Please read the following case study details. Then answer the questions below.
You are a nurse caring for children in a rural clinic. This clinic serves most of the area’s population and provides comprehensive pediatric healthcare. This includes things such as: primary and urgent care needs, vaccinations, and care for all ages of children.
Sawyer is a 7-year-old male brought to the clinic by his mother Kristen. FOB not involved. Kristen states that Sawyer hasn’t been feeling well for the past few days and thought he just had a cold.
Chief Complaint
“My son started running a fever today and isn’t feeling well.”
Medical History
Vital Signs:
Weight: 60 lbs.
Length: 52 inches
Temperature: 102⁰F
Pulse: 80 bpm
Respiratory rate: 16
Blood pressure: 100/75 mmHg
Physical Exam:
Head- Symmetrical Features, patient complains of headache
Eyes- Glasses in place
Ears- Ear pain bilaterally
Nose- increased congestion
Mouth and Teeth- Visible dental caries noted, Tonsils 3+
Oropharynx- Complains of sore throat, redness noted
Neck/nodes- lymph nodes swollen bilaterally
Respiratory- Pt complains of cough and intermittent SOB on exertion. At rest breathing is even and unlabored. Labored with activity. Wheezing noted bilaterally.
Cardiovascular- No murmur noted on auscultation
Abdominal- Patient complains of nausea, denies pain.
Genitalia- Testes descended bilaterally
Musculoskeletal/hips- Full ROM bilaterally
Neurologic/reflexes- 2+ patellar reflexes
Skin- eczema noted to upper arms bilaterally
Other: Immunizations UTD
Calculate Sawyer’s height and weight percentiles, and BMI.
What additional assessment and potential treatment would be needed for Sawyer’s Respiratory complaints?
What additional assessment and potential treatment would be needed for Sawyer’s ear complaints?
What additional assessment and potential treatment would be needed for Sawyer’s noted skin issues?
What is a risk factor that might have contributed to why Sawyer has vision issues and requires glasses?
Add a question: After you have analyzed the content from the discussion board, please add a question to the end of your initial post regarding the reading material for the week.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
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