Week 1 – Assignment: Apply the Qualitative Method and the Research Problem


The focus of this week’s assignment is on applying the qualitative method to the research problem. Begin with a one-page introduction about the circumstances that led to the development of the problem; do not state the problem in this section. Establish the existence of your research problem using three to four scholarly articles published within the last five years. Remember that the problem must have a business administration focus, and must relate to your degree specialization. Keep your research focus and problem simple for this assignment.

NOTE: this framework must be used for your assignment response.

 Use one sentence for each of the following:

  1. Hook: An attention-grabbing statement that is supported by the literature.
  2. Anchor: An evidence of the problem statement that includes a statistic and is supported by primary research.
  3. A statement of the general business problem.
  4. A statement of the specific business problem.

This script is helpful to (a) frame the problem, (b) validate that it exists with verifiable data, and (c) identify why and for whom the problem matters (Bakari 2018).

Next, rationalize the use of the qualitative method for your research inquiry. Explain the features. Give examples of the intended research outcomes. Formulate a purpose statement using the framework. 

NOTE: this framework must be used for your assignment response.

The purpose of this qualitative study is _________________ [content aim of the study]. A qualitative study design will be used in which narrative data will be collected and analyzed to _________. These data will represent ____________ [the bounding or description of the study]. Qualitative data will be gathered exploring _____________ [the central phenomenon] from _________ [participants] at _________ [the research site]. The reasons for using this form of data to ________ [support or generate] data, is to develop an in-depth understanding of ____________________. [Include scholarly sources to support these research decisions.]

Create two research questions that will generate information for later analysis.

Tip: Remember that this is qualitative research. This is a qualitative research method course and you will use a qualitative research method approach for this assignment. 

Length: 3-4 pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

You should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.


Problem statement script. Personal communication Bakari, M. (2018).

Due DateJan 8, 2023 11:59 PM 

Qualitative Business Research Design and Methodology

(3 credits)

Course Description:

During this course, you will examine qualitative methods for studying human behavior including case studies, ethnography, grounded theory, mixed methods, narrative analysis, and phenomenology. You will explore designs and methodologies to use with your envisioned dissertation research study.

Number of Activities: 9

Learning Outcomes:

1. Examine various qualitative research designs.

2. Determine the relationship between qualitative research and contributions to relevant theory.

3. Critique the use of qualitative design and methodology of prior research.

4. Formulate research questions and protocols appropriate for qualitative studies.

5. Design qualitative research studies.

Course Concepts:

1. Qualitative Research Method and the Research Problem

2. Qualitative Research Designs

3. Case Study and Phenomenology

4. Ethnography, Grounded Theory, and Other Designs

5. Qualitative Research Procedures and Participant Selection

6. Research Ethics and Qualitative Analysis

Primary Resource/textbook:

Bloomberg, L. D., & Volpe, M. (2019). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

NCU School of Business Best Practice Guide for Qualitative Research Design and Methods in Dissertations

Course Overview

Section 1: The Qualitative Method and Research Designs

Week 1: The Qualitative Research Method and the Research Problem

Week 1 Assignment: Apply the Qualitative Method and the Research Problem (10 Points)

Week 2: Qualitative Research Methodology

Week 2 Assignment: Appraise the Merits of Using the Qualitative Method (10 Points)

Week 3: Determining the Value of Qualitative Designs

Designs Part I: Case Study and Phenomenology

Week 3 Assignment: Justify the Use of Qualitative Designs: Case Study or Phenomenology (10 Points)

Week 4: Determining the Value of Qualitative Designs

Designs Part II: Ethnography, Grounded Theory, and More

Week 4 Assignment: Create an Instructor’s Presentation to Teach Students about Qualitative Research Designs (10 Points)

Section 2: Qualitative Research Processes

Week 5: Qualitative Research Procedures and Participant Selection

Week 5 Assignment: Formulate a Strategy for Data Collection (10 Points)

Week 6: Research Processes for Qualitative Analysis

Week 6 Assignment: Analyze Qualitative Data (10 Points)

Section 3: Designing a Qualitative Study

Week 7: Designing a Qualitative Study

Week 7 Assignment: Signature Assignment: Design a Qualitative Study (25 Points)

Week 8: Research Ethics and Article Critique

Week 8 Assignment 1: Critique a Qualitative Article (10 Points)

Week 8 Assignment 2: Complete CITI Certification (5 Points)

Welcome Video for BUS-7380 – Qualitative Business Research Design and Methodology

Qualitative Business Research Design & Methodology – BUS-7380

Welcome to the course. Here’s an overview of what you will learn.

In Section 1 of this course, you will learn about the qualitative methodology and some of its many designs. In Section 2 you will learn about the processes, procedures, and elements of data analysis. Finally, in Section 3 you will use your accumulated knowledge to develop your Signature Assignment, qualitative research plan. This is a course that takes you methodically through the features of qualitative research so that you will become comfortable with applying this method appropriately to your research problem.

Let’s look at the research plan a little more closely. As indicated earlier, you are here in this course to learn how to apply the qualitative method to solve a business problem. Depending on your degree type you may be looking to add to the body of knowledge in your field, or your goal maybe to find practical solutions that could be implemented in the workplace now. As you learn about the features of qualitative methodology and design, you will see how each of the elements in this list contribute to the development of knowledge or practice solutions.

By the end of this course you will acquire the necessary certification to conduct research here at Northcentral University. You will also have a better understanding of the foundations of qualitative inquiry. You will have a roadmap that shows how you how to apply the qualitative methodology to solving a problem when you write your dissertation.

Surely you may have many questions right now. There are many things you will have to consider when building a qualitative research plan. While the research plan may seem confusing, by the time you reach the end of this course, you will have answers to all of these questions.

As you know, NCU uses a unique one-to-one model. If you would like to connect with other students in this same course, your degree program, or just others with similar interests, you should check out NCU’s internal social network, the Commons. You may already be connected; if not, take some time to check it out.

Remember that your instructor is here to support your success, as is an entire team on the other side of your screen. Let us know how we can help. There is a lot to do, so once again, Welcome to Qualitative Business Research Design and Methodology.

2-15-18 cd/jk/bf



r Academy of Management Journal
2018, Vol. 61, No. 4, 1189–1195.



Qualitative research offers critical tools that ad-
vance our editorial team’s ambition to foster ‘new
ways of seeing’ (see Shaw, Bansal, & Gruber, 2017).
By building theory inductively, research based on
qualitative data offers insights that challenge taken-
for-granted theories and expose new theoretical di-
rections. As we face more wicked problems in our
world, scholars are increasingly adopting qualitative
methods to unpack these complex challenges. In the
last year, qualitative papers hit an all-time high of
20% of submissions to Academy of Management
Journal (AMJ).

Yet, effectively unpacking new theory requires
scholars to take advantage of the breadth and variety
of approaches to qualitative research. In2011, Bansal
and Corley lamented that qualitative research was
norming around a single approach—often, case-
based positivist research with systematically coded
data—and called for more methodological diversity.
As editors, we are now seeing more papers sub-
mitted with varied qualitative methods, but these
more novel approaches remain in the minority nev-
ertheless. In this editorial, we underscore Bansal
and Corley’s (2011) argument that such diversity in
qualitative research is critical to advancing our cur-
rent AMJ editorial team’s desire to foster “new ways
of seeing.” By exposing the breadth of approaches
covered by the single label of “qualitative research,”
we hope to motivate researchers to more fully em-
brace opportunities that advance theory through
qualitative methods. In so doing, we believe that
the theoretical insights will contribute to our col-
lective understanding of tackling someof theworld’s
most intractable management and organizational
challenges (Eisenhardt, Graebner, and Sonenshein,

In this editorial, we describe different qualitative
methods as genres—distinct approaches with their
own internally coherent epistemology, historical
roots, and assumptions. Similar to different works of
literature, music, or film, a genre emphasizes vari-
ety across types of qualitative research, as well as

alignment of logics within each type. Examples of
qualitative genres include case study research, pro-
cess studies, engaged scholarship, historical studies,
discourse studies, paradox as a method, dialectical
inquiry, and fuzzy set qualitative comparative anal-
ysis. Just as the label of ‘qualitative research’ con-
tains within it a variety of genres, these genres often
contain within them gradations and subgenres,
which may form their own genre. Indeed, we antic-
ipate that the diversity of methodologies will only
expand in scope as the qualitative field continues to
mature, but only as long as we remain vigilant in
ensuring that the field does not institutionalize
around a few norms too quickly.

In this editorial, we first outline the broad cate-
gory of qualitative research and highlight its value
for new ways of seeing. We then expand upon some
exemplary genres of qualitative research, noting
their internally aligned assumptions as well as their
distinctions from other genres. We conclude this
editorial byhighlighting four core principles that can
help both authors and reviewers alike adopt and as-
sess the quality of research that aims to see in new


By ‘qualitative research,’ we mean scholarship
that primarily relies on qualitative data and induc-
tive theorizing. Quantitative data are numerical, and
can be added, manipulated, and transformed into
efficient data displays. Qualitative data, on the other
hand, are nonreduceable text, including words and
visuals delivered in static (e.g., paper) or dynamic
form (e.g., theater). Although these qualitative data
can be digitized, synthesized, and even counted,
doing so first requires interpretation of the data to
discern patterns and insights. Given the broad forms
in which qualitative data may appear, a researcher’s
onto-epistemological assumptions often shape his/
her approaches to this analytical process.

Inductive theorizing is a cornerstone of qualitative
research.Whereas quantitativemethodsdeducenew
knowledge that relies heavily on logical reasoning
based on prior insights and expands understanding

All authors contributed equally and are listed in alpha-
betical order.


