Replies for peers. Need ONE Response Per Each Discussion Total 10 Responses. Attached Are The Discussions And Rubric Please Follow Them. Posts Will Be A Minimum Of 100 Words, APA Format.One Reference Per Each Discussion

My name is Esdena Lacina , I


live at 520 west 66 st Hialeah FL 33012, I am work as a dialysis nurse at the South Florida Dialysis Center. I was born in Cuba, Pinar del Rio, I graduated as a doctor in 2015 in Cuba. After 10 months of working as a doctor, I came to this  country, 4 months ago I made  the Nurse Practitioner board and today I am starting Psychiatry. I have always liked working with people who have mental problems. Since I was little, I have always liked the fact of being able to help people improve their health, doing it makes me feel very good, it comforts me, by becoming a psychiatrist I will continue helping many people and I will continue to grow from a professional point of view, and I will have older job opportunities. 

I would like that once I finish studying to provide support to all the people who need me and feel the joy of each one of them when they see their improvement, I will fulfill the essential functions as a psychiatrist, defense, research, participation in health policy and patient management. In addition, by being closer to the patient, you can know how she feels and measure her evolution. We deeply relate to each case we seek solutions and investigate with a greater purpose to save the life and improve the circumstances of that patient. The satisfaction that comes from seeing the recovery of people and feeling that you have contributed to their improvement. It is a blessing to be able to offer advice to people who feel sad, help them to recover their happiness, since a psychiatrist is the doctor of emotions of the feelings of the behavior, help all those people who feel that the world is ending, offer them support to recover their confidence in themselves, to all the people who hallucinate try to bring them to reality. We can treat emotionally ill people those who need a word of encouragement to continue fighting, the adrenaline that comes from facing different cases and knowing that you have very little time to make the right decision and save the lives of your patients. It would be a real pleasure to become a psychiatrist and contribute a grain of sand to our society that needs us so much. 

 During my spare time I like to watch television, listen to music, exercise, I like to cook and go to the beach, especially at sunset with my husband, I also like to spend quality time with my family, get to know other countries and cultures. 

Regarding the syllabus, it is very important to read it and, above all, to understand it because it does organize and guide us how the study will be and the evaluations that we will carry out during the period in which we are studying, In addition, we can schedule our work time away from home.


My name is Alianne Liens and I live in Miami, Florida. I am a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner currently working at Borinquen Medical Centers. Working in a Community Clinic where we provide services to a vast population in need including but not limited to the homeless, drug addicts, mental health patients, and immigrants reassured my interest in becoming a Psychiatrist Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I am a foreign physician born and raised in Bayamo, Cuba. Since I was very little, I wanted to become a doctor to help others and I always played to be a doctor with my dolls and friends. Like many immigrant colleagues, I became a registered nurse in this beautiful country of opportunities. Being in the medical field for many years and practicing with compassion, I have found many patients, family members, and friends that always end up telling me they feel better and calm after talking with me. Then, advice is one of my talents, and with empathy, I believe with the knowledge I have learned and that I will learn in this post-master certification will serve to help the community where I live more.

 I believe that mental health care is essential to a person’s overall well-being. As a PMHNP, I can provide comprehensive mental health care to my patients, including diagnosing and treating acute and chronic mental health conditions, psychotherapy, prescribing medication, ordering and interpreting lab tests, and providing preventative care (APNA, 2019). I am very passionate about helping others and I would like to ensure my patients receive the best possible care. I would like to provide hope to those who are struggling with mental health issues. We, the PMHNP constantly strive to learn more and provide our patients with the most effective treatments and therapies (Sharma et al., 2019). 

I am a single mother of a 15-year-old boy who has seen me throughout his short life pursuing my goals. He is my inspiration and motivation to be not only a good mother, daughter, and friend but an excellent professional. Outside work I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going to the beach as a good Floridian, listening to music, dancing, reading a good book, and watching movies or series on Netflix. Also, I like to plan family vacations and travel to new places. 

 I have read the syllabus entirely and I understood the expectations of the instructor. I planned and organized my daily schedule and routine to be able to study and be successful this academic year. I am getting familiar with blackboard as it is the first time that I am using this platform. Looking forward to building a great professional relationship with my colleagues and professors. Good luck to all. 


Ania Molina Paz

21 hours ago, at 10:49 PM

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My name is Ania K Molina, I’m from Bayamo, Cuba and I currently live in Hialeah but for the past 10 years, I lived in West Palm Beach Previously to that I worked in Venezuela in a small clinic in Mental Health helping drug addicts and people with mental illnesses for 4 years. I graduated as a General Doctor in the year 1990 and then specialized in Psychiatry and graduated in 1999. When I got to this beautiful country at first I had to work jobs outside my field which I did not enjoy at all, that’s why in 2014 I started studying to become an RN at a University in Puerto Rico and graduated in 2016. Then about one year ago I graduated this time as a FNP from this same university (FNU).

