Introduction to the ePortfolio [WLO: 1] [CLO: 2]
Throughout your degree, you will be building a personal electronic portfolio, or “ePortfolio.” The ePortfolio will serve as a tool for you to track your professional and academic progress. In MPH699 (the capstone or final course), you will use the ePortfolio to reflect on your development across the degree. Once you graduate, it can also be used to demonstrate your skills and competencies to potential employers and the professional community.
This discussion will introduce you to Folio, the ePortfolio tool being used by this university. As an University of Arizona Global Campus student, you not only will have access to Folio during your time at University of Arizona Global Campus, but you will retain lifetime unlimited access after leaving the university, without fees or capacity limit.
Getting Started in Folio
Setting up your Account and Bio
In the discussion board describe your experience with Folio. How could you use it as a means for capturing your best work and sharing it with others? What other uses do you think Folio offers to you or to other students during and after their program?
Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. After reviewing at least two other students’ ePortfolio bios, give them some feedback. What additional information would you like to see as a colleague or an employer?
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We provide a plagiarism-free guarantee that ensures your paper is always checked for its uniqueness. Please note that it is possible for a writing company to guarantee an absence of plagiarism against open Internet sources and a number of certain databases, but there is no technology (except for itself) that could guarantee no plagiarism against all sources that are indexed by turnitin. If you want to be 100% sure of your paper’s originality, we suggest you check it using the WriteCheck service from and send us the report.
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After the 7-day period, free revisions become unavailable, and we will be able to propose only the paid option of a minor or major revision of your paper. These options are mentioned on your personal order page.