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along existing or adjacent paths, qualitative research
surfaces new insights that can often introduce theory
in completely new directions. When adopting qual-
itative methods, scholars draw on the observations
from the data to introduce abstracted knowledge that
can generalize beyond the specific contexts. Induc-
tive theorizing grounded in data can broaden the
researchers’ epistemological framewith longer leaps
thanhypo-deductive logic basedonquantitative data,
thereby yielding completely novel ideas.

Such inductive theorizing based on qualitative data
are particularly appropriate in new or understudied
empirical contexts where there is relatively little prior
work, as in the case of complex, messy grand chal-
lenges (Nadkarniet al., 2018).AsBambergerandPratt’s
(2010) AMJ editorial advocated, unconventional con-
texts serve to break our assumed theoretical frames. By
starting with the phenomena, researchers can some-
times discern perspectives inaccessible through
hypothetico-deductive logic. By enabling lateral shifts
in knowledge that are often difficult to observe using
deductive methods, qualitative research advances
critical thinking and scholarship.


Qualitative research includes many genres, each
offering a different lens with which to view phe-
nomena.Wedescribe several examples of qualitative
research, seeking to highlight the rich breadth of
insights through different qualitative genres drawn
from management research and from scholarly tra-
ditions developed in other fields of social sciences
and the humanities. The connection to these other
traditions helps researchers see the links to other
onto-epistemological assumptions, recognizing the
origins of the ideas and their related traditions. Our
examples are meant to be illustrative not compre-
hensive;we invite scholars to recognize anddeploy a
full range of genres that fits their research endeavor,
alignswith their data, and reflects their ownpersonal
research preferences.

Variance-Based Case Studies

Variance-based case studies build an understand-
ing of the relationships between well-defined con-
structs, so that the proposed relationships transcend
a specific context (Eisenhardt, 1989). These studies
often aim to unpack “what causes what,” as re-
searchers seek to understand the factors that can ex-
plain different outcomes.

Multiple case studies use a replication-and-
comparison logic to see patterns in a data set. Cases
with outcomes that vary (e.g. success and failure) are
useful in eliciting different explanatory variables;
multiple cases with the same outcomes (e.g. success
or failure) strengthen the reliability of the theory.
Even single case studies can be used to support
variance-based theorizing, comparing the current
data against insights from received theory. These
variance-based approaches tend to follow a positivist
paradigm, so that other researchers can assess the
validityof the theoryandconstructsby applying them
to different empirical settings.

More than any other qualitative method, this
positivist genre dovetails most closely with deduc-
tive, quantitative research. Whereas a hypothetico-
deductive approach to theorizing starts with prior
theory, an inductive approach starts with the data
or context-specific problem (Weick, 1992).However,
the propositions derived in this type of positivist
analysis can extend prior work and stimulate future
deductivework (Eisenhardt &Graebner, 2007), though
doing so in ways that offer potential leapfrogs in the-
Solansky, and Travis (2007) used a single case study
to observe how a series of small events—specifically,
offering hot breakfasts— ultimately contributed to
radical changes in a church. To understand this phe-
nomenon, the authors applied complexity theory to
theorize how such small triggers could result in such
radical changes. Complexity theory had previously
received little attention in mainstream management
journals. By applying this theory, the authors ex-
panded our field’s engagement with it.

Process Studies

Process studies explore change, emergence, ad-
aptation, and transformation. Whereas variance ap-
proachesprioritize static entities, unpack their stable
structures and constitutive features, and identify the
factors that lead to specific outcomes, process on-
tology shifts the focus to the ongoing, dynamic, and
shifting experiences. Early process studies consid-
ered how entities changed from one time period to
the next (Mintzberg, 1978; Pettigrew; 1990). Starting
in the late 1990s, however, scholars argued for
a ‘strong’ process approach that diminishes entities
altogether and explores phenomena as always
changing (for an overview, see Langley & Tsoukas,
2010, 2017). For example, Tushman andRomanelli’s
(1985) work on punctuated equilibrium represents
an early approach to process studies, highlighting

1190 AugustAcademy of Management Journal

the adaptive states of “variation and selection” that
stimulate organizational innovation and change
between more stable states of “retention.” In con-
trast, Weick and Quinn (1999) proffered a strong
process model, suggesting that change is not epi-
sodically occurring betweenmore static periods, but
continuous and ongoing, such that there are no static

Process studiesdraw fromrichphilosophical roots
(i.e., Dewey, 1938; James, 1952; Whitehead, 1978),
relying on a dynamic, relational, and antidualistic
ontology. This ontology describes a world that is in
constant flux, where individuals and environments
are mutually constitutive. The nature of these flow-
ing relationships take primacy, such that, in the ex-
treme, the dualistic distinctions we make between
the individual and the environment, the self and the
other, themind and the bodyabsolve to focus only on
their dynamic interactions.

Adopting a process view then invites us to observe
flows, changes, and relationality. For example,
a more variance-oriented study might identify rou-
tines and ask how particular routines lead tomore or
less impact on organizational outcomes. A strong
process view, in contrast, explores the underlying
motor of routines, and how routines themselves are
in constant flux and change informing as well as
informed by the users that adopt them (Feldman
& Pentland, 2003). Similarly, a more variance-
oriented study of hybridity might hold constant
competing logics, goals, and identities and explore
organizational factors that lead to increased or de-
creased conflict between these competing demands
(Battilana & Dorado, 2010; Pache & Santos, 2013).
A process-oriented view might explore the morph-
ing and changing of competing logics, goals, and
identities in relation to one another over time
(Ashforth & Reingen, 2014; Jay, 2013; Smith &
Besharov, 2017).

Engaged Scholarship

In most positivist research, we expect the people
conducting the research to distance themselves from
the ‘thing’ they are observing. Doing so protects
the researchers’ objectivity and ensures that their
biases do not influence scholarly outcomes. ‘En-
gaged scholarship’ challenges this assumption of
distance and objectivity. According to this genre,
qualitative researchers cannot be disentangled from
their context; the very presence of a researcher in the
context will ultimately influence the research con-
text such that ultimately the two may be mutually

constituted (Van de Ven, 2007). Instead, these
connections between the researcher and the
researched can be considered a strength for insights,
as the people being studied are often seen as collab-
orators in the research process.

Although scientific knowledge and practical
knowledge are different, they can inform each other
and the greater embeddedness of the researcher
in his or her context will favor deeper insights
and empathy for those that he or she is research-
ing. Engaged scholarship, then, offers new ways
of seeing, as the insights not only incorporate
the perspective of managers, but also benefit from
the creative abrasion of the two different types of
knowledge systems to givemeaning to the research
context. Further, one of the greatest strengths of
engaged scholarship is that it can help to mobilize
the insights in real time, which means that re-
searchers can sometimes even assess the efficacy
of their findings in real time (Rynes, Bartunek, &
Daft, 2001).

Relatively few research articles based on engaged
scholarship or action researchmake it into the pages
of AMJ, because authors have difficulty describing
their experience and describing their role. How-
ever, given that many qualitative researchers are
engaged scholars, it is important for researchers to
be forthright about their role. Jay’s (2013) article on
the transformation of the Cambridge Energy Alli-
ance from a client-oriented business to a public
service nonprofit offers a good exemplar of engaged
scholarship. During his two-year ethnography as an
organizational historian, he shared with his in-
formants his insights about the context, actions, and
outcomes, which he recognized likely shaped the
views of his informants.He countered the criticisms
for such close engagement by being transparent and
reflexive,while also keeping a ‘fourth notebook.’He
also recognizes that he gained deep, first-hand in-
sights into the conflicts that his informants experi-
enced in the change process, which gave him
an emic perspective of the organization’s transition

Historical Studies

Although longitudinal case studies or process stud-
ies often analyze historical data, we are witnessing
a ‘historical turn’ in management and orga-
nization studies (Godfrey, Hassard, O’Connor,
Rowlinson, & Ruef, 2016; Kipping & Üsdiken,
2014; Rowlinson, Hassard, & Decker, 2014). This
turn is shifting attention from the simple use of

2018 Bansal, Smith, and Vaara 1191

historical data to the value of these analyses in
making us see the social, cultural, and institu-
tional construction of organizational and mana-
gerial phenomena in historical context. Whereas
hypothetico-deductive logic seeks universal laws
or mechanisms, historical analysis recognizes the
temporal and spatial historical embeddedness of
organizational phenomena. Such analysis requires
access to or ability to gather appropriate data, as
well as the key principles of historical analysis:
a preference for authentic archival data over ret-
rospective material, comprehensive source criti-
cism, and researchers’ reflexivity in constructing
the narrative.

Although few in number, we have increasingly
seen more historical papers published in leading
journals such as AMJ. For instance, Cattani, Dunbar,
andShapira (2013) provided anexemplaryhistorical
analysis of value creation and knowledge loss by
studying how value has been attributed to Cremon-
ese stringed instruments from the 16th to the 19th
centuries. Hampel and Tracey (2017) offered an il-
luminating institutional analysis of how Thomas
Cook’s travel agency moved from stigmatization to
legitimacy among the elite of Victorian Britain. Such
studies successfully highlight historically embed-
ded processes and practices and their changes over

There are, however, many ways of conducting
historical work, and these can be understood as
subgenres. For instance, Vaara and Lamberg (2016)
distinguished between realist, interpretative, and
poststructuralist approaches to using historical
methods and conducting historically oriented strat-
egy research. Each of these approaches can elucidate
particular aspects of historical phenomena, but they
also imply very different kinds of perspectives on
empiricalmaterial,methods of analysis, and theways
in which research findings are articulated in papers.
For instance, as in the studies mentioned above,
realist historical analysis can uncover the process
dynamics and help to elucidate the historically em-
bedded agency of decision-makers or managers, im-
plying a need to focus on as accurate a reconstruction
of historical events and trajectories as possible. More
interpretative studies, such as microhistorical ana-
lyses, can instead illuminate the roleof specific events
and practices and how they exemplify typical char-
acteristics of a particular time period from the per-
spective of the key actors involved. Poststructuralist
historical studies can in turn problematize typically
held historical interpretations, requiring a special
emphasis on reflexivity and criticality.

