Research indicates that direct instruction in vocabulary can increase vocabulary learning and comprehension. Reading, writing, and other communication in science and health curriculum requires the use of unique vocabulary. Teachers need to understand how to make this vocabulary accessible to students, and how to have them consistently use it in authentic contexts.
Use the “Marzano’s Theory and Vocabulary Models” template to complete each part of this assignment.
Support your assignment with a minimum of two scholarly resources.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines
Marzano’s Theory and Vocabulary Models
Part 1: Marzano’s Theory
In 100-250 words, explain the background and purpose of Marzano’s six-step process for teaching vocabulary.
Part 2: Vocabulary Models
Research five vocabulary models that align to Marzano’s process and can be used in science and health instruction. The Frayer model has been provided as an example to follow in the template.
Marzano’s Six-Step Process Which Marzano step/s relate to each model? (At least one step should relate to each model.) |
Explanation Explain how the model aligns to Marzano’s Step/s. |
Strategy Example of how it can be used to teach content related vocabulary in the inclusive classroom. Be sure to use a specific science term. Include any diagrams or pictures as appropriate. |
Example: Frayer Diagram Description: The Frayer diagram is a graphic organizer where students outline characteristics and non-characteristics of a vocabulary term. |
Steps 2, 3, and 4. |
The Frayer model aligns with Marzano’s Step 2 because it provides students the opportunity to give a description of the vocabulary word in various ways. It also aligns with Steps 3 and 4, because students can provide a non-linguistic description of the word by drawing a picture and students can engage with the vocabulary word by finding antonyms and synonyms and examples and non-examples. |
Display the Frayer diagram and model a vocabulary term outlining exactly what it is. Cardiovascular system will be the word. Definition in your own words (it is important to explicitly teach the vocabulary word before completing this chart): the system that helps blood, food, and oxygen flow through the body. Facts/Characteristics: An average adult has 5-6 quarts (4.7 to 5.6 liters) of blood, which is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Examples: blood vessels, heart, lungs. Non Examples: mouth, intestines, stomach. |
Part 3: Rationale
Write a 250-500 word rationale explaining how you would use Marzano’s theory in reading, writing, and vocabulary instruction for the inclusive classroom including students with disabilities, ELL students, gifted, early/late finishers, and students with diverse backgrounds and varying proficiency levels.
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