Mobility can have either a positive or negative impact on our patient’s lives. You are the nurse of an older adult who is being discharged and need to provide education for the promotion of safe ambulation. How can mobility promote a healthy lifestyle?

respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, and critical thinking. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.


Mobility has positive and negative impacts on our patients’ lives. It affects positively in a way that it helps the patient for better respiration, makes him active and healthy when he walks outside, and interacts and facilitated by neighbors. In the same way, it harms patients’ life. As a patient move out, he comes in contact with different germs that can damage their health. The safe ambulation for an older adult being discharged from the hospital is when he takes food. He walks outside to digestion of food properly and walks in the morning or evening, which makes him fresh and active. Use a belt for a safe and proper walk. Take a diet that is easily digestible because the patient does not walk more and is in bed. Take medicine on time and check the recovery speed from the disease. Avoid germs and wear neat and clean clothes. Use bacteria-killing soaps or liquids because he is in most of the time in bed, which can help him be safe from bacteria. Sleep on a clean bed and ensure the environment in which he lives is clean. Walk carefully and use comfortable footwear. Sit in an upright position to feel better. Walk about 2.5 miles, not more than this. Mobility helps to promote a healthy lifestyle in a way that it helps to correct muscular imbalances, correct the posture shape, helps to prevent injuries, make the body active to move efficiently and do work properly, reasonably, and on time and gives a better range of movement during workout and during performing other daily activities and doing everyday life work. It encourages people to participate in effective exercises and activities that can improve their cardiovascular health.


Abrahams R, Capitman J, Leutz W, et al. Variations in Care Planning Practice in the Social/HMO: An exploratory study. Gerontologist. 1989;29(6):725–736.

Abramson JS. Enhancing Patient Participation: Clinical Strategies in the Discharge Planning Process. Social Work in Health Care. 1990;14(4):53–71. 

Abramson JS, Donnelly J, King MA, Mailick MD. Disagreements in Discharge Planning: A Normative Phenomenon. Health and Social Work. 1993;18:57–64. 


Mobility is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle for older adults and can positively impact their lives. Promoting safe and effective ambulation for older adults can help improve their quality of life by increasing their physical activity and balance, providing social engagement opportunities, and allowing them to maintain their independence. As a nurse, educating patients and their families is important to ensure they take the necessary steps to maintain mobility.

To promote safe ambulation, the nurse should provide education on the importance of balance and strength. Older adults should be encouraged to incorporate balance and strength exercises into their daily routine, such as standing on one foot or using a stability ball. Regular exercise is beneficial in helping older adults maintain their balance and strength, as well as reducing their risk of falls and other injuries. Additionally, the nurse should discuss the importance of proper footwear and provide instructions on selecting appropriate shoes for their needs (Maula et al., 2019). Shoes that provide proper support and cushioning can help reduce the risk of falls and other injuries. The nurse should also provide education on the importance of proper body mechanics when ambulating. This may include teaching the patient how to use a cane or walker and providing instruction on how to use a wheelchair properly. Additionally, the nurse should discuss the importance of being aware of their surroundings and staying alert when ambulating (Lorgunpai et al., 2020).

In conclusion, the nurse should discuss the importance of social engagement for older adults. Social engagement can help improve mental health and provide opportunities for physical activity. Activities such as walking, dancing, or swimming can provide a great way for older adults to stay active and socialize with their peers. By educating patients and their families on the importance of safe ambulation, nurses can help promote a healthy lifestyle for older adults. Through proper instruction, older adults can maintain their mobility and independence and reduce their risk of falls and other injuries.


Lorgunpai, S. J., Finke, B., Burrows, I., Brown, C. J., Rubin, F. H., Wierman, H. R., Heisey, S. J., Gartaganis, S., Ling, S. M., Press, M., & Inouye, S. K. (2020). Mobility Action Group: Using Quality Improvement Methods to Create a Culture of Hospital Mobility. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(10), 2373–2381.

Maula, A., LaFond, N., Orton, E., Iliffe, S., Audsley, S., Vedhara, K., & Kendrick, D. (2019). Use it or lose it: a qualitative study of the maintenance of physical activity in older adults. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1).

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