva visurrey omochiuhtzinoticatca in nican yhua yn moch ic nohuiya nueua espafia
teopixqui S. Domingo. ce tzilini ypan tlaco hara. tlacah yn opeuh ye tzilini ymiccatepoz
tzin nohuiyan monasteries. auh ynic teoyotica tlahtohuani ynic arc;obispo omoyetzticatca
Mexico, yexihuitl ypan nauhtetl Metztli ypa cenpohuallonnahui tonatiuh yn axcan ypan
ye omomiquillico. auh ynic tlalticpacayotica omotlahtocatilli ynic visurrei omochiuh
tzinoticatca. c;an chicuetetl Metztli ypan nahuilhuitl yn axcan ypan ye cemilhuitl mier
coles omomiquillico, yehuatl ye momiquillico yn omoteneuh postema, yn itzcaltzinco
quimotlapohuilique. auh hue! mochi tlacatl yuh quihto yn teopixque yhuan espafioles. ca
c;an yehuantin quimomictilique in medigos yn iticitzitzinhuan quimopahtiliaya omentin
yn espafioles yn ce vmpa quihualmohuiquilli yn espafia ytoca Doctor pineda. auh ynic
ome amo hue! momati yn itoca Doctor.
y Auh ye quin Sabado axcan ynic .25. mani Metztli febrero de 1612. afios. yn otococ
ynacayotzin yehuatzin teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fray Garcia Guerra arc;obispo Mexico
yhuan vi surrey. ometzticatca. Oc onahuilhuiti yn oonoca ynacayotzin yn oncan Capilla
palacio. c;aniuh chichiuhtoya yea in teoyotica ytlahtocateopixcanechichihualtzin yn
motenehua ornametos. pontificales. yn imitratzin yhuan casulla morada yhuan [p. 167]
Yn itopiltzin baculo, quimotquilitoya, yhuan in cruz quimoyacaniliaya ynic arc;obispo
ycxitlantzinco yxpantzinco yhcaya. yhuan yn oc cequi tlamantli ytlahtocamahuizc;otzin
ynic visurrey. moyetzticatca moch on can catca ytlantzinco, oncan mochi tlacatl contenna
miquia yn imatzin, ynic 6can ytechtzinco mocnopilhuiaya onpohualilhuitl yn tecentlapo
polhuiliztli indulgencias. auh yn omoteneuh axca ypan Sabado. yn oquic ayemo quihual
moquixtiliaya ynacayotzin yn oncan monoltitoya Capilla oncan cecen responso, ypantzin
co quimihtalhuito mochintzitzin yn izqui tlamantin nepapan teopixque Mexico onoque,
auh yn ihcuac ye otlanque in ye ixquich niman ye netecpano ynic quixohuaz oncan pa
lacio. ye teotlac, auh yn onetecpanoc ye niman peuh in ye quixohua hue! yei tzilli ypan
tlaco hora, teotlac, auh ynic netecpanoc ynic quixohuac oncan tecpan palacio, hue! tlaya
cac mantiaque in timacehualti mexica, hue! yzquicanpa onca huallaque quihualcencauhque
mochintin yn izquicampa Cofradias. quimopialia Mexica, in S. Juan Moyotlan tlaca,
yhuan S. Pablo teopan tlaca, yhua S. sebastian atzacualco tlaca. yhuan S.ta maria cuepo
pan, yhua in Sanctiago tlatilolco, hue! yzquicampa cecen cruz manca. quihualhuicaque,
yhuan cecen estandarte ahnoc;o vanderra yn izqui ypan Cofradias. mopia hue! yzquican
hualla, auh yehuatin tlayacac mantiaque yn omoteneuhque Mexica ynic oncan quixohuac
1. For "amo motlapalohuaya."
2. For "miyahuique."
1612 201
lashed, and said to the fiscal, "Whip me!" But the fiscal did not dare' whip him, so that
our father began to whip himself on his own, because of which the Mexica who saw it
greatly murmured and were taken aback by it.2 They said, "Why is our father doing that?"
And they restrained our father fray Ger6nimo de Zarate from doing it; various of them
grabbed him and put him in the interior of the building. When this was done Marfa L6pez
was greatly encouraged in her complaint to the Royal Audiencia, but the Audiencia halted
her complaint and did not bring it to a conclusion, so that right away [p. 166] the said
fray Ger6nimo de Zarate began again to treat everyone badly and shame people as was
mentioned that he had done before,
Y Today, Wednesday the 22nd of the month of February of the year 1612, was when the
truly reverend lord the spiritual ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, who was archbishop3 in
Mexico and appointed viceroy here and all over New Spain, Dominican friar, passed away.
At half past 1 o'clock in the daytime the bells began to toll for him in the monasteries
everywhere. Today, on the day he passed away, he had been spiritual ruler and archbishop
in Mexico for 3 years, 4 months, and 24 days. And he had ruled in earthly matters ap
pointed viceroy, for only 8 months and 4 days today on the day of Wednesday wh;n he
passed away. He died of the said abscess that they opened on his right side. Absolutely all
of the religious and Spaniards said that it was just the doctors, his physicians, who killed
him. Two Spaniards were treating him; one he brought here from Spain, named dr. Pine
da, and the name of the other doctor cannot be established.
Y Not until Saturday, today the 25th of the month of February of the year 1612, was the
body of the spiritual ruler don fray Garcfa Guerra, late archbishop in Mexico and viceroy,
buried. First his body had lain for four days in the palace chapel. He was outfitted in his
full normal gear a.s a priestly ruler, called pontifical ornaments: his miter and purple chas
uble, and [p. 167] he lay carrying his staff, the crozier; and the cross that used to precede
him as archbishop stood at his feet, facing him. And all his other ruler's insignia as
viceroy were at his side. Everyone there was kissing his hands, so that thereby they would
attain forty days of general pardon, indulgences. And today, on the said Saturday, before
they had come to remove his body from where it lay in the chapel, all the different groups
of religious who live in Mexico went to say a responsory prayer each for him. And when
they had finished, when it was over, everyone lined up to come out of the palace; it was
afternoon by then. When they had lined up and began to come out, it was fully half past
three o'clock in the afternoon. As to how they were lined up as they came out of the
palace, we Mexica commoners went at the very front. Absolutely all the cofradfas that the
Mexica have for each of the sections came along and had made preparations: the people of
San Juan Moyotlan, the people of San Pablo Teopan, the people of San Sebastian Atza
qualco, Santa Marfa Cuepopan, and Santiago Tlatelolco. Every single one each brought a
decorated cross and a standard or banner, which are kept by each of the cofradfas. They
came from absolutely all the sections, and the said Mexica went in a group at the front as
people came out of the palace. -
3. For "an;obispo."
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tecpan palacio, -
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantin quimontocatiaque in pipiltzitzinti ycnotlaca in huapahuallo S.
Juan de letra in motenehua colegio de los nifios, quihuicaq. yn incruz teocmtlatl plata
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantin quimontocatiaque. yn mulatoti inco[p. 168]fradia quipia
tlayacatitihui // ynic niman yehuantin quim5tocatiaque yn espaiioles. yn izqu\campa_ C~
fradias quipia mexico, c;an tel ye cepanmantiaque yn omoteneuhque mulatot1h, mochmtm
cecen quihuicatiaque yn esdantardes yn invamderra, in ye mochi mocenpohua ymaxca
espafioles cenpohualli. yehuatl tecenpohualca yn iesdantardetzin yn ivamderratzin totlac;o
nantzin S.ta maria nuestra Senora del rosario, c;a tlatocatiuh, yehica ca ya huecahua ca
achto motlalli ynon Cofradia S Domingo catqui, c;a ce in ye mochi omoteneuh cofradias.
,an imamanian in tecpantiaque ynic mantiaque ynic yahtiaque -
y_ Auh ynic no niman yehuantin quimontocatiaque in motenehua hermanos de co~va
lecientes. yn quimocuitlahuia hospital S.t ipolito, ac;o <;an matlactm yn oncan mantrnq. ce
yn cruz manca quihuicaque yhuan ytloc mantia ome ciliares, yhuan ce clerigo yncapellan
capa quitlalitia, yhuan ytloc mantiaque ome diagonos almaticas quitlalitiaque - _ .
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantin quimontocatiaque in c;a no motenehua hermanos yn 1p1l:
huantzitzin Beato Juan de dios. in <;ano quimocuitlalmia hospital desmamparados. ahc;o c;a
quen matlactlomomentin yn oncan mantiaque. ce yn cruz2 manca quihuicaque ytloc man
tia ome ciliares yhuan ce capa quitlalitia. yehuatl in hermano mayor. ahnoc;o fundador.
sacerdote, yhuan ytloc mantiaque ome diagonos almaticas quitlallitiaque. no sacerdotes,
,anno hermanos yn itlatecpampa yn itlac;otzin 11°. Juan de dios. - _ . . . . . .
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in ceca mahmztlhlom yxtlhlom yn
teotlamachilizticatzinco [p. 169] Y n motenehua Teopixque La compai\ia de Jesus. in c;an
quincuitia ye notzallo teatinos, ca amo yehuantzitzin ynnotzalloca ca oc centlamantin vm
pa moyetztica in Roma yhuan Italia in teopixque teatinos. yhuan ye monotza la congre
gacion de Jos Clerigos reglares, ynin ypilhuan huel achto ytlatlalilhuan yn Don Pedro
carrafa obispo vmpa yn ipan altepetl Teatinense. auh ynin obispo c;atepan cardenal omo
chiuh yequene Sancto Padre mochiuhtzinoco quimotocayotitzino yn ipan ye quimocorona
maquilique Paulo Quarto. o yehuatzin in yn intatzin in huel yehuatin teopixque moten:
ehua Teatinos yn ayemo hualmohuica nican ypan nueua espafia, // ma ye teyollo pach1hm
ca oc centlamantintzitzin in ye nican moyetzticatca mexico, yn incatzinco titlahtohua, c;an
hue! yxquich ynotzallocatzin teopixque la compafiia de Jesus. in yehuantzitzin in teo
pixque ac;o hue! yepohuallonmatlactin. yn oncan momaniltitiaque yn omote~euh ye teco
coc atle cruz manca quimohuiquilique, ,aniuh moquixtique <;aniuh mohmcaque yhuan
ano~le capa quimotlalilitiaq. c;aniuh mochintzitzin mantiaque yea yn inc;odanatzin yhuan
inmanteotzin yn iuh mochipa monemiltia - mochintzitzin cecencandelas ymactzinco. -
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in cenca m~huiztililoni teopixque
in motenehua mercenadios, yn itlac;opilhuantzitzinhuan in tohueyc1huatlahtocatecmyo to
tlac;omahuiznantzin Sancta maria las mercedes de la redeption de los cautiuos, ahc;o hue!
onpohualtin yn oncan momaniltitiaque omoteneuh ye tetococ, ce yn cruz manca qm~o
huiquilique ytloc mantia ome ciliares. yhuan ce capa quimotlalilitia
yhuan ytloctzmco
mantiaque ome diagonos almaticas quitlallitiaq. [p. 170]
I. Another possible interpretation is that the mulattoes went as a group (by them
1612 203
Y And next there followed them the orphaned children who are raised at San Juan de
Letran, which is called the Colegio de los Ninos; they took along their small silver cross.
Y Then after them followed the mulattoes who have their cofradfa, [p, 168] going in front
[of the Spaniards].// Then after them followed the Spaniards in all the cofradfas they have
!n Mexico, but they went along in a group with the said mulattoes. 1 They all went carry
mg a standard or banner each. A total of twenty belong to the Spaniards; the twentieth is
the standard and banner of our precious mother Santa Marfa, our lady of the rosary. It
came at the end because it has lasted a long time, for that cofradfa was first established at
Santo Domingo. Each of all the said cofradfas was arranged in line in its place [according
to seniority] as they went along in groups and proceeded. -
Y Then after them followed those called the Brothers of the Convalescents, who take care
of the hospital of San Hip6lito. Perhaps only ten of them went along in a group carrying
a decorated cross; next to it went two processional candlesticks, and a secular priest, their
chaplain, wore a cape, and at his side went two deacons wearing their vestments. -
Y Then after them followed those likewise called Brothers, the children of the beatified
Juan de Dios, who in the same fashion take care of the hospital of Desamparados. Perhaps
about twelve of them went along in a group there, carrying a decorated cross,2 and next to
it went two processional candlesticks. The senior brother or founder, a priest, wore a cape,
and at his side went two deacons wearing their vestments, also priests and likewise broth
ers of the order of the beloved of our lord Juan de Dios. -
Y Then after them followed those who are very much to be revered and respected for their
knowledge of the divinity, [p. 169] called the religious of the Company of Jesus, whom
they acknowledge to be and are called Theatines, but that is not their [t1·ue] appellation,
for residing in Rome and Italy is another group of religious, the Theatines, also called the
congregation of regular priests. They are the children of and were first founded by don
Pedro Caraffa, bishop in the altepetl of Thete, This bishop later became a cardinal, and
finally he came to be made pope. At the time they crowned him he took the name of Paul
IV. He was the father of the religious who are truly called Thea tines, who have not yet
come here to New Spain,// May people's minds be put to rest thereby, for it is a differ
ent group that is here in Mexico and that we are talking about, whose only real appella
tion is religious of the Company of Jesus. Perhaps as many as seventy of these religious
went along there in a group to the said burial; they did not take any decorated cross, they
just came out and went along as they usually are. Nor did they wear capes; they all just
went along as usual with their cassocks and long cloaks, as they always go about, each of
them with a candle in his hand. -
y_ Then after them went following the very reverend friars called Mercedarians, the
precious children of our great queenly lady, our precious revered mother Santa Marfa de las
Mercedes Y de la Redenci6n de los Cautivos. Perhaps a full forty of them went along in a
group to the said burial, taking with them a decorated cross with two processional candle
sticks going beside it; [a priest] went along wearing a cape, 3 and at his side went two
deacons wearing their vestments. [p. 170]
2. !~e or~ginaI coo.Id be interpreted as yncruz, "their cross," rather than yn cruz, "the
cross, m thts case as m several others. 3. See pp. 204-05, n. I.
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y_ Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin. quimonmotoquilitiaque, in cenca mahuiztililoni tlai;oteo
pixque Carmenitas descalsos, in i;a no ytla,opilhuatzitzinhuan in tohuecihuatlahtocate
cuiyo. totlac;omahuiznantzin in moteneuhtzinohua nuestra Sefiora S.ta maria del carme,
amo miequintzitzin ahi;o i;an quen matlactintzitzin yn oncan momaniltitiaque omoteneuh
ye tetococ, auh ,an cuauhcruz tepitzin nepaniuhqui coztic teocuitlayo. tlapallo, in quimo
huiquillique, ytloc mantia ome cuauhciliares, yhuan ce capa quimotlalilitia.
yhuan necoc
ytloctzinco mantiaq. ome diagonos. almaticas quitlalitiaque -
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in cenca mahuiztililoni teopixque
hermitafios. yn itlai;opilhuantzitzinhuan totla,omahuiztatzin S. Augustin. Obispo Hipo
nia huey yteotlamatilizmatcatzin in Sancta yglesia. ahi;o huel nauhpohuallonmatlactin yn
oncan momaniltitiaque omoteneuh ye tetococ. ce yn cruz manca quimohuiquilique necoc
ytloc mantia ome ciliares, yhuan ce capa quimotlalilitia yhuan necoc ytloctzinco man
tiaque ome diagonos. almaticas quitlalitiaque -
y_ Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in ceca mahuiztililoni teopixque
Menores. yn itla,opilhuatzitzinhuan totlai;omahuiztatzin S. Fran° 0 Patriarcha. ahi;o huel
macuilpohuallonmatlactin. yn oncan momaniltitiaque omoteneuh ye tetocac, ,an ic mo
centlamantiliq. i;an ic cenyahque i;an ic cenmomaniltitiaque. in teopixq. descal,os, cane!
i;an ic cen ytlai;opilhuantzitzinhuan yn omoteneuhtzino totla,ottatzin S. Franco, no yhuan
onca [p. 171] Yntlantzinco momaniltitiaque, yeintin teopixque trinidarios in quimopialia
ytech ca ymescapulariotzin yztac ce cruz chichiltic yhuan xoxoctic. in motenehua ytlai;o
pilhuantzitzinhua yn ieytilitzin tt0 • dios. la Sancta Trinidad,.ca no ye notzallo de la Re
demption de captiuos, auh yn omoteneuhtzinoque teopixque S. Fran°
. ce yn cruz manca
quimohuiquilique necoc ytloc mantia ome ciliares, yhua ce capa quimotlalilitia yhuan
necoc ytloctzinco mantiaque. ome diagonos almaticas quitlalitiaque -
Y. Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin. in huel yehuantin miccahuaque. quimonmotoquilitiaque.
in cenca mahuiztililoni teopixque in moteneuhtzinohua predicadores. yn itla,opilhuantzi
tzinhuan totla,omahuiztatzin, S. Domingo. Patriarcha, ahi;o huel macuilpohuallonma
tlactin, yn oncan momaniltitiaque omoteneuh ye tetococ. ce cruz manca quimohuiquilique
necoc ytloc mantia ome ciliares, yhuan ce capa quimotlalilitia yhuan necoc ytloctzinco
mantiaque ome diagonos. almaticas quitlalitiaque -
y_ Auh ynic niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in huel tlacpac moyetzticate. in
huel teachcauhtzitzinhuan. clerigos. in cabildo tlaca. motenehua Canonigos cathedrales.
yn itlai;omahuizpilhuantzitzinhuan totla,omahuiztatzin Sefior S. Pedro. Principe, quihtoz
nequi tlahtocapiltachcauhtzin yn ipan S.ta yglesia, ynin ,an ic mocetilitzinoque i;an
monepanotzinoque i;an mocepanmaniltitiaque. in vela cruz perroquia tlaca clerigos. yhuan
S.ta catalina Martyr perroquia tlaca clerigos amo hue! mochiuh ynic nononcua man
tiazquia, auh mochintintzitzin Sobrepe!liz. quimotlalilitiaque ynbonetestzin auh amo hue!
mopohua in ye mochintzitzin clerigos. oncan [p. 172] momaniltitiaque omoteneuh ye
tetococ, ca cenca miyequintzitzin, ce yn cruz manca quimohuiquillique necoc ytloc mantia
ome ciliares, auh yehuatzin capa quimotlalilitia in cenca mahuiztililoni Sefior Doctor
Sausedo arcediano, yhuan necoc ytloctzinco mantiaque ome diagonos almaticas tliltic
I. The subject of "quimotlaliltia," went wearing, is singular. The only apparent_ can
didate for subject in the immediate vicinity is the cross itself. It was a well established
practice to have a priest in a cape surrounded by two deacons on all ~orts of c~remomal
occasions. We can only presume that Ch. omitted a word for the pnest by m1Stake, or
1612 205
Y. Then followed the very reverend precious friars the Discalced Carmelites who are
likewise precious children of our great queenly lady our precious revered mother ~alled our
Lady Santa Marfa del Carmen. There were not many of them, perhaps only about ten,
who went along to the said burial, and they just took along just a little wooden cross
joined together and colored gold. Beside it went two wooden processional candlesticks; [a
pnest] went wearing 1 a cape, and next to him on both sides went two deacons wearing
their vestments. -
Y. Then followed after them the very reverend friars the Hermits, the precious children of
our precious revered father San Agustin, bishop of Hippo, the holy church's great expert
on theology. Perhaps a full ninety of them went along in a group to the said burial. They
took along a decorated cross; on both sides of it went two processional candlesticks a
priest went wearing a cape, and on both sides next to him went two deacons wearing th~ir
vestments. -
Y. Then after them followed the very reverend Friars Minor, the precious children of our
precious revered father San Francisco the patriarch. Perhaps there were a full hundred and
ten of them going along in a group to the said burial. The Discalced friars formed a single
group with them, they went together and went along as a group, because they are all to
gether precious children of our said precious father San Francisco. And also [p. 171] three
Trinitarian friars went along among them; they have a white scapular with a red and green
cr~s~ on it; these said precious children of the three-part nature of our lord God, the Holy
Tnmty, are also called [by the name of] the Redemption of Captives. And the said Fran
ciscan friars took along a decorated cross; next to it on both sides went two processional
candlesticks; [a priest] went wearing a cape, and next to him on both sides went two dea
cons wearing their vestments. -
Y. Then after them followed those who were directly bereaved, the very reverend friars
called Preachers, the precious children of our precious revered father Santo Domingo the
patriar_ch. Th_ere were perhaps a full hundred and ten of them who went along in a group to
the said bunal. They took along a decorated cross; next to it .on both sides went two
processional candlesticks, and [a priest] went wearing a cape, and next to him on both
sides went two deacons wearing their vestments. -
Y. Then after them followed the most highly placed, very senior secular priests, the people
of the cathedral chapter, called canons of the cathedral, precious revered children of our
precious revered father San Pedro the Prince, that is to say, the senior royal noble in the
holy Church. With these the secular priests of the Vera Cruz parish and the Santa Ca
talina Martir parish were united and joined; it was not possible for them to go as sep
arate groups. They all wore a surplice and bonnet. All the secular priests going along
in a group to the said burial cannot be counted, [p. 172] for there were very many of
them. They took along a decorated cross, and next to it on both sides went two pro
cessional candlesticks. The very reverend lord doctor Salcedo, archdeacon, went wearing a
cape, and next to him on both sides went two deacons wearing their black vestments,
both of them canons with a full ration. And all the canons with a full ration went wearing
possibly taking it for granted. The situation_ is all the more strange because virtually the
same phrase, with exactly the same omisston, occurs several more times in following
paragraphs. These passages may be testimony to Ch.' s tendency to repeat certain phrases
as a refram almost regardless of their content, as in the resume of Mexica history earlier.
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quimotlalilitiaque ymomextintzitzin Racioneros, auh ynic ye mochtintzitzin Canonigos,
Racioneros, mochintin tliltic manta del coro tabetan, in quimotlalilitiaque, yn iuh mo
chipa ypan quaresmatica quimotlalilitihui yn ipa motenehua La Sena, auh ynic tlamico
oncan quixohua palacio capilla. ye ypan macuilli tzilli ypan tlaco hora, ynic quihualmo
quixtilique ynacayotzin omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fray Garcia Guerra
visurrey. yn oncan monoltitoya comanilique achtopa yehuantzitzin yn audiencia real tlaca
tlahtoque Oydores. in Andas. ye monoltitoya. quimonapalhuique in tlacpac omoteneuh
capilla ye quihualmotemohuillique tlatzintla ynic onca palacio caltempa quimotequillico
ypan quauhtlapechtli motenehua Tumulo yn i;an ic tlatlalili ypan quimocehuilizque yna
cayotzin miccatzintli, in ye oconmotequilico oncan nim'a ic ce responso cuicayo oncan
ypantzinco2 yn inacayotzin quihtoq. in capilla tlaca 1 clerigos. yn officiales iglesia mayor,
auh yc3 omoteneuh i;aniuh monoltitiuh in andasco yn inacayotzin cencauhtiuh ynic mochi
chichiuhtiuh in teoyotica ytlahtocamahuiznechichihualtzin omamentos pontificates. ye
vatl ynic centlamantli. amito,4 niman ye yn alba camisatli, yhuan maquiltitiuh in cassula
morada, yhuan cenca tlai;otli yn icpactzinco actiuh Mitra, coztic teocuitlaycpatica yec
tlamacho. yhuan tlai;oteyo epyolloyo. ymactzinco onotiuh yn ichcapixcatopiltzin baculo,
macitica coztic teocuitlayo yn iztac teocuitlatl, auh no yhui yn imatzin haactiuh vandes.
yhuan matzatzaztli [p. 173] anillos, auh ycxitlantzinco mantiuh yn ibonetetzin. ycpac
yetiuh cc yztac borla ynic neztiuh ca maestro omoyetzticatca yn ipan sancta theologia,
yhuan yn isomblerotzin huey quiltic ,an no ycxitlantzinco mantiuh, auh cayemo
huehuentzin omoyetzticatca ca ye quin hue! yyolloco oquichtli yuh omihto ye quin ye
ompohuallonmatlactli ypa macuilxihuitl oquimopialiaya. auh yn omoteneuh ynic qui
hualmotemohuilique vmpa capilla palacio, no yehuantin cenpohualloncaxtolli in Docto
resme, yn quihualmololhuilitiaque miccatzintli. in teopixque clerigos Doctores. yhua
frayles maestros oc cenca yehuatzin in cenca mahuiztililoni maestro fr. diego de contreras
cathedratico de escriptura. mochintzitzin i;an neneliuhtihui yn espafioles Doctores ynic
moomemaniltitiaque in nepapa yzqui tlamantli ye Doctores. moch quimotlalilitihui yn
inquechquentzin in motenehua capirotes. yhua inBorlas. ymicpac yayatiuh, cecenyaca
yntech machioneztiuh yn tlein ye tlamatini tlamachiliznemachtiltica. auh yn omoteneuh
miccatzintli yn icquac5 quihualmoquixtilique tecpan palacio. ca niman hualmotlalli mixtli
achi tliltic ,an iyoca ypan in ciudad mexico. ye mixtlapacho in tonatiuh. ynic quiquiya
huia. inic yuhquin ma oncan ytech nezqui no yehuatl y nauhtlamantli yn huel peuhcayotl
motenehua Elementos no quicoco quitlaocolti yn imiquiliztzin teoyotica tlahtohuani Don
fr. Garcia Guerra -
Y. Auh yn o yuh onmihto yn omoteneuh ce responso, ypan ynacayotzin miccatzintli yn
oncan omoteneuh ypan Tumulo. miccatlapechtli in caltempa palacio, ye niman oncan oc
yehuantzitzin conmanilique conmonapalhuique yn inacayotzin teoyotica tlahtohuani, in
cenca mahuiztililoni [p. 174] Canonigos. ynic niman ohtlipan oquimotlatoctilique oqui
mohuiquilique, tlapohualtepoztli ycal ,an ixpan quimoquixtilique ynic tlayahualolotia
ynic quimahuiztilique ynacayotzin miccatzintli, auh in yehuantin omoteneuhque Docto
resme. huel yehuantin ytlan omantiaque oquitocatiaque yn omoteneuh miccatzintli, auh ,a
motlatoquiltitia, ,a hue! quimotzacuiltitia yn omoteneuhtzin 6 cenca mahuiztililoni Padre
l. Or people of the chapel, perhaps defining the secular priests?
2. For "yxpantzinco."
3. The intention seems to be ye, not ye.
1612 207
a black choir cloak of taffeta, like they always wear during Lent at what is called the main
meal. When they finished coming out of the palace chapel, it was half past 5 o'clock as
they brought out the body of the said spiritual ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, viceroy, from
where he was lying. First the lords of the Royal Audiencia, the civil judges, took him in
the bier where he was lying and lifted him up in their arrns in the above mentioned
chapel, and in that fashion they brought him down below, until just outside the palace
they laid him on a wooden platform called a catafalque, that had been set up for them to
rest the body of the deceased on. When they had laid him there, the [ choir members?]' and
the s~cular priests and officials of the cathedral sang a responsory prayer in the presence
of2 his body. It was already3 said that his body just lay in the bier, all prepared, all out
fitted with his revered equipment as ruler, the pontifical ornaments, which were first the
amice, 4 then the alb, a shirt; then he had on the purple chasuble, and on his head a very
precious miter, finely embroidered with golden thread and covered with precious stones
and pearls, and in his hand lay his shepherd's staff, the crozier, solid silver gilded, and
likewise he had gloves on his hands, and rings. fp. 173] Below his feet was his bonnet
on top of which was a white tassel showing that he had a master's degree in holy theo'.
logy, and his large green hat was also at his feet. He was not yet aged, for he was a man
just in his full maturity; it was said that he was only fifty-five years old. And when as
was mentioned they brought him down from the palace chapel, also thirty-five ecclesias
tical holders of the doctorate went gathered around the deceased, secular priests with the
doctorate and friars with master's degrees, especially the very reverend master fray Diego
de Contreras, professor of scripture. All the Spanish doctors went mixed among one an
other, so that all the different kinds of doctors went along two by two. They all went
wearing neck garments called hoods, and on top of their heads were various tassels
signifying for each person what branch of knowledge he was a scholar in. Whens the;
brought the said deceased out of the palace, rather black clouds formed right away, only
over the city of Mexico, covering the surface of the sun, and it rained off and on, as
though showing thereby that also the four separate things thai are the very beginning,
called elements, were hurt and moved to pity by the death of the spiritual ruler don fray
Garda Guerra. -
Y. And when as was mentioned a responsory prayer had been said over the body of the
deceased, as was mentioned on the catafalque or platform for the dead, outside the palace,
the very reverend canons took and picked up the body of the spiritual ruler. [p. 174] Then
~ey directed him along the road and took him to the clock tower; they took him passing
nght m front of it in their procession in order to honor the body of the deceased. And the
said doctors were the very ones who went beside and followed the said deceased· and the
said6 very reverend father master fray Diego de Contreras, Augustinian friar, followed
4. An undervestment around the neck and shoulders.
5. For "ihquac."
6. For "omoteneuhtzino,"
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Maestro fr. diego de contreras teopixqui S. Augustin yehica ca ye huecauh achto ye
maestro ynic nican Mexico -
y Auh ye niman yehuantin quimonmotoquilitiaque mochintin yn ixquichtin cabildo ciudad
tlaca, tecpantiaque quintocatia ome vamderra ahno,;o esdantarde real ytech icuiliuhtia _yn
itlahtocatlahuiztzin yn iarmastzin Rey ynin ca tafetan tliltic netloc mantia yyomextt II
auh ye niman yehuantin quimontocatiaque yn ixquichtin. Soldadostin yaotiacahuan a,;o
hue! chicuepohualtin in ye mochi yn necoccampa motecpanque ynic tlayahualolotia mo
cuecuentilique ynic tecpancayahque. ,;an inmac quitetecatiaque yn imarcaboz, yhuan no
cecen lan,;as. inmac quihuicacaya, 1 ,;an tlalpan quihuillantiaque, amo huel cacocuia, auh
yn in omoteneuhque Soldadostin ome yn invamderra yn inquachpan quihuicaque ,;an tlal
pan tlaltitech quihuihuillantiaque amo no hue! cacocuia auh no yehuatl yn inyaohuehueuh
atambores. chicuacentetl yn oncan quihuicaque quitzotzontiaque, amo cenca caquiztia amo
huel nahuatia auh yehica ypampa tlilpalli luto ye quiquimiliuhtia. ,;an ipan yn quitzo
tzontiaque, yhuan ome onca quipitztiaque bipano ahno<;o blaotas, tliltique cacatzacti amo
no cenca quicaquiztilitiaque amo huel quinahuatiltitiaque ,;an quitlaocolpitztiaque, auh in
yehuantin in omoteneuhque Soldadostin [p. 175] Yn oncan cenquizque omoteneuh ye teto
coc, ca yehuantin y yazque La china in quitequipanozque tohueytlahtocauh rey
y Auh ye niman yehuantzitzin quimonmotoquilitiaque in mochintin Audiencia Real tlaca,
tlahtoque Oydoresme, moch luto yn inrobones yn indurga 2 quimotlalilitihui, auh yn o
metin ymachtzitzinhuan omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli yn an;obispo. ynic ce yehuatzin in
Padre fr. Jeronimo Guerra. ,;anno S. Domingo teopixqui vicario atlacohuaya. ynic ome
yehuatl yn capitan de la guardia luto quihuillantiuh, tlanepatla yhcatihui ceca otlaocoxtiaq.
inic quimotepotztoquilitiaq. intla,;otlatzin. quinnepantlaquetztiaque yn omoteneuhque oy
dores, auh yhuan oc no ce tlacatl yn oncan yntlah ycatia tlanepatla, no luto yn quihuil
lantia quitquitia yehuatl ce quauhpitzactli hueyac yn icuac tlanepanolli tlacruztlalili oncan
ytech pilcatiah ,;ouhtia ce tliltic tepitzin camixatzintli, ytech icuiliuhtia yn itlacamecayo
tlahuiztzin yn iarmastzin omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli ar,;obispo visurrey. // Auh ye ni
man contocatia tlatoquilitiuh ce cauallo tomahuac y nohuiyan ytlacapan ,ouhtia ynic qui
miliuhtia luto huel quihuillantia, yhua ycximanecuiliuhtia quiztiticque
ynic chochollo
tia omoteneuh cauallo cantiaque yuh mihto huel yehuatl yn iaxcatzin catca yn ipan mo
nemiltiaya omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani ar,;obispo visurrey. // Auh ynic_ ontetl
cauallo quimontocatia ,;lino yuh chichiuhtia quimiliuhtia lutotica, no yhuan ycx1mane
cuiliuhtia no quiztiticque no chocholotia, yn iuh yahtia oc cetetl omoteneuh cauallo. auh
ynin ye ontetl cauallo ypan yatia ce espafiol, tepoztlahuiztica cotatica moyaochichiuh
tia motenehua armada, ye yah. quihuicac quitquitia yn vamderra moteneuh Qmyon ,an
huel tetepitzin ytech icuiliuhtia yn iarmastzin Rey. yehuatl yn castillo yhuan Jeon. yn i
tlahtocatlahuiztzin, ynin omoteneuh vanderra tepitzin Quiyon ca yehuatl in quimoyaca
niliaya yn ihcuac moquixtiaya yn ix[p. 176]quich ica omotlahtocatili ynic visurrey omo
chiuhtzinoticatca mexico yn oquic mochicahualtitinenca omoteneuhtzino an;obispo. yn
1. For "quihuicaya." . ,,
2. It appears that Ch. may not have been familiar with the word t(mica, "turnc, etc.,
so that he may have miscopied "durga" from "duniga" in some earlier _text, whether
written by himself or another. The form "duniga" in fact_ occurs elsewhere m the ongmal
in a somewhat similar context [pp. 216-17 at n. 2]. In his section on the members of the
1612 209
everyone and went the very last, because he was the first master [ of theology J here in
Mexico by a long time. -
Y Then after them followed all the members of the [Spanish] cabildo of the city, going in
line. Two banners or royal standards went following them, on which were painted the
royal insignia, the arms of the king; they were of black taffeta; the two of them went side
by side. // Then after them followed all the soldiers, the warriors, perhaps a full hundred
and sixty in all. They lined up on both sides of the procession; the lines they went in
were not straight; they left their muskets just lying in their arms, and the lances that each
one carried 1 in their arms they just dragged on the ground, they could not lift them up.
