5-1 Discussion: Impacts of Cognitive and Social Learning on Behavior
In this module, you will be exposed to topics that include social cognition and social learning. Throughout your life experience, you are constantly challenged to consider the world within and the world outside of you. The world within is characterized by your thoughts, assumptions, and attitudes; the outside world can present you with behaviors of others that are different from your own. Your behavior can be influenced by both your internal mental processes and your observations of others in the world.We will explore your experiences with social and cognitive learning theory. To complete this discussion, use Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 of your textbook reading, as well as your life experience. Your response to each bullet below should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length.
For your initial post, answer the following questions:
What is an example of behavior modeling that you have experienced in your personal or professional life? Describe the behavior that was modeled and imitated. You can provide an example where your behavior was influenced or you influenced the behavior of someone else.
What were the consequences of that behavior? Were there any unintended consequences?
To what extent should anyone be mindful of or responsible for the influence of their behavior on others? Use an example to explain your response.
What was the relationship between the subject modeling the behavior and the subject imitating it? Why is that significant?
Select one of the following questions to answer that relates to the example you provide:
How do mental processes manifest in the behavior you identified in your example? How do cognitive and social cognitive theory relate to your example?
Did it provide order or clarity about yourself, others, or the world? How do cognition or personal constructs relate to your example?
Did it model an emotional response? How does cognitive theory relate to your example?
Explain the synergy between thoughts and behaviors in your example.
Finally, describe how studying behaviorism connects to one of the following programmatic themes:
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections
Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:
Post an article, video, or additional research to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
Consider asking a content-relevant question or discussing your personal experience.
To complete this assignment, review the
Contribution to the Learning CommunityInitial post actively stimulates the discussion and growth of learning within the community by initiating constructive dialogue; posts reflect a clear focused point of view pertaining to subject matter that is supported by credible resources and is designed to motivate the group’s professional dialogue (100%)Initial post contributes to the learning community by initiating dialogue; posts reflect a clear point of view and are supported by credible resources (85%)Initial post somewhat contributes to the learning community, with an attempt to initiate dialogue; posts may reflect some challenges in communicating a clear point of view that may not be supported by credible resources (55%)Initial post does not contribute to the learning community, with no attempt to initiate dialogue; post does not reflect a clear point of view that is supported by credible resources (0%)25Relevance to Programmatic Themes:Self-Care,Social Justice,Emotional Intelligence,Career Connections,EthicsInitial post integrates multiple applicable programmatic themes and elaborates on how each theme relates to the discussion topic (100%)Initial post elaborates on how one or more applicable programmatic themes relate to the discussion topic (85%)Initial post attempts to integrate one or more applicable programmatic themes, which may relate to the discussion topic (55%)Initial post does not integrate one or more applicable programmatic themes (0%)25Advancement of DiscussionResponse posts significantly add to the learning community and advance the discussion by building upon peers’ initial posts; posts integrate multiple views from other learners and sources, views are applicable to content and professional practice, and they extend learning within the community (100%)Response posts add to the learning community and advance the discussion; posts integrate views from other learners and sources (85%)One or more response posts attempt to add to the learning community and provide content that somewhat advances the discussion (55%)One or more response posts do not add value to the learning community and fail to advance the discussion (0%)15Professional CommunicationPosts are clear and concise, and demonstrate respect and awareness of peers’ viewpoints; proper APA citation methods used where applicable, with minor errors in citations (100%)Posts are clear and concise, and demonstrate respect and awareness of peers’ viewpoints; proper APA citation methods used where applicable, with few errors in citations, grammar, and syntax (85%)Posts are understandable, and use proper APA citation methods where applicable, with a number of errors in citation, grammar, and syntax (55%)Posts lack clarity, contain numerous grammar and syntax errors, and/or do not use proper APA citation methods where applicable (0%)20TimelinessN/ASubmits initial post on time (100%)Submits initial post one day late (55%)Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)15 Total(100)
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