Discourse Studies

There are many discursive approaches to analyz-
ing organizational data, such as content analysis,
conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis,
Foucauldian discourse analysis, and narrative stud-
ies (Phillips & Oswick, 2012; Vaara, Sonenshein, &
Boje, 2016). Although it is somewhat problematic to
lump these approaches together, they share some
common elements that can be described under one
heading. Specifically, this genre assumes a socially
constructed or poststructuralist understanding of
social reality that seeks to uncover and deconstruct
meanings, rather than seek to discover causal con-
nections (Fairclough, 2003; Foucault, 1977). Thus,
this genre offers a unique way of seeing the con-
struction of organizational and managerial phe-
nomena through discursive practices. By so doing,
discourse analysis not only emphasizes the role of
languageor communicationper se, it also offersways
to problematize commonly held conceptions and to
conduct critical research. This approach, however,
requires an ability to combine detailed linguistic
analysis with critical analysis of specific organiza-
tional phenomena.

An early example of discourse studies is Boje’s
(1995) poststructuralist narrative analysis of Disney,
which focused on the stories used to construct the
history of the company. This analysis revealed the
alternative stories and marginalized voices in this
historical construction. More recently, Maguire and
Hardy (2013) have studied the discursive processes
and practices through which products “become”
seen as risky, considering the implications for iden-
tity andpower. Such studies have elucidated the role
of discourse and discursive practices and also paved
the way for other types of analysis, such as conver-
sation analysis or themoredetailed critical discourse


While qualitative research uses data and analyses
that can flex to fit the researchers’ preferences,
scholars must still ensure rigor and fit. We offer four
core principles to help scholars more effectively
write, review, and read qualitative papers across the
broad range of qualitative genres.

Principle #1: Know Your Epistemology

Specific genres reflect particular onto-epistemological
assumptions that should be taken seriously through
the research process and writing the paper. The

1192 AugustAcademy of Management Journal

majority of papers submitted to and published in
journals such as AMJ tend to subscribe to the para-
digm of normal science that aims to find relation-
ships among valid constructs that can be replicated
by anyone. In such cases, researchers may not need
to explicitly elaborate on onto-epistemological is-
sues, which is the case with variance-based case
studies. However, genres that deviate from normal
science require researchers to often explicitly state
their onto-epistemological assumptions. For in-
stance, process studies need to state their relational
and temporal ontology in order to discriminate them-
selves from more variance-based approaches to
change. Similarly, poststructuralist forms of dis-
course studies must make their epistemological as-
sumptions explicit to differentiate them from other
types of studies and to help others see the value in
this kind of critical work.

Principle #2: Ensure that the Research Questions,
Data, and Analysis are Internally Consistent

Effective scholarship requires alignment between
one’s research questions, data, and analysis.Whereas
quantitative scholars often make decisions at the
start of a project to ensure that the data collection
and analysis fit with the research question, qualita-
tive, inductive approaches often require rethinking
these questions throughout the project. Insights
emerging while collecting data often reveal new
ideas that might inspire new data collection, alter-
native analytical processes, and even a modified re-
search question. While this process enables more
flexibility, the final scholarship still requires align-
ment across the research question, data collected,
and analytical processes—as well as alignment be-
tween these design choices and the overall genre’s
epistemology. Therefore, scholars must be open and
transparent about their assumptions and maintain
internal consistency throughout the paper. More-
over, scholars engaged in inductive inquiry must
often be familiar with a variety of genres to be able
to deliberately and purposely make choices that
align the research question, data, and analytical
methods in the final manuscript. Although we
appreciate and encourage scholars to boldly dis-
cover and follow new theories and methods, this
should be done in a careful manner that is mindful
about the differences between various genres and
subgenres. For instance, when engaging in dis-
course analysis, the tradition of conversation anal-
ysis is very different from Foucauldian discourse

Principle #3: Be Authentic, Detailed, and Clear in
Argumentation and Style of Writing

The writing up of qualitative papers should be
detailed and authentic in terms of the genre fol-
lowed. In particular, the methods sections should
be as complete as possible, and researchers must
be able to defend the decisions they make to their
specific context. For example, almost all re-
searchers impact their organizational context, es-
pecially when they are deeply embedded in their
research context, as in the case of ethnographic re-
search. We encourage researchers to not only ex-
plicitly report their impact on their context, but also
to be reflexive in their data collection, so they rec-
ognize the role they play in shaping the organiza-
tional outcomes or their own implicit biases in
interpreting the result(s). Similarly, we advise re-
searchers to be authentic in the way they write up
their findings sections and conclusions. This is not,
however, always easy, as there is a need to apply
and adjust the original ideas in new contexts. Thus,
for instance, historical analysis can rarely be re-
ported in as detailed a way as historians ideally
would want to have it because that would require
more space than we usually have and leave less
room for theoretical contributions than is needed in
our own field. Similarly, discourse analysis should
focus attention on the linguistic micro processes
and practices, but this should not eat up all the
space needed to make specific points about the role
discourse in the managerial or organizational phe-
nomena one is studying.

Principle #4: Use Exemplary Papers, but Do Not
Force Fit Your Scholarshipwith Existing Templates

We applaud the increasing scholarship advancing
clear prescriptions and developing exemplary pa-
pers, which collectively advance methodological
rigor and ensure the value of our insights. We en-
courage scholars using new genres to continue to
find exemplars and templates to help ensure such
rigor. However, given that most genres are context
specific, following prior work too closely can result
in force fitting analysis that does not cohere with
one’s own approach. Authors must see their work as
unique and seek to continue to innovate and develop
the qualitative methods to avoid orthodoxies. We
also maintain that juxtaposing methodological ap-
proaches against one another can help inspire in-
novation within and across genres (see Gehman,
Glaser, Eisenhardt, Gioia, Langley, & Corley, 2018).

2018 Bansal, Smith, and Vaara 1193

Adopting qualitative, inductive methods allows
scholars to surface new insights and enable new
ways of seeing. The types of qualitative methods are
rich and varied. By focusing on a narrow set of
qualitative methods, we limit the types of insight we
surface as qualitative scholars. Our hope is to inspire
more scholarship that adopts these broader genres
and extends newways of seeing in management and
organizational research.

Pratima (Tima) Bansal
Ivey Business School, Western University

Wendy K. Smith
University of Delaware

Eero Vaara
Aalto University School of Business

EMLYON Business School
Lancaster University


Ashforth, B. E., & Reingen, P. H. 2014. Functions of dys-
function:Managing the dynamics of an organizational
duality in a natural food cooperative. Administrative
Science Quarterly, 59: 474–516.

Bamberger, P. A., & Pratt, M. G. 2010. From the
editors—Moving forward by looking back: Reclaiming
unconventional research contexts and samples in or-
ganizational scholarship. Academy of Management
Journal, 53: 665–671.

Bansal, P., & Corley, K. 2011. From the editors—The
coming of age for qualitative research: Embracing the
diversity of qualitative methods. Academy of Man-
agement Journal, 54: 233–238.

Battilana, J., & Dorado, S. 2010. Building sustainable
hybrid organizations: The case of commercial micro-
finance organizations. Academy of Management
Journal, 53: 1419–1440.

Boje, D. 1995. Stories of the storytelling organization: A
postmodern analysis of Disney as “Tamara-land.”
Academy of Management Journal, 38: 997–1035.

Cattani, G., Dunbar, R., & Shapira, Z. 2013. Value creation
and knowledge loss: The case of Cremonese stringed
instruments. Organization Science, 24: 813–830.

Dewey, J. 1938. Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York,
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2018 Bansal, Smith, and Vaara 1195

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r Academy of Management Journal
2018, Vol. 61, No. 4, 1189–1195.



Qualitative research offers critical tools that ad-
vance our editorial team’s ambition to foster ‘new
ways of seeing’ (see Shaw, Bansal, & Gruber, 2017).
By building theory inductively, research based on
qualitative data offers insights that challenge taken-
for-granted theories and expose new theoretical di-
rections. As we face more wicked problems in our
world, scholars are increasingly adopting qualitative
methods to unpack these complex challenges. In the
last year, qualitative papers hit an all-time high of
20% of submissions to Academy of Management
Journal (AMJ).

Yet, effectively unpacking new theory requires
scholars to take advantage of the breadth and variety
of approaches to qualitative research. In2011, Bansal
and Corley lamented that qualitative research was
norming around a single approach—often, case-
based positivist research with systematically coded
data—and called for more methodological diversity.
As editors, we are now seeing more papers sub-
mitted with varied qualitative methods, but these
more novel approaches remain in the minority nev-
ertheless. In this editorial, we underscore Bansal
and Corley’s (2011) argument that such diversity in
qualitative research is critical to advancing our cur-
rent AMJ editorial team’s desire to foster “new ways
of seeing.” By exposing the breadth of approaches
covered by the single label of “qualitative research,”
we hope to motivate researchers to more fully em-
brace opportunities that advance theory through
qualitative methods. In so doing, we believe that
the theoretical insights will contribute to our col-
lective understanding of tackling someof theworld’s
most intractable management and organizational
challenges (Eisenhardt, Graebner, and Sonenshein,

In this editorial, we describe different qualitative
methods as genres—distinct approaches with their
own internally coherent epistemology, historical
roots, and assumptions. Similar to different works of
literature, music, or film, a genre emphasizes vari-
ety across types of qualitative research, as well as

alignment of logics within each type. Examples of
qualitative genres include case study research, pro-
cess studies, engaged scholarship, historical studies,
discourse studies, paradox as a method, dialectical
inquiry, and fuzzy set qualitative comparative anal-
ysis. Just as the label of ‘qualitative research’ con-
tains within it a variety of genres, these genres often
contain within them gradations and subgenres,
which may form their own genre. Indeed, we antic-
ipate that the diversity of methodologies will only
expand in scope as the qualitative field continues to
mature, but only as long as we remain vigilant in
ensuring that the field does not institutionalize
around a few norms too quickly.

