How would you provide evidence that you meet the following entry level competencies? Please provide specific example(s).
The Practical Nurse understands the impact of personal values, beliefs, and assumptions in the provision of nursing care.
The Practical Nurse reviews, integrates, and applies current evidence and research to clinical situations and decisions, and participates in research following the direction of the research team.
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The Practical Nurse advocates for the implementation and use of evidence-based practice.
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The Practical Nurse integrates legal and ethical considerations for safe practice while applying the nursing process.
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The Practical Nurse Participates in the development of and reinforces the organizational policies, procedures, and guidelines to support best practice, and advocates for changes to organizational policies and procedures as well as health public policy
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The Practical Nurse communicates safety risks to team leaders and managers
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The Practical Nurse contributes to quality improvement, risk management, and workplace health and safety activities of the clinical environment
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Supports professional efforts in the field of licensed practical nursing to achieve a healthier society
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Acts as a mentor and role model for students, graduates, colleagues, and members of the health care team.
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Demonstrates knowledge of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the ability to care for and advocate for Indigenous and Vulnerable client populations.
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Explain your understanding of:
The differences between the legislative scope of practice, employer’s policies, and the LPN’s individual personal competency.
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The LPN’s role within a collaborative team, including unregulated health professionals.
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Considering that you have been out of practice, while waiting for Licensing in Canada, describe your current Learning Plan for Professional Development- please provide specific examples.
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