Please read carefully Due 02/11/2023 at 9 am

PRAC 6665/6675 Clinical Skills 

Self-Assessment Form

Desired Clinical Skills for Students to Achieve

Confident (Can complete independently)

Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision)

Beginning (Have performed with supervision or needs supervision to feel confident)

New (Have never performed or does not apply)

Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation skills in: 

Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness across the lifespan

Differentiating between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions 

Performing and interpreting a comprehensive and/or interval history and physical examination (including laboratory and diagnostic studies) 

Performing and interpreting a mental status examination 

Performing and interpreting a psychosocial assessment and family psychiatric history 

Performing and interpreting a functional assessment (activities of daily living, occupational, social, leisure, educational).

Diagnostic reasoning skill in:

Developing and prioritizing a differential diagnoses list

Formulating diagnoses according to DSM 5-TR based on assessment data 

Differentiating between normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms/changes

Pharmacotherapeutic skills in:

Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for medication plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management) 

Evaluating patient response and modify plan as necessary 

Documenting (e.g., adverse reaction, the patient response, changes to the plan of care)

Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planning:

Recognizes concepts of therapeutic modalities across the lifespan

Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for psychotherapeutic plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management, modality appropriate for situation) 

Applies age appropriate psychotherapeutic counseling techniques with individuals and/or any caregivers

Develop an age appropriate individualized plan of care

Provide psychoeducation to individuals and/or any caregivers

Promote health and disease prevention techniques

Self-assessment skill:

Develop SMART goals for practicum experiences 

Evaluating outcomes of practicum goals and modify plan as necessary 

Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences

Professional skills:

Maintains professional boundaries and therapeutic relationship with clients and staff

Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to improve clinical practice in mental health settings 

Identifies ethical and legal dilemmas with possible resolutions

Demonstrates non-judgmental practice approach and empathy

Practices within scope of practice

Selecting and implementing appropriate screening instrument(s), interpreting results, and making recommendations and referrals:

Demonstrates selecting the correct screening instrument appropriate for the clinical situation 

Implements the screening instrument efficiently and effectively with the clients

Interprets results for screening instruments accurately

Develops an appropriate plan of care based upon screening instruments response

Identifies the need to refer to another specialty provider when applicable

Accurately documents recommendations for psychiatric consultations when applicable

Summary of strengths:

The assessment form revealed areas that I can confidently consider as my strengths. I consider the skills that I can execute independently and confidently as some of the strengths that I have gained throughout the learning period. I am pleased to note that I can recognize clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness across the lifespan devoid of any form of assistance or supervision. I have been able to advance this skill through practice and reading regularly on the various symptoms. I a m also good at performing and interpreting functional assessment. I can execute this skill without any supervision or assistance. I have been able to perfect this skill through regular practice and reading. This is a skill that requires proper observation. I have always been observant of the situations and the people around me. Sometimes, I observe family members, friends, or relatives to help them understand how their daily lives influence their health. This habit has also helped me to perfect on my abilities to identify and differentiate symptoms. I can confidently and without any supervision select the right evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and psychotherapeutic plans. The other thing that I like about my progress is that I can develop goals that are achievable within a realistic time frame for my practicum experience. I have gained knowledge that I can put into use to help my clients with disease prevention techniques and promotion of good health. In terms of professional skills, I have mastered how to create and maintain professional relationship and boundaries. I have perfected my communication skills which are necessary for collaboration and working multidisciplinary teams.

Opportunities for growth:

There are numerous opportunities for growth that I consider valuable for my career as a psychiatric nurse. Mentorship opportunities that come when I work with my supervisors. For instance, I rely on supervision to differentiate between pathophysical and psychological conditions, performing mental stats examination, formulating diagnoses as required by DSM 5, and selecting appropriate evidence-based practice. I consider feedback from my supervisors as another critical opportunity for growth. Leadership development opportunities and programs that are present both at school and in the workplace are also vital opportunities for growth. Regular training and practice in the field also provides the opportunity to advance both clinical and communication skills. I interact with other professionals in my field of study, and this has helped me to understand the changes or events that take place in the field.

Now, write three to four (3–4) possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources.

Goal: Improve on patient screening and evaluation

Objective: To understand patient symptoms

Objective: To perform proper patient assessment

Objective: To evaluate patients adequately during treatment

Goal: Improve on patient counseling

Objective: To administer the best counseling skills

Objective: To use most appropriate interview techniques

Objective: To build a good rapport with patients during counseling

Goal: Improve on leadership capabilities and strengths

Objective: To work collaboratively with multidisciplinary professionals

Objective: To improve on my collaborative skills

Objective: To build good communication and relationship skills

Goal: Execute my duties with ethical and professional standards

Objective: To observe organizational and professional ethical guidelines

Objective: To compile with rules and regulations in the field

Objective: To observe the best practices when handling patients




· Refer to the “Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies” in the Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced practice nurses must possess in your specialty.

· Refer to your “Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form” you submitted in Week 1 and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

· Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek; consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience and reflect on your observations and experiences.

In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

· Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.

· Reflect on the 3 most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? 

· What did you learn from this experience? 

· What resources were available?

· What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?

· What would you do differently? 

· How are you managing patient flow and volume?  How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change agent within your community?

Communicating and Feedback

· Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.

· Answer these questions: How am I doing? What is missing? 

· Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. 







This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssimilation and Synthesis: Content Reflection

50 to >44.0 pts


Reflection demonstrates a high level of critical thinking in applying and integrating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, and/or experiences. Insightful and relevant connections are made through contextual explanations and examples.

44 to >39.0 pts


Reflection demonstrates moderate level of critical thinking in applying and integrating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, and/or experiences. Connections are made through explanations and/or examples.

39 to >34.0 pts


Reflection demonstrates minimal critical thinking in applying and integrating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, and/or experiences. Minimal connections are made through explanations and/or examples.

34 to >0 pts


Reflection lacks critical thinking. Superficial connections are made with key course concepts and resources, and/or assignments.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssimilation and Synthesis: Personal Growth

30 to >26.0 pts


Expresses solid evidence of reflection on own work. Demonstrates substantial personal growth and awareness of deeper meaning through inferences, well-developed insights, and significant depth in awareness and challenges. Synthesizes current experience into future implications.

26 to >23.0 pts


Expresses moderate evidence of reflection on own work. Demonstrates satisfactory personal growth and awareness through some inferences, insights, and challenges. There is mention of the future implications of student’s current experience.

23 to >20.0 pts


Expresses minimal evidence of reflection on own work. Demonstrates less than adequate personal growth and awareness through limited or simplistic inferences made, insights, and/or challenges that are not well developed. There is minimal thought of future implications of student’s current experience.

20 to >0 pts


Expresses inadequate evidence of reflection on own work. Personal growth and awareness are not evident and/or demonstrate an impersonal experience. Lacks personal insights, challenges, inferences, and/or future implications are overlooked.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting

15 to >13.0 pts


Well written and clearly organized using standard English; characterized by elements of a strong writing style; and basically free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors.

13 to >11.0 pts


Above average writing style and logically organized using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling.

11 to >10.0 pts


Average writing style that is sometimes unclear and/or with some errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling.

10 to >0 pts


oor writing style lacking in standard English, clarity, language used, and/or contains frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Needs work.


5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA

5 to >4.0 pts


Contains no APA errors.

4 to >3.5 pts


Contains 1–2 APA errors.

3.5 to >3.0 pts


Contains 3–5 APA errors.

3 to >0 pts


Contains more than 5 APA errors.

5 pts

Total Points: 10

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