Now that you have completed the literature review and have a solid theoretical grounding for your problem statement, you will be determining the methodology for your program evaluation. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to use scientific methods to conduct a program evaluation using an appropriate methodology based on the provided case study and data.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors:
C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
Related Assignment Criteria:
4: Describe the sample and the sampling method or methods.
5: Identify how data will be collected and the process for data collection.
7: Develop an informed consent form that is appropriate to the case study.
C4.SP.B: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform program evaluation to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
Related Assignment Criteria:
1: Describe the program or service.
2: Develop a guiding research question or hypothesis for the chosen program evaluation methods.
3: Analyze different methods of program evaluation types and methodology to select the best method for the specific case study.
6: Discuss ethical issues pertaining to the selected method of program evaluation.
Your agency is providing eight-week parenting classes for teen parents in an urban
environment. Services are open to both teen mothers and teen fathers, and their children can
be any age. You get referrals from local schools, hospitals, social service agencies, and the
Department of Children and Family Services. The interventions of the program include a weekly
parenting class, dealing with topics such as child development, effective communication with
children, stress management, and compassionate behavior management strategies. The
anticipated outcomes of the program include:
• Increased knowledge about child development.
• Increased sense of competence in parenting.
• Decreased reported stress levels.
• Beliefs in line with compassionate behavior management strategies rather than using
corporal punishment.
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