And the said soldiers carried two banners that they just went dragging on the ground; they
couldn't lift them up either. And they also took along six war drums, kettle drums, that
they went beating; they did not sound loudly or very clearly because they were wrapped in
black mourning cloth, and they went along beating them measuredly. And two blacks
played fifes or flutes, which they did not play very loudly or clearly either, but went along
playing in mourning. The said soldiers [p. 175] who assembled for the said burial were
the ones who were to go to China [the Philippines] to serve our great ruler the king.
Y Then after them followed all the people of the Royal Audiencia, the lords judges; the
robes and [tunics]2 that they wore were all of mourning cloth .. And the two nephews of
the said deceased, the archbishop, of whom the first was father fray Geronimo Guerra,
likewise a Dominican friar, vicar at Tacubaya, and the second was the captain of the
guard, who went dragging mourning cloth, went standing in the middle; they went in
great sorrow as they followed behind their beloved uncle. The said judges went placing
them in their midst. And another person who went standing among them, in the middle,
also carried and dragged a sign of mourning, which was a long narrow pole crossed toward
one end to make a cross; from it went hanging and was displayed a little black shirt on
which were painted the insignia of the said deceased archbishop and viceroy's lineage, his
coat of arms. // Then after that followed, coming last, a stout horse on whose sides were
everywhere displayed the mourning cloth with which it was wrapped, and it went dragging
it. And it went along lame in a forefoot; they had cut a hoof3 so that the said horse that
they went holding went along making leaps. It was said that the horse was the special
property of the said spiritual leader, the archbishop and viceroy, when he was alive. // A
second horse went following them, likewise outfitted with and wrapped in mouruing
cloth, which also was lame in a forefoot, whose hoof they also cut, which also went leap
ing, just like the other said horse. And on this second horse rode a Spaniard, outfitted for
war with a metal device, a coat of mail, called a man in armor; as he went he took and
carried a banner called an ensign, very small, on which was painted the king's coat of
arms, a castle and a lion, his royal device. This said small banner or ensign was the one
that preceded him whenever he would come out in public as long [p. 176] as he ruled as
the viceroy appointed in Mexico, as long as the said archbishop was still in good health,
Royal Audiencia in this funeral procession, Aleman (1911, p. 400), speaks of the wearing
of a loba, described in the Diccionario de Autoridades as a long unfitted garment falling to
the feet, in Latin tunic a taladris.
3. The form is apparently the equivalent of qu-izti-tecque. Speaking of this horse Ale
man (1911, p. 402) uses the word despalmado, with the hoof pared off.
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iuh mochintin quinyacana yn oc cequintin tlahtoque visurreyesme yn otlahtocatico nican
mexico. yhuan yn oc tlahtocatiquihui in huel yxiptlatzitzinhuan tohueytlahtocatzin Rey
yn espafia moyetztica
Y. Auh ye niman yehuantin <;a cemi mochintin ontetocatiaque ontlatocatiaque. in
teaachhuan yn ibaxehuan omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli ar,obispo visurrey omoyetzticatca.
huel mochintin tlilpalli luto, quimololotiaque quihuillantiaque. 0 yhui yn. in quihual
quixtique ynacayotzin oncan tecpan palacio. yn omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli teoyotica
tlahtohuani Don fr. Garcia Guerra arcobispo 1 visurrey. ynic niman vmpa quimotlaco
loltilito ynacayotzin, yn calnacazco. ynahuac S. Ilefonso colegio de saminario, ca <;an oc
conmotlamellahualtilique ynic oncan necololoto ynic niman tlanipa ohtli quimotoctilique
ynacayotzin ynin ye quimohuiquillique ca mopapatlatiaque in ixquichtin teopixque nepa
panme yhuan tlahtoij. ynic quimonapalhuitiaque miccatzintli, ynic niman ypan ohtli S.
Domingo. quimoquixtilito quimonamictilito yn ohtli. ynic niman <;a tlamellauhca oqui
hualmocuepillique ca oquihualmotlamellahualtilique. ynic oncan quimoquixtilico yqui
yahuac yn iportales Marques del valle. ynic niman oncan oquimocallaquillico miccatzintli
iglesia mayor. huel yhcuac onaqui tonatiuh ynic onyohuac in quimaxitilico. auh yn omo
tenehu in ynic otlipan quihualmohuiquilliij. ynic huallayahualolotia ca macuilcan yn
otlipan quitlallica quauhtlapechtli. Tumu)o. yn ipan quimocecehuilitiaque ynacayotzin
miccatzintli ar<;obispo. yzquican onca responsos ypantzinco quihtoque [p. 1771 Yn capilla
tlaca 2 clerigos. auh ca amo huel mihtoz. motenehuaz. yhuan amo huel moponhuaz yn
ixquich tlacatl catca yn oquimotoquilique 3 miccatzintli. yn espafioles. yhuan timacehual
tin mexica. amo huel campa tetlan quixohuaya yn otlipan cenca oteten yn tlacatl yhuan
yn i;a ohtenco otlamahuii;oque otlachixi'j cenca miec tlacatl yhuan yn calticpac tlapaco
cenca no teten yn tlacatl tlachixque, cenca huey tlamahuiztililiztica in quimotoquilique
ynacayotzin miccatzintli ca yuhquin ma Q3. yhcuac viernes Sancto. ye omochiuh yo ineto
quiliztzin omoteneuh teoyotica tlahtohuani ari;obispo visurrey. auh yn omoteneuh ynaca
yotzin tococ altar mayor tlamayecamcopa II auh yn o yuh conmotoquilique oncan iglesia
mayor, ye niman quixohuac necuepalloc vmpa n tecpan palacio. mocueptzinoque vmpa yn
audiencia Real tlaca oydores. yhuan yn oc cequintin Justicias quimocuitlahuia quincahuato
yn omentin omoteneuhi'j. ymachtzitzinhuan omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli ar<;obispo, y
huan yn ibangetzitzinhuan cahualloco, yhuan no tecahuaco y moteneuhque Soldadostin.
ynic hualmocuepque ye quihualquechpanotiaque yn imarcaboz. no yhuan ye quihuallacoc
tiaque yn imalan<;as.4 yhuan yn invamde1rn yn inquachpan
Y. Auh axcan Juebes ye .8. mani metztli Mar<;o. de 1612. afios. yhcuac in honrras ymis
satzin omochiuh iglesia mayor. in teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fr. Garcia Guerra ar<;obispo
yhuan visurrey moyetzticatca Mexico. II auh i;ano ypan in yn omoteneuh ypan cemilhuitl
Juebes yn ohualla tlahtolli vmpa espafia quitemachiztico ynic omomiquilli yn tohueyci
huatlahtocatzin Dofia Marcarida de avstria Reyna espafia ocatca yn inamictzin tohueytlah
tocatzin Don Felipe Tercero Rey espafia - [p. 178]
Y. Axcan Juebes ye .15. mani Metztli Mar<;o de 1612 afios yhcuac yn ohuallathuic ye
omomiquilli yohualtica, in cihuapilli Dona Ana de castilla ynamic in Anton
de ibarra
catca. auh ychpotzin in huehue Don Luis de Velasco. ynic ome visurrey mochihuaco.
I. For "ar<;obispo."
2. See pp. 206-07 at n. I.
3. The word could equally well mean "followed."
1612 211
just as it precedes the other lords viceroys who have come to rule here in Mexico and the
other true representatives of our great ruler the king who is in Spain who will come to
rule in the future.
Y Then finally came following the others, coming last, the pages of the said deceased, the
late archbishop and viceroy; every one of them wore black mourning cloth and went
dragging it. This then was how they brought the body of the said deceased, the spiritual
ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, archbishop 1 and viceroy, out of the palace. Then they took a
turn with his body at the corner close to the seminary college of San Ildefonso, for they
took him straight until they turned there; there they took his body along the road down
ward. As they took him all the different ecclesiastics and judges went along taking turns
carrying the deceased. Then they brought him to meet the road to Santo Domingo; then
they brought him straight back, then they brought him to outside the arcade of the Mar
ques de! Valle, then they brought the deceased inside the cathedral, right at sunset; they
brought him in as it got dark. And as they brought him on this said route and came
in procession, in five places along the way they had set up a wooden platform, the
catafalque, on which they caused the body of the deceased archbishop to rest while the
[choir?]2 and secular priests said responsory prayers for him. [p. 177] It cannot be said,
told, or counted how many people there were who [buried]3 the deceased, Spaniards and we
Mexica commoners. It cannot be [said] how, wherever they passed by people on the way,
it was full of people; very many people just gazed and looked at things from the roadside,
and the housetops, the roofs, were also full of people looking. With very great splendor
they buried the body of the deceased; the burial of the said spiritual ruler, the archbishop
and viceroy, was performed as though it were Good Friday. And his said body was buried
on the right hand side of the main altar. II After they had buried him at the cathedral, ev
eryone came out and returned to the palace. The judges of the Royal Audiencia and the
others who administer justice accompanied the two said nephews of the said deceased arch
bishop there, and his pages were brought there, and also the said soldiers came in accom
paniment; as they returned, they shouldered their muskets again, and they again raised
their lances4 and their banners, their cloth flags.
Y. Today, Thursday the 8th of the month of March of the year 1612, was when the ob
sequies were held and a mass was performed in the cathedral for the spiritual ruler don fray
Garcia GueITa, late archbishop and viceroy in Mexico. II And likewise on the said day of
Thursday word came from Spain and it was announced that our great queen dofia Margarita
de Austria, late queen of Spain, spouse of our great ruler don Felipe III, king of Spain,
had passed away. [p. 178]
y Today, Thursday the 15th of the month of March of the year 1612, in the night before
morning of that day, was when the lady dofia Ana de Castilla, who was the spouse of
Ant6n 5 de Ibarra, passed away. She was the daughter of don Luis de Velasco the elder,
4. Probably for "inlan<;as."
5. The name is given as Diego on pp. 176-77.
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nican Mexico nueua espafia. auh yhuan ynin omoteneuh Dona Ana de castilla, ca huel
ihuan tlacatia huel yuhctzin. ynic ome ytoca Don Luis de Velasco Marques de Salinas. in
yehuatl oppa visurrey omochiuh nican Mexico nueua espana. auh ,atcpan omohuicac yn
espafia vmpa presidente del consejo de indias omochiuhtzinoto Oquihualmonochilli vmpa
yn tohueytlahtocatzin Rey Don Felipe Tercero, auh ynin omoteneuh cihuapilli Dona Ana.
S. Domingo. yn tocoto ynacayo yn ompa toctoque ynamic yhuan omoteneuh yttatzin cat
ca huehue Don Luis de Velasco.-
y_ Axcan Martes ye .20. mani Metztli Mar,o de 1612 anos. yn ohuallathuic ye omomi
quilli yohualtica in diego cauallero fundador y patron yn oncan Monasterio Sancta incs.
monjas. yehuatl ytlatzintil quichiuh yhuan ytlapachol yn omoteneuh monasterio catqui,
ynahuac hospital de las bouas. cenca miec yn iaxca ytlatqui quicahuillitia omotencuh i
monasterio -
y_ Axcan Domingo quaresma ynic .i. mani metztli Abril de 1612. afios. yhcuac opeuh in
ye quimana tliltique ynic cequintin oquimanque tliltique oncan hospital huitzillan nucstra
Senora ye teotlac ypan Sermon quinmachtiaya yn oncan quimanaco Justicia ynic quincal
laquique La carcel de Corte quincallaquito yn oncan motenehua calabo,os. ypampa yntech
tlan quil mach yaoyotl [p. 179] quihtohuaya macocuizquia yn ipan Juebes Sancto. quin
mictizquia yn intecuiyohuan espafioles. -
y_ Axcan viernes ye .6. mani Metztli Abril de 1612. afios. yhcuac nican S. Joseph S.
Fran CO. hualmocallaqui in Padre fr. jua ma,ura. 1 yehuatzin Capillero mochiuhtzino. qui
hualmohuiquilli in Padre fr. Sebastian de caribay telpochtli 2 temachtiani mochihuaco S.
Joseph. yhcuac quicauh yn itequiuh Padre fr. Jeronimo de ,arate ynic Capillero catca yuh
quin ceuhtiaij. Mexica tenochca yn iuh omoteneuh tlacpac ynic cenca quitoliniaya in
quinmecahuitequia yhuan quincalnamacaya - capitulo indelmedio ypan in in tequicauh -
y_ Axcan Martes ye .10. mani Metztli Abril de 1612 afios. yhcuac ye teotlac tlaca ypan
macuilli tzillini yn oquixohuac oncan tecpan palacio otlayahuallolotia ynic ocallacohua
tohueyteopan iglesia mayor. ynic yhonrras yvigiliatzin omochihuilli ynic omomiquilli
tohueycihuatlahtocatzin Dona Margarida de Austria Reyna de espana moyetzticatca yn
inamictzin ocatca tohueytlahtocatzin Don Felipe Tercero Rey espafia yn axcan moyetztica.
auh ynic oncan quixohuac tecpan palacio. ca ,anno yuh mochiuh yn tlacpac omoteneuh
yn iuh mochiuh yn iuh tococ ynacayotzin teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fr. Garcia Guerra
arcobispo' y virrey yn iuh netecpanoc. ,an ye no cuel yuh motecpan yn mochi cofradias.
ocatqui mexico. yhuan ,an ye nicuel yuh motecpantiaque yn nepapan teopixque monol
titoque Mexico. yn oncan mohuicatza. yhuan yn ciudad cabildo tlaca yhuan oydores.
audiencia real tlaca n quinepantlahuitiaque yn tlahtocacorona real quinapalotia ce tlacatl
coxin ypan mantia4 ,an ye ynmamanian yn mantiaque. auh yehuatzin yn teoyotica tlah
tohuani Don fr. Balthasar Acobarrobias. [p. I 80] Obispo michhuacan teopixqui S. Au
gustin, mochichiuhtzino capa quimotlalilitia yhuan Mitra. yhuan yn itlacaychcapixca
topiltzin baculo. quimotquilitia yhuan ome ytloctzinco man ti a clerigos capa quitlallitiaij.
auh ynin Obispo yehuatzin quimihtalhui yhoracio yn ipan omoteneuh ye vigilia mochiuh
l. Name unconfirmed.
2. Or just meaning that he was a young man, or young for a preacher.
3. For "an;obispo.''
1612 213
who came here to Mexico and New Spain appointed as the second viceroy. This said dona
Ana de Castilla was a full sibling-he was her younger brother-of the second of the
name don Luis de Velasco, Marques of Salinas, who was made viceroy twice here in
Mexico and New Spain and afterward went to Spain, where he was made president of the
Council of the Indies; our great ruler the king don Felipe III sent summoning him. The
body of this said lady dona Ana was taken to be buried to Santo Domingo, where her
spouse and her said late father don Luis de Velasco the elder lie buried.-
y_ Today, Tuesday the 20th of the month of March of the year 1612, in the night before
morning of that day, Diego Caballero, founder and patron of the nunnery of Santa Ines,
passed away. He founded the said nunnery, near to the Hospital de las Bubas, and it was
under his governance. He bequeathed a very great deal of his property to the said nunnery.
y_ Today, a Sunday of Lent, the 1st of the month of April of the year 1612, was when
they began to arrest blacks, so that they arrested some blacks at the hospital of Nuestra
Senora in Huitzillan in the afternoon. The sermon was being preached to them when the
officers of the law came to arrest them and put them in the court jail. They put them in
what are called cells because they were accused, according to what they say, that they were
declaring war, [p. 179] that they were going to rebel on Maundy Thursday and kill their
Spanish masters. -
y_ Today, Friday the 6th of the month of April of the year 1612, was when father fray
Juan Mazura I entered San Josef here at San Francisco, becoming the chaplain. Father fray
Sebastian de Garibay the younger,2 who had been made preacher at San Josef, brought
him when father fray Geronimo de Zarate relinquished his post as chaplain, Thus the Me
xica Tenochca got relief from the way, as was mentioned above, that he had been greatly
mistreating them, whipping them, and selling their houses. - It was at an intermediate
chapter meeting [ of the Franciscan province] that he left office. -
y_ Today, Tuesday the 10th of the month of April of the year 1612, in the afternoon but
still daytime, at 5 o'clock, was when a group came out of the palace and went in pro
cession to enter our great church, the cathedral, to perform the obsequies and vigil for the
death of our great queen doi\a Margarita de Austria, late queen of Spain, who was the
spouse of our great ruler don Felipe Ill, king of Spain, who now rules. They left the
palace in the same fashion as was mentioned above with the burial of the body of the
spiritual leader don fray Garcia Guerra, archbishop3 and viceroy. Again all the cofradfas
there are in Mexico were lined up in the same way, and again all the different religious
who dwell in Mexico lined up the same when they came there, and the members of the
city cabildo and the judges of the Royal Audiencia. They placed in their midst as they
went the royal crown; someone was carrying it on a cushion.4 They all went along in the
same places as before. And the spiritual ruler don fray Baltasar Covarrubias, [p. I 80] bish
op in Michoacan, an Augustinian friar, went along all outfitted, wearing a cape and miter
and carrying his staff as a shepherd of people, the crozier, and two secular priests went
beside him wearing capes. And this bishop was the one who made the main speech of
4. The way this line is inserted makes it quite clear that the version of the text here is
a copy either from an earlier version or from a source.
' ' I
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i,'1 I,
auh cenca huey yhuan cenca mahuiztic yn cuauhteocalli 1 motlalli on can yhtic yglesia
mayor. mochi tlacatl cenca oquimahui<;o yhua ,an ye no yxquich ynic otlayahualloloc ax
can yn ixquich moyahuallo yn tlacpac omoteneuh yhcuac tococ ynacayotzin teoyotica
tlahtohuani Don Fray Garcia Guerra ar<;obispo. moyetzticatca. auh niman yn ipan ymoz
tlayoc miercoles. yn omoteneuhtzino Don Fr. Balthasar Acobarrobias. obispo. yehuatzin
quimihtalhui yn Missa. Auh yehuatzin motemachtilli yn Don Alonso de la mota y esco
bar oopo tlaxcallan ano<;o ciudad de los Angeles. ynin ye hualmohuicaque omentin omo
teneuhque obisposme. ca quimonmonochillique yn tlahtoque oydoresme -
y_ Axcan Sabado ynic 14. mani metztli Abril de 1612 afios. yhcuac ye otzatzihuac yn ihtic
ciudad Mexico yn tliltique oquichti aocac espada quitecaz quihualhuicaz. yhuan cuello
aocmo quitlalizque no yhui yn tliltique cihua aocmo tliltic manta quitlalizque yhuan
mulatati moch quincahualtiq. yhuan pena ye quintlalilique. // auh achtopa ye tzatzihuac
nohuiyan yn ihtic ciudad Mexico in yehuantin espafioles. ye nahuatilloque, yn aquin
quipia chicuacentliltic quinnamacaz yn nahui auh ,an oome yn mochi tlacatl quipiaz ytlil
ticauh. auh yn aquin amo quitlacamatiz Justicia yn iuh tlanahuatia quicuiliz yn omo
teneuh nahui ynic aoctle onqui<;az tlatquihua - [p. 181]
y_ Auh ynic omilhuitl axcan ypan Domingo de ramos. ynic 15. mani Metztli Abril yn
ipan omoteneuh xihuitl 1612 yhcuac cenca omocomonique yn mochintin espaftoles yn
Mexico onoque cenca omomauhtique miectlamatli yntechpa oquimotemohuillique yn
tliltique yn intlacahuan ,a quimimacaztinemia ,a ynhuicpa mihmattinemia y mane!
quintequipanohua. yuh quihtoque mochintin yn espafioles. ca otechcentlahtalhuique in
techrnictizq. totlacahuan yn totlilticahuan ynic cenca quinmauhtiaya ynic niman oquix
quetzque yn ipan in omoteneuh cemilhuitl Capitan General quichiuhque yn telpochtli Don
fernando altamirano. ynin yxhuiuh yn Don Luis de Velasco Marques de Salinas. yn oppa
Visurrey omochiuh nican Mexico. auh yn omoteneuh yxhuiuhtzin ye quitlallique yn
tlapiazque nican ypan ciudad Mexico. ynteyacancauh ymachcauh mochiuh yn ixquichtin
Soldadostin motlalliq. in yaotlapiazque yn ipampa macocuiznequi in yaoyotl quihtohua
tliltique yhuan mulatoti ynpan yn espafiolesme ynic mochi tlacatl quihtoca ypan yn
Juebes Sancto. quichihuazque yn intemictiliz. tliltique -
y_ Auh yniqueylhuitl axcan Lunes. santo. ynic 16. mani metztli Abril yhcuac yancuican
otlayahualloque teotlac ypan ome tzillini yn ompa hualquizque yn teopan yn Sancta maria
cuepopan tlaca. ynin prossesion quitlallique yn cofradia yntech pohui yn animasme
purgatorio tetlechipahualloyan moyetzticate. auh ynic tlayahualoloc ypan in prossesion
oncan quinmoquixtilique yn S. Nicolas de tolentino ynic neci [p. 182] Ca yntepale
huicatzin yn omoteneuhque animasme quim5moquixtilia ytemcopatzinco in tt0
. dios. yn
ompa omoteneuh purgatorio. ynic omentzitzin oncan quinmoquixtilique yn ipan in tla
yahualoliztli yehuatzin yn totla<;ottatzin S. Franco. ynic no yehuatzin ytetzinco neztiuh ca
hue! no yehuatzin yea yn inelpiayatzin yn icordontzin yn aquique quicelia ynic molpia
nican tlalticpac yn ihcuac ye omomiquilique ca ye yehuatl vmpa quimonmoquixtilia quin
mopalehuilia yn purgatorio. ytemcopatzinco yn tt0 . dios. yn aquin macehualle ycnopille
vmpa yauh auh ynic tlayahualloque yn hue! ixquich ic oncan ahcico yn S. Francisco.
niman la casa professa. niman yglesia mayor. niman ye mocuepque S. Domingo qui<;ato
ye niman S luren<;o monjas qui,;ato. ye niman vmpa yn inteopan ahcito. auh ,a ihciuhca
,a yxtomac2 yn ontlayahuallotihuetzque. ca ye niman ynpampa hualquiz yntlahtocatla-
1. The "monument" or catafalque.
1612 215
pra_yer when the said vigil was held. A very large and splendid wooden shrine1 was set up
ms1de the cathedral; everyone greatly marveled at it. The procession went over the same
route as told above when the body of the spiritual ruler don fray Garcia Guerra, late
archbishop, was buried. Then on the following day, Wednesday, the said don fray Baltasar
Covarrubias, bishop, was the one who said the mass. The person who preached was don
Alonso de la Mota y Escobar, bishop in Tlaxcala or the city of Los Angeles [Puebla].
These two said bishops came because the lords judges of the Audiencia summoned them.
y_ Today, Saturday the 14th of the month of April of the year 1612, was when it was
proclaimed in the city of Mexico that black men were no longer to carry swords or wear
[Spanish-style] collars, and likewise black women were no longer to wear black veils, and
they also prohibited all the mulatto women [from the same thing] and set a fine for them.
II But first it was proclaimed everywhere in the city of Mexico and the Spaniards were
ordered that whoever has six blacks was to sell four of them, and everyone would have
only two blacks each. For whoever would not obey the law it was ordered that the said
four be taken from him, so that he would no longer be the owner. [p. 181]
y_ On the second day, today Palm Sunday, the 15th of the month of April in the said year
of 1612, was when all the Spaniards who live in Mexico became very agitated and fearful.
They investigated many things about their black slaves; they went about in fear of them,
they were very watchful about them even though they serve them. All the Spaniards said,
"Our black slaves have set and coordinated a time to kill us," which greatly frightened
tl1em. Then on the said day they selected and set up don Hernando Altamirano the younger
as captain general; he is the grandchild of don Luis de Velasco, Marques of Salinas, who
was made viceroy twice here in Mexico. The reason that those in charge here in the city
of Mexico installed his said grandson and made him leader, commander of all the soldiers
who were set to stand guard was that the blacks and mulattoes were about to rise and
declare war on the Spaniards, so that everyone said that on Maundy Thursday the blacks
would do their killing. -
y_ And on the third day, today Monday of Holy Week on the 16th of the month of April,
was when the people of Santa Marfa Cuepopan first came out in procession; at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon they came out of the church. The cofradfa dedicated to the Souls of Pur
gatory, where people are purified by fire, organized this procession. And as they went in
procession they brought out San Nicolas de Tolentino so that it would be seen [p. 182]
that he is the helper of the said souls, he redeems them from the said purgatory by order
of our lord God. The second one they brought out in the procession was our precious
father San Francisco, so that also through him it would be seen that he too, with his belt,
his rope, very much receives those who are tied here on earth; when they die, he uses it to
help them and redeem from purgatory by order of our lord God those who are deserving to
go there. As to how the procession went, they got all the way to San Francisco, then to
the Casa Profesa, then to the cathedral; then they turned around and went past Santo
Domingo, then they passed by the San Lorenzo nunnery, then they got back to their
church. They hastened to go on their procession quickly and [ without warning],2 for right
2. See the use of this root above (pp. 172-73 at n. 4) in a word implying haste, un
expectedness, haphazardness. There too the root is preceded by iciuhca, "quickly."
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nahuatiltzin yn oydores. motlatzontequillique ynic ,;an niman acampa cc teopan tlaya
hualoloz yn ipan in Semana Sancta. auh ynic ,;a niman ipan in omoteneuh lunes Sancto
ye yohua ynic otzatzihuac nohuiyan yhtic ciudad mexico. ynic acan tlayahualoloz. Sema
na Sancta yehica ypampa ye iuh catca teyollo yn muztla ypan martes Sancto teotlac no
omen yancuic tlayahualloliztli prossesion oquic;azquia yn oncan omotlali yancuic cofra
dias. ynic ce cofradia yehuantin quitlalliq. yn espafioles. yhuan Mexica Moyoteca oncan
yn Monasterio S. Juan de la penitencia monjas. ya yehuantin in in tlayahualozquia ypil
huantzitzin S. Juan II auh ynic ome tlayahualoliztli yancuic oqui,;azquia ypan in omo
teneuh Martes Sancto. yehuantin yn Mexica tlatilulco S tiago tlaca [p. 183] Yn ipilhuan
tzitzinhuan totla,;omahuiznantzin S. ta maria del rrosario no ihuli motenehua ypilhuatzi
tzin el Nino Jesus Perdido cenca miec tetlapopolhuiliztli yndulgencias. oncan quihual
motlalilia in Sancto Padre Paulo Quinto. yn ipan tlayahualoliztli auh ynic huel iuhqui
omochihu in ca ytlayhualiztica ytlaytlaniliztica y notla,oycniuhtzin diego lopez. cuauh
tlacuillo1 yn hue! tlatzintille fundador yn ipan i omoteneuh cofradia. yehuantzitzin qui
mocnopilhuililito y bullas yn totla,;ottatzitzinhuan teopixque de la compafiia de Jesus yn
mohuicaya Roma. auh ca ye ayamo huel mochihu in yqu itlacauh ye ,an mocauh yn
ipampa ye tzatzihuac in huel yzquilhuitl ypan ye ce Semana Sancta ynic acan tlayahua
loloz. yhuan yn mane! no ypan xuchipasqua de resurection amo no huel tlayahualoloz.
yhuli amonoyac huel mohuitequiz. yn espafioles. yhuan yn timacehualtin yn ipan yzquil
huitl omoteneuh Semana Sancta pena motlalli yn aquin duniga2 ye canazque onpohual
lonmatlactli pesos yxtlahualtiloz. yhuan tlatitlanq. yn omoteneuhq. tlahtoque oydoresme
ynic nohuiampa altepetl ipan ynic no amo campa huel tlayahualoloz ypan omoteneuh Se
mana Sancta ,;an nohuiyan yaotlapialloz. in teopan ypan Juebes Sacto ynic quimotza
cuilizque tepetlacalco Sanctissimo Sacramento. i;an ixquicb mochihuaz. atle oc centla-
mantli yhuan -
y_ Auh yn axcan ye ye omilhuitl yn ipan Martes Sancto omoteneuh ynic 17. mani Metztli
Abril. yhcuac nican caltenco. S. Anton Xolloco ypan huey otli omotlallico miequintin
yaotiacahuan Soldadostin espafioles yn oyaotlapiaco tlahuiztica no yhui yhuan yn ipan
huey otli tepeyacacpa yahticac coyonacazco no miequintin yn oncan motlallito Soldados
tin no yhui yn ipan ohtli chapoltepecpa yahticac oncan calyacac 3 temetzcruztitlan
cenca miequintin. yn oncan motlalito [p. 184] Soldadostin yhuan ynic nohuiyan yzqui
ohtli ypan hualcallaqui ciudad mexico huel yzquican ye yaotlapiallo i;a ce ynic nohuiyan
in yahualiuhcan yn icaltenyoc 5 yxquich ye ciudad Mexico. yhuan yn ipan huehuey acal
lotlih nohuiyan ye yaotlapiallo tlachiallo in campa ye qui,;aquihui tliltique yn quinmic
tiquihui espafioles. ypampa yuh mihtohuaya vmpa huallazque in ilhuicaatenco in huey
atenco acapolco omotlallique cimalonti tliltique yhuan cequintin belacruz huallazque in
tliltique cimaloti omocuepque in nican mexico. chollohua yn oquincauhtehuaque yntecui-
y_ Auh yn axcan ye yeilhuitl yn ipan Miercoles Sancto cenca yequene mocomonique mo-
1. Or it could be taken that he used Quauhtlacuilo as a second surname.
2. See pp. 208-09, n. 2.
3. Tlayacacac is sometimes a small inhabited district or settlement, and calyacac may
have a similar meaning. A similar case on pp. 104--05 at n. 5.
4. The name means literally next to the leaden cross.
1612 217
afterward came out a royal order of the judges of the Audiencia in which they pronounced
that there should not be a procession at any church whatever during Holy Week. Right
then _on the said Holy Monday, at night, it was proclaimed everywhere in the city of
Mexico that there were to be no processions anywhere during Holy Week, because it was
people's intention that the next day, on Holy Tuesday afternoon, two more new pro
cess10ns would come out from where new cofradias had been established. The first cofradfa
was established by the Spaniards and the Mexica of Moyotlan at the nunnery of San Juan
de la Penitencia; those who were going to go in procession were the children of San Juan.
// And in the second procession on the said Holy Tuesday the Mexica of Santiago Tla
telolco were to come out for the first time, [p. 183] the children of our precious revered
mother Santa Maria of the Rosary, also called the children of Nino Jesus Perdido. The
Holy Father Paul V granted very many pardons, indulgences, for the occasion of the pro
cession. As to how this could be done, it was through the sending and petitioning of my
beloved friend Diego L6pez, a woodcarver, 1 who is the true founder of the said cofradfa;
[some of] our precious fathers the religious of the Company of Jesus who were going to
Rome got the bulls for him. But it was ruined and dropped because of the fact that [the
procession] could no longer be held. For it was proclaimed that on absolutely no day
during the whole of Holy Week was there to be a procession anywhere. It was not per
mitted to go in procession even on Easter day, the day of Resurrection, either. Nor could
any Spaniards or we commoners scourge themselves on any day of the said Holy Week. A
fine was set for whomever they should arrest with a tunic;2 he would be made to pay 50
pesos. And the said lords judges of the Audiencia sent messages everywhere so that in the
altepetl all around there could also not be processions anywhere during the said Holy
Week, but everywhere people should stand guard. All that could be done in church on
Maundy Thursday was to enclose the most Holy Sacrament in a stone tomb, not a single
thing beyond that. -
Y. Today on the second day [of Holy Week], on the said Holy Tuesday the 17th of the
month of April, was when here outside [the church of] San Ant6n in Xoloco many Span
ish warriors, soldiers, came and were stationed on the highway to stand guard with their
arms. Likewise many additional soldiers went and were stationed on the highway toward
Tepeyacac, going to Coyonacazco, and likewise a great many more soldiers were stationed
on the road going toward Chapoltepec, at the [group of houses?]' at Temetzcruztitlan,4 [p.
184] and all the roads everywhere coming into the city of Mexico they stood guard,
absolutely everywhere all around outside the houses5 in the whole city of Mexico. And
everywhere on the great canals they stood guard and looked out for where the blacks would
come from who were coming to kill the Spaniards, because it was said that the black
renegades who had established themselves at Acapulco would come from the seashore, and
that some blacks who had turned renegade and run away from Mexico here, leaving their
masters behind, would come here from Veracruz.
Y. Today, the third day, on Holy Wednesday, when night was coming, the Spaniards came
5. The word has not been found as such. Its components are calli "house"· tentli
"d"dh · ' '' e ge, an t e collect1ve-abstract nominal ending -yo. The first two in combination
e~pe?ia!ly with :ran, "in, etc.," often had the meaning at the entrance of a building, out~
side 11, ID effect ID the street or on the sidewalk if there was one.
