Website Review Of Temu.Com

Your task in this assignment is to perform a usability evaluation of an existing e-commerce Website. The assignment should be between 8 – 10 pages each. Including images is highly encouraged to demonstrate the usability issues within the site.  Use the following points as guidelines when writing the Website Review:

System Identification: What Website are you evaluating? What is its main purpose, and what are the target users?

Tasks and Activities: As an evaluation participant, what are you trying to complete with the system? Be sure to identify at least three use cases. Upon identification, complete each identification path you are trying to identify, including the strengths and weaknesses of each task and activity.

Metrics: As much as possible, use measurable criteria as you’ve read in the Preece text. Identify those methods you’ve applied in your review of the Website.

Application: Using the Nielsen 10 heuristics for usability design, explain how each task can be improved.

Assessment: Recommend five changes the Website platform selected can make to improve its usability posture.

Course Name: Human Computer Interaction and Usability

Book:Sharp, H., Rogers, Y., & Preece, J. (2019). Interaction design: Beyond human-computer interaction. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons. Related Contents of book:

Chapter 9


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Qualitative and Quantitative

9.3 Basic Quantitative Analysis

9.4 Basic Qualitative Analysis

9.5 What Kind of Analytic Framework to Use

9.6 Tools to Support Data Analysis

9.7 Interpreting and Presenting the Findings

Chapter 10


10.1 Introduction

10.2 Approaches for Collecting and Analyzing Data

10.3 Visualizing and Exploring Data

10.4 Ethical Design Concerns Sharp, H. (2019). Interaction design: Beyond human-computer interaction, fifth edition. Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited, John. Draft from AI tools: Website Review:

System Identification


Primary Purpose: operates as an e-commerce platform selling a variety of products, ranging from electronics and fashion items to home goods and more.

Target Users: The platform targets online shoppers across demographic boundaries who seek a convenient and trustworthy platform for purchasing a diverse array of products.

Tasks and Activities

Use Case 1: Browsing for Products

Path: Users land on the homepage -> Select a category from the navigation bar -> Browse through the list of products.


The layout is well-structured, and products are neatly organized into categories.

High-resolution product images and concise descriptions offer a quick snapshot of the products.


The filters for narrowing down the product search could be more detailed.

There is no option to sort products by popularity, ratings, or reviews.

Use Case 2: Purchasing a Product

Path: Users select a product -> Add to cart -> Proceed to checkout.


The process is straightforward and intuitive.

The platform offers multiple payment methods.


The platform should include an option to review the order before finalizing the purchase.

Estimated shipping costs are only displayed on the final checkout page, which can be misleading.

Use Case 3: Customer Support

Path: Users navigate to the ‘Help’ or ‘Contact Us page -> Choose a method of communication (email, phone, chat).


Various communication methods are available.

Response times are prominently displayed.


There is no FAQ section to address common user inquiries.

The chat support interface is not immediately noticeable and requires a bit of navigation.


Ease of Navigation: Users can navigate the website relatively easily, but certain key features, like chat support and specific filters, are less accessible.

Information Availability: While all essential information about products and services is available, it’s not always easy to find.

Transaction Process: The transaction process is smooth but could be enhanced by introducing an order review step and upfront estimation of shipping costs.

Application of Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics

Visibility of system status: The website should provide more real-time feedback, for example, loading indicators when pages or content are loading.

Match between system and the real world: The website uses familiar icons and language, which is good, but could further improve by including more common e-commerce features like sorting by popularity or reviews.

User control and freedom: The platform could enhance user experience by offering an ‘undo’ option in the cart before finalizing the purchase.

Consistency and standards: While the website maintains consistent design and use of language, the placement of customer support options could be standardized.

Error prevention: The platform could prevent potential errors by incorporating an order review step before purchase completion.

Recognition rather than recall: The platform could enhance user experience by displaying recently viewed items on the homepage.

Flexibility and efficiency of use: Adding more detailed product filters would enhance browsing efficiency for seasoned users.

Aesthetic and minimalist design: Although the website features a clean, minimalist design, essential features should not be hidden for the sake of minimalism.

Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors: Error messages could be improved to be more helpful and specific.

Help and documentation: An FAQ section would be a valuable addition to assist users without requiring them to contact customer support.

Assessment: Recommendations

Improve Product Filters: Allow users to sort products by popularity, ratings, or reviews.

Order Review Step: Introduce an order review step before finalizing the purchase.

Display Shipping Costs Earlier: Reveal estimated shipping costs on the product page or early in the checkout process.

FAQ Section: Implement a FAQ section to address common inquiries and reduce the load on customer support.

Enhance Customer Support Accessibility: Make the chat support interface more prominent and provide quick access to support options on all pages.

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