In this editorial, we first outline the broad cate-
gory of qualitative research and highlight its value
for new ways of seeing. We then expand upon some
exemplary genres of qualitative research, noting
their internally aligned assumptions as well as their
distinctions from other genres. We conclude this
editorial byhighlighting four core principles that can
help both authors and reviewers alike adopt and as-
sess the quality of research that aims to see in new


By ‘qualitative research,’ we mean scholarship
that primarily relies on qualitative data and induc-
tive theorizing. Quantitative data are numerical, and
can be added, manipulated, and transformed into
efficient data displays. Qualitative data, on the other
hand, are nonreduceable text, including words and
visuals delivered in static (e.g., paper) or dynamic
form (e.g., theater). Although these qualitative data
can be digitized, synthesized, and even counted,
doing so first requires interpretation of the data to
discern patterns and insights. Given the broad forms
in which qualitative data may appear, a researcher’s
onto-epistemological assumptions often shape his/
her approaches to this analytical process.

Inductive theorizing is a cornerstone of qualitative
research.Whereas quantitativemethodsdeducenew
knowledge that relies heavily on logical reasoning
based on prior insights and expands understanding

All authors contributed equally and are listed in alpha-
betical order.


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along existing or adjacent paths, qualitative research
surfaces new insights that can often introduce theory
in completely new directions. When adopting qual-
itative methods, scholars draw on the observations
from the data to introduce abstracted knowledge that
can generalize beyond the specific contexts. Induc-
tive theorizing grounded in data can broaden the
researchers’ epistemological framewith longer leaps
thanhypo-deductive logic basedonquantitative data,
thereby yielding completely novel ideas.

Such inductive theorizing based on qualitative data
are particularly appropriate in new or understudied
empirical contexts where there is relatively little prior
work, as in the case of complex, messy grand chal-
lenges (Nadkarniet al., 2018).AsBambergerandPratt’s
(2010) AMJ editorial advocated, unconventional con-
texts serve to break our assumed theoretical frames. By
starting with the phenomena, researchers can some-
times discern perspectives inaccessible through
hypothetico-deductive logic. By enabling lateral shifts
in knowledge that are often difficult to observe using
deductive methods, qualitative research advances
critical thinking and scholarship.


Qualitative research includes many genres, each
offering a different lens with which to view phe-
nomena.Wedescribe several examples of qualitative
research, seeking to highlight the rich breadth of
insights through different qualitative genres drawn
from management research and from scholarly tra-
ditions developed in other fields of social sciences
and the humanities. The connection to these other
traditions helps researchers see the links to other
onto-epistemological assumptions, recognizing the
origins of the ideas and their related traditions. Our
examples are meant to be illustrative not compre-
hensive;we invite scholars to recognize anddeploy a
full range of genres that fits their research endeavor,
alignswith their data, and reflects their ownpersonal
research preferences.

Variance-Based Case Studies

Variance-based case studies build an understand-
ing of the relationships between well-defined con-
structs, so that the proposed relationships transcend
a specific context (Eisenhardt, 1989). These studies
often aim to unpack “what causes what,” as re-
searchers seek to understand the factors that can ex-
plain different outcomes.

Multiple case studies use a replication-and-
comparison logic to see patterns in a data set. Cases
with outcomes that vary (e.g. success and failure) are
useful in eliciting different explanatory variables;
multiple cases with the same outcomes (e.g. success
or failure) strengthen the reliability of the theory.
Even single case studies can be used to support
variance-based theorizing, comparing the current
data against insights from received theory. These
variance-based approaches tend to follow a positivist
paradigm, so that other researchers can assess the
validityof the theoryandconstructsby applying them
to different empirical settings.

More than any other qualitative method, this
positivist genre dovetails most closely with deduc-
tive, quantitative research. Whereas a hypothetico-
deductive approach to theorizing starts with prior
theory, an inductive approach starts with the data
or context-specific problem (Weick, 1992).However,
the propositions derived in this type of positivist
analysis can extend prior work and stimulate future
deductivework (Eisenhardt &Graebner, 2007), though
doing so in ways that offer potential leapfrogs in the-
Solansky, and Travis (2007) used a single case study
to observe how a series of small events—specifically,
offering hot breakfasts— ultimately contributed to
radical changes in a church. To understand this phe-
nomenon, the authors applied complexity theory to
theorize how such small triggers could result in such
radical changes. Complexity theory had previously
received little attention in mainstream management
journals. By applying this theory, the authors ex-
panded our field’s engagement with it.

Process Studies

Process studies explore change, emergence, ad-
aptation, and transformation. Whereas variance ap-
proachesprioritize static entities, unpack their stable
structures and constitutive features, and identify the
factors that lead to specific outcomes, process on-
tology shifts the focus to the ongoing, dynamic, and
shifting experiences. Early process studies consid-
ered how entities changed from one time period to
the next (Mintzberg, 1978; Pettigrew; 1990). Starting
in the late 1990s, however, scholars argued for
a ‘strong’ process approach that diminishes entities
altogether and explores phenomena as always
changing (for an overview, see Langley & Tsoukas,
2010, 2017). For example, Tushman andRomanelli’s
(1985) work on punctuated equilibrium represents
an early approach to process studies, highlighting

1190 AugustAcademy of Management Journal

the adaptive states of “variation and selection” that
stimulate organizational innovation and change
between more stable states of “retention.” In con-
trast, Weick and Quinn (1999) proffered a strong
process model, suggesting that change is not epi-
sodically occurring betweenmore static periods, but
continuous and ongoing, such that there are no static

Process studiesdraw fromrichphilosophical roots
(i.e., Dewey, 1938; James, 1952; Whitehead, 1978),
relying on a dynamic, relational, and antidualistic
ontology. This ontology describes a world that is in
constant flux, where individuals and environments
are mutually constitutive. The nature of these flow-
ing relationships take primacy, such that, in the ex-
treme, the dualistic distinctions we make between
the individual and the environment, the self and the
other, themind and the bodyabsolve to focus only on
their dynamic interactions.

Adopting a process view then invites us to observe
flows, changes, and relationality. For example,
a more variance-oriented study might identify rou-
tines and ask how particular routines lead tomore or
less impact on organizational outcomes. A strong
process view, in contrast, explores the underlying
motor of routines, and how routines themselves are
in constant flux and change informing as well as
informed by the users that adopt them (Feldman
& Pentland, 2003). Similarly, a more variance-
oriented study of hybridity might hold constant
competing logics, goals, and identities and explore
organizational factors that lead to increased or de-
creased conflict between these competing demands
(Battilana & Dorado, 2010; Pache & Santos, 2013).
A process-oriented view might explore the morph-
ing and changing of competing logics, goals, and
identities in relation to one another over time
(Ashforth & Reingen, 2014; Jay, 2013; Smith &
Besharov, 2017).

Engaged Scholarship

In most positivist research, we expect the people
conducting the research to distance themselves from
the ‘thing’ they are observing. Doing so protects
the researchers’ objectivity and ensures that their
biases do not influence scholarly outcomes. ‘En-
gaged scholarship’ challenges this assumption of
distance and objectivity. According to this genre,
qualitative researchers cannot be disentangled from
their context; the very presence of a researcher in the
context will ultimately influence the research con-
text such that ultimately the two may be mutually

constituted (Van de Ven, 2007). Instead, these
connections between the researcher and the
researched can be considered a strength for insights,
as the people being studied are often seen as collab-
orators in the research process.

Although scientific knowledge and practical
knowledge are different, they can inform each other
and the greater embeddedness of the researcher
in his or her context will favor deeper insights
and empathy for those that he or she is research-
ing. Engaged scholarship, then, offers new ways
of seeing, as the insights not only incorporate
the perspective of managers, but also benefit from
the creative abrasion of the two different types of
knowledge systems to givemeaning to the research
context. Further, one of the greatest strengths of
engaged scholarship is that it can help to mobilize
the insights in real time, which means that re-
searchers can sometimes even assess the efficacy
of their findings in real time (Rynes, Bartunek, &
Daft, 2001).

Relatively few research articles based on engaged
scholarship or action researchmake it into the pages
of AMJ, because authors have difficulty describing
their experience and describing their role. How-
ever, given that many qualitative researchers are
engaged scholars, it is important for researchers to
be forthright about their role. Jay’s (2013) article on
the transformation of the Cambridge Energy Alli-
ance from a client-oriented business to a public
service nonprofit offers a good exemplar of engaged
scholarship. During his two-year ethnography as an
organizational historian, he shared with his in-
formants his insights about the context, actions, and
outcomes, which he recognized likely shaped the
views of his informants.He countered the criticisms
for such close engagement by being transparent and
reflexive,while also keeping a ‘fourth notebook.’He
also recognizes that he gained deep, first-hand in-
sights into the conflicts that his informants experi-
enced in the change process, which gave him
an emic perspective of the organization’s transition

Historical Studies

Although longitudinal case studies or process stud-
ies often analyze historical data, we are witnessing
a ‘historical turn’ in management and orga-
nization studies (Godfrey, Hassard, O’Connor,
Rowlinson, & Ruef, 2016; Kipping & Üsdiken,
2014; Rowlinson, Hassard, & Decker, 2014). This
turn is shifting attention from the simple use of

2018 Bansal, Smith, and Vaara 1191

historical data to the value of these analyses in
making us see the social, cultural, and institu-
tional construction of organizational and mana-
gerial phenomena in historical context. Whereas
hypothetico-deductive logic seeks universal laws
or mechanisms, historical analysis recognizes the
temporal and spatial historical embeddedness of
organizational phenomena. Such analysis requires
access to or ability to gather appropriate data, as
well as the key principles of historical analysis:
a preference for authentic archival data over ret-
rospective material, comprehensive source criti-
cism, and researchers’ reflexivity in constructing
the narrative.