' i1 I
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mauhtique yn ipan ye hualyohuac yn espafioles. cenca tlayohuac mixtica yhuan quiyauh
yhuan amo hue! momati aquin tzatzitincnca nohuiyan yhtic ciudad Mexico tetzatziliaya
amo nel aca telpochtlaveliloc espafiol ynic nohuiyan calnacazco quihtotinenca ca ye oahci
co yn tliltique aocmo hueca nemi ma neyaochichihuallo. ynin aquin tzatzitinenca ye quin
ipan chiuhcnahui tzilini netetequizpan ynic ,;a ye catca ynic yequene hue! momauhtique
espafioles. motepetlatzatzacq. yn inchachan ynic cenca momauhtique auh in sefiorati mo
chintin mochoquiliaya in ye quincahuazque ynnamichuan ypampa yuh mihtohuaya ,;an
yehuantin yn oquichti espafioles mictilozque auh in sefiorati ,;an cahualozque quinmoci
huahuatizque yn tliltique. cenyohual yn amo cochque yxto,;oque nohuiyan tlatlatique
inchachan omoteneuhque espafiolesme. i;an iuh tlathuilique yn amo cochque. auh yn izqui
tlamantin teopixquc Mexico monoltitoque i;an mohuetzquitiaya amo [p. 185] Quinmo
mauhtiliaya yn quimocaquiltiaya yn ipampa yxquich tlamantli mihtohuaya yaotlahtolli
yntechpa tliltiq. yn cuix quichihuaznequi. auh yn mexica timacehualtin atle ytlan quin
mauhtiaya i;an tlatlachia yhuan tlatlacaqui ,;an quinmahui,;ohuaya yn espafioles. yn iuh
mopollohuaya in inemauhtiliztica yniqu iuhqui macamo hue] yaotiacahua ypan nezque -
y_ Auh yn ipan Jucbes Sancto. yn izquican teopan ye mexico, ynic tepetlacalco quimo
tzacuillique Sanctissimo sacrameto, ynic hualyohuac ,;an nohuiyan tzauhcticatca puerta
teopan acan tlapoticatca ce yohual ca yuh catca tlahtocatlanahuatilli ye tzatzihuac ya tlat
huinahuac yn motlatlapo. in ye ypan viernes Sancto. tlathuico. / auh yn ipan in omo
teneuh viernes Sancto. i;an ocean yn quimotemohuillique cruztitech yn ixiptlatzin tt
Dios. yhuan quimotoquillique ynic ceccan oncan y nican S. Joseph S. Franco. ,;an callitic
yn mochiuh auh ynic ocean vmpa n S.tiago tlitilulco 2 quimotoquillique i;an no callihtic
yn mochiuh yhuan ynic nohuiyan altepetl ipan acan tlayahualoloc ,;an necomoniloc ynic
nohuiyan yaotlapialoc. // auh yn nican Mexico yn izquican ypa ohtli omoteneuh ye yao
tlapialloc Sabado Sancto tlamico. ynic callacque ynchachan yn Soldadostin mochiuhca -
y_ Axcan Miercoles ynic .2. mani Metztli Mayo de 1612. afios. yhcuac piloloque cen
pohuallonchicuey tlacatl yn tliltique oquichti auh in tliltique cihua chicome tlacatl yn
ihua piloloque in ye mochi ye mocenpohua cenpohuallon[p. 186]caxtolli tlacatl in pilo
loque o ynpan neltico ynic otlatzontequilliloque ynpan yah yn Sentencia yn ipampa yniqu
intech tlan ye omoteneuh tlacpac qui! macocuizquia quinmictizquia yn intecuiyohuan
espafioles. yn iuh omoteneuh yuh chihuililoque informacion quil ypan Juebes Sancto yn
ihcuac tlayahualolo ynnehuitequian yn espafioles quinmictizquia yn iuh quihtoque testi
gostin ypampa ynic cenca tlamauhtique ypan omoteneuh Semana Sancta ynic amo campa
hue] tlayahualoloc auh quil yntla hue! quinchihuani yntecuiyohuan espafioles. yntla hue!
quinmictiani. qui! ye niman. yehuantin tlahtocatizquia qui! ce tliltic Rey mochihuazquia
yhuan ce mulata morisca3 qui] quimonamictizquia reyna mochihuazquia. ytoca Isabel yn
otlahtocatizquia Mexico. auh qui! yn ixquich altepetl ynic nohuiyan ypan nueua espafia
qui! ye moch oquimomamacaca yn tliltique yn oncan otlahtocatizquia ynic cequintin Du
ques. cequintin Marquestin cequintin Condesme qui! omochiuhca ynic tinmacehualhuan
1. In the absence of an indication of vowel length, this form could refer to hiding
rather than burning things.
2. For "tlatilulco."
1612 219
to the ultimate of agitation and fright. It was very dark because of clouds, and it rained,
and it cannot be found out who went shouting all around the city of Mexico-was it not
some mischievous Spanish youth?-shouting to people and going about saying at the
corners of houses everywhere that the blacks had arrived, that they were not far away, that
everyone should get equipped for fighting. Whoever this was didn't go about shouting
until 9 o'clock, the time when everyone goes to bed, so that the Spaniards reached the
height of fear; they blocked themselves off in their homes from their great fear. All the
Spanish women were weeping, [thinking] that their spouses would leave them, because it
was said that only the Spanish men would be killed; the Spanish women would be left
and the blacks would take them as wives. All night the said Spaniards did not sleep and
kept vigil; everywhere they kept fires going 1 in their houses, and when dawn came they
had not slept. And all the different groups of ecclesiastics who live in Mexico were just
laughing; they were not [p. 185] frightened by what they were hearing about all the dif
ferent kinds of news of war concerning the blacks, what they supposedly wanted to do.
And we Mexica commoners were not at all frightened by it but were just looking and
listening, just marveling at how the Spaniards were being destroyed by their fear and
didn't appear as such great warriors. -
Y. On Maundy Thursday, when they enclosed the most Holy Sacrament in a tomb as night
came, the doors of the churches everywhere were closed; during the whole night they were
open nowhere, for the royal command that had been proclaimed was that they were to be
opened close to dawn, as it dawned on Good Friday./ And on the said Good Friday there
were only two places where the image of our lord God was taken down from the cross and
buried; the first place was here at San Josef at San Francisco; it was done just inside the
building. The second place where they buried him was at Santiago Tlatelolco,2 where it
was also done inside. And in the altepetl all around there were no processions anywhere;
people were just agitated and stood guard everywhere. // And here in Mexico on Holy
Saturday they stopped standing guard on all the roads that were mentioned, so that those
who had been made soldiers went to their homes. -
Y. Today, Wednesday the 2nd of the month of May of the year 1612, was when 28 black
men were hanged, and 7 black women were hanged with them; it added up to 35 [p. 186]
people who were hanged. Verification was made about them so that they were sentenced
and a judgment was issued against them because they were accused, as was mentioned
above, of reportedly intending to rebel and kill their Spanish masters. According to the
investigation made of them they were reportedly going to kill the Spaniards on Maundy
Thursday when they were going in procession scourging themselves, as the witnesses
said, because of which they caused great general fear during the said Holy Week, so that
processions were not permitted anywhere. And reportedly if they had been able to do it to
their masters, to kill them, reportedly a black was going to become king and a mulatto
woman, a morisca, 3 named Isabel, was reportedly going to marry him and become queen,
and they would have been the rulers in Mexico. And reportedly all the different altepetl
everywhere in New Spain had been distributed to the blacks, and there they would rule, so
that some had reportedly been made dukes, some marqueses, some counts, so that we
3. The exact thrust of this term in this context is not clear. At times Ch. seems to use
it as a virtual synonym of mulatto.
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otochihuazquia otiquintlacallaquilizquia otiquintlayecoltizquia oc yehuantin y nican titlaca
timacehualtin techcamaycuilozquia ynic necizquia ca totecuiyohuan. yhuan yuh mihto. ca
i;an niman aocac qulcahuazquia yn oquichtin espafioles yn huehuentzitzin yn iyolloco
oquichtin yn telpopochtin i;a ce ynic ye mochi oquichpipiltzitzinti mochintin quinmic
tizquia hue! quinpopollozquia ynic aocmo yehuatin tlapilhuatizquia aocmo yehuantin tla
caxinachozquia yhuan qui! no quinmictizquia yn sefiorati in ye yllamatzitzin yn aoctle
ynnecoca yhuan in mane! quin iyolloco cihua yhuan qui! yn mane! noi;o [p. I 87] Oqu
ichpopochtin 1 yntlacamo hue! chipahuaque 2 quil yntlacamo hue! cualxayaqueque mochm
tin quinmictizquia. yntla huelitini i;an quintlapepenizquia. auh qui! <;a yehuantin quin
cahuazquia yn hue] chipahuaque 2 sefiorati yn huel cualxayaqueque in ye yyolloco cihua
yhuan yn ichpopochtin i;a ce in ye mochintin cihuapipiltotonti yn hue! cualxayaquequ_e
i;an yehuantin amo quinmictizquia, i;an quincahuazquia yehica ypampa qml qummoc1-
huauhtizquia in tliltique. auh yhuan qui! yntla nel quinpilhuatizquia tliltique yn sefiorati
yntla oquichtin yntech quichihuazquia ynpilhuan in ye xeliuhqui ynnacayo
yn motenehua
mulatos moriscos.tin tlacatizquia, quil niman quinmictizquia amo huel nemizquia amo
hue! quinhuapahuazquia, auh quil intla ye cihua yntech sefiorati quinchihuazquia in mo
tenehua ye mulatati muriscastin quil amo quinmictizquia ye nemizquia quinhuapahuazquia
ypampa yn ihcuac huehueyazquia ca niman quinmocihuauhtizquia yehua~tin in tliltique
ynic huel hualmotlilticacuepazquia yn innepilhuatiliz yn intlacamecayo yn mtlacaxmacho.
auh ne yn ipampa oquichti yn inpilhuan tliltique omoteneuh yn itech quinchihuazquia
senorati quil yn ipampa amo quincahuaznequia nemizque ynic amo quinhuapahuaznequia.
qui! ye ye quimimacacia ypampa yntla huehueyazquia ma quenmanian ytlan ypan qui
chiuhti yn intahuan tliltique in tlamiequiyazquia moriscos. tin ma quilnamicti yn cihua
tica yn innanhuan ca espafiolas. yn intech qui<;a mahuiztic xinachtli mahuiztic tlaca
mecayotl yn amo yuh mahuiztic quipia ytechpa yntahuan tliltique. ynic niman a,o quin
yaotlahtalhuizquia, ah<;o ye niman quinmictizquia yn intahuan tliltique. qui! yehuatl i~ _Y~
quimimacacia [p. J 88] Yniqu iuh quihtohuaya quichihuazquia tliltique yntla huehllm
yntla hue! mochihuani auh quil yn ixquichtin cihuateopixque yn monjastin motzacuil
titoque Monasterios Mexico qui! mochintin quinquixtizquia yn ichpopochtin quinmoci
huauhtizquia yn tliltique qui! oc cenca yehuantin yntech tlahtohuaya yn omentin ychpoch
huan tlahtohuani Don Luis de Velasco Marques de Salinas pressidente del conseJO de
indias. yn espafia auh yn omoteneuhque ychpochtzitzinhuan ce ycnocihuatl ytoca Dofia
Maria dircios. ynin ynamic catca Don Juan altamirano. auh yn oc omentin cihuateopixque
monjastin yn oncan moyetzticate monasterio totlai;onantzin Regina ynic ce ytoca Dofia
Beatriz de la ecarnaci5 Abbadessa yn oncan ynic ome ytoca Dofia isabel de Jesus. auh qml
i;a yehuantin yn illamatzitzin vncan mocahuazquia monasterios. yn ternachtizquia. auh
qui! oc yehuantin yn tliltique cihua callaquizquia yn monasterios oncan motza~uaz~ma
ynic oc yehuantin cihuateopixcatizquia monjastin mochihuazquia, auh yhuan yn 1zqmtla
mantin teopixque Mexico monoltitoque quil no mochintin quinmictizquia quinpopo
lozquia, auh quil ,a yetlamantin in teopixque quincahuazquia. ynic centlamantin quil
yehuantzitzin in teopixque carmenitas descali;os. ynic ontlamantin qui! yehuantzitzin in
teopixque s. Diego moyetzticate descal<;os. S. Franco. ypilhuantzitzin. auh yniqu etla
mantin qui! yehuantzitzin. yn la compafiia de Jesus teopixque teatinos. qui! ynin ye quin-
I. Or were girls, maidens.
2. The word can also be interpreted as meaning light-skinned.
1612 221
local people, we commoners, would have become their vassals, we would have paid them
tribute and served them, and they would have branded our mouths so it would be seen that
they were our masters. It was also said that they were not going to leave any Spanish
men at all, whether old men, men in their maturity, or youths; they would kill every last
one of all the male children and destroy them absolutely, so that they would no longer
have children and reproduce. And reportedly they were also going to kill some of the
Spanish women, the old women who were no longer of any use, and even though women
were still in the prime of life and reportedly even though [p. I 87] they were still young, 1
if they weren't really good looking 2 and with comely faces, they were going to kill them
all if they had been able; they were going to choose among them. Reportedly they were
going to spare only the very good looking 2 Spanish women with very comely faces, the
mature women and maidens and all the little girls who were comely of face; they were the
only ones that they were not going to kill, that they were going to spare, because re
portedly the blacks were going to take them as wives. And also, reportedly, even if the
Spanish women had the blacks' male children, if they engendered by them children whose
blood 3 was divided, and what are called male mulattoes or moriscos would be born, re
portedly they would kill them right away, they would not be permitted to live and be
brought up. But reportedly if they should engender females by the Spanish women, called
female mulattoes and moriscas, reportedly they would not kill them; they would Jive and
they would bring them up, because when they grew up the blacks would take them as
wives so that their procreation, their lineage, their generation would turn black. But about
the blacks' male children, as was said, that they would engender by Spanish women, re
portedly the reason they didn't want to let them live and to raise them reportedly was that
they feared them because when they grew up they might do something sometime to their
fathers the blacks, and when the moriscos increased, [they were afraid] lest they remember
that their mothers, on the female side, were Spanish women who came from splendid
stock, splendid lineage, more splendid than they had on the side of their fathers the blacks,
so that perhaps then they would prepare for war against them, perhaps then they would
kill their fathers the blacks. Reportedly that was the reason they were afraid of them. [p.
188] That is what they said the blacks would have done if they had been able to do it. And
reportedly, as to all the nuns who were enclosed in nunneries in Mexico, the blacks were
going to bring them all out and take the young ones as wives; reportedly they spoke
especially about the two daughters of the ruler don Luis de Velasco, Marques of Salinas,
president of the Council of the Indies in Spain; of the said daughters one is a widow
named dofia Marfa de Ircio, who was the spouse of don Juan Altamirano, and there are
another two who are nuns at the nunnery of our precious mother Regina [Coeli], the first
of whom is named dofia Beatriz de la Encarnacion, abbess there, and the second is named
dofia Isabel de Jesus. And reportedly only the old women would be left in the nunneries to
teach, and reportedly black women would enter the nunneries too and be enclosed there so
that they too would become nuns. And as to all the different groups of ecclesiastics ;ho
live in Mexico, reportedly they were going to kill and destroy all of them too. Reportedly
they were going to spare only three groups of religious: first, the Discalced Carmelite
friars; second, reportedly, the friars of San Diego, who are discalced and the children of
San Francisco; third, the Theatine religious of the Company of Jesus; reportedly they
3. Literally flesh.
' ,,
' ·,,,I
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cahuazquia ypampa ynic quinmachtizquia huel quimixtlamachtizquia yn inpilhuan tliltique
yn ica mochi tlamachiliztli yn ixquich quimomachiltia. ynic no oc yehuantin quil teo
pixcatizquia missa quichihuazquia yn cacatzac cocone yhuan ynic cequintin quil oydoresme
mochihuazquia [p. 189] <;:a ce yn ixquich tlamantli yn intlatecpantlahuiquiliz espafioles.
quil moch quincuilizquia ynic no yehuantin tliltique ypan yazquia no ye tlamanitizquia
auh ,an yehuantin ynin omoteneuhque yetlamantin teopixque, yn quil quincuallittaya
tliltique ynic quincahuazquia ynic amo quinmictizquia yece macihui yn quincahuazquia
yniqu intlan tliltique monemiltizquia yece quil mochintin quinmatequixtilizquia quinmate
cuilizquia ynic amo campa huel oc ceme tlapilhuatizquia yntech sefiorati. ynic quil huel
quincenpopoloznequia espafioles. 0 yxquich tlamantli yn yo italhuililoque yn tenehui
liloque yn tliltzitzin 1 yhuan oc cequi miectlamatli yo italhuiloque yn amo huel moch
nican motenehuaz tlahtolli ca cenca miec yn intech tlan yn a<;o nelli quichihuazquia yn
ano<;o amo ca ,;an iceltzin huel yehuatzin quimomachiltia yn tt0
• dios. yntla yuhtica,
yehica ypampa ca amo huel mellahuac quimocuititihui yn cequintin yn mane! oqui
tzauhctiaque opiloloque ,an oquihtotiaque ma ycatzinco tt0 • dios. ticcelican yn miquizte
tlatzontequililiztli topan ye mochihua ca amo ticmati yn tleyn in totech tlami ye tic
tzauhctihui, Auh nican teneuhtica yn intocatzin yn izquintin tlahtoque Oydores. yhuan
alcaldes de carte ingouierno ypan moyetzticatca yn huel quimixcahuitzinoticatca tlahto
cayotl Mexico yn oquic ayac catca ce tlahtohuani visurrey yn quimochihuilique Justicia.
ynpan omoteneuhq. tliltique quinmotlatzontequililique ynic piloloque ynic yuhqui ynpan
mochiuh. yn iuh mochi tlacatl oquimatqui oquittac. ynic ce tlahtoque yn huel yntiach
cauhtzin mochiuhtzinotica oncan audiencia Real yehuatzin
y El licenciado Don Pedro de Otalora Presidente -
.Y. El licenciado Diego nufiez de Morquecho. -
y El Doctor Jhoan quesada de figueroa. -
y El licenciado Antonio Rodriguez. -
y El licenciado Pedro Suarez de longoria -
l[p. ]90]
y El Doctor Don Marcos guerrero. - 6
y El licenciado Aller de Villagomez - 7
y El licendiado Pedro Suarez2 de molina, - 8
y El licenciado Albar gomez de Abauni;a.3 - 9
y El licenciado ualle,;illo fiscal de! Rey de lo ciuil - 10
Auh yn allees de carte
y El Doctor Antonio de morga - ii
y El licenciado Diego Lopez bueno - 12
y El licenciado Don Franco de Leoz4
- 13
y El Doctor Valen,;ia fiscal del Rey del crimen- 14
o yzquintin in yn tlahtoque yn quimochihuillique Justicia impan omoteneuhque cenpo
hualloncaxtolli tliltique ynic piloloque axcan ypan omoteneuh cemilhuitl Y. oc achtopa
quitlayahualochtique caualloti ypa quinteyttiq yn otlipa 5 auh yn quinpehualti ye quinpi-
1. The form should be "tlilticatzitzin" or "tlilticatzitzintin."
2. Apparently an original J was corrected to S.
3. Name unconfirmed .
4.The name is given as Leoz or at times Leos in Monroy Castillo 1987-88, 1: 361;
1612 223
were going to spare them so that they would teach and instrnet the children of the blacks
in all knowledge, everything that they know, so that black children too, reportedly, would
become religious and perform mass, and so that some reportedly would become judges of
the Audiencia. [p. 189] All the different things that the Spaniards were responsible for
arranging they reportedly were going to take from them so that the blacks also would
have access to them, would thereby make the rules of behavior. It was only these three
said groups of religious that the blacks reportedly approved of and were going to spare and
not kill; but although they were going to spare them so that they would live among the
blacks, nevertheless reportedly they were going to remove and take off the testicles of all
of them so that one of them somewhere couldn't have children by the Spanish women, so
that, reportedly, they wanted to destroy the Spaniards utterly. These then are all the things
that were said and told about the blacks; 1 many other additional things were said about
them, not all of which tales can be told here, for they were accused of very much that
maybe they truly were going to do or maybe not, for only our lord God himself knows
whether it is so, because some [of the blacks] did not acknowledge the full truth of it;
though they were punished and hanged, they said on dying, "Let us in the name of our
lord God accept the death sentence that has been passed upon us, for we do not know what
we are accused of that we are being punished for." Here are given the names of all the
lords civil and criminal judges of the Audiencia in the time of whose government it was
and who ruled all by themselves in Mexico, who as long as there was no lord viceroy
administered justice regarding the said blacks and sentenced them to be hanged, as was
done to them, as everyone found out and saw. The first of the judges, who had become the
most senior in the Royal Audiencia, was:
Y lieenciado don Pedro de Otalora, president
y licenciado Diego Nuilez de Morquecho
Y. doctor Juan Quesada de Figueroa
y liceneiado Antonio Rodriguez
y licenciado Pedro Suarez de Longoria
y doctor don Marcos Guerrero
I [p. 190]
y licenciado Aller de Villag6mez 7
y licenciado Pedro Suarez2 de Molina 8
y licenciado Alvar G6mez de Abaunza3 9
y licenciado Vallecillo, royal prosecutor in civil matters 10
and the court alcaldes,
y doctor Antonio de Morga 11
y licenciado Diego L6pez Bueno 12
Y. licenciado don Francisco de Leoz4 13
Y. doctor Valencia, royal prosecutor in criminal matters 14
These then were the judges who administered justice upon the said 35 blacks, so that they
were hanged today on the said day. Y. First they had them go in procession on horses; they
displayed them on the roads. 5 And Cristobal Tranpipitl, 6 a mulatto, began to hang them
2: 98, 298.
5. The portion from "oc achtopa" to "yn otlipa," in the English from "First they" to
"on the roads," is added in the margin.
6. Name unconfirmed and on the face of it quite unlikely.
l\i '
II] :,
, .·.·1
,!,',, I
I' ,,
ii t
pilohua xpoual tranpipitl' mulato matlactli tzillini ypan quarta hora yn tlaca yhcuac
yancuican quipalehui yn ipiltzin 2 yniqu inehuan tepilloque oncan tecpan quiyahuac auh
chicuetetl in yancuic tepilolcuahuitl inca moquetz tliltique ye chiuhcnauhtetl mochiuh in
yeppa ya huecauh yhcac tepilolcuahuitl tlanepantla moquetztiquiz. yehica yn omoteneuh
chicuetetl yacuic tepilolcuahuitl ye quimanque i;an quiyahuallochtique [p. 191] Auh ye
huantin yn achi huey yntlatlacol yntech mihto yeintin in tlanepantla piloloque, auh yn oc
cequintin i;an quintlayahuallochtique yn itech omoteneuh yancuic tepilolcuahuitl ynic
quinpilotiaque mochintin cualtica quimonochilitiaque quimotzatzililitiaque yn intemaquix
ticatzin tt0 . Dios. ynic momiquilique mochintin mocencauhtihui moyolcuititihui auh yn
tlamico. ynic quinpiloque omoteneuhque tliltique ye ce tzillini hue\ yei horn in quinpil
loque. auh in ye o yuh mochintin quinpilloque i;an oc oncan ynpan yohuac cenyohual yn
pipilcatimanca. auh no miequintin yn amo piloloque tliltique yhua mulatoti i;an oncan
tzauhcticatca yn carcel de carte tlatlatolchixticate
y_ Auh ye quin iyomilhuiyoc yn ipan Juebes ynic eilhuitl mani n i metztli Mayo. hue\
ypan ylhuitzin Sancta cruz oquintemohuique in mimicque yn oncan tepilolcuauhtitech auh
ynin omoteneuhque mimicque ynic tlatzontequililoque Justiciatica mochintin xexeloloz
quia ynic ynnacayo miyxtlapanazquia vmpa onmopipilozquia mochi yn ipan yzqui hue
huey ohtli ochpantli hualcallaqui Mexico /1. auh yn ipampa i ye niman Acuerdo mochiuh
yn audiencia real ye mononotzinoque yn tlahtoque no oncan quinmonanamiquilique yn
ixquichtin Doctoresme in tepahtiani ynic yncepantlacemihtoltica mochiuh ynic i;an quech
cotonalloque cenpohuallonchiuhcnahui yn omoteneuhque mimicque auh yn intzonteco on
can tepilolcuauhticpac quini;ai;alloque, auh yn intlacnacayo oncan quincallaquique yn con
tadoria tlatzitla i;a moch quechcotontia oncan quinquimilloto yn inhuayolque tliltique. auh
yn ayac yea mochiuh i;an iuhqui auh ye nima ye teotlac ye ypan chicuacen tzillini yn
oncan quimonehualtique vmpa quintocato yn hospital nuestra Senora de [p. 192] La mise
ricordia. auh in quinhuicaque yn cuicatiaq clerigos, yhU.an in hermanos ypilhuantzitzin
Bato 3 Juan de Dios. tehuicaque yhuan cequintzitzin tottatzitzinhua S. Domingo. yhuan S.
Franco. yhuan S. Augustin. yhuan La compai\ia de Jesus teopixque in motetoquillito. auh
niman ya yehuantin in tliltique yhuan achi quezquintin yn espai\oles. yhuan Mexica ce
quintin yn timacehualtin tlapallehuique quinnapalloque in mimicque yn atle andas quipia
i;an petlatica ynic quinhuicaque quintocato II auh yn oc chicuacen omoteneuhque tliltique
mimicque quinxexelloque ye cemixtlauh quintlapahtillique ynic mochintin incepanyan
xexelolozquia oc cequintin ynic tlatzontequililoque mochintin yn c;an otocoque ye omihto,
auh ye omoteneuh i;a chicuacentlacatl y mimicque quinxexelloque quinpilloto yn ipan
omoteneuh yzqui ohtli huehuey hualcallaqui Mexico, auh ynic amo mochintin xexelo
loque oc cequitin yn omoteneuhque i;an tocoque yehica ypampa quihtoque in mochintin
tlamatini Doctoresme intla mochintin xexellolozque mimicque auh ynic quinpillotihui
ypan yzqui huehuey ohtli yn innacayo. ca oncan mochi pallaniz amo cualli ye mochihuaz
yn iyaca yn ipotonca ca cocoliztli mocuepaz auh niman nican hehecatica huallaz yn ihtic
ciudad Mexico. topan motecaquiuh ynic techcocolizmacaz. o yehuatl ipampa yn yn intlah
tol Doctoresme ynic quinmonanamiquillique tlahtoq. oydores yn oncan omoteneuh acuer
do mochiuh ynic i;an otocoque oc cequintin mimicque -
y_ Auh axcan viernes ynic 4. mani Metztli Mayo de 1612 ai\os. ye oquiz yn pascua yhcuac
I. See p. 223, n. 6.
2. Son, surely.
1612 225
:i~e:~:r:~:r:~yl~:~c::cg~t~e~:a:goerdning; alt that hdme his child2 helped him for the first
peop e outs1 e the palace E' ht
been set up for the blacks· the g ll d . · ig . new gallows had , a ows use as the mnth h d b .
long time before; it turned out to stand in the , ddl a . een _standmg there for a
new gallows they placed them all around it [pm119le] bTehcaushe m settmg up the said eight
th h · · · · e t ree about whom ·t · d
at t elf cnme was greatest were hanged in the middle and th h I was sm
them on the said new gallows. As the went al , . . ey putt e others all around
and cried out to their redeemer our lorlGod Whon~:an!'.nJ them they all properly called
confessed. Hanging the said blacks came t~ an ::d a? '~ , all _h_ad been prepared and had
hang them. After they had all been h d h I o clock: it took three full hours to
left hanging all night. Also many bl:~t: ;~de: ~ere there until night fell, and they were
locked up in the court jail awaiting sentence. u attoes who were not hanged were just
Y. Not until the second day on Thursda the 3rd d
feast day of Santa Cruz did they take thye d d d ayfof the month of May, right on the
. . ' ea own rom the gallow A d'
official sentence the said dead we II t b . s. ccor mg to the
'."hich were going to be hung her:::d tier: i:~~pt::~::,:::::~n~i~'.dhed into pie~es,
mto Mexico II On th' h 1g ways commg
judges ~ere ~ummone~sf;~:,t::~ :is:~ii"!h~:~::::ad:c~:r:h:;si:~~ed !nto ses~ion; the
thelf J0!Ilt pronouncement that 29 of the said dead 1 d . th m, and it was by
stuck on top of the gallo Th h . ';ere on y ecap1tated and their heads
ws. ey put t elf torsos m the ro I • .
below, and the relatives of all the blacks wh h d ya accountmg office, down
them. Nothin . ose ea s were cut off went there to shroud
the afternoon~ a::so~:i~:;:~eya~:ookftthheem, they wedre just left as they were, and then in
' m away an went to bury th t th h • ,
Nuestra Senora de [p 1
M' . d' em a e osp1tal of
· a 1sencor rn They were • d b went sin in d b · accompame Y secular priests who
g g an y the brothers who are the children of the beatified' Ju n d D' d
some of our fathers the religious of Santo Domingo San Fr . S ; e ms, an
Company of Jesus went to the burial And then the, bla k ancd1sco, a: gustfn, and the
. · c s an some ,ew Spania d d
~~h:tht~~: ~e;:t: ~:~:;n:~:!~l~le*::e:i::;'!:~dt~:/::~;/!~c~:d ::r~i::t; :pr e;wjau1~tsht
w 1c was made good and 'th th h , ::f. ·=J;::::;!~E.~:7~~::r2~~:;; 1~~
didn't cut them all up a d th 'd h ds commg mto Mexico. The reason that they
n esa1 ot erswerej stb · d · h
said that if all the dead should be cut u and . u une IS t. at all the learned doctors
:if:::'::: :;:,_;:;:ww: ~ :::j::::'.:"':"::t:: ~':2s::E'~ E
h n1:i,us, m~kmg us SJCk. It was because of these things that the doctors said ~hen
;e e:the:~e:;•::! ;~:/~::1:.dges of the Audiencia when the said session was held, tha;
Y. Today, Friday the 4th of the month of May of the year 1612, after Easter had been
3. For "Beato."
I, 111
,, ,,
" "I I
. ,I I
i .!1
,i !I 11 ·i,}.
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,·: '(
macoca tlanahuatilli huelitiliztli licecia audiencia real yn espafioles. yn oquitlallique yan
cuic cofradia oncan omoteneuh S. Juan de la penitencia monjas IJJ. 193] Moyotlan ynic
tlayahuallozquia prossion 1 mochihuazquia qui,;azquia yn ipilhuantzitzin S. Juan bapta.
tlamaceuhque penitentes inic mohuitequizque. yn ipan ome tzillini teotlac auh ye yuhqui.
ye quixohuazquia quiquixtizquia yn ipassi5tzin tt0 . dios. auh yece in yehuatl prouisor Don
Juan de Salamanca oc polihuia yn ihuelitiliz yn itlanahuatil licencia amo tle quitlanilique
ynic ,;an quihualtzacuilli tlayahualoliztli ynic amo hue! mochihuaz. yhuii descomunion
quinhuallalili yn espafioles. ynic amo hue! qui,;az omoteneuh tlayahualloliztli prossion
ynic oc nen quitlanilizquia licencia ,;a ihciuhca prouisor. <;a quinhualilhui yn espafioles. ca
aocmo ymonecyan yn axcan ye qui<;az ytlayhiyohuilitzin yn ipassiontzin ylnamicoca tt
dios. auh ca ye oquiz in hue] ynemacpan cahuitl catca, auh ca ye pahpaquilizcahuitl yn
axca ypan ticate caocmo hue! mochihuaz. o yhui yn yn quihualtzauhc prouisor ynic ni
man ,;a mixcahuique in tlamaceuhque penitentes quizque yn momecahuitecque ynic
yzquican teopan quiqui,;ato ynic estaciones quichihuato.
y Auh axcan martes ynic 8. mani Metztli Mayo de 1612 afios. ye macuilli tzillini teotlac
yhcuac otocoque yn intzonteco omoteneuhque tliltique piloloque in yaoyotl quihtohuaya
yea ,;an chicomilhuitique yn oncan cacatca tepilolcuauhticpac ypampa cenca ye iyayaya
ynic niman quinquixtique ,;ano vmpa quihtocato2 yn ·omoteneuh hospital de la miseri-
y Axcan Lunes ynic 14. mani metztli Mayo de 1612 afios. yhcuac IJJ. 194] Ye no ce tlil
tic piloloc yn oncan tecpan quiyahuac yncapitan yn achtopa omoteneuhque tliltique pilo-
loque -
y Axcan Sabado ynic 26. mani Metztli Mayo de 1612 afios yhcuac nican Mexico quimon-
pehualtique miequintin tliltique yn ompa quinhuica espafia quinmottiliz yn tohueytlah
tocatzin Rey yn ipampa yntlatlacol yn omoteneuh ynic macocuizquia yn a,o nelli yaoyotl
quichihuaznequia nican ypan nueua espafia yn oc mocauhque yn amo tehuanme piloloque
nican yn iuh ynpan mochiuh oc cequintin tlacpac omoteneuhque tliltique, auh ynin omo
teneuhque espafia huicoque oncan tetlan yhcuac huicoc yn Anton de loya
tliltic ,;ano
ymalguacil catca yn tliltique libres yn tlacallaquia // auh yn ipan in omoteneuh cemilhuitl
Sabado no yhcuac omochiuh capitulo. in S. Domingo yehuatzin prouincial mochiuh yn
Padre maestro fr. hernando Ba,;an auh yn iyomilhuiyoc yn ipan Domingo ynic 27. mani
metztli Mayo. yhcuac otlayahualoloc yn oncan omoteneuh S. Domingo ycatzinco ypam
patzinco yn huey Sancto S. Luis perdra4 confesor teopixqui S. Domingo. ynic ,an oc
tlayectenehualtic rnotenehua Beatificacion ycatzinco yancuica mochiuh yn ompa Roma. in
Sancto Padre quinmomacahuilili yhuelitzl yn teopixque S. Domingo ynic hue! quimol
huichihuililitiazque cecexiuhtica, ynic no nican Mexico. ycatzinco omochiuh yancuican
tlayahualoliztli yn ipan in omoteneuh Domingo motlayahualhui yn ixiptlatzin Sancto S
Luis. //
y Axcan Junes ynic 28. mani Metztli Mayo de 1612 afios yhcuac nican mexico vnmo-
1. For "prossession" or the like .
2. For "quintocato."
3. Name unconfirmed.
4. Stafford Poole has suggested that the person Ch. gives as "S. Luis perdra" was St.
Luis Beltran (1526-1581), known in English as St. Louis Bertrand, a Dominican friar
1612 227
celebrated, was when an order of permission of the Royal Audiencia had been given to the
Spaniards who established the new cofradfa at the said nunnery of San Juan de la Peni
tencia IJJ. 193] in Moyotlan, so that at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the children of San Juan
Bautista, the penitents, could come out and go around holding a procession 1 to scourge
themselves. Everything was ready, they were going to come out and bring out the
Passion of our lord God, but the order of permission of the vicar general don Juan de
Salamanca was still lacking, they had not asked him for any, so that he blocked the
procession, so that it could not be held, and he excommunicated the Spaniards, so that the
said procession 1 could not come out and it would do no good to ask him for permission.
