follow instructions exactly as attached
Read the
case study
located in the reading document.
Complete a SOAP Note on the patient. (In your SOAP note: Give an example of documentation for the PMHNP provider; (include prescription details as well as instructions for staff to give medication and monitor patient))
In your SOAP note, design a treatment plan that includes PRN medications in case the patient continues to be agitated.
Answer the questions listed below:
· What medications would you prescribe? Why?
· What doses?
· Would you have these listed as standing orders for the nursing home staff or would you want to be notified before given to verify and determine need?
· Would you want to visually see the patient before having the medications given?
· What monitoring would need to be provided after medication is given?
· What documentation would need to be provided and how often for the medication to be continued?
· Would the medication be considered chemical restraints? Why or Why not?
Please see the
provided to guide your writing of SOAP notes.
Unit 4 Assignment
Read the
case study and complete a SOAP note.
Student work demonstrates an attempt to appraise a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of mental health disorders and conditions for adult/geriatric clients and clients across the lifespan presenting in the acute and/or primary care setting. The content was thorough, relevant to the topic, and illustrated critical analysis.
Review the video case:
Suicide assessment of Client with initially Subtle Warning Signs of Suicide
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