Although few in number, we have increasingly
seen more historical papers published in leading
journals such as AMJ. For instance, Cattani, Dunbar,
andShapira (2013) provided anexemplaryhistorical
analysis of value creation and knowledge loss by
studying how value has been attributed to Cremon-
ese stringed instruments from the 16th to the 19th
centuries. Hampel and Tracey (2017) offered an il-
luminating institutional analysis of how Thomas
Cook’s travel agency moved from stigmatization to
legitimacy among the elite of Victorian Britain. Such
studies successfully highlight historically embed-
ded processes and practices and their changes over

There are, however, many ways of conducting
historical work, and these can be understood as
subgenres. For instance, Vaara and Lamberg (2016)
distinguished between realist, interpretative, and
poststructuralist approaches to using historical
methods and conducting historically oriented strat-
egy research. Each of these approaches can elucidate
particular aspects of historical phenomena, but they
also imply very different kinds of perspectives on
empiricalmaterial,methods of analysis, and theways
in which research findings are articulated in papers.
For instance, as in the studies mentioned above,
realist historical analysis can uncover the process
dynamics and help to elucidate the historically em-
bedded agency of decision-makers or managers, im-
plying a need to focus on as accurate a reconstruction
of historical events and trajectories as possible. More
interpretative studies, such as microhistorical ana-
lyses, can instead illuminate the roleof specific events
and practices and how they exemplify typical char-
acteristics of a particular time period from the per-
spective of the key actors involved. Poststructuralist
historical studies can in turn problematize typically
held historical interpretations, requiring a special
emphasis on reflexivity and criticality.

Discourse Studies

There are many discursive approaches to analyz-
ing organizational data, such as content analysis,
conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis,
Foucauldian discourse analysis, and narrative stud-
ies (Phillips & Oswick, 2012; Vaara, Sonenshein, &
Boje, 2016). Although it is somewhat problematic to
lump these approaches together, they share some
common elements that can be described under one
heading. Specifically, this genre assumes a socially
constructed or poststructuralist understanding of
social reality that seeks to uncover and deconstruct
meanings, rather than seek to discover causal con-
nections (Fairclough, 2003; Foucault, 1977). Thus,
this genre offers a unique way of seeing the con-
struction of organizational and managerial phe-
nomena through discursive practices. By so doing,
discourse analysis not only emphasizes the role of
languageor communicationper se, it also offersways
to problematize commonly held conceptions and to
conduct critical research. This approach, however,
requires an ability to combine detailed linguistic
analysis with critical analysis of specific organiza-
tional phenomena.

An early example of discourse studies is Boje’s
(1995) poststructuralist narrative analysis of Disney,
which focused on the stories used to construct the
history of the company. This analysis revealed the
alternative stories and marginalized voices in this
historical construction. More recently, Maguire and
Hardy (2013) have studied the discursive processes
and practices through which products “become”
seen as risky, considering the implications for iden-
tity andpower. Such studies have elucidated the role
of discourse and discursive practices and also paved
the way for other types of analysis, such as conver-
sation analysis or themoredetailed critical discourse


While qualitative research uses data and analyses
that can flex to fit the researchers’ preferences,
scholars must still ensure rigor and fit. We offer four
core principles to help scholars more effectively
write, review, and read qualitative papers across the
broad range of qualitative genres.

Principle #1: Know Your Epistemology

Specific genres reflect particular onto-epistemological
assumptions that should be taken seriously through
the research process and writing the paper. The

1192 AugustAcademy of Management Journal

majority of papers submitted to and published in
journals such as AMJ tend to subscribe to the para-
digm of normal science that aims to find relation-
ships among valid constructs that can be replicated
by anyone. In such cases, researchers may not need
to explicitly elaborate on onto-epistemological is-
sues, which is the case with variance-based case
studies. However, genres that deviate from normal
science require researchers to often explicitly state
their onto-epistemological assumptions. For in-
stance, process studies need to state their relational
and temporal ontology in order to discriminate them-
selves from more variance-based approaches to
change. Similarly, poststructuralist forms of dis-
course studies must make their epistemological as-
sumptions explicit to differentiate them from other
types of studies and to help others see the value in
this kind of critical work.

Principle #2: Ensure that the Research Questions,
Data, and Analysis are Internally Consistent

Effective scholarship requires alignment between
one’s research questions, data, and analysis.Whereas
quantitative scholars often make decisions at the
start of a project to ensure that the data collection
and analysis fit with the research question, qualita-
tive, inductive approaches often require rethinking
these questions throughout the project. Insights
emerging while collecting data often reveal new
ideas that might inspire new data collection, alter-
native analytical processes, and even a modified re-
search question. While this process enables more
flexibility, the final scholarship still requires align-
ment across the research question, data collected,
and analytical processes—as well as alignment be-
tween these design choices and the overall genre’s
epistemology. Therefore, scholars must be open and
transparent about their assumptions and maintain
internal consistency throughout the paper. More-
over, scholars engaged in inductive inquiry must
often be familiar with a variety of genres to be able
to deliberately and purposely make choices that
align the research question, data, and analytical
methods in the final manuscript. Although we
appreciate and encourage scholars to boldly dis-
cover and follow new theories and methods, this
should be done in a careful manner that is mindful
about the differences between various genres and
subgenres. For instance, when engaging in dis-
course analysis, the tradition of conversation anal-
ysis is very different from Foucauldian discourse

Principle #3: Be Authentic, Detailed, and Clear in
Argumentation and Style of Writing

The writing up of qualitative papers should be
detailed and authentic in terms of the genre fol-
lowed. In particular, the methods sections should
be as complete as possible, and researchers must
be able to defend the decisions they make to their
specific context. For example, almost all re-
searchers impact their organizational context, es-
pecially when they are deeply embedded in their
research context, as in the case of ethnographic re-
search. We encourage researchers to not only ex-
plicitly report their impact on their context, but also
to be reflexive in their data collection, so they rec-
ognize the role they play in shaping the organiza-
tional outcomes or their own implicit biases in
interpreting the result(s). Similarly, we advise re-
searchers to be authentic in the way they write up
their findings sections and conclusions. This is not,
however, always easy, as there is a need to apply
and adjust the original ideas in new contexts. Thus,
for instance, historical analysis can rarely be re-
ported in as detailed a way as historians ideally
would want to have it because that would require
more space than we usually have and leave less
room for theoretical contributions than is needed in
our own field. Similarly, discourse analysis should
focus attention on the linguistic micro processes
and practices, but this should not eat up all the
space needed to make specific points about the role
discourse in the managerial or organizational phe-
nomena one is studying.

Principle #4: Use Exemplary Papers, but Do Not
Force Fit Your Scholarshipwith Existing Templates

We applaud the increasing scholarship advancing
clear prescriptions and developing exemplary pa-
pers, which collectively advance methodological
rigor and ensure the value of our insights. We en-
courage scholars using new genres to continue to
find exemplars and templates to help ensure such
rigor. However, given that most genres are context
specific, following prior work too closely can result
in force fitting analysis that does not cohere with
one’s own approach. Authors must see their work as
unique and seek to continue to innovate and develop
the qualitative methods to avoid orthodoxies. We
also maintain that juxtaposing methodological ap-
proaches against one another can help inspire in-
novation within and across genres (see Gehman,
Glaser, Eisenhardt, Gioia, Langley, & Corley, 2018).

2018 Bansal, Smith, and Vaara 1193

Adopting qualitative, inductive methods allows
scholars to surface new insights and enable new
ways of seeing. The types of qualitative methods are
rich and varied. By focusing on a narrow set of
qualitative methods, we limit the types of insight we
surface as qualitative scholars. Our hope is to inspire
more scholarship that adopts these broader genres
and extends newways of seeing in management and
organizational research.

Pratima (Tima) Bansal
Ivey Business School, Western University

Wendy K. Smith
University of Delaware

Eero Vaara
Aalto University School of Business

EMLYON Business School
Lancaster University


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function:Managing the dynamics of an organizational
duality in a natural food cooperative. Administrative
Science Quarterly, 59: 474–516.

Bamberger, P. A., & Pratt, M. G. 2010. From the
editors—Moving forward by looking back: Reclaiming
unconventional research contexts and samples in or-
ganizational scholarship. Academy of Management
Journal, 53: 665–671.

Bansal, P., & Corley, K. 2011. From the editors—The
coming of age for qualitative research: Embracing the
diversity of qualitative methods. Academy of Man-
agement Journal, 54: 233–238.

Battilana, J., & Dorado, S. 2010. Building sustainable
hybrid organizations: The case of commercial micro-
finance organizations. Academy of Management
Journal, 53: 1419–1440.

Boje, D. 1995. Stories of the storytelling organization: A
postmodern analysis of Disney as “Tamara-land.”
Academy of Management Journal, 38: 997–1035.

Cattani, G., Dunbar, R., & Shapira, Z. 2013. Value creation
and knowledge loss: The case of Cremonese stringed
instruments. Organization Science, 24: 813–830.

Dewey, J. 1938. Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York,
NY: Holt.