The vicar general quickly told the Spaniards that now was no longer a proper time for the
suffering and passion in memory of our lord God to be brought out. That had already end
ed; now we were truly in a time of his grace, in the midst of celebration; it could no
longer be done. This then is how the vicar general blocked it, so that then the penitents
just came out on their own [as individuals] and scourged themselves, going by each of the
churches and making the stations [of the cross].
Y Tuesday, the 8th of the month of May of the year 1612, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon,
was when the heads of the said blacks who were hanged, who had declared war, were bur
ied. The reason that they were on top of the gallows for only seven days was that they
were already smelling very bad, so that then they removed them and buried2 them likewise
at the said hospital of Misericordia.
Y Today, Monday the 14th of the month of May of the year 1612, was when !p. 194]
another black was hanged outside the palace, the captain of the earlier mentioned blacks
who were hanged. -
Y Today, Saturday the 26th of the month of May of the year 1612, was when they set off
from Mexico here with many blacks they were taking to Spain. Our great ruler the king
wtJI see them because of their crimes that were mentioned, how they were going to rebel,
and if it was true that they were going to make war here in New Spain. Those who were
still left, who were not hanged here with the rest as was done with the other blacks men
tioned above, these said blacks were taken to Spain. At that time Anton de Loya, 3 a
black, was also taken with the rest; he had been the constable of the free blacks who pay
tribute. // Also on the said day of Saturday was held the provincial chapter meeting at
Santo Domingo; father fray Hernando Bazan, master in theology, became provincial head.
And the next day, on Sunday the 27th of the month of May, was when a procession was
held at the said [church of] Santo Domingo on account of the great saint San Luis
Beltran, 4 confessor and Dominican friar. Since he has only been blessed for the time
being, and what is called beatification was recently petformed for him in Rome, the Holy
Father granted the Dominican friars his permission for them to go along celebrating his
feast day every year, so that also here in Mexico there was a procession for the first time
on his behalf; on the said Sunday the image of the saint San Luis went in procession.//
Y Today, Monday the 28th of the month of May of the year 1612, was when father fray
active in the Caribbean and on the Spanish main, who was ultimately canonized and was
named patron saint of New Granada ( 1690). The form "perdra" is a plausible represen
ta!ton of Beltran, with the normal substitution p for b, hypercorrect r for I and d for t
and omission of n, a ubiquitous phenomenon in Nahuatl writing. '
I! ,,,
'i ,·:
1.1. 11
pehualti yn padre fr. [p. 195] Antonio de olea el prcsentado mohuica espana vmpa ychan
tzico ynin ycompanerotzin yn teoyotica tlahtohuani Don fr. Garcia Guerra an;obispo
Mexico yhuan visurrey moyetzticatca yn oquimohuiquillitzino tt0
• Dias. -
y_ Axcan Lunes ynic .2. mani Metztli Julio de 1612 afios. ypan ylhuitzin visitacion ynic
quimotlapalhuito totlai;onantzin S.ta maria yn itlai;opitzin S.ta isabel. yhcuac mochalli
ynic yecauh teocalmamallihuac yn oncan yancuic teopan nuestra Senora de! colegio de las
Nifias. ynin omoteneuh teocalli hue\ amo huecauh yn omochiuh i;an iuhqui yn hualixhuac
inic moyancuilli ynic quichiuhque cofrades de! Sanctissimo Sacramento. II auh ,ano ypan
in yn omoteneuh lunes yn ohualtlathuic omomiquilli yn franCO de leyba. ynahuatlahto
cauh catca visurrey. ynin cenca tlamamauhtiaya nohuiyampa ytoca 1 timacehualti ynic
cenca tlahueliloc hue! teahuani catca yn ipa tleyn tequitl mochihuaya hue! tentlahueliloc
camachichi catca ayac quixittaya mane! gouernadoresme amo tie ye quinmahuiztiliaya
yhuan cenca teca omocacayauhtia -
y_ Axcan Lunes ynic .20. mani Metztli Agosto de 1612 afios. yhcuac omomiquilli yn Don
Balthasar mm chane S. Pablo i;oquipan i;an atlaca2 catca amo campa tlahtocayotl ytech
qui<;aya ynin yehuatl yn gouernador catca azcapotzalco. ,an quicahualtique yn igouernacion
ynic niman conpatlato Don Antonio Valeriano tclpochtli yn iuh omoteneuh tlacpac
y_ Axcan Miercoles ynic .29. mani Metztli Agosto de 1612 anos, yhcuac omomiquilli yn
El licenciado Albar gomez de Abaurn;a oydor catca Mexico. auh ye chicuacen tzillini teo
tlac yn otocoto ynacayo yn oncan teopan Monasterio de nu[p. 196]estra Senora de las
mercedes, yn iztac habito teopixque quimotlalilia ynchantzinco
y_ Axcan Domingo ynic .30. mani Metztli Setiembre de 1612 afios ypan ylhuitzin S.
Jeronimo. yhcuac omachiztico omomiquilli cuauhtemallan. yn Doctor grauajar. oydor
catca yn 6pa ornoteneuh cuauhtemallan ynin nican Mexico yahca quin icel criyoyo oydor
omochiuhtia -
y_ Axcan Lunes ynic .22. mani Metztli octubre de 1612 a0 s. yhcuac nican Mexico ahi;ico
callaquico in El licenciado Don Juan Fernandez de Velasco y horozco alk!e de carte
Mexico vmpa hualla espafia ynin yuh omihto criyoyo. nican yahca Mexico ynic oquicuito
ytequiuh omochiuh II. auh <;1ino yhcuac yn hualla yn Don Juan gano Moteuhci;oma,
onhuia espafia ye expa yllo.5 II auh ,ano ypan in yn omoteneuh Junes. yn ohuallathuic
oquichtacamictique yn Miguel Sanchez tecuicitli alkle chane S. Pablo ometochtitla
oquittato chichinampii huetztoc oquicuallique yn ixayac atlan chaneque
oncan yn ichan
1. Despite the plural form, "ytoca," the singular must be intended.
2. The form "atlaca" may lack the singular absolutive ending tl, or it may be the plural
used in a partitive meaning, "one of." The word is probably litlahcatl, a person associated
with or inhabitant of the water, which in effect usually means a boatman, sailor, or
fisherman. A remote possibility would be ahtllicatl, usually meaning an inhuman,
monstrous person, but conceivably susceptible of being interpreted as a nobody, a person
of very humble origins.
1612 229
Antonio de Olea, who has been presented [as candidate for archbishop], set out [p. 195] to
go to Spain where his home is. He was the companion of the spiritual ruler don fray
Garcia Guerra, late archbishop in Mexico and viceroy, whom our lord God took._
Y _T~da~; Monday the 2nd of the month of July of the year 1612, on the feast day of
V1s1tac1on, when our precious mother Santa Marfa went to greet her dear older sister
Santa Isabel, was when the new church at Nuestra Senora de! Colegio de las Nifias was
maugurated and first dedicated after being finished. It was not very long ago that this said
church was built; it is just as though it were branching out and being renovated; the
members of the cofradfa of the most Holy Sacrament did it. fl And also on the said Mon
day, in the night before morning, Francisco de Leiva passed away; he was the viceroy's
interpreter, whose name' greatly frightened us commoners everywhere because he was
very bad, he used to really scold people about whatever tribute duty was being performed.
He really had a bad mouth and spoke bitterly. He respected no one; even though it was a
governor he showed no respect. And he greatly cheated people. -
Y Today, Monday the 20th of the month of August of the year 1612, was when don
Baltasar Martin, from San Pablo <;:oquipan, passed away. He was just a [boatman or fish
erman],2 he didn't come from a ruling dynasty anywhere. He was governor of Azcapo
tzalco, but they made him relinquish his governorship so that then don Antonio Valeriano
the younger replaced him, as was said above.
Y Today, Wednesday the 29th of the month of August of the year 1612, was when there
passed away licenciado Alvar Gomez de Abaunza, who was civil judge of the Audiencia in
Mexico, and at 6 o'clock in the afternoon his body was buried at the monastery church of
Nuestra [p. 196] Senora de las Mercedes; he wore the white habit of the friars in their
home establishment. 3
Y Today, Sunday the 30th of the month of September of the year 1612, on the feast day
of San _Ger6~imo, was when it became known that in Guatemala doctor Carvajal, who
was a Judge m the Audiencia in the said Guatemala, passed away. He had gone from
Mexico here, and up to that time he was the only criollo who had been made civil judge
in an Audiencia. -
Y Today, Monday the 22nd of the month of October of the year 1612, was when licen
ciado don Juan Fernandez de Velasco y Orozco, alcalde de corte in Mexico, got to Mexico
here and entered; he came from Spain. It was said that he is a criollo; he had left Mexico
here in order to go take the office to which he had been appointed. II Likewise at that time
don Juan Cano Moctezuma 4 came back from having gone to Spain; it was the third time
that he has come back.5 // And also on this said Monday, in the night before morning,
Miguel Sanchez Teuccitli, alcalde, from San Pablo Ometochtitlan, was secretly killed
[murdered]. They found him lying in the chinampas; the fish6 had chewed at his face. He
3. Possibly the passage merely means that the friars wore the white habit· "ynchan-
tzinco" seems to be hanging, not in its usual position. '
4. So used in Spanish, as seen on p. 67 at n. 5.
5. App~rently this i~ _the verb Uoti, to come back from where one has gone, in the
pretent without the m1trnl o, which Ch. often omits. The standard preterit is ilot; the
fmal t m~y}ave bee?, reduced to an unwritten glottal stop as regularly happened with the
verb mat,, to know, or 11 may have been madvertently omitted.
6. Literally, residents of the water.
" !· I
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. ,ii
yhuino 1 an0<;0 yvinonamacayan Morexon temaztitlan yn quimictique ,an quicocohuiteq
yea ce gadana ,an ihuayolque yn tle yea quimictique cholloque
Y. Axcan Domingo ynic .28. mani Metztli octubre de 1612 afios. hue! ypan ymilhuitzin
yn Sant. Simon yhuan S. Judas Tadeo, Apostoles. yhcuac nican Mexico tecpa palacio ye
ypan chicuacen tzillini teotlac ynic onyohuac yn omocallaquico yn tlahtohuani Don diego
femandez de cordoua [p. 197] Marques de guadalcazar comendador S.tiago Visurrey lugar
theniente del Rey nuestro Senor gouor y capitan general de la nueua espafia, yhuan qui
hualmohuiquilli yn inamictzin yn cihuapilli ytoca Dofia Mariana Riedre2 Marqsa virreyna
de la nueua espafia. ynin cihuapilli Alemafiis ca hue! ompa chane yn ciudad Alemafiia:
vmpa quihualmohuiquilli ycihuapiltzin yhuan ysecretariatzin hualmochiuhtiaca yn to
hueycihuatlahtocauh Dofia Margarida de Austria Reyna espaiia omoyetzticatca yn oqui
mohuiquilli uo. dios. axcan ce xihuitl ypan ytlac;oylhuitzin S. Franco, yn momiquilli. //
auh yn iteyolcuiticauh yconfesor ohualmochiuhtia Visurrey yn ompa oquihualmohuiquilli
espafia ce clerigo quitocayotia Doctor Guerrero comendador Calatraba chichiltic cruz yn
icomienda quitlalia // yhuan oc ce cauallero ytoca Don fran" 0 de cardona comendador de
montesa no chichiltic cruz. c;an ixquich nepaniuhqui 4 yn icomienda quitlalia no vmpa
hualla yn espaiia. ynin nican inJuez mochihuaco yn obrajeros. 5 II ynic ey hualla espafia
yn cauallero 6 ytoca Don Luis de Alc;ega ybarguen7 comendador de Alcantara yn icomienda
quitlallia quiltic cruz. ynin telpocapiltontli novicio y hualla ayemo monetoltia yea ayemo
quichihua profession ,an oqu ixquich quihualcuitehua vmpa comienda ynin omoteneuh
ynpiltzin ynconeuh yn contador ybarguen catca yhuan Dofia catalina de Alc;ega yn axcan
ye ynamic yetica yn Doctor Antonio de Morga alkle de carte Mexico. ye ytlacpahuitec yn
omoteneuh telpochtli comendador criyoyo
Y. Axcan viernes ynic 24. mani Metztli Nouiembre de 1612 afios. yhcuac oquiz yn in
Sentencia revista yn audiencia [p. 198] real Mexico ynic tlahtoque oydores yhuan virrey o
quinmomaquillique yn intlal Mexica tenochca yn ipampa moteylhuique cochtocan y espa
fioles oquicuica ynic ce yehuatl yn Alonso dauilla huehuenton ynic ome yehuatl yn Moli-
son quincahualtique auh yn macoto possesion oc cenca yehuatl yn isabel ___ yhuan
ynamic Juan de espafia chaneque S.ta maria cuepopan yehuantin huel mochicauhque yn
moteilhuique yntlatqui ymixcoyan quipopolloque, auh c;a yuhqui yn ontlatoquilitiaque S.
Pablo. tlaca yn hernando teuhcxochitzin ynehuan yn Nicolas hemandez tlacayelel /
Y. Axcan Sabado ynic .8. mani metztli de diziembre de 1612 aiios. hue! ypan ylhuitzin
totlac;onantzin Comsepcion yhcuac cenca tlamahuiztililiztica tlayahualoliztica quitocaque
coztic teocuitlatl yn teopixque S. Franco, ypan yn commissario fr. Juan c;urida yn ompa
totlac;onantzin S ta maria motenehua de la Redonda. cuepopan ynic otlamachiyotique yn
I. Apparently the form "yhuino" is to be read as though it had a hyp~en after it, to_ be
completed by "-namacayan," so that Ch. is simply giving two alternattves for spellmg
the loanword vino, probably pronounced with an initial [w] in Nahuatl.
2. For the name see Sanchez 1998, p. 29.
3. Conceivably Ch. means a city in Germany, but since he often equates ciudad and
altepetl, and considers entities such as Japan to be altepetl, it seems more hkely that he 1s
calling Germany a city.
1612 231
was killed at the home and wine tavern' of Morrison at Temaztitlan. His throat was cut
with a cutlass. It was just [one of?] his relatives who killed him over something then
fled. '
Y. Today, Sunday the 28th of the month of October of the year 1612, right on the feast
day of San Sim6n and San Judas Tadeo the apostles, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon as
night was falling, was when there entered the governmental palace here in Mexico the iord
don Diego Fernandez de Cordoba, [p. 197] Marques of Guadalcazar, comendador in the
order of Santiago, viceroy and deputy of the king our lord, governor and captain general of
New Spai_n, and he brought his spouse, the lady named dofia Mariana Riderer,2 marquise
and vtrreme of New Spain; this lady is German, for she is actually from the city of
Germany. 3 She was brought from there as her lady[-in-waiting] and secretary by our great
queen doila Margarita de Austria, late queen of Spain, whom our lord God took a year ago
now; it was on the precious feast day of San Francisco that she passed away. // And the
person who came appointed as the viceroy's confessor, whom he brought from Spain,
was a secular pnest whom they call doctor Guerrero, comendador in the order of Calatrava;
he wears a red cross as his badge.// And another gentleman named don Francisco de Car
dona, comendador [ of the order of?] Montesa also wears a red cross as his badge, but
[doubled?J; 4 he too came from Spain, appointed judge of [owners of textile works?].s //
The third ge~tleman 6 who came from Spain was called don Luis de Alcega Ibarguen, 7
comendador m the order of Alcantara; he wears a green cross as his badge; he is a
youngster, a novice, who came before taking his vows and professing; all he has done so
far is get his badge there before leaving. The one we are talking about is the child of the
late royal accountant lbargucn and dofia Catalina de Alcega, who has now become the
spouse of doctor Antonio de Morga, alcalde of court in Mexico, so that the said youth
who is a comendador is his stepson; he is a criollo.
Y. Today, Friday the 24th of the month of November of the year 1612, was when the
sentence after appeal of the Royal Audiencia of Mexico was issued, jp. 198] by which the
lords judges and the viceroy gave to the Mexica Tenochca their land at Cochtocan about
which they had made a complaint, that Spaniards had taken, first the old man Alonso de
Avila and second that Morrison. They made them relinquish it, and possession was given
t~ [the Mexica Tenochca], especially Isabel ___ and her spouse Juan de Espana,
c1t1zens of Santa Marfa Cuepopan. They were very energetic in the complaint; it was their
own property that they lost, and following them [in pursuing the suit] were the people of
San Pablo, Hernando Teucxochitzin together with Nicolas Hernandez Tlacaellel. /
Y. Today, Saturday the 8th of the month of December of the year 1612, right on the feast
day of our precious mother of Concepcion, was when with very great splendor, in a
pro~ession, the Franciscan friars, in the term of the commissary fray Juan de Zorita,
buned some gold at [the church of] our precious mother Santa Marfa, called de la
Redonda, in Cuepopan, by which they signified that groundbreaking began for building a
4. Nepaniuhqui refers to various kinds of folding, doubling, joining.
5. The word ~bra1ero was most frequently used in New Spain for the owners or man
agers of the texttle works called obrajes, but it could also mean one in charge of public
works, contractor.
6. Or knight. All three of those mentioned were knights in military orders.
7. Name unconfirmed.
'1·: ,,:
. ,,
oncan opeuh ye otlatlallanoc ynic ye mochihua yancuic tlatlapolloyan Porteria yn oncan
mochihuaz missa yn oquic mochihuaz yancuic cochiantli yhuan yancuic teopacalli yn
tlatquitica yn teopixque ye quimochihuilia - xitiniz yn teoparn;olli // axcan viernes ynic
28. mani Metztli de diziebre de 1612 afios ynic nahuilhuitl pascua nauidad yn itlaca
tillitzin uo Jesu xpo. hue! ypa ilhuitzin pipiltzitzinti sanctos ynocentes. yhcuac omaco-
4 escabulario yhua yn capilla in motenehua hermanos conbalecientes Y quimocuitla
huia hospital de los Locos, S.t ipolito tlalcozpan .12. monetoltiq profession qui
chiuhq. ymac yn intiachcauh hermano mayor ypan missa yohuatzinco yxpantzinco visu
rrey yhua mochi audiencia real tlaca oydores. auh yehuatzin oncan motemachtili y Don fr.
diego de c6treras Electo an;obispo yn la isla S. Domingo ayhtic auh S. Padre ytenco
patzinco yn iuh mochiuh -
hernos. I de huastepec y_ Bernardino Aluarez. fundador de los hospitaleros hernos. conua-
lecientes de Mexico. y de otros muchos que estan repartidos por la nueua espafia que
merecio felicissimo successos de prosperidad para el bien remedio. y salud de muchos
1613.2 .iiii. calli xihuitl yn ipan in yehuatl [p. 199] Gouemador yn Senor Juan Perez de
monterrey. y nican Tenochtitlan, auh yn alklesme motlallique S. Juan Moyotlan Diego de
S. Franco chane tequicaltitlan 3 yhuan Augustin Vasquez chane huehuecalco, auh yn
alklesme motlallique S. Pablo teopa Juan Ramirez chane <;oquipan yhuan Pablo Damian
chane ometochtitlan, auh yn alklesme motlallique S. Sebastian atzacualco Don diego luis
de Moteuhc,;oma chane cuitlahuact6co. yhuan Melchior xuarez. chane tomatla, auh yn
alhlesme motlallique S.ta maria cuepopan Xpoual pasqual mesti<;o chane copolco II yhuan
Andres de ]os Angeles chane __ ynin Andres de los Angeles ,an tlaco xihuitl yn alkle
tic ,;an 6momiquillico ye niman yehuatl conpatlac yn Pablo corrier4 chane __ ynin qui
tzonquixtico yn omoteneuh xihuitl ynic alkletic
v Axcan Miercoles ohuallathuic ynic omilhuitl mani yancuic Metztli hencro No yhuan
~uin ic omilhuitia yancuic xihuitl de 1613. a0 s. yhcuac nican Mexico omixiuh yn
cihuapilli Dona Mariana Riedre Marquesa y Virreyna de la nueua espaiia. yn inamic
tlahtohuani Don diego fernandez de cordoua Marques de guadalca,ar Visurrey de la nueua
espaiia, yn ipiltzin otlacat cihuatl ytoca Dona Mariana Manuel auh ynic niman ohual
yohuac yn ontzillin horacion ypampa nohuiyan otlatzitzillicac yn hue! yzquican teopan
monasterios mexico. yhuan nohuiyan cuahuitl oquitlatlahtique yn inquiyahuac yn intla
panco espafioles. yhuan candelas sepo tlatlatlac luminarios. . . .
y_ Axcan martes ynic .15. mani Metztli henero de 1613 afios. yhcuac ,;an 1xtomamiqU1-
liztica xoxouhcamiquiliztica' momiqui[p. 200]lli yn Luy Lopez casti,;o5 yn chane ocatca
hueycalco yn tictocayotia ychan tonatiuh7 ynin otlayecoltilloya comendero
ocatca. yn
1. This part is in the margin, in Spanish, though in Ch.' s hand._ The Spanish here is
over-elaborate and not quite in control, reminiscent of the Spamsh of some Nahuatl
speakers in "Stage 4," in the late eighteenth century. (See Lockhart 1992, pp. 318-23.)_
2. The number is accompanied by a precontact-style representation of a house with
four dots above.
3. The names in this position throughout the list seem to ide~tify tlaxilacalli ( con-
stituent subdistricts) within the respective large quarter of Tenochtitlan.
4. Name unconfirmed. . .
5. As racial mixture proceeded over the decades and centuries, a_ set of often unrealistic
ethnic-racial categories arose to describe different mixtures; a cast1zo was supposed to be
1612-1613 233
new place where things are opened up, an arcaded entryway [porterfa] where mass will be
held until such time as a new dormitory and a new church are built; the friars are doing it
with their assets, and the old church will be torn down. II Today, Friday the 28th of the
month of December of the year 1612, on the fourth day of the Christmas holiday, the
birth of our lord Jesus Christ, right on the feast day of the children, the holy innocents,
was when the scapular and hood were given to the said brothers of the convalescents who
take care of the Hospital de los Locos at San Hip61ito in Tlacozpan; twelve of them took
vows and made profession to their most senior member, the eldest brother, at a mass early
in the morning in the presence of the viceroy and all the judges of the Royal Audiencia.
The person who preached was don fray Diego de Contreras, archbishop elect of the island
of Santo Domingo out in the ocean. It was done by order of the Holy Father. -
Brothers' of Huaxtepec. y_ Bernardino Alvarez, founder of the hospitalers, the Hermanos
Convalecientes of Mexico, and of many others which are spread throughout New Spain,
deserved the happiest results of prosperity for the succor and health of many.
1613,2 4 House year. In this year [p. 199] seiior Juan Perez de Monterrey was governor
here in Tenochtitlan, and as alcaldes Diego de San Francisco, from Tequicaltitlan, 3 and
Agustin Vasquez, from Huehuecalco, were installed for San Juan Moyotlan. And for San
Pablo Teopan Juan Ramirez, from <:;oquipan, and Pablo Damian, from Ometochtitlan,
were installed as alcaldes. And for San Sebastian Atzaqualco don Diego Luis de Moteuc-
9oma, from Cuitlahuactonco, and Melchor Juarez, from Tomatla, were installed as a1cal
des. And for Santa Maria Cuepopan Cristobal Pascual, a mestizo, from Copolco, // and
Andres de los Angeles, from ___ , were installed as alcaldes. This Andres de los Ange-
les served as alcalde only half a year, for he died, and then Pablo [Corrier],4 from __ ,
finished out the said year as alcalde.
y_ Today, Wednesday before dawn, the 2nd day of the new month, January, also the 2nd
day of the new year of 1613, was when the lady doiia Mariana Riderer, marquise and vir
reine of New Spain, spouse of the ruler don Diego Fernandez de C6rdoha, Marques of
Guadalcazar, viceroy of New Spain, gave birth; her child was born a girl, named doiia
Mariana Manuela. And then when night was falling and the bells were rung for prayer
time, the bells everywhere in absolutely all the churches and monasteries in Mexico
pealed, and everywhere the Spaniards burned wood outside their houses and on their roofs,
and tallow candles, luminarios, were also burned.
Y.. Today, Tuesday the 15th of the month of January of the year 1613, was when Ruy
L6pez, a castizo, 5 passed away of an unexpected, premature 6 death; he was a resident of
Hueicalco, which we call Ichan Tonatiuh.7 [p. 200] He was served as the encomendero8
three-fourths Spanish, one-fourth indigenous.
6. See above (pp. 172-73, 214-15), for ixtomamiquiliztica used in connection with
sudden or unexpected death. Xoxouhcamiquiliztica by the context appears to be a syn
onym; it is used again in connection with ixtomamiquiliztica on pp. 250-51. Xoxouhqui
is something green, including in the sense of unripe, immature.
7. In Book 12 of the Florentine Codex, Moteuc,oma talks about taking refuge in
tonatiuh ichan, possibly a real geographical place, though the phrase means "home of the
sun" and referred to a kind of paradise (Lockhart 1993, pp. 88-89).
8. In much Nahuatl usage the en of encomendero was taken for the subordinator/article
in, so that it was omitted in the loanword.
'. i
'] !
i ,I
I i
azcapotzalco tepanecapan yhuan tenantzinco c;a ye yehuatl ytech otlamico ynic niman
oquimocuilli y Rey yn omoteneuh altepetl ynin ypiltzin catca yn Juan de Zaucedo
Mestic;o conquistador. auh yn ical moch itech opouh yn iteyccauh yhermano Miguel
Lopez 1 -
y_ Axcan Martes ynic 22. mani Metztli henero de 1613 afios. yhcuac ye tlathui cenca
chicahuac oquiyauh y nican Mexico. yhuan ynic nohuiyan cuauhtla o nohuiyan tepeuh2
yn ceppayahuitl o cepayauh cenca chicahuac in motecac cepayahuitl oc cenca oncan ytech
yn chicahuac motecac tepetl yn quitocayotia Tenan y nican tonahuac catqui cuyohuacan
c;ah ce ynic nohuiyan yntech mochi tetepe hue] ye moquimilloq. yn cepayahuitl yn
xochimilco yntech tetepe yhuan oc no cenca vmpa yn chalco Amaquemecan yn intech
yztac tepetl yhuan popocatepetl yhua yn oc cequi tepetl yn intech c;aliuhtoque hue] ic
moquimilloque yn cepayahuitl yhuan yn itech tepetl quitocayotia cilcuaye yn tenanco
tepopolla catqui yhuan ytech y quetzaltepetl yn huexotla aculhuacanpa catqui moch
iztazque yn tetepe auh ynic omilhuitl ypan miercoles cemilhuitl yn oquiyauh yhuan
oceppayauh yn omoteneuh ytech tepetl tenan yhuan cenca ocehuac y nican Mexico II auh
c;anno yhcuac yn ipan in omoteneuh Metztli henero omachiztico ohualla tlahtolli yn
espafia ynic hualla acaltepiton naviobiso. 3 yn quenin oncan hualmohuicaya teoyotica
tlahtohuani Don Jeronimo de carcamo4 obsipo de troxillo. piru castillampa hualmohui
caya auh c;an huey apan [p. 201] Onmomiquillico. ynin criyoyo nican tlacat Mexico.
nican mohuicac ynic yaca espafia.
y_ Axcan Domingo ynic 27. mani Metztli henero de 1613. afios ihcuac oquicuaatequique
yn iyacapa yn ipiltzin tlahtohuani Don diego fernandez de cordoua Marques de guadalcazar
visurrey de Ia nueua espafia. quitocayotique ynic mocuaatequi ypiltzin ytoca mochiuh
Dofia Mariana manuel auh yn iPadrino mochiuh ce tottatzin hue! sancto ytoca fray Pedro
Lazaro teopixqui S. Franco. c;an mocnonemiltia yn mahuiztililoni huehue tlacatl mote
miccamiquilizpahpalehuillia5 nohuiyan yn Mexico vmpa mohuica ychan yn aqui quimo
machiltia cocoxqui espafioles yn cenca ye yhiyocahui in ye momiquiliznequi ychan on
mocochiltia ynic cenca miec tlatlatlauhtiliztli ypan conmihtalhuia yn ixquich ica quic;a
quincahua ymanimantzin ynic momiquilia tlaca. ynin tottatzin cenca tillahuac c;a c;an
queninami Xerga quimotlatlamanililia 6 yn ihapitotzin quimotlallilitinemi yehuatl in yn
tottatzin ye on padre mochiuh visurrey. auh yn cuaatequiloc piltzintli on can y tecpan
palacio capilla real -
y_ Axcan Sabado ynic .2. mani Metztli febrero de 1613. afios. hue! ypan ilhuitzin totla
~onantzin Purificacion - yhcuac oncan teopan totla~onantzin S ta maria nuestra Sefiora
de monserrate tequixquipan omonetoltico oncan profession quichihuaco yn tlacpac omo
teneuh Don luis alc;ega ybarguen cauallero de! habito de alcantara ynic Comendador telpo
catzin,7 auh ynic quichihuaco oncan professii'\ [p. 202] Yehuatl ymactzinco yn Padre Prior
I. It appears that Ruy L6pez de Salcedo was the grandson of the mestizo conqueror
Juan de Salcedo. See Gerhard 1972, p. 170. For more on the encomiendas involved see
ibid., p. 248, Gibson 1964, p. 414, and Himmerich 1991, p. 235. Ch. uses both the tra
ditional term for younger sibling, -teiccauh, and the Spanish for brother, hermano,
probably because the people involved were Hispanic and Chimalpahin here in all likeli
hood bases himself ultimately on conversation or writings in Spanish.
2. One must suspect that where we see "tepeuh," "it scattered down," the original
intention was something including tepetl, "mountains," so that the intended meaning
would have been "it snowed in the forests and mountains everywhere."
1613 235
in Azcapotzalco Tepanecapan and Tenancingo; with him it came to an end, so that the
king took [both] the said altepetl. He was the child of Juan de Salcedo, a conqueror who
was a mestizo, and his whole house was assigned to his younger brother Miguel L6pez. I
y_ Today, Tuesday the 22nd of the month of January of the year 1613, was when at dawn
it rained very heavily here in Mexico. And in the forests all around the snow came down
and it snowed.2 It made a very heavy covering; it covered especially heavily the mountain
they call Tenan which is here near to us, in Coyoacan. All the mountains absolutely
everywhere were really blanketed in snow; it was on the mountains in Xochimilco, and
also very heavily on Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl in Chalco Amaquemecan, and it adhered
to other mountains, which were entirely blanketed in snow, and on the mountain they call
Cilquaye, which is in Tenanco Tepopolla, and on Quetzal mountain in Huejotla, toward
the Acolhua region. The mountains were all white. And the second day, Wednesday, it
rained all day and snowed on the said mountain Tenan, and it was very cold here in
Mexico. II Likewise in this year, in the said month of January, it became known and
news arrived from Spain when a small ship, a dispatch ship,3 came, that the priestly ruler
don Ger6nimo de Carcamo, 4 bishop of Trujillo, Peru, was coming from there, from
Spain, but he passed away on the ocean. [p. 201] He was a criollo who was born here in
Mexico, and he left from here when he went to Spain.
y_ Today, Sunday the 27th of the month of January of the year 1613, was when they
baptized the first child of the ruler don Diego Fernandez de Cordoba, Marques of
Guadalcazar, viceroy of New Spain; when his child was baptized they named her and her
name became dofia Mariana Manuela, and a very holy f~ther named fray Pedro Lazaro, a
Franciscan friar, became her godfather. A venerable ancient person, he lives humbly, he
helps people with dying 5 all around Mexico. When he knows Spaniards to be sick, at
their last breath and about to die, he goes to their homes; he sleeps there and says many
prayers for them until their souls depart and leave them, until the people die. This padre
uses any old piece of very rough coarse cloth to fix up his habit that he goes about
wearing.6 This padre became the viceroy's compadre. The child was baptized in the royal
chapel of the palace. -
y_ Today, Saturday the 2nd of the month of February of the year 1613, right on the feast
day of our precious mother the Virgin of Purificaci6n, was when at the church of our
precious mother Santa Maria, Our Lady of Monserrat at Tequixquipan, the above
mentioned don Luis Alcega Ibarguen took his vows and professed as a knight of the order
of Alcantara, as a [junior?]' comendador. He professed [p. 202] under the direction of the
3. Presumably for "navio [de] abiso."
4. Name unconfirmed.
5. There can be little doubt about the general sense of this form, but it is not yet clear
why it contains both micca- and miquiliz-, both "dead person" and "death."
6. It has not been possible to confirm the meanings hazarded here from the relevant
Nahuatl vocabulary as seen in reference works.
7. Though the words could indicate status as a novice, they could also mean simply a
young comendador.
