optimal patient care

I need replies for these two assigments with 200 words each one


The purpose of a postoperative comfort contract is to ensure optimal patient care and comfort during the recovery period following a surgical procedure. This contract outlines the responsibilities of both healthcare providers and patients to attain the highest level of postoperative comfort. By adhering to this contract, the medical team and patients work collaboratively to optimize recovery and minimize postoperative discomfort.

Postoperative Comfort Contract:

1. Pain Management:

a. Healthcare Provider Responsibilities:

– Provide comprehensive information about pain management options.

– Establish a pain management plan tailored to the patient’s needs.

– Ensure timely administration of prescribed pain medications.

– Monitor pain levels regularly and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

b. Patient Responsibilities:

– Communicate openly about pain levels and any discomfort experienced.

– Adhere to the prescribed pain management plan and report any adverse effects.

– Take medications as prescribed, strictly following dosage instructions.

– Provide feedback to the healthcare provider regarding pain management effectiveness.

2. Physical Comfort:

a. Healthcare Provider Responsibilities:

– Ensure the patient’s environment is comfortable and conducive to recovery.

– Assist with positioning and movement to reduce discomfort and promote healing.

– Provide appropriate support devices, such as pillows or cushions, as needed.

– Provide instructions and techniques for pain-reducing activities, such as deep breathing and relaxation exercises.

b. Patient Responsibilities:

– Follow healthcare providers’ instructions regarding body positioning and movement.

– Use provided support devices to enhance physical comfort.

– Practice prescribed pain-reducing activities and techniques.

– Communicate any concerns or challenges experienced with physical comfort.

3. Emotional Support:

a. Healthcare Provider Responsibilities:

– Provide emotional support, reassurance, and encouragement throughout the recovery.

– Address any emotional distress or anxiety experienced by the patient.

– Educate the patient on potential emotional side effects of the surgical procedure.

– Offer appropriate resources and referrals for additional emotional support if needed.

b. Patient Responsibilities:

– Express emotional concerns to the healthcare provider or support personnel.

– Utilize provided emotional support resources and techniques.

– Communicate any changes in emotional well-being to the healthcare provider.

– Seek additional support if necessary, such as counseling or therapy.

4. Follow-up Care:

a. Healthcare Provider Responsibilities:

– Provide clear instructions regarding postoperative care, including wound care and medication management.

– Schedule appropriate follow-up visits to assess progress and address any concerns.

– Answer any questions or doubts regarding the recovery process.

– Stay accessible for any consultations or emergency situations.

b. Patient Responsibilities:

– Adhere to postoperative care instructions provided by healthcare providers.

– Attend all scheduled follow-up visits.

– Seek immediate medical attention if any complications or concerns arise.

– Communicate any questions or uncertainties about the recovery process.

By entering into this postoperative comfort contract, both healthcare providers and patients commit to working together to ensure a positive and comfortable recovery journey. It is essential to remember that effective communication and collaboration play a crucial role in achieving the best possible postoperative comfort.

Please note that this postoperative comfort contract is only a general guideline, and specific agreements may vary depending on the healthcare facility, surgeon, and patient circumstances. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.


B.The agreement made this 20th day of August 2023 by and between the Apex Nursing Care Provider and Johnthe patient, seeks to enhance the post-surgical recovery of the said patient. The nursing staff from the healthcare organization is expected to attain various post-surgical overall comfort and some specified chronic discomforts and interventions as required by the patient or their surrogate designates. The interventions and the overall comfort initiatives will be provided at home as the patient undergoes enhanced post-surgical recovery.

Description of Services

Analgesia Intervention

The nursing staff shall attain analgesic treatment and care through systematic pharmacological therapy, local techniques, regional anesthetic techniques, neuraxial anesthetic techniques, and nonpharmacological therapies.

Systematic Pharmacological Therapy: To reduce the patient’s discomfort, the nursing staff has to give NSAIDs, steroids, and opioids. It will be best to administer opioids orally in this situation rather than intravenously. Because of this, the nursing staff must be aware that most of the day will involve paying close attention.

Local and Intra-articular Techniques: The nursing staff will support Site-specific pain management using peripheral nerve blocks, intra-articular anesthetic injections, and anesthetic wound infiltration (Kaye et al., 2019). Since this intervention cannot be utilized regularly, the staff must gather helpful evidence before implementing it.

Regional anesthetic techniques: The nursing team will choose a local anesthetic for fascial plane block, site-specific regional anesthetic injections, and epidural injections, with or without the addition of IV opioid medication (Cheung et al., 2022). These choices, however, will be influenced by the kind of surgery the patient has. Ultrasound guidance is required to determine when to administer continuous IV medication and for how long.

Neuraxial anesthetic techniques: The healthcare provider must consider an epidural injection of local anesthetic, either with or without the addition of IV opioid medicine. The delivery of epidural analgesia might take the form of a patient-controlled or continuous infusion (Kehlet, 2020). These techniques are routinely used in large thoracic and abdominal operations, cesarean sections, and hip or lower extremity surgery.

Nonpharmacologic therapies: The health provider shall use cognitive and mechanical modalities to control pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation shall be the preferred option for these therapies.

Miscellaneous Intervention

The nursing staff must be available throughout to be questioned by the patients and families on issues affecting the patient. On the other hand, the carer shall regularly follow up with the patients and family for a feedback loop for improvement. The carer shall consider using mobile applications to follow up with patients’ post-surgery.

IV Fluid Therapy

The nurse shall minimize water and salt overload by the patient. They shall use goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT) when possible and use the recommended fluid rate for a particular duration (Kehlet, 2020). The nurse shall consider an isotonic buffered solution (D51/2 NS) versus a balanced salt solution and allow PO intake instead of IVF when tolerated (Kaye et al., 2019). This approach shall lead to the comfort of the patient. The appropriate pain scale shall justify each intervention and service to the patient.

Discomfort and Possible Complications

The patient is expected to experience nausea and vomiting due to anesthesia. Nausea and vomiting shall be countered by ensuring the patient receives adequate hydration orally. The IV Fluid Therapy is expected to cause soreness, pain, and swelling around the incision site or minor pain around the IV site (Cheung et al., 2022). The soreness and swelling shall be controlled through heat and cold therapy. The nurse shall put ice or a cold pack on the swollen and painful IV site for 10 to 20 minutes. The nurse is advised to ensure unnecessary medications are not prescribed to the patient for pain control at the IV site.

General Liability

The nurse shall be held responsible for health complications attributable to additional practices not outlined in the nursing plan.

Apex Nursing Care Provider






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