Eisenhardt, K.M. & Graebner, M.E. 2007. Theory building
from cases: Opportunities and challenges. Academy
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Eisenhardt, K.M., Graebner, M.E., Sonenshein, S. 2016.
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  • SAGE Research Methods
  • The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research
  • Pub. Date: 2017

    Product: SAGE Research Methods



    Methods: Qualitative data collection, Qualitative data analysis, Qualitative measures

    Keywords: business and management, craft work, judgment (psychology)

    Disciplines: Business and Management, Economics

    Access Date: January 4, 2023

    Publishing Company: SAGE Publications, Ltd.

    City: London

    Online ISBN: 9781526419552

    © 2017 SAGE Publications, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


    [MUSIC PLAYING] [The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research]

    DR. EMMA BELL: I’m Emma Bell, and I’m a Professor of Management and Organization Studies at

    Keele University. [Dr. Emma Bell, Professor of Management and Organization Studis].

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT: And I’m Hugh Wilmott, and I’m a Professor of Management at Cass Business

    School and also at Cardiff Business School. We’re going to be talking about qualitative business re-

    search, and we’re going to start with a quote from C. Wright Mills, who refers to intellectual crafts-


    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: We perhaps prefer to call that intellectual craft person ship. The

    quote really indicates the kind of area that we want to talk about today. The key point is that we want

    to suggest that qualitative research is not about religiously following procedures,

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: but it’s a much more creative process, a process where craft is

    the appropriate metaphor, where we try to craft our activity to be creative, to recognize that there’s a

    room for rules and procedures, but also scope to be much more creative in understanding

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: the social world. So it’s this craft practice that we want to explore

    and emphasize today. So in this tutorial, we want to cover three areas. We want to start by identifying

    some of the characteristics of qualitative business research. Then we want to explore a little bit on

    how qualitative business

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: research is crafted. And then we want finally to look at some of

    these threats and opportunities for qualitative business research. [What is Qualitative Business Re-

    search?] The first point to be made is that business, and management, and so on, is one sphere of


    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: we do which can be researched. There are other spheres like re-

    ligion, or family, science, and so on. But our focus here is the area of business and management,

    broadly defined. And we would say that this sphere comprises a lot of practices, social practices,

    what people do on a day to day basis.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: And so the methods of social science are equally applicable for

    studying this sphere. So we have psychologists. We have sociologists, and anthropologists, econo-

    mists, and so on, examining the sphere. [What is Qualitative Research?]

    DR. EMMA BELL: So we’ve talked about qualitative business research, but I want to explore in a

    little more detail now what we mean by qualitative research. And we need to start by using the word,

    “interpretation.” Interpretation is crucial to what qualitative researches do. That involves the interpre-


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    Page 2 of 6 The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research

    tation of words.

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: That include various forms of textual data, interview data, written

    words. And so often, the distinction that is made between quantitative research and qualitative re-

    search is that the former is about numbers, and the latter is focusing on words.

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: But that really is to oversimplify things. In some ways, the matter of

    interpretation is something that’s common to both quantitative and qualitative research. And so we

    might say that because of that, both kinds of research are “crafty.” They involve some aspect of turn-

    ing text or interpreting it

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: in a way that changes its meaning or overlays meaning. And so qual-

    itative research involves a continuous exercise of judgment, a continuous process of imaginatively

    working with data in ways that transform it.

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: [How is Qualitative Business Research Crafted?]

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT: So we’ll start by looking at three quotes that in different ways, illuminates

    what we mean by craft in qualitative business research. So take a look at the first quote. [“Research

    is a craft. The learning of craft skills may take years of trial and error. Through practice one learns

    to ask research questions, how to conduct research projects, and what to strive for when writing a

    research paper. Significant research then, is a way of thinking that can be called craftsmanship.”]

    Caft, R. (1983). Learning the craft of organizational research, Academy of Management Review, 8,

    539-546. It recognizes that the development of these skills occurs over time.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: They can’t be rushed. It’s a matter of continuous practice and re-

    finement, a process of trial and error, of learning as much from the difficulties of undertaking research

    as from the successes, and developing really a way of thinking, the kind that Emma was discussing

    just now,

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: where imagination, the capacity to think in more broad ways to

    make connections, and so on, becomes very, very important. [Craftwork involves the disciplined cre-

    ativity that results in a tangible and well made product–in this case, the piece of research. Knowl-

    edge of methods and theoreticcal paradigns alone is therefore insufficient for engaging in the craft of

    research. Of much more value is the noton of an intellectual tradition.”] Prasad, P. (2005). Crafting

    qualitative research; Working in the post-positivist traditions. Armonk, NY; M.E. Sharpe. But as the

    second quote points out, it is a disciplined process, and that discipline comes through processes of


    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: but also through engaging with other researchers, getting feed-


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    Page 3 of 6 The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research

    back from other researchers, and developing, as any craftsperson would, the capacity to undertake

    research, working within specific intellectual traditions. So these traditions develop over time,

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: and people develop apprenticeships within those traditions.

    “Craftwork is construed as the more exploratory expressions of embedded and aesthetic forms of

    knowledge. Craft is a starting place, a set of possibilities. It avoids absolutes, certainties, over robust

    definitions, solace. It offers places, interstices, where objects and people meet. It is unstable, contin-

    gent. It is about experience. It is about desire. It can be beautiful. (de Waal)” Cunlife, A.L. (2011).

    Crafting qualitative research; Morgan and Smircich 30 years on. Organizational Research Methods,

    14, 647-673. The final quote, again, tries to highlight some of the important features of craft work.

    So, for example, it is skeptical about certainties.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: It’s skeptical about absolutes. In other words, it is constantly ques-

    tioning existing forms of authority. It looks for gaps that exist, in terms of how we think, rather than

    following rigid pathways.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: And therefore, there is a degree of instability about it. There’s a

    degree of contingency about it, and there’s a kind of aesthetics about the process. I suppose it’s like

    when you see something that is being produced by a crafts person, and you can sense that there is

    an aesthetic quality

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: to that piece of work.

    DR. EMMA BELL: So we need to understand research craft work as a socially embedded practice, or

    something that relies on skills, on being regularly practiced, as an activity that’s learned within com-

    munities, that’s learned by doing research, that’s

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: learned by enacting certain practices within groups. And so from that,

    we get a sense of the nature of craft as an activity that is intuitive, that is tacit, rather than explicit,

    and therefore,

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: cannot be acquired through the following of set rules and procedures.

    And the image that you see on the slide now is of a craft worker, of somebody working with clay, and

    forming it into a pot. And we see this as a very useful metaphor,

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: in terms of communicating what the essential characteristics of re-

    search craft entail, because it highlights the intimate relationship between the craft worker and the

    object with which they engage. They work with their hands to form something,

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: and it’s a creative process of engagement. And the quote that you see

    here relates to the nature of that learning process, the way in which it is a form of apprenticeship.


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    Page 4 of 6 The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research

    Very often, and I think Hugh and I could probably exchange stories of how we learnt our research


    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: but we learnt it through watching others, through doing research in

    groups, and talking about research with other researchers. And it’s that kind of process of learning

    that we believe is essential in qualitative business research. In this next image, you see a patchwork


    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: which is another useful metaphor for thinking about the nature of qual-

    itative business research as craft, as an activity involving piecing together, working in what is some-

    times referred to as bricolage, a process of taking existing materials, and forming them into some-

    thing new.

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: And this image also draws attention to something about the process

    of analyzing qualitative data as an activity which involves forming patterns, patterns in the data that

    then become something meaningful, something which is recognizable. [Key points -Qualitative re-

    search is a creative process

    DR. EMMA BELL [continued]: that can be likened to a craft. -Like a craft, it is mastered by learning

    while doing. -It requires a deep commitment to exploration, involving imagination and creativity. -If

    done well, it results in a well made research product that has credibility, new insights, contributes to

    the tradition and is illuminating to the participants.]

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT: So drawing this section of our tutorial to a close, we’ve tried to summarize

    some of the key points. And we begin with this quote from Adamson, whose book is called, Thinking

    Through Craft. And he stresses how for him, at least, and for us, craft is very much a process.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: It’s an approach. It’s an attitude, a habit of action. It’s something

    that develops over time through practice, through adversity, through learning from others, through

    trying out things, finding out what works, and what doesn’t.

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: As he says, it’s not about a classification of objects, or people, or

    institutions. So we’ve tried to identify how craft is experienced, and also, how craft is characterized.

    And we’ve stressed that it involves

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: a deep commitment, a personal commitment to exploration in-

    volving imagination, involving creativity. That involves, in itself, considerable effort, physical effort, as

    well as mental effort. You need to have the stamina to maintain a research

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: program to keep going, not to get disappointed, not to get deflect-

    ed, and so on. And the idea, in the end, is to come out with a well-made product. What does that


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    Page 5 of 6 The Essentials of Qualitative Business Research

    mean? It means something that has credibility, something that

    DR. HUGH WILMOTT [continued]: offers new insights, and of course, something ultimately that con-

    tributes to whatever intellectual tradition that you happen to be working in and one hopes also is

    illuminating for the people who you happen to be researching.



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    Chapter 4: Trustworthiness of Qualitative Data


    Trustworthiness of Qualitative Data

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    Trustworthiness of Qualitative Data

    As noted in the dissertation template for qualitative studies, the section directly following the Chapter 4 introduction is to be labeled Trustworthiness of the Data, and in this section, qualitative researchers are required to articulate evidence of four primary criteria to ensure trustworthiness of the final study data set:

    Credibility (e.g., triangulation, member checks)

    Credibility of qualitative data can be assured through multiple perspectives throughout data collection to ensure data are appropriate. This may be done through data, investigator, or theoretical triangulation; participant validation or member checks; or the rigorous techniques used to gather the data.