'' I,,
1,, I ,,
fray Bernardino de argedas teopixqui S. Benito. yn oncan quimopiallia teopancalli nuestra
Senora monserrate, yehica ypampa ynin teopixque Monges yn inteotlatecpannemilitzin yn
quinmotlallilitehuac Regla ypan monemitizque ynic quinmonahuatilitehuac yn omoten
euhtzino yntla,ottatzin S. benito. Patriarcha, auh ca ,anno yehuatl ocanque oquinmoma
quilli y tonantzin Sancta yglesia yn omoteneuh teotlatecpanoctacanemiliztli Regla. yn
caualleros comedadores yn itech pouhque omoteneuh horden de alcatara, ,anno yehuatl
ynnehtol mochihua ynic ,an cepanehtolleque yn omoteneuhque teopixque Monges. San
Y. Axcan ye ce Domingo quaresma ynic 24. mani metztli febrero de 1613 anos. hue! ypan
ylhuitzin Sant Matia, ye teotlac ynic nican Mexico onmopehualti ynic ompa mohuica la
ciudad de los Angeles cuitlaxcohuapan yn tlahtohuani Senor El licenciado Don Pedro de
otalora Presidente yn audiencia real Mexico. ynic ompa mohuica moteochiuhtzinoz ynic
teopixqui clerigo mochiuhtzinohua, yhuan yea vmpa ye moteochiuhtzinoz yn EPISTOLA
yhuan Euangelio yhuan yn missa ye quimochihuiliz. ,an oppa ye quimoteochihuiliz yn
ipan in ce cuaresma yn obispo Don Alonso de la mota y escobar yuh quihualmonahuatilia
yn Sancto Padre ,an eilhuitl mochivaz auh macihui yn iuh catca yn nahuatilli ca ye quin
ipan Dominiga yn passion tlamico yn ineteochihualitzin ynic missa quimochihuillico. yn
aye yuhqui oyttoc nican Mexico ce pressidente ahno,o oydor omochiuh clerigo. yn iuh
yehuatzin omochiuhtzinoco omoteneuhtzino Don Pedro de otalora yhuan amo ye quimo
cahuilli yn itequitzin ynic pressidente mochiuhtzinotica [p. 203] Audiencia real yuh qui
monequiltia yn tohueytlahtocatzi moyetztica espafia auh yn ixquich ica ayemo tlamia
yneteochihualiztzin quaresma yxquichcauh vmpa moyetzticatca cuitlaxcohuapan yhuan
vmpa quihualmihtalhuitehuac la compafiia de Jesus in yancuic missa ynic niman hual
mocueptzino hualmohuicac y nican mexico quimochihuillico yn itlahtocatequitzin ynic
pressidente. 1
Y. Axcan martes inic .5. mani metztli Mar,o de 1613 afios. quaresma yhcuac quimonpe-
hualtique nican y china quinhuicaque espafioles cequintin mestic;oti yhuan cequitin mula
toti ome tliltic. ey macehualli yn ,an tecuitlahuiltiliztica ye hui motenehua for<;ados.
vmpa quinmihualli Justiciatica yn tlahtohani vi surrey. tepo,otiaque mochintin cauallo
ypan quinhuicaque in ye mochi chiconpohuallonmatlactli yn for<;ados. ynin ye quinhui
caque cequintin tlatlacolleque cequintin ,an vagamundos ynic anoq atle ymofficio quipia.
auh yn espafioles cequintin huicoque hue! momahuiztillitihui ynic huicoq motenehua hue!
luzidos ynic yahque.3 cequitin namiqueque quincauhtiaq. yn innamichuan cequintin quin
huicaque yn incihuahuan. auh yn Soldadostin noncua yahque in <;an inyollocacopa hui
china amo ynhuan nican mocenpohua4
v Axcan miercoles ynic 13 mani metztli Mar,o de 1613 afios. Quaresma yhcuac omachiz
tico nican Mexico vmpa tlahtolli hualla yn acapolco yn quenin ye ye onxiuhtica ye oppa
oncan oqui<;aco yn Jabon acalli oncan ohualla yn Senor Sebastian vizcayno espafiol y
nican Mexico yah onxiuhtica yn omocuepaco. yhuan no oncan ohualla quihualhuica [p.
204] Yn teuhctitlantli in Embajador yn ititlan yn quihualtitlani huey tlahtohuani Empera
dor Jabon, macuilpohualli yn imacehual Jabonti quinhualhuica auh yn quinnahuatlahtal
huitihuitz ce S. Franco tottatzin descal<;o
I. Compare with the partially identical passage on pp. 248-49.
2. Forced or penal laborers.
3. The words "ynic yahque" could also be taken as referring to how the lucidos went.
1613 237
father prior fray Bernardino de Arguedas, a monk of St. Benedict, who is in charge of the
church of Our Lady of Monserrat, because the holy rules of life of these religious or
monks, the rule by which they are to live, that their said precious father St. Benedict the
patriarch issued, ordered, and left behind for them was the same one that the knights and
comendadores who belonged to the said order of Alcantara took and that our mother the
Holy Church gave them, so that they both take the same vows, the said religious or
monks of St. Benedict have joint vows with them.
Y. Today, the first Sunday of Lent, the 24th of the month of February of the year 1613,
right on the feast day of San Matfas, in the afternoon, was when the lord sefior licenciado
don Pedro de Otalora, president of the Royal Audiencia of Mexico, set out for the City of
the Angels, Puebla; the reason he is going there is to be ordained, for he is becoming a
secular priest, and is to be ordained as subdeacon, deacon, and priest who can say mass.
The bishop don Alonso de la Mota y Escobar will ordain him twice during one Lent; thus
the Holy Father has sent him orders. It is to be done in only three days. But although that
was the way the order ran, it wasn't until Sunday at the end of Easter week that his or
dainment was finished, so that he performed a mass. Never was the like seen here in Mex
ico, that a president or civil judge of the Audiencia became a secular priest, as the said don
Pedro de Otalora did, and he did not therefore relinquish the office that he had been ap
pointed to of president [p. 203] of the Royal Audiencia; so our great ruler who is in Spain
wants it to be. Until his ordainment during Lent was finished, he stayed in Puebla; before
leaving he said his first mass in the Jesuit church there, and then returned and came back
here to Mexico to execute his royal office as president. 1
Y Today, Tuesday the 5th uf the month of March of the year 1613, during Lent, was when
they caused to depart from here those whom they took to China [the Philippines]: Span
iards, some mestizos, some mulattoes, two blacks, and three commoners, who went by
force, calledforzados; 2 the lord viceroy sent them there by legal sentence. They went in
irons; they took them all on horseback. The forzados added up to 150. As to why they
took them, some were wrongdoers, some just vagabonds who were arrested because they
had no occupation. Some of the Spaniards who were taken went in fine style as they were
being taken, called very stylish people. When they went,3 some of the married men left
their spouses behind, and some took their wives along. The soldiers went separately; they
are going to China willingly and are not included in the total here.4
Y. Today, Wednesday the 13th of the month of March of the year 1613, during Lent, was
when it became known here in Mexico and news came from Acapulco of how in the
second year [of its voyage] the Manila galleon landed there for a second time; on it came
the Spaniard sefior Sebastian Vizcaino, who left Mexico here two years ago, who has
returned and also come bringing there [p. 204] the lordly emissary, the ambassador, the
messenger who was sent here by the great ruler the emperor in Japan. He brought along a
hundred Japanese, [the emperor's] subjects, and a Discalced Franciscan friar came along to
interpret for them.
4. The following paragraph is crossed out. Other sections have related material but do
not duplicate it entirely.
. I
y Auh ,ano ypan in yn omoteneuh quaresma de 1613 afios. yn opeuhque
yn tlacpac
omoteneuhque Juan Perez de monterrey Juez gouernador yhuan alldes di ego de S. Franco.
yhuan Augustin Vasquez. yhuan Regidores. ynl Moyotlan tlaca, yhuan Juan Ramirez.
yhuan Pablo Damian alldes S Pablo. yhuan Don diego luis de Moteuhcgoma, yhuan
Melchior xuarez ynin alldes. S. Sebastian yhuan xpoual pascual yhuan Andres de los
Angeles yni alldes. S.ta maria cuepopan ynpan in yn ohualmotlalli oc nahui tomin
tlacallaquilli nican tenochtitlan ynic niman opeuhque ye nohuian quitlani ye quinechi
cohua ye tepan quiga yn ipan in omoteneuh quaresma ca yn achtopa oquimanaya intla
callaquil y namiqueque ce peso yhuan chicome tomin. auh yn axcan ypan in omoteneuh
xihuitl ynic ohualmacoc nahui tomin in ye mochi quimana intlacallaquil namiqueque ye
ome peso yhuii ey tomin auh y telpochnemi yhuan ichpochnemi y quimana axcii ytla
callaquil ye chiuhcnahui tomin yhuan medio ynic ohualmacoc, ca ,an oc chicome tomin
yhua medio ocatca
y Axcan Domingo ynic 24. mani Metztli Margo de 1613. afios quaresma yhcuac omo
miquilli yn Doctor. Don Marcos gueffero, Oydor yhuan allde de corte catca auh qui Junes
teotlac teopan S. Augustin yn tocoto ynacayo. oncan mohuicatza motetoquillico tlahto
huani Visurrey yhuan mochintin [p. 205] Y n tlahtoque Oydores yn audiencia real tlaca
yhuan allde de cortes yhuan mochintin yn ciudad tlaca caualleros. yhuan yn clerigos.
yhuan y nepapan teopixque frayles Mexico monoltitoque moch oncan mohuicatza mo
tetoquillico //
y Auh gano ypan in yn omoteneuh Domingo nepantlah tonatiuh yn tococ ynacayo ci
huapilli Dofia Martina chane ateponazco ynantzin in yn Nicolas hernandez tlacayeleltzin
in momomiquilli 2 Sabado ye yohua chicuey hora. ynic 23. mani metztli Margo. auh
teopan S. Pablo tococ ynacayotzin // auh yn ipampa yniqu iz nicmachiyotia nehuatl Don
domingo de S. Anton Munon Quauhtlehuanitzin yn imiquiliz omoteneuh cihuapilli Doiia
Martina ca hue! nicmati ca ceme oc yehuantin yn inecauhcahuan yn itlaquillohuan
mihtohua ytzonhua yztihua in ye huecauh onemico nican Mexico tenochtitlan yn ceca
otlamamauhtico yn aquin catca huehue tlacayeleltzin cihuacohuatl tlahtocapilli tenoch
titlan yn o ytlan tlahtoco yn oquinnanamiquico macuiltin huehueyntin tlahtoque tenoch
titlan yn itzcohuatl yn huehue Moteuhcgoma ylhuicaminatzin yn Axayaca, yn tigocic, yn
Ahuitzotl, yn izquintin in tlahtoque o yntlan yeco oquinnanamiquico yn ipa yxquich tla
mantli oquichihuaco yn omoteneuh huey yaotachcauh Capitan General catca huehue tlaca
yeleltzin cihuacohuatl ca tel vmpa neztica in tlacpac 4 yn ixquich tlamantli oquichiuhtia yn
yn ipan yntlahtocatian yn izquintin omoteneuhque tenochtitlan tlahtoque catca -
y Axcan martes ynic 19. mani Metztli Margo de 1613 aiios. hue] ypan ylhuitzin S.
Joseph. yhcuac opeuh in ye cehuetzih chicahuac yn ipan ic nohuiyan motenehua nueua
espafia cenca [p. 206] quipolloco yn ixhuacatoctzintli, yhuan yn nopalli celtic mochi
quicua yhuan in xochicualli yxochiyo yn ixocoyo mochi quitlaco quitepec 5 gan tel cana in
hue! quitlaco xochicualli auh macuililhuitl yn cehuetz yn aye yuh mochihuani ,an tel
yuhquin tlacuilolchicahuaca cehuetz. -
l. Just what they began is not clear. Such phrases often refer to beginning in office,
but these officers were already mentioned above at the beginning of the year. Probably the
reference is to their beginning to collect the tax mentioned below, but the sentence breaks
off before getting that far.
2. In this form mo is inadvertently repeated.
1613 239
Y. And likewise during this said Lent of the year of 1613 there began 1 the above
mentioned Juan Perez de Monterrey, judge and governor, and the alcaldes Diego de San
Francisco and Agustin Vasquez, along with the regidores-these were Moyotlan people-
and Juan Ramirez and Pablo Damian, alcaldes for San Pablo; and don Diego Luis de
Moteucgoma and Melchor Juarez, alcaldes for San Sebastian, and Cristobal Pascual and
Andres de los Angeles, alcaldes for Santa Marfa Cuepopan. During their term an addi
tional four reales of tribute was assessed here in Tenochtitlan. Already then during the said
Lent season they began to go around to people and ask for it and collect it. First as their
tribute a married couple was paying a peso and 7 reales, and now in the said year it was
raised by 4 reales, so that in all a married couple pays as their tribute 2 pesos and 3 reales,
and bachelors and spinsters now pay as their tribute 9112 reales, since it was raised, for
before it was just 7 112 reales.
Y. Today, Sunday the 24th of the month of March of the year 1613, during Lent, was
when dr. don Marcos Guerrero, who had been civil and criminal judge of the Audiencia,
passed away. It was not until Monday afternoon that his body was taken to the church of
San Agustin and buried; there came to bury him the lord viceroy and all Ip. 205] the civil
and criminal judges of the Royal Audiencia, and all the gentlemen who are on the [Span
ish] cabildo, and the secular priests, and all the different friars and members of orders in
Mexico were assembled, all came there to the burial. //
Y. Likewise in this year on the said Sunday at midday there was buried the body of the lady
doiia Martina, from Ateponazco, the mother of Nicolas Hernandez Tlacaelleltzin, who
passed away2 Saturday at 8 o'clock in the evening on the 23rd of the month of March; her
body was buried at the church of San Pablo. II The reason why I, don Domingo de San
Anton Mufion Quauhtlehuanitzin, record here the death of the said lady dofia Martina is
that I well know that she is one of the descendants, 3 called the hair and fingernails, of one
who lived long ago here in Mexico Tenochtitlan, who was held in great awe, and that was
the elder Tlacaellel, the Cihuacoatl, a noble of the royal dynasty of Tenochtitlan, who
ruled alongside and aided five great rulers of Tenochtitlan: Itzcoatl, the elder Moteuc,oma
Ilhuicaminatzin, Axayaca, Tigocic, and Ahuitzotl. The said great war leader, who was a
captain general, the elder Tlacaelleltzin, the Cihuacoatl, stood beside and aided each of the
rulers in everything they did, for above4 appear all the different things he did during the
reigns of each of the said late rulers of Tenochtitlan. -
Y. Today, Tuesday the 19th of the month of March of the year 1613, right on the feast day
of San Josef, was when it began to freeze hard everywhere in the said New Spain. [p. 206]
The freeze greatly destroyed the sprouting stalks of maize, and it ate up all the tender
nopal cactus, and it spoiled 5 all the blossoms and buds of the fruit trees, although only
here and there did it really ruin the fruit. For five days it froze as never before, although
the strong freezing was spotty. -
3. Literally relics and fruits of the tree.
4. Here Ch. apparently refers to another part of his work, apparently considering that
some of his accounts referring to precontact history precede the material here within a
single framework.
5. The unidentified form "quitepec" seems to reinforce "quitlaco," "spoiled."
':!. Axcan Sabado in ye ic .23. mani Metztli Mari;o de 1613. anos. ye teotlac ihcuac opeuh
in ,an oc ahuechquiyahuico auh in ye ye omilhuitl ypan Domingo in ye teotlac ye ye cen
peuh y momanaco quiyahuitl cehuallatl1 cenca ytztic yn icecuizyo mochiuh yhuan
ceppayauh y nohuiyan cuauhtlah. yxquich ica ynic tlamico Metztli Margo. yn quiyauh yn
cehuallatl manca yn aye yuh mochihuani ypan omoteneuh metztli. yhuan cenca chicahuac
in yequene momanaco cocoliztli matlaltotonqui 2 yn ipan in omoteneuh Metztli Margo.
ynic micohuac ynic mochi ypan nohuiyan nueua espafia. yn opa ye hualpeuhtica ytzin
ecan yn ipan in omoteneuh xihuitl yxquichcauh necocolloc yhuan micohuac ynic yequene
axcan chicahuac ye mochihua cocoliztli momiquilia yn timacehualtin yhuii espanoles -
':!. Axcan Lunes Sancto. ynic .i. cemilhuitl mani Metztli Abril de 1613 afios teotlac yh
cuac ye oppa otlayahualloque yn Sancta Maria cuepopan tlaca yn cofrades yn itech pohui
animasme yn ompa quimotlalili ynpalehuiloca in Padre fr. diego Mexia yn ica ymeca
nelpiayatzin ycordontzin totlagottatzin S. Franco. quinmopalehuilia quimonmoquixtilia
yn ompa tetlechipahualloyan Purgatorio, ca yuh neztia oncan ynic tlayahualloque Ip. 207]
Quimohuiquillique andasco S. Franco. quinmoquixtiltiuh yn animasme yn ica omoteneuh
ymecanepiayatzin yn icordontzin yn oncan omoteneuh tetlechipahualloyan ytencopatzinco
yn u0 • dios. yhuan oc cequi yPassiontzin yn tlayahuallo tcotlac yn ompa huallehuaque
ynteopan qui~aco concepci5 Monjas. ayoticpac ye niman qui~aco Visitacion monjas. ye
niman niman3 qui<;aco S. Franco teopan. ye niman S. ignacio. la casa professa qui~aco.
ye niman oncan yn iglesia mayor quii;aco oncan ye mocuepque ye niman quii;ato teopan
S. Domigo niman S. lureni;o quii;ato monjas. ye niman vmpa yn inchan ahcito.
y_ Auh i;an no ypan in yn omoteneuh Lunes Sancto no yhcuac teotlac yancuican
tlayahualloque yn tlacanechicoltin 4 yn oncan oquitlallique yancuic ycofradia yn hospital
S. ]azaro atenantitech yn itetzinco pohui S. Roche. callaqui tonatiuh yn quizque i;an oc
quezquintin yglesia mayor ahcico ynic tlayahualloque.
':!. Auh yn axcan ye omilhuitl martes sancto teotlac yhcuac yequene hue! oquizque yn
cofrades espafioles yn itetzinco ponhui yn ipilhuantzitzinhuan Senor S. Juan bapta. cenca
mahuiztic ynic quizque ynic tlayahualloque oncan quizque yn teopan monasterio monjas
motenehua S. Juan la penitencia Moyotlan. auh tlayacac mantiaque in Mexica yn oncan
tlaca tequicaltitlan tlaxillacalleque i;an oc quezquintin yn oncan tehuan quizque yehica
ypampa quimixnamic quintzacuilli in fray Jeronimo de i;arate capellan S. Josep. amo
quinec yn oncan tehuan quii;azquia Mexica moyoteca yn S. Juan la penitencia. yehica yn
oncii quinmoquixtiliz[p. 208]quia in yancuicatzitzinti quinmochihuillique Mexica yn
imixiptlatzin S. Juan baptistatzin yhuan ymiquillitzin S. Diegotzin. in ye huiptla ypan
Domingo de ramos catca yn ihcuac oncan S. Joseph quinmoteochihuilliq. yn oquimah fr.
Jeronimo de i;arate ynin omoteochiuhtzinoque yancuiq. Sanctome. yn ca tehuan vmpa
motlayahualhuizque Sant Juan la penitencia yn ipan in omoteneuh martes Sancto niman
yhcuac yn ipan omoteneuh Domingo de ramos 5can quinmotzacuilili in Mexica S Joseph
yn inSanctotzitzinhuan ynic amo vmpa tehuan motlayahualhuizque S. Jua quihto. yn fr.
I. Perhaps also persistent; see pp. 194-95 at n. 2.
2. Typhus; see pp. 92-93 at n. 2.
3. The word "niman" is inadve1tently repeated.
1613 241
Y. Today, Saturday the 23rd of the month of March of the year 1613, in the afternoon, was
when it began to rain, at first just a sprinkle, but on the second day, Sunday in the after
noon, it really began, a freezing rain 1 which became extremely cold, and it snowed every
where in the woods. There were cold rains until the month of March ended, as had never
happened in the said month. And finally, an illness, matlaltotonqui, 2 broke out in the said
month of March, causing deaths all over New Spain. It had its beginning [earlier] in the
said year, there was sickness and death, until finally now the illness became stronger, and
we commoners and Spaniards are dying. -
Y. Today, Monday of Holy Week, the 1st day of the month of April of the year 1613, in
the afternoon, was when for the second time there marched in procession the people of
Santa Maria Cuepopan, the members who belong to the cofradfa of the Souls [ of
Purgatory], that father fray Diego Mejia established there for their help. With his cord
girdle, his rope belt, our precious father San Francisco helps them and extracts them from
the place where people are purified by fire, purgatory, for so he appeared going along;
when they went in procession Ip. 207] they carried San Francisco on a carrying platform
freeing the souls with his said cmd girdle, his rope, from the said purgatory by order of
our lord God, and other things from his Passion [ were in evidence]. The procession was in
the afternoon; they started from their church and passed by the nuns of Concepcion at
Ayoticpac; next they came by the nuns of the Visitacion; next 3 they came by the church
of San Francisco; next they came by the Casa Profesa of San Ignacio; then they came by
the cathedral, where they turned back; next they went by the church of Santo Domingo,
next they went by the nuns of San Lorenzo; next they reached their home.
Y. Likewise on this said Holy Monday, in the afternoon, was when for the first time the
people who have come together from various places4 went in procession; they established
their new cofradfa at the Hospital of San Lazaro at Atenantitech; it is dedicated to San
Roque. The sun was going down as they came out; only a few got as far as the cathedral
in their procession.
y Today, the 2nd day [of April and of Holy Week], Holy Tuesday, in the afternoon, was
when at last the Spanish cofradfa members who are dedicated to and are the children of
senor San Juan Bautista were able to come out and went in procession in a very splendid
fashion; they came out of the convent church of nuns called San Juan de la Penitencia in
Moyotlan. At the front went the Mexica who belong to the tlaxilacalli of Tequicaltitlan;
only a few came out there with the others, because fray Geronimo de Zarate, chaplain at
[the chapel of] San Josef, opposed and blocked them. He didn't want the Mexica of Moyo
tlan to come out with the others at San Juan de la Penitencia, because they were going to
bring out Ip. 208] the new images the Mexica made of San Juan Bautista and the death of
San Diego two days before that, on Palm Sunday, when they blessed them at San Josef.
When fray Geronimo de Zarate found out that these new saints had been blessed and that
they were to go with the others in procession at San Juan de la Penitencia on the said
Holy Tuesday, right then on the said Palm Sunday he locked up the Mexica's saints in
San Josef so that they would not go in procession with the others at San Juan. Fray
4. More literally collected people, used by Ch. to refer mainly to indigenous people of
other than Nahua ethnicity who migrated to Mexico City on their own. The word also
occurs on pp. 242-43 at n. 3 and pp. 246-47 at n. 10.
. I
' ' ' '
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Jeronimo de c;arate amo huel xelihuiz yn altepetl ye quin ic cen yn ipan Juebes Sancto
nican S. Joseph motlayahualhuizque yn S. Juan baptista. yhua ymiquillitzin S. Diegotzin
o yehuatl ipampa yn ynic amo huel onca omotlayahualhuique Sanctome yn monasterio
monjas. yn ipan in omoteneuh martes Saneto. yhua in gou0 r mexieo ynie amo ypan
moehicauh ytlapacholhuan mexica in miyequintin quinequia oncan tehuan quic;azquia S.
Juan inpampa ce oydor anoc;o alkle de corte quixnamic yn omoteneuh gouemador ynic c;an
mocauh yuh mihto quimotlaquehui yn fr. Jeronimo. ynic c;a mixcahui motlayahualhui ce
yncrucifixotzin cemanahuatl yn ipan moquetztinotiuh yhuan yn inS. Juan baptistatzin
espafioles. c;an moquetzinotiuh mahcopatlachialtilitiuh yhua momanepanotzinotiuh 1
yhuan totlac;onantzin -
Y. Auh no yhuan yn ipan in Omoteneuh Martes Sancto teotlac yhcuac yequene huel no
quizque ynic ceppa [p. 209] Otlayahualloque yn S.tiago tlatilolco tlaca yn cofrades yn
itetzinco pohui ynic mopolihuiltia eilhuitl teotl dios Jesus. piltzintli yn motenehua Nifio
Jesus Perdido, ynin omoteneuh cofradia. no yhuan yehuatzin ytetinco pohui yn totlac;o
mahuiznantzin S.ta maria del rrosario ca yuh oquimoneltilili yn Sancto Padre Paulo
quinto. yn iuh ytech neztica ome yBullatzin yn quihualmohuiquillique tottatzitzinhuan de
La compania de Jesus teatinos. yntla ytlaniliztica mochiuh oc cenca yehuatl y nocniuhtzin
diego lopez cuauhtlacuillo in huel ye tlatzintille quimotlallili yni ome omoteneuh
cofradia. fundador mihtohua. auh ynic ome tlacatl ytlaytlaniliztica ytlapalehuiliztica mo
chiuh yehuatzin yn ompa gouernador Don Melchior de Soto. quinmotlatlauhtilli yn omo
teneuhtzinoque tottatzitzinhuan la compafiia de Jesus. yni quimocuillito Roma. auh ynic
yancuican quizij yn ynic tlayahualloque cenca niman mahuiztic hue! cuepontiaque moch
yancuic yn andas tlayahuallo yhuan estadartes cuachpanitl yn iuh mochi t!acatl oquittac
ynic mochihu in cenca ypan mochicauhque yn omoteneuhque diego lopez. yhuan gou 0 r.
auh ynic tlayahualoloc huel motlayacanilitia yn Jesus piltzintli cruz quimoquechpanil
huitia. auh amo yhuan oncan moquixti amo yhuan oncan motlayahualhui yn totlac;o
nantzin Rosario yehica quitenhuique yn espanoles yn quimopiallia Rosario oncan teopan
S. Domingo cofrades. amo quinecque ynic no quinhuelitiltizque tlatilolca auh cenca huey
yn quiyahualloque ynic ompa hualquizque ynchan S.tiago tlatilolco. niman quic;aco Sanct
ana ye [p. 210] niman quic;aco S ta catalina Martyr Perochia. ye niman quic;aco S. Do
mingo. ye niman ahcico oncan yn iglesia mayor. ye niman quic;ato S. ignacio la casa pro
fessa. ye niman quic;ato S. Franco_ ye niman quic;ato Visitacion monjas. ye niman quic;ato
totlaconantzin 2 concepcion monjas ye niman quic;ato Sancta maria cuepopan ye no ceppa
ahcito yn inchan S.tiago tlatilolco ynin tlayahualoliztli cenca miec yn tetlapopolhuiliztli
indulgencias oncan ytech quicnopilhuia yn aquiq. oncan yntlanequiliztica tlayahuallohua
yn quimohuiquilia Nino Jesus. -
Y. Auh yn axcan yqu eilhuitl miercoles Sancto teotlac yhcuac yancuican tlayahualloque yn
tlacanechicoltin 3 michhuaq. cequi mexica yn oncan yancuic yncofradia oquitlallique
hospital real nra sa. de la charidad yn oncan tipahtillo timacehualtin 4 ynin ytech pohui y
totlac;onantzin omoteneuhtzino ynic ome cofradia 5can ca S. Nicolas de tolentino yte
tzinco pohui 5 ynin ye tlayahualloque c;an oc quezquintin yhuan huey yn quiyahualloque
1. Possibly joining his hands in prayer. 2. For "totlac;onantzin."
3. See pp. 240--41 at n. 4.
4. This time timacehualtin is treated as a true first person plural with an agreeing verb.
1613 243
Geronimo de Zarate said, "The altepetl cannot be divided. Not until Maundy Thursday,
once and for all, San Juan Bautista and the death of San Diego are to go in procession
here at San Josef." It was for this reason, then, that the saints were not able to go in
procession at the convent of nuns on the said Holy Tuesday. And the governor in Mexico
did not support his Mexica subjects, many of whom wanted to come out with the others
at San Juan; because of them a civil judge or a criminal judge of the Audiencia opposed
the said governor, so that it was abandoned. It was said that fray Ger6nimo paid him off,
so that the only thing going in procession was their [Christ on the] cross standing on the
world, and the Spaniards' San Juan Bautista went standing looking upward and crossing
his arms, 1 along with Our Precious Mother. -
:;_And also the said Holy Tuesday in the afternoon was when at last also [p. 209] the
members of the cofradia, people of Santiago Tlatelolco, dedicated to the Child Jesus, the
deity and god who was lost for three days, called Nino Jestis Perdido, were able to come
out and go in procession once. This said cofradfa is also dedicated to our precious revered
mother Santa Maria del Rosario, for thus the Holy Father Paul V confirmed it, as appears
in two bulls of his that our fathers of the Company of Jesus, the Theatines, brought
back; it was done at the petition especially of my friend Diego L6pez, woodcarver, who
was the real beginner, called a founder, who established this said double cofradia. The sec
ond person at whose petition and with whose help it was done was the governor there,
don Melchor de Soto, who asked our said fathers of the Company of Jesus to go to Rome
to get [the bulls]. And when these people first came out in procession, it was very splen
did. There were plenty of explosions [of rockets] as they went along, and new carrying
platforms and standards, cloth banners, went in procession, as everyone saw. The said
Diego Lopez and the governor were very energetic in bringing it about. As to how the
procession was, at the very front the Child Jesus went leading the way, shouldering the
cross. But our precious mother of the Rosary didn't come out on that occasion, didn't go
in procession along with him, because the Spanish cofradfa members who have a cofradfa
of the Rosary at the church of Santo Domingo raised objections to it; they didn't want the
Tlatelolca to be given permission too. They went in procession over a very large route;
they left from their home base in Santiago Tlatelolco, then they passed by Santa Ana, [p.
2 JO] then they passed by the parish of Santa Catalina Martir, then they passed by Santo
Domingo, then they came as far as the cathedral, then they went past the Casa Profesa of
San Ignacio, then they went past San Francisco, then they went past the nunnery of the
Visitaci6n, then they went past the nunnery of our precious mother 2 of Concepcion, then
they went past Santa Marfa Cuepopan, until again they got to their home base in San
tiago Tlatelolco. Those who went on this procession voluntarily, accompanying the Nifio
Jestis, earned thereby very many pardons, indulgences. -
Y. Today, the third day, Holy Wednesday, in the afternoon, was when the miscellaneously
assembled people 3 from Michoacan and some Mexica went in procession for the first
time; they established their new cofradia at the royal hospital of Nuestra Senora de la
Caridad, where we commoners are treated; 4 the cofradfa is dedicated to our said precious
mother. A second cofradfa there is dedicated to5 San Nicolas de Tolentino; from it only a
5. The words "Nicolas de tolentino ytetzinco pohui" were first omitted, then added in
the margin. Since the passage makes no sense without these words, we can deduce that
Ch. here was quite mechanically making a new copy from something already existing.
' .,.
' I
! I
ahcico yglesia mayor -
y Auh c;ano ye no ypan in yn omoteneuh miercoles Sancto. teotlac yhcuac oquizque otla
yahualloque yn S.tiago tlatilolco tlaca yn cofrades yn itetzinco pohui ymiquillitzin to
tlac;ottatzin S. Franco. no cenca mahuiztic ynic quizq. no cenca cuepontiaque oc ceppa
oncan ahcico yn iglesia mayor no yxquich quiyahualloque yn ixquich [p. 211] Omoteneuh
tlacpac in yalhua tlayahualloque yn itetzinco pohui Nifio Jesus Perdido, yhuan Rosario y
no tlatilolco tlaca
y Auh yn axcan ye nahuilhuitl Juebes Sancto. teotlac ynic otlayahualoloc oncan teopan
capilla S. Joseph S Franco, ynic mochipa yuh mochihuani cecexiuhtica yn huey tlayahua
loliztli auh ya nelli oncan omotlayahualhuique oncan oquinmoquixtillique yn omoteneuh
tzinoque tlacpac S. Juan baptista. motlancuaquetzinotiuh yhuan ymiquillitzin S. Diego
tzin yn imaxcatzin S. Juan tlaca yn quinmotzacuillica fr. Jeronimo de c;arate ca yuh quito
yn oncan motlayahualhuizque yn amo vmpa nepa 1
y Auh no yhuan yn ipan in omoteneuh Juebes Sancto in Sanctiago, tlatilolco in huey
cemaltepetlayahualoliztli ye mochiuh no oncan ahcico yn iglesia mayor yhuan S. Franco
quic;ato ynic mocuepque ca no yxquich quiyahualloque yn ixquich omoteneuh tlacpac ye
tlayahualloque yn itetzinco pohui Nifio Jesus Perdido yhuan Rosario mopia tlatilolco -
y Auh yn axcan ye macuililhuitl Viernes Sancto ce tzillini ye tlathuitiuh oc hue! yohual
tica yn oquizque ynic yancuican otlayahualloque yea ynetoquillitzin tt0
. dios. yn Sancta
cruz contzinco tlaca. c;an yehuatl Dean licencia yhuelitzin quinmomaquilli ypampa pleyto
quintlalili quimixnamiquia in hernando de San Martin teuhcxochitzin chane S. Pablo
tlachcuititlan amo quinequia ynic noncua tlayahuallozque. c;an quinequia ynic oncan mo
cenchihuaz yntzontecompa S. Pablo. ynic moteylhui yxpan prouisor doctor Don Juan de
Salamanca. ynic amo qui~azque noncua. auh in yehuantin Sancta cruz contzinco tlaca ye
o[p. 212]mihto hue! c;a oc yohualtica yn tlayahualloque ynic ayac ceca quimittaz yuhquin
c;an ichtaca tlayahuallo ynic possesion conanque yea tlayahualloliztli yhuan ynic atle pena
quinhuiquilliz ypampa prouisor yn oquic yxpan catqui yneteylhuil hernando de S. mm
teuhcxochitzin. yn nahui tzillin ye ontlayahualloque ye inchan cate yn S ta cruz contzinco
tlaca ynic amo cana ohtlipan monepanozquia yn itlayahualloliz netoquiUitzin 2 tt0 dios.
quic;a S Pablo yn ipii macuiUi tziUini ye otlathuic. auh macihui yn pleyto oqultlallilica
contzinca yn omoteneuh hernando teuhcxochitzin. yn c;atepan ca ohuellitiloq. ynic huel
noncua tlayahuallozque mochipa
y Auh yhuan in c;a ye no ypan in viernes Sancto ye tlathui yn oquizque yn otlayahual
loque S.tiago tlatilolco tlaca in motenehua Nazarenos. no yglesia mayor ahcico yhuan S.