I currently work at Serenity Community Mental Health as a Nurse Practitioner, I deal with patients that suffer from mental illness, which is what I have always loved to do. I feel very fortunate to work here because I have built a strong connection with my patients and it’s rewarding to me just to see them improve in any aspect.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider this a talent or an aspect, but something about me is that my patients and I always end up building a strong relationship, some open up to me in a way that they don’t do with anyone else. I think that’s all because I’m very transparent, really listen to them and try to put myself in their position in order to understand better.

I would like once I finish studying to provide support to all the people and help them with my Knowledge

Far more individuals are in need of care and support for a wide range of mental health conditions – including depression, anxiety, acute grief, drug or alcohol addiction, personality disorders, and psychoses – than can access a mental health professional. (American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA), 2019).

 During my spare time, I like to ride a bike, read a book and go to the cinema, I also like to spend quality time with my son.

Regarding the syllabus, it is very important to read it and understand it with the purpose of organizing the study, and I can schedule our work time away from home.

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Claudia Calderin

1/5/23, 7:56 PM

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My name is Claudia Calderin I have been an RN for 11 years, born in Habana, Cuba came to this wonderful country about 25 years ago, more than grateful for the wonderful opportunities given to me and my family here in America. I reside in Miami Florida, and I love my sunshine state. Happily married with a 15 year old beautiful daughter, 3 dogs, 2 turtles and a very crazy household. Love to be at sea, love to go fishing, and boating. This activity helps me relax and spend time with both my husband and daughter; I call it quality time. On the other hand, I love to travel the world and experience adventures. 

 I finished my MSN recently and decided to choose the fascinating track of PMHNP. My main specialty has been peds thru ought my nursing career. I love working with medically complex and fragile children, those who do not have a voice and need a strong helping hand. 

The fascinating field of mental health has always been of my interested and I have always been very passionate about it. In the United States one in every five adults is suffering with mental health issues and the shortage of mental health nurses is complicating the situation. We all know that mental health has become one of the most important and sensitive areas of care where experts and mental health specialists can perform their role to lower down the rate of mental health diseases. The shortage of mental health nurse practitioners in the United States is the first and most important reason to make this decision. The lack of effective mental health access and treatment is creating a crisis and negatively affecting every American family and community (American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA), 2019).  I want to impact the community in addressing mental health issues and plan to expand my knowledge and expertise to be able to do so on safely and effective manner to be able to make an impact in the lives of mentally ill individuals and obtain a positive result and patient outcomes. 

I planned to research, and study additional courses which will expand my knowledge, skills and competencies for advanced practice. Evidence-based research is a key to develop advance understanding and necessary competencies for advanced practice in nursing. Evidence-based research and relevant courses would be helpful to acquire practice skills and competencies. 

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           Hello Class, my name is Lazaro Garcia. I live in Miami, Florida, a thriving city with a diverse population, beautiful beaches, and access to world-class restaurants, shopping, and nightlife, located on Florida’s southeastern coast. In my current position as an ICU Registered Nurse with an MSN, I provide specialized care to critically ill patients. My responsibilities also include managing patient care plans, providing clinical care, assessing and monitoring patients’ conditions, and providing clinical care (Khairat et al., 2020). I also provide patients, families, and medical professionals with support and education. I am responsible for ensuring that my patients receive the best care possible and that their specific needs are considered when developing treatment plans. My experience and skills in this field allow me to provide the best possible care to my patients.

Unique Experience

           My most fulfilling experience in life has been having children and being a father. I am fortunate to have wonderful children who have grown into considerate, compassionate, and self-sufficient individuals. Being a parent has taught me so much about the world and myself, particularly compassion, patience, and understanding. I’ve also had the opportunity to introduce my children to sports, music, and outdoor activities that I’ve always enjoyed (Dias et al., 2020). However, the ups and downs of fatherhood have taught me so much about myself and the world, and they have made me appreciate my family and the lessons they teach me. Furthermore, it has taught me the value of flexibility and the ability to reorganize one’s priorities in order to accommodate the needs of others, whether those of one’s own child or those of others.

Plan after my Degree

           After I finish my degree, I plan to use my knowledge and experience to help people who are struggling with addiction and mental illness. I want to use my MSN-trained, specialized skills as a registered nurse to help develop and carry out treatment programs that are tailored to the specific needs of specific addicts and people with mental health issues. In addition to advocating for financial and material resources and access to services, I will provide education and support to patients, families, and healthcare professionals. Furthermore, to ensure that those suffering from addiction and mental illness receive the best possible care, I intend to actively participate in the development of new and improved policies and procedures that would enhance their care.


           Outside of work, I have a few hobbies that I enjoy doing to relax and have fun (Balasanova & Park, 2021). Fishing is one of my favorite pastimes because it allows me to relax, spend time outside, and appreciate nature’s beauty. I also enjoy playing pool because it allows me to meet new people and improve my skills as I can improve my concentration and strategic thinking while also having fun with my friends. 

           In conclusion, I have read and properly understood the entire syllabus including the course description, the add/drop policy, the important dates, and the instructors’ contact information. I am aware of the withdrawal policy, which states that any changes to my schedule made after the add-drop period require approval from my department head and the completion of various forms, such as a Cancel/Add form or a Class Change form.


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