    Transferability (e.g., the extent to which the findings are generalizable to other situations)

    Generalizability is not expected in qualitative research, so transferability of qualitative data assures the study findings are applicable to similar settings or individuals. Transferability can be demonstrated by clear assumptions and contextual inferences of the research setting and participants.

    Dependability (e.g., an in-depth description of the methodology and design to allow the study to be repeated)

    Dependability of the qualitative data is demonstrated through assurances that the findings were established despite any changes within the research setting or participants during data collection. Again, rigorous data collection techniques and procedures can assure dependability of the final data set.

    Confirmability (e.g., the steps to ensure that the data and findings are not due to participant and/or researcher bias)

    Confirmability of qualitative data is assured when data are checked and rechecked throughout data collection and analysis to ensure results would likely be repeatable by others. This can be documented by a clear coding schema that identifies the codes and patterns identified in analyses. Finally, a data audit prior to analysis can also ensure dependability.

    For more information on these criteria, visit the Sage Research Methods database in the NU Library: http://methods.sagepub.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/



    225RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research

    What is qualitative research? How does it
    differ from quantitative research? Under
    what circumstances is one type of study
    more appropriate than the other? Are

    there instances where one might consider a “mixed
    methods” approach using elements of both? A research-
    er beginning a project faces a bewildering array of deci-
    sions regarding the approach he or she will take to
    answer the questions associated with the problem being
    investigated. An analysis of peer-reviewed articles pub-
    lished in Radiologic Technology from September/
    October 2010 to July/August 2016 yielded 90 total arti-
    cles. Quantitative survey studies or other quantitative
    research (eg, correlative studies) represented the largest
    percentage of articles, 36.6%. Experimental studies rep-
    resented 24.4% of articles; 20% were literature reviews,
    and 13.3% were case or technical reports. Mixed-
    methods studies (using both qualitative and quantita-
    tive methods of data collection) represented 3.3%, while
    purely qualitative studies represented only 2.2% of pub-
    lished articles.

    Quantitative vs Qualitative Research
    Quantitative studies are appropriate for examining

    relationships between and among variables, describing
    trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population, as well as
    for testing the effects of a treatment or intervention on
    an outcome.1 Although quantitative analysis allows for a
    high degree of precision in research, it represents a 2-D

    view of findings as compared to the rich, deep descrip-
    tions offered by qualitative approaches. The role of the
    researcher in a quantitative study is to remain “distant
    and independent of what is being researched” (ie, as
    objective as possible).2

    Conversely, in qualitative research, the researcher is
    aware of the socially constructed nature of reality and
    is embedded intimately in the context of the study—
    the research setting, participants, and the data being
    collected. The qualitative researcher is a reflexive prac-
    titioner, aware of his or her own political and cultural
    perspectives, yet willing to engage in self-questioning
    and self-understanding.3 Qualitative research gets at
    the how and why of the story, in ways that quantitative
    research cannot. The key concept of the study is often
    referred to as central phenomenon in scholarly writ-
    ings. Other important differences include sample size,
    methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
    Researchers within the radiologic science profession
    might consider using qualitative approaches alone or in
    combination with quantitative methods when planning
    future studies. Many comprehensive resources provide
    detailed information on designing qualitative research
    studies, and some are referenced in this column.

    Developing the Qualitative
    Research Question

    Developing the research question is the initial
    step in any research project. This frames the outline

    Jennifer Yates, EdD, R.T.(R)(M)(BD)
    Tricia Leggett, DHEd, R.T.(R)(QM)

    Qualitative Research: An Introduction

    226 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Qualitative Research: An Introduction

    methods include interviews, focus groups, observations,
    reviewing document studies, key informants, alterna-
    tive (authentic) assessments, and case studies.

    An interview, rather than a paper-and-pencil or elec-
    tronic survey, is selected when interpersonal contact
    is important and when opportunities for follow-up of
    interesting comments are desired. Interview data can be
    recorded digitally (with participant permission), sum-
    marized in notes, or a combination of these methods.
    Detailed recording is a necessary component of inter-
    views because it forms the basis for analysis.4

    A focus group can be considered an in-depth group
    interview. Typically, a group of about 10 participants
    is invited to a session that lasts approximately 2 hours.
    The researcher initiates discussion by asking open-
    ended questions so that the participants are motivated
    but not guided to discuss the relevant topic. The
    researcher listens and observes the discussions that
    follow, intervening as little as possible as long as the
    discussion remains on the topic. In such discussion,
    the participants are expected to unfold their knowl-
    edge and express their opinions about the subject

    Observations are guided by a structured protocol
    that can take a variety of forms, ranging from the
    request for a narrative describing events to a checklist
    or a rating scale of specific behaviors or activities. This
    level of standardization helps assure consistency with

    and process for the work to follow. Once the area for
    investigation is determined, the research problem will
    be posed. The research problem is a topic or issue that
    specifies the value of the research study. In general,
    completion of sentences such as, “This study needs
    to be conducted because…” or “The topic for this
    research is…,” indicate the beginnings of the qualita-
    tive research study. Next, narrowing the broad topic
    is the basis for the purpose statement (a statement
    that provides the premise for the research project).
    The purpose statement typically is a single sentence
    that describes the specificity of the research study
    (eg, the central phenomenon, the participants, and
    where the researchers are located).1 The framework
    of the purpose statement might look similar to this

    The purpose of this qualitative study is to
    understand the primary motivating factor
    for graduating radiologic science students in
    ambulatory care clinical settings.

    Once the purpose statement is created, the research-
    er must develop qualitative research questions. For
    qualitative research, a central question often is followed
    by 3 to 5 subquestions to further refine various aspects
    of the central question. The central question typically
    is open-ended to avoid being too focused or making
    assumptions before data collection. The more specific
    subquestions are categorized as to either issue or proce-
    dure and follow the same guidelines as with the central
    question. Issue subquestions narrow the focus of the
    central question and typically are placed immediately
    after the central question; the procedures’ subquestions
    might evolve after the research has begun because they
    address the process of the study and data analysis. It is
    important to note that subquestions assist in the formu-
    lation of surveys, structured interviews, or focus groups
    needed to collect pertinent data. The Box illustrates
    some common guidelines in developing qualitative
    research questions.1

    Qualitative Data Collection
    Qualitative data collection often is open-ended to

    produce emerging themes during analysis. Common


    Central and Subquestion Guidelines for
    Qualitative Research1

     Begin with words such as how or what.

     Tell the reader what you are attempting to discover,
    generate, explore, identify, or describe.

     Ask “what happened?” to help craft your description.

     Ask “what was the meaning to the participants?” to
    better understand the results.

     Ask “what happened over time?” to explore the process.

     Avoid words such as relate, influence, impact, effect,
    and cause; these words typically are associated with
    quantitative research studies.

    227RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Yates, Leggett

    studies can be validated by 1 of 3 generally accepted
    methods, or ideally by triangulation, which uses at least
    2 of the methods. The first method to ensure valid data
    is the use of contradictory evidence, or deviant cases.
    This mode investigates any data that could be incor-
    rect or the analysis might be misrepresented because of
    potential researcher bias. This is especially important
    because the data collection process needs to be as objec-
    tive as possible. The next method is respondent validity,
    which provides the participants the opportunity to
    review the data and subsequent analysis for accuracy.
    Any inaccuracies can be corrected before further
    progress in the research study. Constant comparison is
    the final method, and it affords the ability to compare
    individual data sets to a larger set of data for consistency
    and continuity. This truly promotes a holistic analysis
    of the data.7

    Designing a Qualitative Research Study
    Case Study Research

    Case reports appearing in Radiologic Technology
    often involve the in-depth presentation of a particular
    imaging challenge or patient pathology. Case study
    research as a qualitative approach uses a particular
    design and methods of data collection. Typically,
    “case studies are the preferred strategy when ‘how’
    or ‘why’ questions are being posed, when the inves-
    tigator has little control over events, and when the
    focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within some
    real-life context.”8 Case study research can be used to
    explore, describe, or explain.8 The case might involve
    an individual, multiple individuals, groups, organiza-
    tions, or a particular event.9 A multiple case study,
    as the name implies, uses sets of cases. The research
    setting is essential in providing context for the study.
    Often, multiple methods of data collection are used
    to triangulate findings. Sometimes quantitative meth-
    ods of data collection and analysis are used as well.
    An example of a multiple case study research pub-
    lished in Radiologic Technology is Mazal and Ludwig’s
    study, “Using Mobile Electronic Devices to Deliver
    Educational Resources in Developing Countries.”10
    Four users of electronic radiography texts represented
    the set of cases. Email-based, open-ended dialogue

    the data collection. Field notes frequently are used
    to provide more in-depth background or to help the
    observer remember events, if a form is not completed at
    the time of observation. Field notes contain the descrip-
    tion of what was observed and must be factual, accurate,
    and without bias.4

    Incorporating social media into qualitative research
    is emerging as evidenced by the development of
    an innovative data collection meta-framework by
    Onwuegbuzie et al.5

    Qualitative Data Analysis and

    Qualitative researchers must work directly and
    intimately with their data. This usually begins with
    reading interview transcripts or other textual mate-
    rial multiple times to identify emerging themes and
    categories. Researchers might analyze data inductively
    or deductively, depending on whether the study is
    exploratory or confirmatory. Many qualitative studies
    include elements of both. “Inductive analysis involves
    discovering patterns, themes, and categories in one’s
    data.”3 Deductive analysis begins with an existing
    framework. Often, researchers begin data analysis
    inductively, as a means for developing the conceptual
    framework and resulting codebook. The researcher
    then can move forward in a deductive manner, using
    the codes to identify and categorize pertinent quotes
    within the transcripts. Interpretation is the research-
    er’s process of making meaning of patterns, themes,
    and categories. In so doing, he or she determines
    ways in which the results answer the research ques-
    tions and sometimes the results raise new questions.
    Some researchers code and extract pertinent passages
    from the transcript manually, some use the com-
    ment feature in Microsoft Word, and some use more
    sophisticated software programs designed to assist
    with qualitative analysis, such as Atlas.ti, NVivo, and

    Validity of Qualitative Research
    The validity of qualitative research refers to the

    extent to which findings accurately depict the phenom-
    enon it is designed to investigate.6 Qualitative research

    228 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Qualitative Research: An Introduction

    of a participatory action research article published in
    Radiologic Technology is the Lopez et al study, “Florida
    Mammographer Disability Training vs Needs.”14 That
    study was designed to address the problem of lack of
    access to screening mammography for women with dis-
    abilities. Demographic and qualitative interview data
    were collected from 3 participant groups: mammogra-
    phers, other health care providers (eg, physicians and
    nurses), and women with disabilities. The researchers
    concluded that mammographers were receiving disabil-
    ity training primarily on the job, and that they would
    benefit from training in “both technical and social
    aspects of performing mammography on women with
    disabilities, including positioning, disability etiquette,
    and disability advocacy.”