Franco quic;ato ynic mocuepque
y Auh no yhuan yn ipan in omoteneuh viernes Sancto. yohuatzinco yhcuac ye opah otla
yahualloque yn S.tiago. tlatilolco tlaca cofrades yn itetzinco pohui totlac;onantzin ymi
quiUitzin motenehua nuestra Senora trasito3 oncan quimohuiquillitiaq andastica mohuetz-
1. The passage might be interpreted as meaning that they could go at that point but
not back further in time (when they had wanted to). See the entry for April 2nd on pp.
1613 245
few more came along in the procession. They went in procession over a long route,
coming as far as the cathedral. -
y Likewise the same said Holy Wednesday in the afternoon was when the cofradfa mem
bers from Santiago Tlatelolco who are dedicated to the death of our precious father San
Francisco came out in procession; they too came out in great splendor, they too went
shooting off many rockets, again they came as far as the cathedral; they went in pro
cession over the entire same route [p. 211] as told above that the people dedicated to Nifio
Jesus Perdido and the Rosary, also from Tlatelolco, went over yesterday.
y Today, the fourth day, Maundy Thursday, in the afternoon, there was a procession at the
church and chapel of San Josef at San Francisco, the big procession that is always held
every year. And truly in that procession went and were brought out the above mentioned
kneeling San Juan Bautista and the death of San Diego, belonging to the people of San
Juan, that fray Ger6nimo de Zarate had blocked [from going out]. He said that they could
go in procession [in the immediate area of San Josef?], but not beyond that. 1 -
y And also on the said Maundy Thursday in Santiago Tlatelolco the great general altepetl
procession was held; it too came as far as the cathedral and went by San Francisco before
turning, for it too went in procession over the entire route mentioned above for those who
are dedicated to Nifio Jesus Perdido and the Rosary that is kept in Tlatelolco. -
y Today, the fifth day, Good Friday, at I o'clock in the morning, while it was still full
nighttime, the people of Santa Cruz Contzinco came out and went in procession for the
first time with the burial of our lord God. Only the dean [of the cathedral chapter] had
given them his permission, for which reason Hernando de San Martfn Teucxochitzin,
citizen of San Pablo Tlachcuititlan, brought suit against them, opposing them. He didn't
want them to go in procession separately, but wanted them to join together with their
cabecera, San Pablo, so he brought suit before the vicar general doctor don Juan de Sala
manca so that they would not come out separately. But it was already said that the people
of Santa Cruz Contzinco [p. 212] went in procession while it was still fully night, so
that no one would see them very well, as though they were going in procession secretly,
whereby they took possession [of the right to hold] processions, and so it would not
bring them a fine, because the litigation brought by Hernando de San Martin Teuc
xochitzin was still pending before the vicar general. At 4 o'clock the people of Santa
Cruz Contzinco had already gone in procession and were back home, to avoid meeting
somewhere along the way with the procession of the burial of2 our lord God that came
out from San Pablo at 5 o'clock in the morning. But although the said Hernando Teuc
xochitzin had brought the suit against the Contzinca, afterward they were given perpetual
permission to go in procession all by themselves.
y And on the same Good Friday, at dawn, the people of Santiago Tlatelolco called Naza
renes came out in procession; they too came as far as the cathedral and went past San
Francisco before returning.
y And also on the said Good Friday, very early in the morning, was when for the second
time the cofradfa members from Santiago Tlatelolco who are dedicated to the death of our
precious mother, called Nuestra Sefiora del Transito,3 went in procession. They went
2. For "inetoquillitzin."
3. See pp. 74-75 at n. 2.
' i:
!i I
I '
'!_'.' 'i
iltihtiuh ypan chicome tzillini yn oncan ahcico huey teopan yglesia Mayor. ye quiniuhti
much oncan tecpantia quihuicatiaque yn izqui tlamantli in huey. in ohui, in mahuiztic yn
itlamahui<;ollotzin yn imisteriosyotzin tlahtocaychpochtli S.ta Maria ynic yehuatzin Sprn
Sancto, miec tlamantli ca yqu expa oyezquia y intla tlayahualoloni ye ce xihuitl 1 !p. 213]
Yqu itechpatzinco quimopohtilitzinohua, quimonenehuililia yn omoteneuhtzino tlahtoca
ychpuchtli, yn itechpatzinco quimotlachieltilia, yn hue! ytechtzinco pohui yn teotlamati
liztlamahui,;olli y nican motenehua 2 ypan ye tlayahualoloc ynic centlamantli3 yehuatl yn
imachiyoilnamicocatzin yn inezcatlahtollotzin yn ichipahuacanenacayotiliztlacatililo
catzin4 motenehua limpia concepcion yn itech pohui 5 ye in tonatiuh. in Metztli. yn huey
citlalli tlathuinahuac hualquic;a. in tlatzacuilotl tzauhctiuh, yn iteocaltzin 6 tt 0 . dios. ynic
ahuaztli ylhuicac. in i;oyatl. yn azetonasquahuitl. 7 yn ahuehuetl, yn tlatzca. yn tezcatl. yn
castillan tulpatlachuitztecolxochitl 8 lilio. yn xuchitl Rosa. yn quilmiltepancalli huerto. in
hue! tzauctica, yn ameyalli fuente in hue! tlatzauhctli. yhuan yn oc cequi tlamantli yte
tzinco nezcamachiyotlahtoa tlahtocaychpuchtli concepcion. moch oncan quiquixtique yn.
auh macihui yn o muchi mahuiznec 9 in ypan tlayahualloliztli. yece camo ynemacpan yn
oncan muchi necizquia. yehica ypampa ca i;an mixcahuiya yn axcan molnamiqui ymiqui
liztlayhiyohuiliztonehuitzin yPassiontzin tt 0 . dios. ca tel yehuantzitzin quimomachiltia
yn teopixque yn oquimocelilique yn iuh mochihuaz yn iuh tlayahuallozij. omoteneuhque
totlai;onantzin ipilhuantzitzin no huey yn quiyahualloque S. Fran" 0
• quii;ato ynic
mocuepij. ynchan S.tiago
y_ Auh yhuan yn ax can ypan in omoteneuh viernes Sancto yn oncan teopan S. Domingo
ye oquixohuac ynic otlayahua!p. 214]Ioloc teotlac yn iuh mochipa mochiuhtiuh cece
xiuhtica ynic oquimotoquillique yn imiquilizyxiptlatzin tt0 • dios yn intech ponhui ynic
ompa quii;a espai\oles. auh no onca quiniuhti tlayacac quinmanque quiyacatihtiaque ynic
tlayahualoloc in timacehualti yn mixteca tlacanechicolti1° yn oynnemactic yn oconanque
yncapilla catca tliltique yn oquixtilliloque yn cofradia vmpa quipiaya auh ynic niman
yehuantin oynnemactic omacoij. ynin omoteneuh capilla yn omoteneuhque mixteca ynic
oncan oquitlallique yncofradia yn itetzinco pohui totlai;onantzin Rosario. ynic otlayahua
loloc axcan yehuatzin oquimohuiquilliij. omotlayahualhui yn omoteneuhtzino i;an achi
tepitzin yn totlai;onantzin Rosario ymaxca macehualti -
y_ Auh no yhuan yn ipan in omoteneuh viemes Sancto ye teotlac in Santiago tlatilolco yn
imiquiliztlayahualoliztococatzin 11°. Dios. quin iyopa axcan hue! oncan quimaxitillico yn
iglesia mayor. ynic otlayahualloque tlatilulca yn aye onca huallacini cecexiuhtica cenca
mahuiztic ynic tecpantia muchi ypassiontzin tt 0 . Dios. ynin <;a hue! quitzacuico tla
yahualoliztli ynic nica quiz,;aco 11 ca achto muchiuh nohuiyan yn izquican nican tenoch
titlan ye tlayahualoloc. auh ,;an no S. Franco qui,;ato ynic mocuepque ynchan S.tiago
I. The portion in the Nahuatl from "ca yqu expa" to "ce xihuitl" and in the English the
part within em dashes was added in the margin.
2. Some of these things are doubtless treated differently in standard church writing.
3. The words "inic centlamantli" are marked over what was apparently "izqui tlaman
tli," "each of the different things."
4. This word is extraordinarily complex and probably barely grammatical; Carochi
complained of the excesses of Nahuatl speakers of his time in creating unwieldy com
pounds when it came to religious matters. It might be possible grammatically, though
hardly logically, to construe Mary as the possessor of the compound.
1613 247
taking her along reclining on a carrying platform. It was at 7 o'clock that they got as far
as the great church here, the cathedral. It was the first time that there were lined up and
they went along carrying all the different great, difficult, splendid marvels and mysteries
of the queenly maiden Santa Maria,-it would have been the third time if it had been
taken in procession a year ago- 1 !p. 213] by which the Holy Spirit equated and compared
for the said queenly maiden, by which he made her see, that belong to the marvels of the
ology and are mentioned here,2 they went in procession with all the different ones: first,3
tl1e commemoration of the sign and the announcement of [God's) purely taking on the
form of flesh and being born,4 called the Immaculate Conception, to which belong 5 the
sun, the moon, and the great star that comes out close to dawn [Venus], when the gate of
our lord God's temple6 is closing, as a ladder to heaven; the palm tree; the olive tree;7 the
cypress; the mirror; the Spanish flower from a broad-leafed water plant, 8 the lily; the rose;
the enclosure for a field of green plants, a garden, entirely enclosed; a spring or fountain,
fully enclosed; they brought out all this and other things that speak symbolically of the
royal maiden of the Conception. And although everything had a splendid appearance 9 in
the procession, nevertheless it was not in the permitted time that it all should appear
there, because now people were concentrating on remembering the sufferings in death, the
passion, of our lord God; but the religious who accepted it know best about how it is to
be done and how the said children of our precious mother are to go in procession. They
too went around a long route; they went past San Francisco, from where they returned to
their home base of Santiago.
y_ And also today on the said Good Friday a procession came out from the church of Santo
Domingo !p. 214] in the afternoon as is always done every year, in which they buried the
image of the death of our lord God that belongs to the Spaniards coming out from there.
And also for the first time they put us commoners who were Mixtecs, gathered from var
ious places,'° in the lead, at the front of the procession. They have been granted and took
what used to be the chapel of the blacks, from whom the cofradia they had there was taken
away, and then the said Mixtecs were granted and given this said chapel, so that they
established there their cofradia, dedicated to our precious mother of the Rosary, so that in
the procession today the commoners took along in procession our said precious mother of
the Rosary, though rather small, that belongs to them. -
y_ And also on the said Good Friday, in the afternoon, there was a procession for the burial
of the death of our lord God from Santiago Tlatelolco; today was the first time that the
Tlatelolca brought [the image] all the way to the cathedral in procession, as they had
never done each year previously. It was very marvelous how the whole passion of our lord
God went lined up. This brought to an end all the processions that have passed by" here,
for all the different processions here in Tenochtitlan were perfonned first. They too went
5. With which are associated?
6. Meaning the sky?
7. In "azetonasquahuitl," it appears that thee may have been meant to be changed to i,
so that aceitunas was intended.
8. The Nahuatl word is literally rush-wide-dark dye-flower.
9. ln "mahuiznec" the c, taken as preceding i, is equivalent to z.
10. Here Ch. says "timacehualti," "we commoners," even though the Mixteca are in
volved. See also pp. 240--41 at n. 4.
11. For "qui~aco."
iii I ,•,,
1: I
'' , •,,
'[' \
tlatilulco -
y_ Auh axcan lunes ye omilhuitl xochipascua [p. 215] de Resurreccion ynic .8. mani
Metztli Abril de 1613 afios yhcuac ohuallathuic otemictiloc yn carcel de carte ey tlacatl
yn omictiloque ome espafiolti ce alcayde ynic ome bastonero. yn iqu ey tlacatl mulato
yehuatl in quintlatlaliliaya tepoztli crillos y tlatlacolleque quincallaquia oncar 1 carcel auh
yn omoteneuh alcayde ynic quimictique c;an quicocotecque niman onca ye momiquilli auh
yn oc omentin c;an quixixilque ynic quinmictique yohualtica auh in temictique c;an
timacehualtin ylpiticatca ychtecque yeyntin quinequia yn oncan cholozquia carcel de carte
quitlatlapoticauhtiazquia y tlatzacuilotl yntla huel mochihuani auh amo yuh quimone
quiltitzino yn tt0 . Dios. atle nez y llaue y tlatlapolloni otlihcapa ynic quitlapozquia ynic
quic;azquia. ynic c;a oncan omocauhque oanoque ontzacualloque yequene auh ynin aye
yuhqui ceppa omuchiuh yn iuhqui oquichiuhque yehuantin in ynic oncan in cenca ye
otechtlahuelilocamatque yn espafioles. auh yn omoteneuhque mimieeatzitzinti ye quin
martes ypan tocoque yn innaeayo.
y_ Auh axcan Juebes ynie ii. mani metztli Abril de 1613 afios. ye teotlac yheuac niean
Mexico. moeallaquieo ynie hualmocueptzino in yehuatzin eenca mahuiztililoni in ye
teopixcatlahtohuani omochiuhtzinoto elerigo Don Pedro de otalora Presidete audieneia real
Mexico. ynic ompa omohuicaya omoteochiuhtzinoto la ciudad de los Angeles cuitlaxeo
huapan yn ica epistola yhuan yea Euangelio. yhuan yea yn missa oquimoehihuilli c;an
oppa yea yn oquimoteochihuilli ynic ee quaresma oquiz yn obispo Don Alonso de la mota
y eseobar. ca yuh hualmotlanahuatilli yn Sancto Padre. ynic c;an eilhuitl [p. 216] Teo
chihualoz. auh macihui yn iuh quihualmotlalili yn ytlanahuatiltzin Sancto Padre. yn iuh
ycatzinco muchihuaz Sefior Don Pedro de otalora. yece ca ye quin ipan Dominiga in
Passion 2 tlamico yn ineteochihuallitzin ynic missa quimochihuillico vmpa cuitlax
cohuapan de la compafiia de Jesus yn aye yuhqui oyttoc nican Mexico ce Pressidente ah
nrn;o ce oydor clerigo omuchiuh yn iuh yehuatzin omuchiuhtzinoco axcan Omoteneuh
tzino Senor Don Pedro de otalora yhuan amo ye oquimocahuilli yn itequitzin ynic c;an ya
Pressidente omochiuhtzinoco audiencia real Mexico ca yuh quimonequiltitzinohua yn to
hueytlahtocatzin Rey moyetztica espafia. auh yn ixquich ica quaresma yn oquic ayemo
tlamia yneteochihualiztzin huel yxquichcauh vmpa moyetzticatca yn cuitlaxcohuapan. c;an
ic ompa quihualmihtalhuitehuac in yancuic missa ynic nima ohualmohuicac nican Me
xico quimochihuillico yn itlahtocatequitzin ynic Pressidente 3
y_ Auh axcan Viernes ynic 12. mani Metztli Abril de 1613 afios. yhcuac piloloq. eintin
timacehualtin matlactli tzillini yn tlacah. oquinhualquixtique yn carcel de carte yn omo
teneuhque ychteque timacehualtin yn oncan omoteneuh tlacpac carcel de carte temictique
yn quinmictique yey tlacatl ome espaiiol ce mulato ye omihto yn espaiiolti micque ce
alcayde ynic ome Bastonero. auh ynic oncan carcel de carte quinhualquixtique quincuauh
tlapechhuique4 yhuan caualloti yncuitlapiltitech hualilpitia yn incuauhtlapech ynic
quinhuillanq. ynic oncan quimaxitoco tepilolcuauhtitlan tlanepantla ynepantla yn oc cequi
tepilolcuahuitl oncan mani chicuetetl, auh yn o yuh oncan quimaxitico ye niman ceceyaca
[p. 217] Cecenme yn inyeccancopamacpal quintehtequillique auh achtopa quimiyx
quimilloque ynic quinmacpaltetecque ynic quinmacpaltlazque, auh in ye o yuh quimonma-
1. For "oncan."
2. Stafford Poole informs us that at this time Passion Sunday was two weeks before
1613 249
by San Francisco before returning to their home base in Santiago Tlatelolco. -
y_ Today, Monday, the day after Easter, [p. 215] on the 8th of the month of April, in the
night before morning, there were killings in the court jail; three people were killed: two
Spaniards, one a jailer, and the second one a jailer's assistant; the third was a mulatto who
used to put shackles on the criminals they put 1 in the jail. They killed the said jailer by
cutting his throat; he died of it there immediately. The other two they stabbed. It was
night when they killed them. The killers were [ of] us commoners, three thieves who were
in custody. They wanted to escape from the court jail; they were going to go leaving the
door open, if it had been possible, but our lord God did not want it so. The keys to the
outside with which they were going to open the door and come out couldn't be found, so
'they were just left there; finally they were seized and locked up. Nothing like this, like
what these fellows did, had ever happened before; because of it the Spaniards thought very
badly of us. The bodies of the said dead people were not buried until Tuesday.
y_ Today, Thursday the I Ith of the month of April of the year of 1613, in the afternoon,
was when the very reverend don Pedro de Otalora, president of the Royal Audiencia of
Mexico, who has now become a priestly ruler and a secular priest, entered Mexico here
coming back from having gone to the City of the Angels, Puebla, to be ordained as sub
deacon, deacon, and full priest able to say mass. During the celebration of one Lent the
bishop don Alonso de la Mota y Escobar ordained him only twice, for the Holy Father
had sent orders that he was to be ordained in only three days. [p. 216] But although the
Holy Father issued orders that it should be done so with sefior don Pedro de Otalora,
nevertheless it was not until Passion Sunday 2 that his ordination was finished, so that he
performed mass in Puebla at the Company of Jesus. It had never been seen before here in
Mexico that a president or judge of the Royal Audiencia became a secular priest as the
just mentioned senor don Pedro de Otalora did. And he did not thereby relinquish his office
that he was appointed to as president of the Royal Audiencia of Mexico, for so our great
ruler the king who is in Spain wishes it. As long as it was Lent, before his ordination
was finished, he stayed in Puebla; he left only after having said mass for the first time,
and then he came back here to Mexico to perform his governmental duty as president.'
y Today, Friday the 12th of the month of April of the year 1613, three of us commoners
were hanged. At 10 o'clock in the morning the said thieves, [of] us commoners, were
brought out of the court jail, the ones mentioned above who killed people in the said
court jail, killing three people, two Spaniards and one mulatto; it was already said that the
dead Spaniards were a jailer and second an assistant jailer. As they were brought out of the
court jail, a wooden platform 4 was used to carry them, and horses went along with their
tails tied to their platform to drag them along and bring them in among the gallows, in
the middle of the other eight gallows that are spread out there. When they had brought
them there, they cut off the right hand of each of them. [p. 217] But first they bound their
eyes before they cut off and struck off their hands; when they had cut off their hands, they
3. Compare with the partially identical passage on pp. 236-37.
4. Or separate wooden platforms?
. ,I
Ii l .,
matecque ye niman pilloloque yehuatl ytech yn omoteneuh tlayolloco tlanepantla mani ye
huecauh tepilolcuahuitl yn oncan tecpan quiyahuac yhuan xexeloloque yn innacayo yhuan
yn intzoteco quincocotonillique, auh oncan ycpac yn omoteneuh tepilolcuahuitl quintlal
lique yhuan yn inmacpaepal1 quintetequillique onean ytlan yhuan tepilolcuauhtitech te
poztica2 quitetetzotzonque auh yn intzonteco oncan cenpohuallonce tonatiuh yn cacatca
tepilolcuauhtitech, auh ye ic omilhuitl mani metztli Mayo Juebes ypan yn quintocaco
oncan hospital de la misericordia
y Axcan Juebes ynic .9. mani Metztli Mayo de 1613. afios yhcuac ,an iciuhca miquiliz
tica xuxouhcamiquiliztica yxtomamiquiliztica 3 momiquilli yn Secretario Martin de agurto
cenca yeyca neyc;ahuilloc -
y Axcan 4 Sabado ynic .ii. mani Metztli Mayo de 1613 afios. yhcuac ohualla yancuica
tlahtolli yn espafia. yuh machiztico yuh mihto yn tohueytlahtocatzin Rey Don Felipe
tercero quihualmotzacuillia yn alla china acalli yn ompa yxquich tlamantli tlatquitl nican
Mexico quihualhuicani yn ohualquic;aya oncan huey atenco acapolco. yuh omihto aocmo
oncan quic;aquiuh c;a nepa ye ye yaz qui! vmpa quic;atiuh in motenehua Portugal ynic
moch ompa yaz espafia in la china tlatquitl quimottiliz yn omoteneuhtzino Rey - ynic
c;atcpan nican Mexico huallaz - [p. 218]
y Axcan Domingo ynic .12. mani Metztli Mayo de 1613 afios. yhcuac yancuican mote
nextillitzinoque yn oncan capilla S. Joseph. S. Franco_ ynic hualmocallaquique yn Padre
fr. Jua Mac;urra yehuatzin in Capellan mochiuhtzinoco yn oncan omoteneuh S. Joseph.
yhuan ytlantzinco oncan quihualla(j. yn telpuchtli padre fr. Sebastian de garibai yn
temachticauh muchiuh in Mexica, auh yn fr. Jeronimo de c;arate yhcuac quiz yn capillero
catca teohuacan yah. auh ynic nican quic in Mexico yn tenochca yuhquin ceuhtiaque yn
ipampa yuh omoteneuh tlacpac ynic cenca otlatollinico mexico. ynic nican oyeco to
ttatzin yn ayac ceppa ce guardian yuh nican otlachihuaco in ye yxquich ica ahcico teopix
que S. Franco nican ciudad Mexico nueua espafia -
y Axcan Viernes ynic 17. mani Metztli Mayo de 1613. afios yhcuac Nican Mexico on
peuh ynic yauh espafia yn Dofia Maria de dircios ycnocihuatl yn inamic catca Don Jua
altamirano comendador S.tiago catca auh ynin omoteneuh cihuapilli ynic ompa yah qui
hualnotz yn ittatzin tlahtohuani Don luis de Velasco marques de Salinas. yhuan Pressi
dente muchiuhtica in motenehua del consejo de indias yn ompa espafia, auh ynic quihual
notz in ychpuch yuh mihto yuh machiztico vmpa quinamictiz yn espafia auh ynin omo
teneuh cihuapilli ynic ompa yah espafia c;an quincauhtia yeytin yn ipilhuan ynic ce
yehuatl yn Don femando altamirano comendador S.tiago. auh yn oc omentin monjastin
oncan cate yntlan [p. 219] Yn imahuitzitzinhuan yn oncan monasterio totlac;onantzin Re
gina Angelorum
y Axcan Viernes ynic .31. mani ytlamian yn Metztli Mayo de 1613. afios yhcuac yn
omiquico yn Maria ycnocihuatl xocoatolnamacac ynin ynamic yn franCO tlatzonqui Sastre
catca nican chaneque ytepotzco yn teopantli yn icaltzin yn notlac;omahuiztatzin S.
Antonio Abbad Motenehua tlaxillacalli xulloco. auh yn omoteneuh Maria xucoatol
namacac ynic miquico ca yuh mihto yuh ypan machoc ytechcopa quihtoque y nican tlaca
1. For "inmacpal."
2. Or something else of iron?
3. See the earlier examples of the use of these words (pp. 172-73, 214-15, 232-33);
1613 251
were hanged on the said gallows that was in the middle and had been there for a long time
outside the palace, and their bodies were cut into parts and their heads cut off and placed
on top of the said gallows along with their hands 1 that had been cut off, beside them; they
hammered them to the gallows with iron [nails].2 Their heads were on the gallows for 21
days, and on Thursday, the 2nd day of the month of May, they were brought to be buried
at the hospital of Misericordia.
Y Today, Thursday the 9th of the month of May of 1613, was when the secretary Martin
de Agurto quickly died an unexpected and premature death,3 about which people were
greatly shocked. -
y Today, 4 Saturday the 11th of the month of May of the year 1613, was when news came
from Spain and it became known and was said that our great ruler the king don Felipe III
is closing off the ship to China [the Philippines] that has customarily brought goods of
all kinds from there to Mexico here, that docked at Acapulco on the ocean shore. It was
said that it will no longer come to dock there, but will go in the other direction and re
portedly will go to dock in Portugal, as it is called, so that all the goods from China will
go to Spain and the said king will inspect them, so that they will be brought to Mexico
here afterward. - [p. 218]
y Today, Sunday the 12th of the month of May of the year 1613, was when, at the chapel
of San Josef at San Francisco, was first revealed the entry of father fray Juan Mazurra,
appointed chaplain at the said San Josef, and along with him was brought the young
father fray Sebastian de Garibay, who became the preacher to the Mexica. And at that time
fray Geronimo de Zarate, the former chaplain, left and went to Teohuacan. When he left
Mexico here, it was as though the Tenochca were relieved, because of how, as was men
tioned above, our father greatly mistreated everyone in Mexico since he came here, as no
father guardian had ever done in the whole time since Franciscan friars first reached the
city of Mexico here in New Spain. -
Y Today, Friday the 17th of the month of May of the year 1613, was when dona Marfa de
Ircio, widow, who was the spouse of don Juan Altamirano, late comendador of Santiago,
set out from Mexico here to go to Spain. The reason the said noblewoman is going is
that her father the ruler don Luis de Velasco, Marques of Salinas, appointed president in
the said Council of the Indies in Spain, summoned her from there. The reason he
summoned his daughter, it was said and made public, was to marry her [to someone] in
Spain. On going to Spain this said lady left behind three children: the first don Hernando
Altamirano, comendador of Santiago, and the other two are nuns who are with [p. 219]
their aunts at the nunnery of our precious mother Regina Angelorum.
y Today, Friday the 31st, the end of the month of May of the year 1613, was when
Marfa, a widow and seller of bitter atole, died. She was the spouse of the late Francisco, a
tailor, and they lived here behind the church, the house of my precious revered father San
Antonio Abad, [in] the tlaxilacalli of Xoloco, as it is called. The reason that the said
Marfa, seller of bitter atole, died, as was said and found out about it, and the local people
the meaning quick, premature death is very clear here because of the presence of iciuhca,
"soon, fast, quick."
4. This paragraph is lightly crossed out in the original.
ypan tlaxillacalli ca ,an icuallantzin y9omaltzin ytetzin ycuauhtzin in tt0 . Dios quihual
mihualli ypan yn omoteneuh cihuatzintli, auh yehica ypampa ytech tlahtohuaya ytech
acia yn imahui9otzin Sancta cruz. ca quimixnamictica amo quinequia ynic oncan qui
moquechilizque ohtlipan Yn axcan 1 oncan oquimoquechilique ohnepantla yn icaltepa
espafiol hernan mm ynin omoteneuhtzino Sancta cruz. ca ymaxcatzin yehuantin yntla
quetzaltzin yn tocniuhtzitzinhuan yn toteyccauhtzitzinhuan Juan morales yhua yn iyome
Bernabe de S. Jeronimo cuechiuhque yhuan incepantlatquitzin oc cequi tlacatl mexica ni
can chaneque xulloco macihui yn amo muchintin nican ytech pouhticate omoteneuh tla
xillacalli xulloco. Auh ca yuhqui yn yn omochiuh yn axcan ye caxtolli ypan vierues catca
in yehuantin omoteneuhque Juan morales yhuan Bernabe de S Jeronimo yhuan yn oc ce
qui tlacatl yhcuac on[p. 220]Can quitequipanohuaya. yn imomuz90 yez. yn ipan quimo
quechilizque omoteneuhtzino Sancta cruz. qui9allohuaya. auh in yehuatl omoteneuh Maria
xucoatolnamacac Justicia canato seral moteylhuito yxpan yn coregidor Don Martin ceron
quinteylhuito yn omoteneuhque Juan morales. yhuan Bernabe de S Jeronimo ca no90 hue!
yehuantin yn ipan muchicahua ynic tequipanohua tla,allohua yn oncan omoteneuh yn cal
tepa2 ohnepantla. auh ynin ohtli quimaxcatiaya yn omoteneuh cihuatl Maria xucoatol
namacac ypampa yn moteylhuito. Quito camo vel mochihuaz yn onca moijtzaz cruz ivan
quihtohuaya ca ye cualli ytla onca qmoquelizq3 cruz ma ,an itlatzin nechtlaocollican
tomintzin cane! naxca n tlalli ypa quitlalia momuztli auh ca amo nelli yn iaxca cane!
ohtli auh yece amo nelli yn iaxca ca no,o otli.4 auh yn o yuh moteylhuito omoteneuh
cihuatl ye niman ce alguacil espafiol quihualtitlan yn coregidor. quimanaco oncan yn
tlatequipanohuaya yn omoteneuhque Juan morales yhuan bernabe de S. Jeronimo. amo
yhuiyan yn quimanaco ca quinmamaylpica ymomextin auh ,a yntepantlahtolliztica yn
espafioles nican chaneq vezinos5 ynic quintonque ynic c;a matontiaque quinhuicaque Seral
vmpa quimi]pizquia. auh in yehuatl omoteneuh Maria xucoatolnamacac cenca quintzatza
tzillitihuia amo hue! mihtoz motenehuaz yn ixquich acualli ayectli tencuicuitlatlahtolli ye
quimahuatihuia cenca quinmahuizpollotihuia cane! cihuatl, auh amo ,an ice! ynin cihuatl
yhuan ymon yn moteylhuiij. auh in yehuantin in omoteneuhque ylpilozquia Sera! ,an
hualmocuepato Sera! quiyahuac amo hue! quintzacque ytepantlahtolizticatzinco yn Padre
fr. Augustin del Spiritu Sancto. y nican quimopiallia teopancalli S. Antonio Abbad. quin
mottili oncan yn Sera! quiyahuac [p. 221] Yn quinhuicaya yniqu ilpillozquia omoteneuh
que Juan morales. auh ye niman oncan quinmolhuilli yn coregidor yhuan escriuano Juan
Perez de Ribera yhuan nahuatlahtlahto 6 ma xicmomachiltican ca nehuatl nitestigo. ynin
cihuatl Maria ca ,an oamechmoztlacahuillico ynic oquitoco yn yaxca ytlatqui yn tlalli
ypan quimoquechiliznequi Sancta cruz. Yz cate oanoto. ca ohtlipan ohnepantla yn quitlal
lia yn qui,allohua momuztli yn 5can ypan quimoquechilizque Sancta cruz. ayac aquin in
yaxcapan. ma motta. auh in yehuantin omoteneuhque ylpillozquia ,an ic huallihualloij.
quimilhuiij. ayatle xicchihuacan ma oc nenemi n pleyto. auh yn o yuh hualnahuatilloque
I. Or recently.
2. One could write "yncaltepa" and translate "their said houses."
3. For "ijmoquechilizq."
4. The portion beginning "Quito camo" and ending "cane! ohtli" in the Nahuatl, and in
the English beginning "saying" and ending "is the road" is added between the !mes and m
the margin. Hence the repetition. Once again we have an indication that Ch. was copying
from something else.
1613 253
here in the tlaxilacalli said in this connection, was that our lord God sent down his anger,
wrath, and punishment on the said woman. It was because she talked about [disparag
ingly] and impinged on reverence for the holy Cross, for she opposed and did not want the
erection of the one that has now 1 been erected in the road intersection outside the house of
the Spaniard Hernan Martin. This said holy Cross was the property of and was raised by
our friends and younger brothers Juan Morales and Bernabe de San Ger6nimo, who are
married to sisters and are skirt makers, and it also belonged jointly to some other Mcxica
who live here in Xoloco, although not all of them belong to the said tlaxilacalli of
Xoloco here. Here is what happened fifteen days ago, on a Friday: at that time the said
Juan Morales and Bernabe de San Ger6nimo and the others were working on [p. 220] what
was to be the platform on which the said holy Cross was to be erected; they were putting
it together. But the said Marfa, seller of bitter atole, went to get the officers of the law.
She went to make a complaint at the municipal building before the corregidor don Martin
Cer6n; she accused the said Juan Morales and Bernabe de San Ger6nimo of being the very
ones who were behind working and setting things up there next to the said houses2 in the
road intersection. And the said woman Marfa, seller of bitter atole, claimed this road as
her property, which is why she went to make the complaint, saying, "It cannot be done
that a cross be erected there." She also said, "Very well, if they erect 3 a cross there, Jet
them concede me just a bit of money, since the land on which they are placing the plat
form is my property." But it is not in truth her property, for it is the road. But it is not in
truth her property, for there is no doubt that it is the road.4 After the said woman went to
make a complaint, the corregidor sent a Spanish constable who came to arrest the said
Juan Morales and Bernabe de San Geronimo, who were working there. They did not take
them gently, for they tied the hands of both of them. It was only at the intercession of the
Spaniards who live here, the vecinos,5 that they untied them, and it was with hands untied
that they took them to the municipal building, where they were going to keep them in
custody. And the said Marfa, seller of bitter atole, went along shouting loudly at them; all
the bad and filthy language with which she went scolding at them cannot be said or told.
