Please see attachment. Please answer each question separately (2 questions per page) and add references at the end of each question.
Pick one transportation node…i.e. air, surface (which is both truck and rail) or maritime and discuss which component within this node is still vulnerable. Think in terms of vulnerability and consequence.
Write down the first 5 things that come to mind when you think of being attracted to someone.
Darwin believed that men and women picked mates based on certain attraction cues that ensure the successful reproduction of the human species. Based on what you’ve learned and your dating experiences, please answer the following questions: Is there anything from your list that corresponds with Darwin’s Evolutionary theory? Please share your results. Did anything surprise you?
Each paragraph holds
one main idea and its supporting details and/or evidence. The goal of the body paragraphs in an essay is to
prove each point of the essay map in a thesis. For this discussion, you will be writing one body paragraph.
· Start by choosing
one of the points from the essay map you wrote for the thesis statement in the Week 3
· The Electoral College in the US
· Learning to Speak another Language
· Going to an Online University
· Immigration
· Art and Artists
· Owning a Home
· The Director’s Role in Filmmaking
· Repairing a Car Engine
· The Environment
· Music
· Spend a little time researching the point you chose at The Trefry Library or on
Google Scholar.
· Write a topic sentence that introduces the topic + argument/assertion.
· Add 2-3 sentences of supporting details/evidence from your research. Use an evidence/quote sandwich or explainer sentence if needed.
Do not use a direct quote but give credit for any ideas that come from another source.
· Write a concluding sentence.
· Post your body paragraph to this discussion.
· Critique the body paragraphs of your peers.
Please describe what should be included in an event budget. Choose a particular sport organization or team, and write a very brief budget of the major sources of revenue and expenditures.
How much might your organization need in sponsorships? What would you include in a sponsorship proposal?
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