You will complete your operations plan by developing Part 4, which addresses legal issues and facility development. You will then Assemble all four parts into one professionally formatted operations plan.
This is Part 4 in the development of the outline for an operations plan to guide you in managing the practice and leading the staff.
Part 4:
Develop Part 4 of your operations plan and then assemble the final document by adding Part 4 to the Part 1-3 draft of the operations plan. The final operations plan should be 10-12 pages and include the resources from all four parts, which will be at least 11 quality academic resources in which you:
Explain the corporate practice of medicine requirements and the impact if they are violated.
Explain the differences between protections extended to the employer-employee relationship and an independent contractor relationship.
Describe a feature of an effective compensation plan for physicians and why it is effective.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has established a set of guidelines, that physician practices should follow when creating a compliance plan. (pg. 508 of the textbook)
Explain which OIG guideline would be significant for a small practice to include in their compliance plan and why.
Determine how technology can be used to prevent malpractices. Provide a specific example.
Evaluate the move from simple doctors’ offices to sophisticated healthcare facilities, explain what has caused this move, and the impacts on health care.
Develop your operations plan that contains Parts 1-4; ensure the plan is organized, clear, and concise.
Note: Include a cover page and reference page as required in the SWS Writing Standards.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Examine the role of compliance and regulation in health care, with emphasis on the OIG functions, audits, information technology, and practice management.
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