She showed great disrespect for them, for she is a woman. But it was not this woman a
lone; her son-in-law made the complaint along with her. The said [Juan Morales and
Bernabe de San Geronimo] were going to be detained in the municipal building, but they
were brought back outside the building, and they were not able to lock them up because
of the intercession of father fray Agustin del Espiritu Santo, who is in charge of the
church of San Antonio Abad here. He saw them outside the municipal building [p. 221]
as the said Juan Morales [and Bernabe de San Geronimo] were being taken off to be in
custody, and then he said to the corregidor and the notary Juan Perez de Ribera and the
interpreter, 6 "May you know that I am a witness that this woman Marfa deceived you
when she came saying that the land on which they want to erect the holy Cross is her
property. It is in the road, in the intersection that these people here whom they went to
arrest are setting up and putting together the platform on which they are to raise the holy
Cross. It is not on anyone's property; let it be inspected." And the said people who were
going to be detained were sent back; they told them, "Don't do anything yet, let the suit
5. Although meaning only "citizen," the Spanish word vecino was ordinarily used for
non-indigenous residents only.
6. For "nahuatlahto."
, I
1:11 ,,
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ye niman yhuicpatzinco Visurrey quinmohuiquilli yn Padre fr. Augustin de! Spm Sancto
yn omoteneuhque Jua morales yhuan yn oc cequintin ynic yehuatzin Visurrey don diego
fernandez de cordoua marques de guada 1 quimitlanililique yhuellitzin licencia quinmo
maquilli ynic hue! quiquetzazque S.ta cruz. yn oncan ypan omoteneuh ohtli ynic quimix
namiquia omoteneuh cihuatl auh yn o yuh hualmotlanahuatilli yn ohualmofirmatitzino
Visurrey. ye niman tlanque yn quic;alloque momuztli quicencauhque. auh in quimol
huichihuillilique y moteochiuhtzino S.ta cruz yancuic nican teopan S. Anton ypan Do
mingo espm pascua ynic 26. mani Metztli Mayo, yehuatzin quimoteochihuilli yn cenca
mahuiztililoni Padre ye omotocateneuhtzino fr. Augustin de! Spm Sancto. cenca tlama
huiztililiztica tlayahualoliztica yn quimoquechillito oncan omoteneuh ypan omochiuh
yancuic momuztli yn ihcuac yn ye mococohua cenca ye tlanahui yn omoteneuh cihuatl
xucoatolnamacac. auh yhuan ynic moquetzino ynin omote[p. 222]neuhtzino S. ta cruz. no
yhuan yhuellitzin ylicenciatzin quimotemaquilli yn provisor Doctor Don Juan de Sala
maca. ca quimitlanililique ynic huel moquetzino S.ta cruz. auh yn omoteneuh maria xuco-
atolnamacac ynic momiquillico amo huecauhtica quitztia yn imo ytoca catca ____ no
momiquilli ca noc;o quipalehuiaya yn omoteneuh ymonnan ynic moteylhuica
y_ Auh yn ayemo muchihuaya y yn omoteneuh yn quin tontlami ticpohua yn otocon
icuilloque neyxnamiquiliztlahtolli muchiuh yn iuh moteylhuica omoteneuh Maria xuco
atolnamacac yn itechcopa Sancta cruz. auh ca yzcatqui oc no centlamantli achtopa omu
chiuh c;iino nican ypii tlaxillacalli xulloco yhuan mihtohua acatla yn oc centlapal nepa
calnacazco ycalnahuac yn espaiiol diego Senete. in yehuatl in omoteneuh espanol yhuan
ynamic ytoca Mariana Rodriguez espanola oquichiuhque neyxnamiquiliztli yn ipehuayan
in omoteneuh Metztli Mayo. ynic c;ii no ytechpa tlahtoque ytech acique yn imahuic;otzin
oc ce Sancta cruz. ynic ycatzinco. quimixnamicque yn omoteneuh oncan tlaca tlaxillacal
lcque yn imaxcatzin omoteneuh Sancta cruz. in cenca ye huecauh yn oncan quimoque
chillitiaque yn inttahuan huehuetque catca. auh in yehuantin omoteneuhque espanol diego
Senete yhuan ynamic Mariana Rodriguez. oc cenca yehuatl in yn Senora quimixnamicti.
Sancta cruz. amo quinequia yrnomextin ynic oncan yncalnahuac yncaltitlan moquetzino
ticaz. cruz. auh macihui yn oncan in chaneq. ca ye momati ca ~an calcohuani tel ye hue
cauh yn oncii cate ynic chancate c;an oc tepitzin y calli ye catca. auh yn axcan ayemo
huecauh yn oc cequi miccacalli ynic netech [p. 223] <;aliuhtica yncal oquimonnamaquil
titevac yhuan yn fray Jeronimo de c;arate yn capillero ocatca S. Joseph S. Franco ayemo
huecauh yn ihcuac ayemo yuh quic;a. ynic possesio quinmacaco yn icuac fiscal catca Don
Antonio Valleriano yn axcan ye gou0 r azcaputzalco yn ica calli ynic c;a concenmanque ye
huecauh yncal, yece amo yhuan quinnamaquilti yhua amo yhuan ypan possesio ye maco
que yn omoteneuh tlalli yn ipan moquetzinoticac Sancta cruz. auh neh yn omoteneuhque
espaiiol diego Senete yhuan ynamic ye muchi quimaxcatia y tlalli ynic ye quincahualtia
omoteneuhque tlaxillacalleque quimilhuique xiquixtican yn amocruz. ca ya taxca yn tlalli
ypan moquetzinoticac oticohuillique yn fray Jeronimo de c;arate. auh in yehuantin nican
tlaxillacalleque amo yuh quimatticatca yntla yhuan oquinnamaquilti tottatzin tlalli c;an ic
cuallanque yn quicacque tlaxillacalleque ynic oncan ye quinquixtiliznequi yncruztzin ynic
ye mixnamiqui, auh yn oc cenca yehuatl ye tlahtohua moteneuh Senora Mariana Rodri
guez. in ye quimixnamiqui ye quimahua ye quinmahuizpolohua tlaxillacalleque quexquich
1. For "guadalcac;ar."
1613 255
take its course first." And when they had been dismissed, father fray Agustin del Espiritu
Santo took the said Juan de Morales and the others to the viceroy, so that they asked the
viceroy don Diego Fernandez de C6rdoba, Marques of Guadalcazar, 1 for his permission,
and he gave them permission to erect a holy Cross in the said road, which the said woman
had opposed. After the orders had been issued and the viceroy had signed, they finished
putting together the platform, they got it ready, and they held a feast day for the blessing
of the new holy Cross here at the church of San Antonio on the Sunday of the feast of the
Holy Spirit, on the 26th of the month of May. The very reverend father whose name was
already mentioned, fray Agustin de! Espiritu Santo, blessed it. It was with great ceremony
and processions that they went to raise it on the said new platform that was built. At this
time the said woman seller of bitter atole was sick and very near to death. And when this
said holy Cross was erected, [p. 222] the vicar general doctor don Juan de Salamanca also
gave them his permission, which they had requested, for the holy Cross to be raised. And
it was not long after that the said Marfa, seller of bitter atole, passed away; her son-in-
law, whose name was ___ , also passed away, because he helped his said mother-in-
law in the complaint she had made.
y_ Before this that has been told, that we have just finished recounting and writing about
the dispute that happened, how the said Marfa, seller of bitter atole, had made a complaint
relating to the holy Cross, here is another thing that happened first, likewise here in the
tlaxilacalli of Xoloco and in [a section] called Acatlan, on the other side, at the corner and
close to the house of the Spaniard Diego de Senete. The said Spaniard and his spouse
named Mariana Rodriguez, a Spanish woman, caused a dispute at the beginning of the
said month of May, in which they likewise talked [disparagingly] about and touched on
the reverence for another holy Cross, because of which they opposed the people of the
said tlaxilacalli there, whose property the said holy Cross was, that their forefathers had
erected there a long time ago. The said Spaniard Diego de Senete and his spouse, Mariana
Rodriguez, especially this Spanish woman, opposed the holy Cross; neither of them
wanted the cross to stand there close to, next to their house, And although they are resi
dents there, it is thought that they just bought their house, although they have been there
and made their home there for a long time, but the house was only a little one. Not long
ago [fray Geronimo de Zarate] sold them the house of a deceased person adjacent to their
house, [p. 223] and it was fray Geronimo de Zarate, who was chaplain of San Josef at San
Francisco, not long ago, before he left, who gave them possession of the house, when
don Antonio Valeriano, now governor of Azcapotzalco, was fiscal, so that they amalga-
. mated it with the house they had had for a long time, but he did not sell them, nor did
they receive possession of, the said land on which the holy Cross stands. On the other
hand the said Spaniard Diego de Senete and his spouse claimed that all the land was their
property, so that they ejected the said tlaxilacalli members, telling them, "Remove your
cross, for the land it stands on is our property, we bought it from fray Ger6nimo de
Zarate." But the people of the tlaxilacalli here did not know whether our father had sold
them the land along with it, and they were angered when they heard that they wanted to
take their cross there away from them and were opposing them. And especially the said
Spanish woman Mariana Rodriguez talked about it, opposing, scolding, and showing
ii I,,
yn acualli yectli 1 tencuicuitlatlahtolli quimilhui yn amo hue! mihtoz motenehuaz. yhua
hue! quineltilizyhtohuaya. yn ca quimoquixtiliz cruz. yn oncan moquetzinoticac. quihto
oncan mocaltizque ynic niman omoteilhuito tlacpac yn tlaxillacalleque oquihtoto ca
ynhuehuetlatqui yn tlalli ypan moquetzinoticac Sancta cruz. oquicac yn Justicia ynic
oquitlalilique pleito diego Senete ynic i;an quichtecacuiznequi tlalli ye nemi n pleito, auh
yn ipan cemilhuitl y[p. 224]n ihcuac omoteneuh ynic mahuaque mixnamicij. ypam
patzinco Sancta cruz. ca no niman yhcuac peuh in ye mococohua c;an oqu itzonteco ynic
peuh ye quicocohua yn omoteneuh Senora Mariana Rodriguez. auh yn imuztlayoc ye
huallathuic ye omotccac ytlapechco yn mococohua matlaltotonqui yn itech motlalli cenca
i;a niman chicahuac yhuan niman yglesia mayor quihualmohuiquililique in Sacrameto.
ynic niman quimocelili. auh yniqu eilhuitl yhcuac momiquilli yn Senora auh yuh mihto
ypan yuh machoc quihtoque y nican tlaca ypan tlaxillacalli. ca i;an ycuallantzin yi;omal
tzin yn 11°-Dios. quihualmihualli ypan yn omoteneuh Senora. auh ynic otlamico ynic
otzonquiz pleyto. yn Justicia i;a oquinmacac in tlalli macehualtin ynic mochipa quipiazque
oncan ypii moquetzinoticaz yn Sancta cruz. ayac aquin hue! oncan quinquixtiliz. auh yn
mane! oc nen moteilhuiaya omoteneuh diego Senete. i;a nipa hualhuetz. aocmo caquililoc
yn ineteilhuil. o yhui yn yn omochiuh ontlamantli tlamahuii;olli nican ypan tlaxillacalli
ye omoteneuh xulloco acatla yteopancalnahuactzinco notlai;ottatzin S. Antonio Abbad
Mexico yn ipehuayan in omoteneuh Metztli Mayo. auh yn ipampa nican onictlalli o
niquicuillo nehuatl Don domingo de S. Anton Mufion Quauhtlehuanitzin ypampa ca hue!
nixpan yn iyontlamanixti omochiuh hue! oniquittac -
y axcan Sabado ynic 22. mani Metztli Junia de 1613 [p. 225] Afios. yhcuac moman
tiyanquiztli yn totlai;onantzin Visitacion yhuan mihtohua nuestra Senora de la biedad hue
huetlii yn oncan moyetzticate teopixque S. Domingo. auh ynin ye moman. ynic mochalli
omoteneuh tianquintli 2 yehuatl ypii tlahto yn Padre fr. Juan de Bustamante yhcuac oncan
tetlan catca -
y Axcan Viernes ynic 28. mani Metztli Junio de 1613. anos. yhcuac nican ciudad Mexico
otzatzihuac nohuiyan caltzallan ytlanahuatilticatzinco yn tlahtohuani Don diego fernandez
de cordoua Marques Visurrey yn ipampa ye aocac macehualli tlamamaz yxcuatica yn iuh
muchiuhtihuiz 3 quinmamaltia huehuey cuauhchiquihuitl yhuan yn i;ai;o tley huehuey
tlamamalli oquinmamaltiaya frayles yhuan espanoles. yn hueca oquihuallehualtiaya qui
mama quihualcahua nican mexico. ahnoce nican oquihuallanaya in cenca yetic ye quihuica
cenca quintollinia ynic oconaxitiaya yn canin altepetl ipan tequiuhtillo macehualtzitzinti
concahua, auh yn ipampa aocmo yuhqui mochihuac 4 in Pena ye quinmotlalili yn tlah
tohuani yn frayles. yhuan espafioles. yuh nahuatilloque yn ipan tecpoyotl tzatzic i;a
caualloti yn quintlamamalizque ohtlipan yn tleyn canin quinhuiquilizque yuh hualla
yamatzin ycedulatzin yuh hualmotlanahuatilli yn tohueytlahtocatzin Rey Don Felipe
Tercero in moyetztica espafia -
y Axcan miercoles ynic .4. mani Metztli Setiembre de 1613. afios. yhcuac nican tlani5
centlapal ohmac6 hue! yxpan yn iteopancaltzin notlai;ottatzin S. Antonio Ab bad xulloco.
1. For "ayectli."
2. For "tianquiztli."
3. For "muchiuhtihuitz."
1613 257
disrespect for the people of the tlaxilacalli; how much bad, 1 filthy language she used with
them cannot be said or told; she said that in all truth she was going to remove the cross
standing there, saying that they were going to build a house there. Then the people of the
tlaxilacalli above went to make a complaint, saying that the land on which the holy
Cross stands is their patrimonial property. The officers of the law heard the complaint, so
that they [the tlaxilacalli people] brought suit against Diego de Senete for trying to take
the land deceitfully; the suit is now pending. And on the same said day Ip. 224] when
they argued and showed opposition about the holy Cross, the said Spanish woman Ma
riana Rodriguez began to get sick; at first she just began to have a headache, but the next
day in the morning she lay down sick in her bed. She got matlaltotonqui, which soon
became very strong, and they brought her the Sacrament from the cathedral, and she
received it. On the third day the Spanish woman passed away. And it was said and found
out about it, and the local people in the tlaxilacalli said that our lord God sent his anger
and wrath down upon the said Spanish woman. When the suit came to an end and was
finished, the officers of the law gave the land to the commoners to keep forever; the holy
Cross will stand on it and no one will be able to take it away from them. And although
the said Diego de Senete tried to make a complaint, it fell to one side; his complaint was
not heard. Like this, then, occurred two separate miracles here in the said tlaxilacalli of
Acatlan in Xoloco, close to the church of my precious father San Antonio Abad in Mex
ico, at the beginning of the said month of May. And I, don Domingo de San Anton
Mufion Quauhtlehuanitzin, set it down here and wrote it because both things happened
right before my eyes, I really saw them. -
Y. Today, Saturday the 22nd of the month of June of the year 1613, Ip. 225] was when a
market was set up at our precious mother of Visitacion, also called Nuestra Senora de la
Piedad, in Huehuetlan, where the Dominican friars are. And father fray Juan de Busta
mante saw to it that the said market2 was set up and inaugurated; at that time he was
among the people there. -
Y. Today, Friday the 28th of the month of June of the year 1613, was when it was
proclaimed through the streets everywhere in the city of Mexico at the order of the ruler
don Diego Fernandez de Cordoba, Marques and viceroy, that commoners are no longer to
carry loads using their foreheads, as happens3 when they load them with large wooden
baskets, or when the friars and Spaniards make them bear any kind of heavy load, that
they sent them here from far away carrying, that they deliver here in Mexico, or when
they came to get something very heavy to take that greatly afflicts them, that they took
to whatever altepetl the poor commoners were given the duty of delivering it to. And so
that this will no longer be done,4 the ruler set a fine about it for the friars and Spaniards;
they were ordered and the crier proclaimed that only horses are to carry for them on the
road whatever they are to take somewhere for them. Thus said the letter that came, the
cedula of our great ruler the king don Felipe III who is in Spain; thus he ordered. -
Y. Today, Wednesday the 4th of the month of September of the year 1613, was when here
below, 5 at one side of the road6 directly facing the church of my precious father San
4. Apparently "mochihuac in" is to be understood as "mochihuaz in."
5. Possibly the phrase means in effect below here, though the normal way of saying
that something was below something else involved -tzintlan.
6. It may be that "ohmac" specifically designates the far side of the road.
,··•·i; , ''I
1' .. ,
,, '
'.,:11 ,,
O[p. 226]Quipehualti tepcchtli ynic oncan ye mocaltia yehuatl espafiol ytoca Antonio
barreto portugues. ynin omotcneuh tlalli ypan ye mocaltia 9an quicouh quicohuilli ,ano
espafiol ytoca diego Senete ca achto yehuatl in in yaxca catca yn tlalli. auh macihui yn
iaxca catca ynin omoteneuh tlalli yece ,a atl otentimanca yn oncan cenca achi huecatlah
ocatca auh yn o yuh concouh yehuatl omoteneuh Antonio barreto, quin yehuatl oqui
tlalten ynic oquihuecapano oc cecni oqui,acato yn tlalli oncan oquitetemaco ynic oqui
po!lo atl oncan omanca auh in ye o yuh quitlalten ,atepa oquicuauhtzotzon miec yn
cuamimiltotonti oncan oquicuauhtzotzon ynic chicahuaz tlalli ynic hue! ypan ye mocaltia
,an oc centetl yn ical oncan oconpehualti ye quichihua ytienda yez. auh ynin omoteneuh
yancuic tienda ye muchihua, ca ye quin ic ey tlacatl oncan mocaltia yn oncan in omo
teneuh S. Antonio Abbad. yteopancaltzin yxpan yn iuh nezticatqui axcan.
ynic ce tlacatl
oncan achtopa ye chanchiuhtica. yehuatl y clerigo ytoca !icenciado dorosa xuchmilcopa y
catqui ycall in tienda quipia, auh ynic ontetl ye huecauh ealli onean mani eentetl no tienda
muehiuhtiea ye yn oztocaltitlau arcotitlan2 mani ynin ealli ,an tetlaneuhti!lo capellania ye
catqui yehuatl yuh quitlalitia yn padre Masares 3 elerigo ea yaxca eatea ynin omoteneuh
ealli ynin ohtenco yn mamani calli auh tlanepantla yn oconquetztihuetz ytienda omo
teneuh Antonio barreto. hue] amo hueeauh yn oeonchiuh ,an ixquich ica ome metztli yn
onmocalti 4 auh yn oc cequi tlalli yn iyanca ypa onmocalti yn ayxtlahuatl 5 muchiuhtoc
axcan ach quen ipan muchihuatiuh 6 yn iquin canin quemma yn oc ompa ye tonitztihui
aquique yn espafioles ypan mocaltitihui auh [p. 227] (,;an ipampa y nican onicmachiyoti
ynic 9an oqu excan yn mani calli yxpan omoteneuh yteocaltzin notla,;ottatzin S. Antonio.
ypampa quittazque quimatizque. yn aquique yn quin nemiquihui yn quin ye tlacatizque
Mexica. yhua yn altepehuaque 7 ca <;an oqu iuhcan in yn ihcuac ye nictlallia ye nicma
chiyotia yn itlahtollo yn omoteneuh ayxtlahuatl muchiuhtimani axcan yntla <;atepan yttoz
yn iquin canin quenma ye teopancalli. ye monasteries. ye calli ypan tentoc ye onoc yn ax
can ayemo quen neztoc i;an atl oncan tentimani nohuiyan ynin tlahtolli nehuatl onic
machiyoti Don domingo de S. Anton Mufion Quauhtlehuanitzin, macihui yn amo nolhuil
nomacehual ynic nican nitlatequipanotinemi ychantzinco y notla<;ottatzin S. Antonio. ye
yxquich ica axcan cenpohualxihuitl yn iuh muchi tlacatl quimati -
y_ Axcan Juebes ynic .12. mani metztli Setiembre de 1613. afios yhcuac nican ciudad
Mexico S. Franco, ahcico callaquico in yancuic comissario ytoca fray chistoual Ramirez.
espafia hualmohuicac. quihualmohuiquilli yn cenca mahuiztililoni Padre fr. Juan torque
mada yn omohuicaya espafia ,;an oncexiuhtito yn ompa nicau ye mohuicaca -
y_ Axcan Viernes ynic 13. mani metztli Setiembre de 1613 afios yhcuac nican ciudad
Mexico ahcico callaquico ce tottatzin S. Fran° 0 • cuate<;ontzin vmpa hualla in yancuic
Mexico ahno,o huehue Mexico. ynin tottatzin ye hualla ,an hualmochtacatitlan qui
hualhuicac yntlahtol yn ompa motemachtilia oc cequintin teopixque S. Fran°
. ye hual
moteil[p. 228]huia yxpantzinco tlahtohuani Visurrey yn quenin cenca quintollinia vmpa
I. This clause could be interpreted as "as appears now [from what will be said in a
2. Literally, next to the arch.
3. Name unconfirmed.
4. The temporal inconsistencies in these annals from parts of passages having been
written at a certain time, then added to without thorough revision of what was already
1613 259
Antonio Abad in Xoloco, [p. 226] the Spaniard named Antonio Barreto, who is a Por
tuguese, began the foundations for the house he is building for himself there. He just
bought this said land upon which he is building a house; he bought it from another Span
iard named Diego de Senete, for first the land was his property. But though this said land
was his property, it was full of quite deep water. And after the said Antonio Barreto had
bought it, he filled it in with earth and raised it. From another place he transpm1ed the
earth that he filled it in with and got rid of the water that was there. And after he had filled
it with earth, he drove in wooden piles, he pounded in many small wooden pillars so the
earth will be strengthened, so that he can build himself a house on it. He has begun to
build another house there that will be his shop. And this said new shop that is being built
makes the third person to build a house facing the said church of San Antonio Abad, as
things now appear. 1 The first person who has made a home there is the secular priest
named licenciado Tolosa; his house is toward the south and has a shop. Second is a house
that has been there for a long time, also made into a shop, at Oztocaltitlan Arcotitlan;2
this house is rented out to people; it is under a chaplaincy mrangement; that is what was
ordered in his testament by father Masares, 3 a secular priest, for this said house was his
property. These buildings are spread out at the edge of the road. It is in between that the
said Antonio Barreto has quickly built his shop; he took a very short time to build it, in
only two months he built the house.4 The other land, in addition [to what has been built
on] is now a lake.5 Who knows what will happen to it6 when sometime in the future
some Spaniards build on it? [p. 227] The reason I have recorded here that there are still
only three houses facing the said church of my precious father San Antonio is so that the
Mexica and the citizens 7 who live and are born later will see and know that it was still
just like this when I set down and recorded the account of the said lake that is there now,
if it is later seen at some future time that it is filled with churches, monasteries, and
houses that are there where now nothing appears yet and it is full of water all around.
This account was recorded by me, don Domingo de San Anton Mufi6n Quauhtlehuanitzin,
who though I am not worthy of it have been serving here at the home of my precious
father San Antonio for twenty years now, as everyone knows. -
y_ Today, Thursday the 12th of the month of September of the year 1613, was when there
arrived and entered here in the city of Mexico and at [the church ofl San Francisco the new
commissary named fray Cristobal Ramirez; he came from Spain. He was accompanied by
the very reverend father fray Juan de Torquemada, who had gone to Spain and spent just a
year there since he had left here. -
y_ Today, Friday the 13th of the month of September of the year 1613, was when there
arrived and entered here in the city of Mexico one of our fathers of San Francisco, a lay
friar, who came from New Mexico, or Old Mexico. The reason this father of ours came
was that he was secretly sent, bringing the statement of the other Franciscan friars who
preach there, making a complaint [p. 228] before the lord viceroy about how much the
written, are particularly apparent in this section.
5. Literally, a watery plain.
6. Or what will be built on it.
7. These "citizens" seem to be distinguished from the Mexica in general. The term
altepehuaque sometimes means the authorities of an altepetl. Conceivably Ch. is even
including the Spaniards.
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Gouemador ynic ce ocalcapozhui 1 tottatzin quicxipopoztec yhuan centlapal quimapoztec
yni tottatzin cocoloc ytoca fr. Jeronimo de pedra<;o, yuh machiztico quitlacahualtiayah in
teopixque omoteneuh Gouor macayamo cue! ynca mocacayahua macayemo quintollini
macehualti cane! yancuique in tlaneltoquiliztica ma oc ceppa mocuepti ma motlapololtihti
mano<;e yaoyotl ynpan quichiuhti yn teopixque yhuan yn espafioles. yehuatl in ynic
quitlacahualtiaya Gouernador. ,an icuallan quittac ynic cenca oquincocolli teopixque
y_ Axcan Juebes ynic 26. mani Metztli Setiembre de 1613 a0 s yhcuac ye yohua ynic hual
yohuac maxitico ,a mochtacacallaquico y nican ciudad Mexico in cenca mahuiztililoni
teoyotica tlahtohuani Doctor Don Juan Perez de la serna ar,obispo Mexico ynin clerigo
,amora ychantzinco ayac quittac in nican tlaca Mexico ynic hualmocallaqui ychantzinco
ayac quimonamiquilli, auh yn huallathuic viernes ye ychantzinco moyetztica <;an oc mo
tzauhctzinoticatca ayemo moteyttitzino, auh ynin omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani
yn ompa espafia ye hualmehuiti ayemo hualtlateochihualtitia yn ica ar,;obispoyotl. <;an
niman quihualmihualli yn Rey <;an oqu iuhqui hualmacallaquitzino ynic Sacerdote ynic
niman omohueyatenquixtico2 auh ye niman oncan maxitico in la ciudad de los Angeles de
la puebla cuitlaxcohuapa. ye yohua <;ti no mochtacacallaquico yn oncan ynic niman mo
cehuitzinoco ychan obispo Don [p. 229] Alonso de la mota y escobar. quin yehuatl in
oncan quimoteochihuilli oncan quimomaquilli yn teoyotica ytlahtocayotzin ynic ar<;o
bispo muchiuhtzino. ,an callihtic ychan yn omoteneuh obispo ypan ylhuitzin Exaltacion
Sancta cruz. ca Sabado ypan motlalli ynic .14. mani metztli omoteneuh Setiembre. yn
teochihualloc. auh <;an hualmeylhuitiltitiquiz. yn ar,obispo yn oncan moyetzticatca la
ciudad de las Angeles cuitlaxcohuapa ynic niman oncan hualmehuiti ye hualmonenemitia
ynic niman oncan maxitico totla~onantzin nuestra Sefiora Sancta Maria de Guadalupe
tepeyacac. ynic no ceppa oncan ohualmehuiti ynic omaxitico nican mexico yn ipan axcan
omoteneuh cemilhuitl Juebes. ynic ,an hualmochtacacallaqui ynic cemilhuitl ypan omo
teneuh Viernes mocehuitzino yn ichantzinco ,an motzauhctzinoticatca ayemo teytti
titzino. -
y_ Auh ye quin axcan Sabado ynic 28. mani metztli omoteneuh Setiembre in ye yeil-
huitiyoc omoteneuh ye hualmocallaqui Mexico yhcuac omotenextillitzinoco omoteytti
tzinoco yohuatzinco ypan chiuhcnahui tzillini yn 6can yglesia Mayor yhuan missa
quimochihuillico yn omoteneuhtzino yehuatzin teoyotica tlahtohuani Doctor Don Juan
Perez de la serna ar<;obispo. auh ynin ynic ompa ychantzinco hualmoquixti ynic oncan
hualmohuicac omoteneuh yglesia mayor ,an ic ye oncan mocallaquico yn tecpan qui
yahuacpa yn onca catqui oc ce puerta. auh in yehuantin cabildo tlaca yn Dean yn arce
diano. yn chantre yn canonigos yn Racioneros. yn oquimottilique oncan ye 6maxitihtiuh
ar<;obispo. ye niman quihualmonamictiliaya ce palio cuachcalli ynic quimonamiquiliaya.
ynic quimocuachcaltilitiazquia ynic on[p. 230]mocallaquito Teopan auh in yehuatzin
omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani ar,obispo. amo quinmocelilili yn omoteneuhque
cabildo tlaca yn intenamiquia cuachcalli atle ypan quinmottilili ~an iuh ommocallaqui yn
teopan. auh yhuan yn mane! no vmpa quimoyacanilliaya ynic ye 6pa quihualmocalla
quiliznequia yn ixcopa teopan yn ompa catqui huey puerta yn huell oncan ycatzinco tla
liloc huey tlacuilolpuerta yn huel tlacencahualli ye tlacuillolli yn hue! ycatzinco quichiuh-
1. The meaning may be that the governor merely clubbed the friar witl1 a musket (har
quebuse ), not that he actually shot him.
1613 261
governor there mistreats them, that he used a musket on one of our fathers; I he shattered
his foot [or feet] and broke one of his arms. This father of ours who was hurt is named
fray Ger6nimo de Pedraza. It became known that the said governor had forbidden the friars
to cheat the commoners or mistreat them because they are new in the faith and lest they
return to confused beliefs or make war on the friars and the Spaniards. That was why the
governor held the friars back; they saw nothing but anger from him, he hated them so
Y Today, Thursday the 26th of the month of September of the year 1613, at dark as night
was coming, was when there arrived and secretly entered in the city of Mexico here the
very reverend spiritual ruler doctor don Juan Perez de la Serna, archbishop of Mexico. He
is a secular priest, from Zamora. None of the local people here in Mexico saw him as he
entered his home, no one went out to meet him. On Friday morning he was already in his
home, but it was still closed; he didn't show himself yet. When this said spiritual ruler
left Spain he was not yet consecrated as archbishop. The king just sent him right away,
and he was still unconsecrated when he went on board ship, and as a priest he landed on
the seashore [of New Spain].2 Then he reached the City of the Angels, Puebla, at night
and likewise entered that place secretly; then he came to the home of the bishop don
Alonso de la Mota y Escobar to rest, [p. 229] and only then did the latter consecrate him
there and gave him his spiritual rulership by which he became archbishop. It was just
inside the said bishop's home, on the feast day of the exaltation of the holy Cross, Sat
urday the 14th of the said month of September, that he was installed and consecrated. And
the archbishop left quickly, after only three days of being in Puebla, after which he left
and came traveling along in this direction until he reached [the chapel ofj our precious
mother Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de Guadalupe at Tepeyacac, from where he again de
parted to reach Mexico here today on the said day of Thursday, when he came entering
secretly, and on the said day of Friday he rested in his home; he was just shut in and
didn't show himself yet. -
y_ It was not until today, Saturday the 28th of the said month of September, three days
after he entered Mexico, as was said, that, in the morning at 9 o'clock in the cathedral, the
said spiritual ruler doctor don Juan Perez de la Serna, archbishop, appeared in public and
showed himself, and he came to perform mass. But when he came out of his home and
came to the said cathedral, he only entered from the direction of the [archiepiscopal] palace
exit, where there is another door, and the members of the cathedral chapter, the dean,
archdeacon, choirmaster, and the canons who were full prebendaries saw that he was
already arriving; then they were coming to meet him with a canopy, a cloth covering,
which they were going to hold over him as he entered [p. 230] the church; but the said
spiritual ruler, the archbishop, did not accept the said cathedral chapter members' sign of
greeting, the canopy, he ignored them and went into the church just as he was. And
though they were leading him and wanted to bring him in from the front of the church,
where the great door is, and right there had been placed in his honor a large painted door,
2. The components of this sentence could be put in somewhat different orders with cor
respondingly different meanings.
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que tlacuilloque yntlanahuatiltica yn omoteneuhque Cabildo tlaca canonigos. yn oncan
quitlallique quimanque puerta yxcuac anrn;o yxco. yn oncan ye quimochialiaya onmo
callaquiz teopan an;obispo quimolhuiliaya ynic ye oncan mocallaquiquiuh. auh amo no
quimoncquilti i;ii niman amo quimocelili i;a niman amo tle ypan quimottilli yn teoyotica
tlabtohuani ynic amo oncan ye mocallaqui. // yhuan y nican ciudad Mexico tlaca in te
pachohua Regidores espafioles. aocmo oquimonamiquillique yn omoteneuhtzino teoyotica
tlahtohuani ari;obispo. yn iuh ohualmocbiuhtihuia yncatzinco yn izquintin ari;obisposme
achtopa nican Mexico omotlapachilhuico ynic hualmaxitiaya. , yancuicii yea palio
cuachcaltica oquinmonamiquillique, auh yn axcan caocmo yuh namicozque yn ari;obis
posme. yn iuh axcan ohualmocallaqui omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani Doctor Don
Juan Perez de la Serna, ca yuh axcan ohualmotlanahuatilli caocmo yuh quimonequiltia yn
tohueytlahtocatzin Rey Don Felipe Tercero moyetztica espafia. aocmo yuh mochihuaz. yn
omoteneuhque ciudad tlaca Regidores. aocmo yuh quinnamiquizquc cuachcaltica in ihcuac
ynic huallacizque yancuica mexico ari;obisposme. ca quinmoquixtililiaya. auh ca i;a ye
huantin ynneyxcahuilnemac yez. yn tlahtoque yn Visurreyes [p. 231] Yn ihcuac hualla
cizque yancuican Mexico ca yehuantin palio yea cuachcaltica namicozque, auh yn itechpa
Sancta yglesia yn Cabildo tlaca, ca i;a yehuantin yneyxcahuiltequiuh yez. yn paliotica yn
cuachcaltica quinmonamiquilizque yn teoyotica tlahtoque ari;obisposme. yn ihcuac hual
lacizque yancuican nican Mexico y nican pouhque quimopializque altepetl tenuchtitlan,
auh yece yn axcan ytechpa Sancta yglesia yn Cabildo tlaca yn intenamiquia yn incuachcal.
amo oquinmocelilili ynin omoteneuhtzino Doctor Don Juan Perez de la Serna, yhuan yn
intlacuilolpuerta ynic i;an oc i;eccan puerta omocallaqui ynic quimotlapalhuito ytlai;ona
mictzin Sancta yglesia, yhuan yhtic ye omihto missa quimochihuillito yhuan quinmot
tilito quinmotlapalhuito yn itlapacholtzitzinhuan Cabildo tlaca canonigos. 1 auh yn o yuh
conmuchihuilli missa tepitzin ye niman hualmocueptzino oc ye oncan hualmohuicac yn
tecpan palacio. quimottillico quimotlapalhuico yn tlahtohuani Don diego fernandez de
cordoua Marques y Visurrey auh yn oconmotlapalhuico yhuan ynamictzin Virreyna, ye
niman mocueptzino motlallitzinoto yn ichantzinco an;obispo. ynic niman oncan ocomo
pehualtilli ytlamanitilitzin ynic ye quimopialia altepetl tenochtitlan cualtica yectica ynic
neci cualli ychcapixqui ynic ye quinmopiallia ychcatzitzinhuan Mexico tlaca espafioles.
yhuan timacehualti yn tixquichtin titlapacholtzitzinhuan ma nechmotlai;opialili yn tt
dios. miec xihuitl yhuan ma quimochicahuilitzino miecanemiliztica 2 yn iuh timochintin
nohuiyampa titlaca tiquellehuia auh yn oc cenca nehuatl noncua yuh catqui oc achi hue!
nonahuatil nomamal ynic niquelehuia Don [p. 232] Domingo de S. Anton Quauhtlehua
nitzin chimalpahin 3
y_ Auh ynin omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani Don Juan Perez de la Serna ari;obispo
ynic nican Mexico omaxitico niman oquinmopatilitacico yn Doctor Don Juan de Sala
manca prouisor espafioles ocatca. auh yehuatl ye quipatlatacico yn itoca licenciado castro.
ynin 4 Prouisor espafioles omochiuh. auh ynic ome quinmotlalilitacico ytoca licenciado
Juan Aguado ynin ayemo quichihua missa yn ihcuac toprouisor omuchiuh timacehualti
ynin ymomextin espafia quinhualmohuiquilli yn teotica 5 tlahtohuani ari;obispo. no yhuan
J. The above account seems quite self-contradictory, but there is relatively little
question about what it says.
2. The form seems to contain miec, "much," nemiliztli, "life," and the instrumental
-tica, but with the a it does not analyze normally.
1613 263
well prepared with paintings that the painters did precisely in his honor by order of the
said chapter members and canons, that they placed and set up there at the portal, or in
front of the [main] door, where they waited for the archbishop to go in the church, telling
him to come enter that way, nevertheless he didn't want that either, he didn't accept it at
all, the spiritual ruler ignored it entirely and didn't go in that way.// And the members of
the cabildo of the city of Mexico here, those who govern, the Spanish regidores, did not
meet the said spiritual ruler, the archbishop, as had been being done for all the arch
bishops when they first came here to Mexico to rule, so that when they first arrived they
met them with a canopy, a cloth covering. But from now on the archbishops will no
longer be met in that fashion, [but] as the said spiritual ruler doctor don Juan Perez de la
Serna just now entered, for now orders have been sent that our great ruler the king don
Felipe III who is in Spain no longer wants it to be that way, that it will be done no
more; the said cabildo members, the regidores, will no longer greet new archbishops of
Mexico with a canopy when they get here, he took [that privilege] away from them. It
will be the exclusive right of the rulers the viceroys [p. 231] when they first get to Mex
ico, for they are to be met with a canopy, a cloth covering. And as to the members of the
cathedral chapter of the holy church, they will be the only ones who will have the duty of
meeting the spiritual rulers, the archbishops, with a canopy, a cloth covering, when they
first come here to Mexico and are assigned here to be in charge of the altepetl of Te
nochtitlan, despite the fact that now relating to the holy church this said doctor don Juan
Perez de la Serna did not accept the cathedral chapter members' sign of greeting, their
canopy, or their painted door, so that he went in by another door to greet his precious
spouse the holy church and went inside, as was said, to perform mass and to see and greet
his subjects, the cathedral chapter members, the canons. 1 After he had said a low mass,
[the archbishop], before coming back, came to the [governmental] palace to see and greet
the ruler don Diego Fernandez de C6rdoba, Marques and viceroy. After he had greeted him
and his spouse the virreine, the archbishop came back and settled in at home, beginning
right away his government, by which he is now in charge of the altepetl of Tenochtitlan
in a good and proper fashion and appears as a good shepherd, taking care of the people of
Mexico as his sheep, Spaniards and us commoners, all of us his subjects. May our lord
God deign to guard him for me for many years, may he give him good health and a long
life,2 as we people everywhere wish, and especially to me separately it is an even greater
obligation and duty that I, don [p. 232] Domingo de San Anton Mufi6n Quauhtlehua
nitzin Chimalpahin, wish it.3
Y. When this said spiritual ruler don Juan Perez de la Serna, archbishop, arrived here in
Mexico, he right away replaced doctor don Juan de Salamanca, who was vicar general for
the Spaniards, and the person he replaced him with on arrival was named licenciado
Castro, 4 who became vicar general for the Spaniards. And on arrival he installed a second
person, named licenciado Juan Aguado, who does not say mass yet, who became at that
time the vicar general of us commoners. The spiritual 5 ruler, the archbishop, brought
3. The last sentence is a version of a common polite Spanish formula.
4. Here the words "ayemo quichihua missa yn ihcuac y" are marked out in the Nahuatl.
They are virtually repeated just below, another indication of copying from an earlier text.
5. For "teoyotica."
., '
·1, .. 1
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yn opa espafia quihualmohuiquilli Masescuela I ytoca Don Melchior arindez. nican mexico
pouhqui yn.2 auh <;lino ycuac yn mochintin hualmocenhuicaque yn espaiia in ceca ma
huiztililo teotica 3 tlahtohuani Doctor Juan gutierrez flores ynquisidor menor ytemana
huicatzitzinhuan yn cenquizcacualtlaneltoquiliztli La fee in nican Mexico no yhcuac yn
Maxitico yniqu inehuantzin onmotlalitzinoque in yehuatzin ye huecauh nican moyetztica
inquisidor mayor Gutierre Bernardo de Quiros.4 // auh ,anno yhcuac yn yancuican ahcico
hualla nican Mexico in yancuic coRegidor hualla espafia ytoca Don Alonso tello de
guzman. yhcuac quicauh yn itequiuh yn Don Martin Ceron coRegidor catca quipatlatacico.
y_ Auh yn axcan Domingo ynic 29. mani metztli Setiembre ynic ye nahuilhuitl omaxitico
nican Mexico in yehuatzin omoteneuhtzino teoyotica tlahtohuani don Juan Perez de la
Serna ar,obispo. yhcuac yn otlayahuallo yn Bulla axca ypan ylhuitzin S. Miguel archagel
vmpa omanato teopan S. Franco_ niman yehuatzin vmpa yn yomatzinco [p. 233] Quima
nillito yn omoteneuhtzino teotica 5 tlahtohuani arcobispo. 6 mochi quimotlalilitia yn
teotlatquitl yn itlahtocamahuiznechichihualtzin conmotlalilitia yn iMitratzin yhuan Capa
quimotlalilitia ye yancuica quinmottititzino yn muchintin nican altepehuaque auh ytloc
tzinco mantiaque yn Doctor Saucedo arcediano yhuan Doctor Don Juan de Salamanca
chantre capa quitlalitiaque -
y_ Axcan Domingo ynic .10. mani Metztli Nouiembre de 1613 aiios. yhcuac oncan huey
teopan yglesia mayor Mexico otcochihualloc macoc yn teoyotica ytlahtocayotzin yn cenca
mahuiztilliloni Maestro Don fray Diego de contreras. ynic ar,obispo muchiuhtzino. ynin
teopixqui S. Augustin auh vmpa pouhqui vmpa ytequitzin motlalia vmpa mohuicaz
quimopialitiuh yn altepetl ayhtic yn motenehua S. Domingo la ysla, ynin nican motlaca
tilli nican tepiltzin Mexico criyoyo. auh yehuatzin oquimoteochihuilli yn cenca mahuiz
tililoni Don Juan Perez de la Serna ar,obispo Mexico. quimopalehuillique yn Doctor
Saucedo arcediano yhuan Doctor Don Juan de Salamanca chantre Mitra quitlallique yhuan
capa de Choro. auh yPadrinotzin muchiuh yn tlahtohuani visurrey Don diego femandez de
cordoua Marques de Guadalca,ar -
y_ Axcan Domingo ynic 17. mani Metztli Nouiembre de 1613. afios. yhcuac yn oma
chiztic y nican Mexico. in yehuatzin teoyotica tlahtohuani Don Juan Peres de la Serna
ar,obispo Mexico omentin clerigos S. Pedro ypilhuatzitzin quinmihualia cecen yn ompa
ypan ome alte[p. 234]petl ce tetzcoco conmotlalilia ynic ompa teoyotica Sacramentotica 7
quinmocuitlahuitiuh yn ixquichtin vmpa onoque yn ompa chanchihua espaiioles. aocmo
yehuantin frayles teoyotica Sacramentotica quinmocuitlahuizque quimoquixtililia yn
espafioles. auh ,a techixcahuizq yn frayles timacehualti techmocuitlahuizque. ce tullocan
conmotlalilia clerigo. ynic no vmpa teoyotica Sacramentotica quinmocuitlahuitiuh espa
fioles ca no c;.enca miequintin yn 6pa onoque. c;.a c;.e ynic ye nohuian yn izquican ypan
huehuey altepetl yn itlapacholpantzinco ar,obispo Mexco8 in motenehua Ar,obispado. yn
ipan izquican in omoteneuh huehuey altepetl yn campa cenca ye miectin onoque espafioles
in ye ompa chanonoque nohuiyan vmpa yntlan cecen clerigos quimonmotlaliliznequi ynic
1. For "Maesescuela."
2. Presumably this means he was born in Mexico (Tenochtitlan).
3. For "mahuiztililoni teoyotica."
4. Although this passage seems not to make sense, very likely Quiroz had gone back
briefly to Spain to negotiate for his new position after a long time in New Spain.
1613 265
both of these people from Spain, and also brought from Spain the maestrescuela, 1 named
don Melchor Arfndez, who belongs to Mexico here.2 And at the same time there came all
together from Spain: the very reverend spiritual3 ruler doctor Juan Gutierrez Flores, lesser
inquisitor, [one of the] protectors of the perfect right belief, the faith, here in Mexico;
also at that time arrived the main inquisitor, Gutierre Bernardo de Quiroz, who has been
here for a long time, so that they were both installed together.4 // Also at the same time
there reached Mexico here and came for the first time the new corregidor who came from
Spain, named don Alonso Tello de Guzman; at that time don Martin Cer6n, the former
corregidor, relinquished his office; [Tello de Guzman] replaced him on arrival. -
y_ Today, Sunday the 29th of the month of September, the fourth day after the said spir
itual leader don Juan Perez de la Serna, archbishop, reached Mexico here, was when a
procession, today on the feast day of San Miguel Arcangel went to the church of San
Francisco to get a papal bull. The said spiritual5 ruler, the archbishop, 6 went there in
person [p. 233] to get it. He went wearing all the holy gear, his splendid attire as a ruler;
he went wearing his miter and cape, which is how he showed himself for the first time to
all the citizens of the altepetl here. Next to him went doctor Salcedo, the archdeacon, and
doctor don Juan de Salamanca, the choirmaster, wearing capes. -
y_ Today, Sunday the 10th of the month of November of the year 1613, was when at the
great church, the cathedral of Mexico, the very reverend master [ of theology] don fray
Diego de Contreras was consecrated and given the spiritual rnlership by which he became
archbishop. He is an Augustinian friar, and he is assigned to, his office is established in,
he will go to take charge of the altepetl out in the ocean called Santo Domingo de la Isla.
He was born here, he is the child of people here in Mexico, a criollo. The very reverend
don Juan Perez de la Serna, archbishop of Mexico, consecrated him; doctor Salcedo, the
archdeacon, and doctor dun Juan de Salamanca, choirmaster, assisted him. They put on
him the miter and the choir cape. The lord viceroy don Diego Fernandez de Cordoba,
Marques of Guadalcazar, became his sponsor. -
y_ Today, Sunday the 17th of the month of November of the year 1613, was when it
became known here in Mexico that the spiritual ruler don Juan Perez de la Serna, arch
bishop in Mexico, is sending out two secular priests, children of San Pedro, one of them
each to two altepetl. [p. 234] One he is stationing in Tetzcoco to take care of all the
Spaniards who Jive there and make their homes there in matters of the holy sacraments;7
no longer are the friars to take care of them in matters of the sacraments, he is taking the
Spaniards away from them. The friars will deal exclusively with us commoners and take
care of us. One secular priest he is stationing in Toluca, so that he too will take care of
the Spaniards there with the holy sacraments, for there are a great many who live there,
and everywhere all around in all the large altepetl in the area ruled by the archbishop in
Mexico, 8 called the archbishopric, in all the said large altepetl, where a great many
Spaniards live and have already established homes there, he wants to station a secular
5. For 1'teoyotica."
6. For "an;obispo."
7. The words "teoyotica" and "Sacramentotica" are probably synonymous here.
8. For "Mexico."
• r
'ii " ..
: ,,: .
11 .I'
" '. '.
teoyotica Sacramentotica quinmocuitlahuitihui espafioles. ca ~an ic pehua yn axcan o
machiztic ynic i;an oc omentin quinmihualia clerigos ce tetzcoco conmotlalilia yhuan ce
tullocan conmotlalilia. auh yn oquimatque yn yn ixquichtin frayles y Francos. yn Domi
nigos. yn Augustinos. cenca ye omotequipachoque. ynic niman pleyto oquimotlalililique
an;obispo. yn oncan audiencia real ymixpantzinco yn Visurrey yhuan oydores omotlalli
yn pleyto ye quinemiltia ye quitepotztoca yn iexcampayxti cecenyaca cecemme frayles
Procuradores. in ye quinamiqui ari;obispo. in ye quimocuitlahuia Pleyto. amo quinequi
ynic cecen clerigos ye quinmihualiznequi nohuiyampa ypa ari;obispado motlalitihui
contraticion ye ye quichihua y frayles. ach quen tzonquii;az yn inneteylhuil tla oc ye
huatzin quimomachiltia yn tt0 . Dios. ca oc ye nemi yn tlahtolli
Y. Axcan Domingo ynic 24. mani metztli Nouiembre [p. 235] de 1613 afios. yhcuac oncan
teopan S. Augustin omacoc palio yn cenca mahuiztililoni teoyotica tlahtohuani maestro
Don fr diego de contreras ari;obispo yn ompa ayhtic S. Domingo la ysla. yehuatzin oncan
in yacolpan quimotlalililico in palio in cenca mahuiztililoni teoyotica tlahtohuani Don
Juii Perez de la Serna arcobispo 1 Mexico. cenca huey tlamahuiztililiztica yn quimotlalilili
ca yuh monequi ynin motenehua Palio. ynic tlachiuhtli yuhquin ma i;an nelpiloni ypan
pohui yn motenehua faxas tepitoton achi onmapilli ynic patlahuac yn moteca quiyahua
liuhcaahcitoc yn necoccampa acollipa auh yn itepotzco tlanepantla yn icampa achi hueyac
cemiztitJ2 ynic huiac. auh yn ixpan i;a ye no yxquich huiac ca tell achiton ynic tepiton,
auh ynon yuhqui nelpilloni faxas quicepanpachohua yn acolli yn ica oc cequi faxas yn
quiyahuallotoc ytepotzco quechtli, auh ytech quipia ytech tlatlalili ey tepozhuitzmalotl
agujas, ahnoi;o alfileres ca quihtonequi3 quinezcayotia tlamahuii;olli. auh yn ipipilcaya
palio ytech quipia ytech cahca quezquitetl telolototonti temetztli amo hue! yztac teocui
tlatl yez. auh yhuan ytech quipia ytech cahca cruz chichiltic chicuacen ynitlamellauhyan
auh i;an ome tlatlapotzco <;an itech tlatlamachiuhtli. ynin miec ytech ca quinezcayotia
miec teotlamahuii;olli. auh yece yn hue! ye tachcauh ynic huey ynic tlateomania4 cerimo
nia yn ica an;obispo ytto ynic mahuiztillillo ca yehuatl yea yn palio quitlalia quinemitia
auh amo i;an ixquich yehuatl ycel yn quihualhuica. ca i;an no yhuatl5 yn Patriarcha yhuan
yn motenehua primato auh ca yn ixquich ye huey yn Palio. ca ayac aquin hue! quimoto
cayotiz Patriarcha ahno<;o primato. ahnoc;o Ari;obispo ytlacamo achtopa quipiaz yn Palio,
amo hue! ypampa ye quichichihuaz yn iteoyotica yteopixcatlahtocatequiuh 6 in mane! i;an
obispo tlateochihualli amo no hue! teotequitiz, yhua yntla ce tlacatl ye opepenaloc ynic
ari;obispo omochiuh nican Mexico [p. 236] auh yn itech pouhqui nican Sancta yglesia
palio maco y nican yancuic arcobispo7 omotlalli, auh yntla mopatlaz nican mexico ari;o
bispo. yntla oc cecni conicuanica i;an no ari;obispoyotl ypan ytla ompa ayhtic S. Do
mingo la ysla, anoi;o manilla china, ca yuh mihtohua ca quicuitiuh quicelitiuh yn ompa
yancuic teopan Sancta yglesia oc ce yancuic palio, auh amo no hue! mochihuaz inic ye
quicuitaciz ytech quimopohuiliz quitlaliz amo ye hue! teoyotica teopixcatlahtocatiz. yn
I. For "ar<;obispo."
2. Distance between outstretched thumb and forefinger.
3. For "quihtoznequi."
4. Reflexive teomania is in Molina's dictionary as "to contemplate, meditate, pray."
Perhaps the meaning is that the ceremony induces people to holy thoughts, or simply is
impressive, making them think.
1613 267
priest among them in each place everywhere to take care of the Spaniards with the holy
sacraments. It only begins with what was announced today, that for now he is sending
only two secular priests, stationing one in Tetzcoco and one in Toluca. When all the
friars, the Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians found out about this, they were
very worried by it, so that they brought suit against the archbishop in the Royal Au
diencia; the suit was brought in the presence of the viceroy and the civil judges; all three
groups [of friars] are now involved in it and following it up, each one with its friar as
legal representative, opposing the archbishop and taking care of the lawsuit; they do not
want that he should try to send out a secular priest who would go to be stationed in each
place all around the archbishopric, and the friars contradict it. Who knows how their
complaint will end? Only our lord God knows, for the case is still pending.
Y. Today, Sunday the 24th of the month of November fp. 235] of the year 1613, was
when in the church of San Agustin the very reverend spiritual ruler the master of theology
don fray Diego de Contreras, archbishop out in the ocean, at Santo Domingo de la Isla,
was given a pallium. The very reverend spiritual ruler don Juan Perez de la Serna,
archbishop' in Mexico, came to place the pallium on his shoulders; he did it with very
great ceremony, for so it must be. This item called a pallium is made as follows: it can
be looked upon almost as something you tie around you, [ consisting of] what they call
small sashes, about two inches wide, which spread out so that they reach around the
shoulders on both sides; in the back, in the middle, it is rather long, a span2 long, and in
front it is the same length, but a bit smaller. And that thing like a sash to tie around one
entirely covers the shoulders with other strips that go around the back of the neck. It has
on it, placed on it, three metal needles or pins which mean3 and signify miracles, and
hanging down from it it has and there are on it a few lead pellets, it does not seem to be
real silver. It also has and there are on it some red crosses, six in front, and only two
behind, embroidered on it; the many that are on it signify many miracles. Although the
ceremony by which the archbishop is seen and honored is very preeminent in its greatness
and [how it makes people contemplate],4 because he wears and displays the pallium, it is
not just he alone who wears one, but also5 a patriarch and what is called a primate. So
great is the pallium, that no one can be called patriarch, primate, or archbishop if he
doesn't have the pallium first; for that reason he cannot carry out his various spiritual
duties as priestly ruler.6 Even though he has been consecrated just as a bishop, he cannot
operate in spiritual matters either. And if a person has been chosen and appointed
archbishop here in Mexico [p. 236] and the holy church here is assigned to him, the new
archbishop 7 here is given a pallium when he is installed, but if the archbishop here in
Mexico is replaced, if they move him to an archbishopric in another place, out in the
ocean at Santo Domingo de la Isla, or Manila in China, it is said that when he gets to the
new church he will get and receive another new pallium. Nor can it be done that he should
on arrival take, that he should assign to himself, wear, and be able to be a spiritual priest-
5. For "yehuatl."
6. The words should run either "yn iteoyoticateopixcatlahtocatequiuh" or "yn teoyotica
7. For "an;obispo."
I 1:
'1 r
,' I'
,,: ,'
ipalio catca yn quihualtoquilli yntla omomiquilli an;obispo ocatca oncan, auh ca <;ii hue!
yancuican quitlaniz oc ce yancuil 1 palio. auh ca macoz auh yntlacamo, amo huel tepachoz
aino hue! tehuillanaz. amo hue! ytlatititzaltlapachol 2 mochihuaz yn oc cequi altepetl in
yehuatl on huey tzontecoaltepetl muchiuhtica yn oncan ca ar,obispo motenehua Metro
poli, yhuii amo no hue! tenechicoz amo hue! tecentlaliz yn teotlaneltililiznenonotzaliztli
concilio ye muchihuaz, yhuan amo no hue! oncan teteochihuaz yn teopixcayotica. yn ipan
Ar,obispado yniqu iuh teoyotica tetzonteco onean Sancta yglesia. ca yn aqui ye omochiuh
Ar,obispo. ca niman quimitlanililiz yn palio Sancto Padre. hue! yehuatl yaz. ano<;o yte
pantlahtocauh yprocurador ,an quititlaniz ,an ixquich ica chicuacenmetztli quihual
huiquilizij palio auh ynin ca hue! yacica ytzonmanca3 y arcobispoyotl -
y_ Auh ,an acame i;an quezquintin yn obisposme oncate y quitlalia yn quinemiltia ,an
teycneliliztica yn palio yn iuh yehuatl vmpa obispo yn itocayocan luca ypan tlalli Italia,
yhuii yehuatl yn obispo Pauia ypan tlalli L5bardia, auh yn ipan tlalli Alemania yehuatl
yn obispo ytocayocan Biiberga, yhuii in yehuatl obispo vmpa ytocayocan Ostiense yntla
hue! yehuatzin Sancto Padre ymaticatzinco quimoteochihuillia, auh yn francia yehuatl yn
obispo ytocayocan Eduense auh amo hue! quitlalizij yn yehuiltin in obisposme yn mane!
yehuiitin Ari;obisposme yn palio yntlacamo i;an huell oncan ynteteopan yn intlatlapachol
pan yhuii amo quezquipa. auh ca i;an hue! ye yzquipa ypii yazq. ynic hue! quitlalizque [p.
237] Y n iuh quinmotlatlalilia quinmocuaxochtilia yn itech quihualhuica ytech yetihuitz
yn iamatehuelitiliztzin yn iamatlacuiloltehuelitiliznemactzin Sancto Padre ynic <;an ic cen
quihualhuica palio yn ihcuac quinmotitlanililia, auh yn amo hue! oncan ye quipanahuizq.
yn izquilhuipan machiyotic ca yhcuac yn quimochihuilitihui missa yn ica ynteotlatqui
tlahtocanechichihualtzin motenehua homamentos Pontifical -
y_ Axcan Sabado ynic .30. mani Metztli Nouiembre de 1613. afios yhcuac ypan ylhuitzin
S. Andres Apostol yn oncan teopan S. Franco. ye omotemachtilli yn padre fr. Buenauen
tura de paredes Guardian nican Mexico. oquinmomachiztilli yn espai'ioles ynic ompa espa
fia ohualla huelitiliztli licencia yn ipampa yn aquique namiqueque4 quinequi moyollehuaz
que vezinoz mexico. hue! macozque yn habito. yn oncan teopan S. Franco. quicuiquihui
ypan i;an inchanchan5 ye quimotlayecoltilizque yn tt0 • dios. yn iuh tlamani vmpa espafia.
auh macihui yn centlamantli y ye neci omoteneuh habito. yn axcan ye omotemachtilli
Padre Guardian macozque namiqueque yece ca i;an no ytetzinco pouhqui ,an ye no yhabi
totzin yn totlai;ottatzin S. Franco quitocayotia ye quinotza la harden de la Penitencia yhua
ynic ontlamantli quitocayotia la tercera harden de S. Franco yn ompa castillan quinto
cayotia tercerones. miec yn inmonasterios vmpa quipia yn aquin quinequi motzacuaz
quimotlayecoltiliz 11°. dios teopan i;an intlanequiliztica yn iuh muchihua motzacua. auh Y
nican Mexico ynic motlalizque ynic quicuizque ynin omoteneuh tlaquentli yn aquin
quinequi ynin quitepotztocaz. yn iuhqui yn teotlamahuiztiliznemiliztli, ca yehuatzin
quinmomaquili[p. 238]tiaz yn habito yn omoteneuhtzino Padre Guardian yhuan no
yehuatzin quinmopachilhuiz. auh yn ihcuac y ca ,an oqu ice! ye quipia ye quimaquia yn
habito yn quitocayotia hermano Alfonso la Tercera hmden de S. Franco. ynin hualla
1. For "yancuic." . . .
2. This word has an unusual ltl sequence, but Ch. does wnte 11 occasionally. .
3. The form "ytzonmanca" has not been satisfactorily identified or analyzed, castmg
doubt on the exact meaning of this clause.
1613 269
ly ruler with the pallium of the former archbishop there, whom he succeeded, if he has
passed away. He has to start all over requesting another new 1 pallium. It will be given to
him, but if not, he cannot rule and govern, the other altepetl cannot become his juris
diction,2 that is, a great head-altepetl where an archbishop is, called a metropolis. Nor can
he gather and assemble people to make a consultation for verifying divine matters, a
council. Nor can he ordain priests in the archbishopric as spiritual head in the holy church
there. For whoever is appointed archbishop is right away to request the pallium from the
holy Father; he himself will go, or he will just send someone to speak for him, his legal
representative, and within six months they will bring him back the pallium, and this is
the true completion and final touch3 of the archbishopric. -
y_ There are just a few bishops who wear and display the pallium by special privilege, like
the bishop at the place called Lucca in the land of Italy, and the bishop of Pavia in the
land of Lombardy, and in the land of Germany the bishop of the place called Bamberg, and
the bishop of the place called Ostia, if the holy Father in person consecrates him by his
own hand, and in France the bishop at the place called Autun. But those bishops, and
even archbishops, cannot wear the pallium unless they are right where their churches are,
in their various jurisdictions, and not just sometimes, but each time they go in it and can
wear it, [p. 237] it is as the holy Father establishes it for them and sets borders for them
in his written authorization, the documentary permission granted by him, that they bring
along with and comes with the pallium at the same time it is sent to them, and they
cannot exceed the number of days designated for them to go to perform mass with the
holy gear that makes their ruler's attire, called pontifical ornaments. -
y_ Today, Saturday the 30th of the month of November of the year 1613, on the feast day
of San Andres Apostol, was when at the church of San Francisco father fray Buenaventura
de Paredes, father guardian here in Mexico, preached about and announced to the Spaniards
that permission had come from Spain that married people,4 citizens of Mexico, who want
to and are so inclined, can be given the habit. They will come to the church of San Fran
cisco to get it, but they will serve our lord God with it just at their various residences, 5 as
is the custom in Spain. Although the said habit about which the father guardian just
preached and which will be given to married people has a single appearance, the habit of
our precious father San Francisco also belongs to what they call the order of Penitence,
and secondly to what they call the Tercera Orden de San Francisco, that in Spain they call
Tercerones; they have many monasteries there; for whoever wants to be enclosed and serve
our lord God in church, if such is his will it is done and he is enclosed. Here in Mexico,
as to how those who want to follow such a life of honoring the divine will have arrange
ments made and wear the said garment, [p. 238] the said father guardian will go along
giving them the habit and he will also guide them. At present there is still only one
person who has and wears the habit, whom they call brother Alfonso of the Tercera Orden
de San Francisco; he came from Spain. -
4. The Nahuatl is not specific as to the gender of the married people; an entry for the
beginning of 1615 (pp. 294-95) makes it clear that they were both men and women.
5. For "inchachan" or "inchahchan."
; 1
' 1' ! !
1614. 1 .v. Tochtli xihuitl yn ipan in xihuitl ,an ya oc yehuatl Gouernador yn Juan Perez
de monterrey y nican tenochtitlan Auh yn Alklesme motlallique S. Juan Moyotlan ,;an
quitlamellahualti yn diego de S. franc 0 . chane tequicaltitlan. yhuan Balthasar hernandez
chane xihuitonco. ynin quininyopa alkle omuchiuh // auh yn alklesme motlalliij S Pablo
teopan franc 0 Martin chane ,oquipan. yhuan Pablo Damian chane ometochtitlan // auh yn
alklesme motlallique S. Sebastian atzacualco Melchior xuarez chane tomatla <;an qui
tlamellahualti yn alkleyotl yhuan Sebastian Miguel chane cuitlatlahuactonco.
// auh yn
allaesme motlalliij Sancta maria cuepopan ,an quitlamellahualti yn xpoual pascual chane
copolco yhuan diego xuarez chane tlocalpan ynin ayac ceme y ytechcopa qui<;a y nican
mexico tlahtocatlacamecayotl -
y_ Axcan Lunes ynic .13. mani Metztli henero de 1614 afios. yhcuac yohuatzinco y
omixiuh yn cihuapilli Virreyna Dofia Mariana Riedre Marquesa. cihuatl yn quichiuh ytoca
Dofia brianda ye ome ypilhuantzitzin in ye quinchihua nican ciudad Mexico yn ipil
huantzitzin tlahtohuani Visurrey Don diego fernandez de cordoua Marques de guadalca,ar
y_ Axcan Sabado ynic 18. mani metztli henero de 1614 afios. yhcuac muchiuh Capitulo.
yn xuchmilco. yehuatzin oncan IJJ. 239] quiz muchiuhtzino prouincial yn cenca mahuiz
tililoni Padre fr. Juan de torquemada, quipatlac oncan quicauh yn itequiuh fr. hernando
Duran ynic prouincial catca -
y_ Axcan Domingo ynic .2. mani Metztli febrero de 1614 afios. yhcuac hue! ypan ylhui
tzin totla,onantzin de la furipicacion de la candelaria yohualtica ypan ce tzillini ynic ye
tlathuitiuh axcan omoteneuh Domingo yn oquitlallique oncan escuellas real ynic oqui
macaque yn latintlahtolcopa yn teoamoxtemachtilamapohualiztli yn Padre maestro fr.
Gon<;alo de hermosillo. teopixqui S. Augustin ynic Cathetradico de escriptura omochiuh
yxiptla ypatca muchiuh y yn cenca mahuiztililoni teoyotica tlahtohuani maestro Don fr.
diego de contreras ar9obispo omochiuhtzino yn ompa ayhtic S. Domingo la ysla, cathe
tradico moyetzticatca, auh yn omoteneuh Padre maestro fr. Go9alo de hermosillo ynic
quicuic hue! yaoyotica yn aye yuhqui oyttoc in ye yxquich ica onca escuella Mexico. auh
ynic hue! omacoc 9an iceltzin quimopallehuilli, yn tlahtohuani Visurrey. 3 ah90 hue! cax
tolilhuitl4 yn momuztlaye ye nenque tlapohuaya oc cequintin Doctoresme teopixque cleri-
gos. in motlatzohuilique oc cenca. yehuatl ynehuan monamiquia yn fr. ___ Sisneros
comendador yn totla9onantzin nuestra Senora de las mercedes de Redempcion de Captivos.
yntepachocauh yn iztac habito quimotlalilia teopixque ynin hue! yehuatl macozquia yn
omoteneuh la catreda. ypampa muchintin ypan mocuepaya quimopalehuiliaya. yn audien
cia real tlaca tlahtoque oydores. ynic yehuatl yez. cualli ynic tlapouh latintlamachiliztica,
auh yece ach quenin ,a conchiuhque ynic concuillique Sisneros auh yn omoteneuh IJJ.
240] Padre fr. Go<;alo de hermosillo, ye omihto ca <;an iceltzin quimopalehuilli yn tlahto
huani Visurrey yhuan miequintin clerigos estudiantes. Auh in ye o yuh quiz in ye o yuh
motlalli omoteneuh fr. Go<;alo de hermosillo cathetradico. in yohualtica niman yhcuac
peuh in ye tlatzitzillica vmpa teopan S. Augustin, yhuan yn izquican ye cate Mexico
I. The number is preceded by a precontact-style frame with a rabbit inside and five dots
2. For "cuitlahuactonco."
1614 271
1614, 1 5 Rabbit Year. In this year the governor here in Tenochtitlan was still Juan Perez
de Monterrey. The alcaldes installed for San Juan Moyotlan were Diego de San Francisco,
from Tequicaltitlan, who went straight on from before, and Baltasar Hernandez, from
Xihuitonco, who became alcalde for the first time.// And the alcaldes who were installed
for San Pablo Teopan were Francisco Martin from <;oquipan and Pablo Damian from