    Narrative Research
    Narrative research is best described as the study

    of lives through storytelling.15 Narrative research can
    be a singular approach or a research method of data
    collection used with other qualitative approaches.
    It can be biographical or autobiographical and “is
    best for capturing the detailed stories or life experi-
    ences of a single life or the lives of a small number of
    individuals.”16 In biographical narrative research, the
    researcher spends considerable time with the partici-
    pant, often meeting on multiple occasions to gain an
    in-depth understanding of the person’s stories. In so
    doing, the researcher and participant develop a col-
    laborative relationship. In general, most participants
    do not tell their stories in a strictly chronological order
    and it is the researcher’s task to order the stories and
    other data into a coherent whole. Aside from oral nar-
    ratives, materials such as other people’s stories about
    the person being studied, letters, emails, diaries, and
    school records can be collected, analyzed, and inter-
    preted. Narrative research is based on the premise that
    knowledge is socially constructed and situated within
    the context of the participants’ “personal experiences
    (their jobs, their home), their culture (racial or ethnic)
    and their historical contexts (time and place).”16 The
    researcher studies himself or herself in autobiography,
    and life history is the study of a person’s entire life.
    Narrative research can be focused upon individuals

    with each recipient represented the qualitative data
    collected, analyzed, and interpreted for this study.

    Participatory Action Research
    Qualitative methods, in addition to their use in

    research studies, can be used for evaluation purposes.
    Yates used the participatory action research approach
    as a means of program assessment and policy devel-
    opment.11 As the name implies, participation by all
    stakeholders is key to this type of research. Rather
    than imposing research on “subjects,” people being
    studied also participate in the research or evaluation
    to varying degrees. Often a strong social justice focus
    on the research study or evaluation process exists.
    Participatory action research12:
     Is about the improvement of practice and creation

    of knowledge in social groups.
     Can start anywhere and proceeds through com-

    plete cycles of planning, acting, reflecting, and

     Involves participation in all stages of those affect-
    ed by changes in social practice and discourse.

     Is participatory, often conducted by an action
    group with at least one expert.

    Action research is based in social inquiry and often
    is used to solve a pressing problem. Participatory action
    research involves collaboration and critical reflection
    of the researcher’s own practices. An important feature
    of participatory action research is the preservation of
    the voices and practices of people being studied. Data
    frequently is collected in the form of interviews, focus
    groups, and written text (eg, open-ended survey ques-
    tions). When used effectively, participatory action
    research is a continuous cycle of “planning, acting,
    observing, and reflecting”13 that results in continu-
    ous improvement. The research has the potential to
    work well in educational settings, particularly in pro-
    grams accredited by the Joint Review Committee on
    Education in Radiologic Technology, where the goal is
    continuous program improvement.

    Participatory action research can be effective in solv-
    ing problems in imaging departments, where patient,
    staff, and physician input could improve delivery of ser-
    vice for continuous quality improvement. An example

    229RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Yates, Leggett

    of grounded theory research in medicine appeared in
    Social Science and Medicine. In it, Charmaz provides
    a step-by-step guide to conducting grounded theory
    research by applying it to a discovery of a theory of
    chronic illness.18

    Phenomenological Research
    Phenomenological research is “the study of the lived

    experiences of persons.”16 Phenomenological studies
    focus on a shared human experience, such as surviv-
    ing breast cancer, experiencing the death of a child,
    or winning the lottery. The researcher collects data
    from participants (usually a small number) who have
    experienced the phenomenon, and through the process
    of analysis and interpretation, generates a descrip-
    tion of the participants’ “meaning, structure, and
    essence of the lived experience.”3 Qualitative data can
    be collected in the form of in-depth interviews (often
    multiple interviews with the each participant), open-
    ended survey questions, diaries, journals, art forms,
    and other media in which the participant describes
    or depicts his or her experience. Phenomenological
    studies frequently are used in the context of medicine
    and the descriptions they provide might inform the
    development of policies and practices. An example
    of a phenomenological research study performed in
    the context of emergency medicine was published in
    the Journal of Emergency Nursing. Granero-Molina et
    al focused on the lived experience of medical profes-
    sionals providing end-of-life care to patients in the
    emergency department.19 The authors examined fac-
    tors that undermined the dignity of these patients
    including “architectural and organizational character-
    istics, professional’s attitudes, and decisions made by
    family members.”

    Ethnographic Research
    Ethnographic research is the study of an entire cul-

    tural group. An ethnographer “describes and interprets
    the shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors,
    beliefs, and language of a culture sharing group.”16 The
    researcher gathers information in the field. Qualitative
    data frequently consists of direct observation and
    in-depth interviews, although materials such as art

    who have shared similar experiences or centered on
    a particular research context, such as a hospital or
    school.16 Charon’s “Narrative Medicine: A Model for
    Empathy, Reflection, Profession, and Trust” is an
    example of the narrative method used in the context
    of medicine published in the Journal of the American
    Medical Association.17 In the article, she stated, “The
    effective practice of medicine requires narrative com-
    petence, that is, the ability to acknowledge, absorb,
    interpret, and act on the stories and plights of others.”
    She described narrative knowledge as a process by
    which physicians can share in a discourse with patients
    to understand their stories and suffering: “Along with
    scientific ability, physicians need the ability to listen
    to the narratives of the patient, grasp and honor their
    meanings, and be moved to act on the patient’s behalf.”
    Through this physician–patient discourse and through
    the physician’s engagement in self-ref lection, care for
    sick patients can be delivered in a more sympathetic
    and humane manner.

    Grounded Theory Research
    The purpose of grounded theory research is to

    generate, rather than test, a theory.3 Grounded theory
    research is characterized by an iterative process used by
    the researcher. The researcher goes out to the field (ie,
    the natural setting in which the participants live and
    work) to collect data from individuals who share some
    common experience, or phenomenon. Data collection
    methods can include quantitative and qualitative data;
    but qualitative methods are used more commonly.16
    The researcher goes back and forth from interviews
    to analysis, returning to the field to collect more data,
    until the themes and categories generated are saturated
    and no new information can be added. According to
    Creswell, “This process of taking information from data
    collection and comparing it to emerging categories is
    called the constant comparative method of data analy-
    sis.”16 The themes and categories centered on the shared
    experience of the participants (the phenomenon) are
    then used to identify causal conditions, strategies, inter-
    vening conditions, and consequences. In this manner,
    a hypothesis or theory emerges. Therefore, the theory
    is “‘grounded’ in data from the field.”16 An example

    230 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Qualitative Research: An Introduction

    4. Overview of qualitative methods and analytic techniques:
    common qualitative methods. National Science Foundation
    Web site. https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1997/nsf97153/chap_3
    .htm. Published 1997. Accessed September 13, 2016.

    5. Onwuegbuzie A, Leech N, Collins K. Innovative data
    collection strategies in qualitative research. Qual Rep.

    6. Fraenkel J, Wallen N. How to Design and Evaluate Research in
    Higher Education. 6th ed. New York City, NY: McGraw Hill
    Companies Inc; 2003.

    7. Anderson C. Presenting and evaluating qualitative research.
    Am J Pharm Educ. 2010;74(8):141.

    8. Yin RK. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 3rd ed.
    Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing; 2003.

    9. Robson C. Real World Research. 2nd ed. Malden, MA:
    Blackwell; 2002.

    10. Mazal JR, Ludwig R. Using mobile electronic devices to
    deliver educational resources in developing countries. Radiol
    Technol. 2015;86(5):490-498.

    11. Yates JL. Participatory action research for program planning.
    Radiol Sci Educ. 2006;11(1):7-18.

    12. Hughes I. Action research electronic reader: introduction.
    Action Research & Action Learning Web site. http://www
    .aral.com.au/arow/rintro.html. Published 1997. Accessed
    September 7, 2016.

    13. Action research. University of Warwick Learning and
    Development Centre Web site. https://www2.warwick.ac.uk
    /services/ldc/resource/evaluation/tools/action/. Revised
    July 10, 2012. Accessed September 7, 2016.

    14. Lopez ED, Vasudevan V, Lanzone M, et al. Florida mam-
    mographer disability training vs needs. Radiol Technol.

    15. Sandelowski M. Telling stories: narrative approaches to quali-
    tative research. Image J Nurs Sch. 1991;23(3):161-166. http://
    _tellingstories Accessed September 7, 2016.

    16. Creswell JW. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design:
    Choosing Among Five Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks,
    CA: Sage Publishing; 2007.

    17. Charon R. The patient-physician relationship. Narrative
    medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, and
    trust. JAMA. 2001;286(15):1897-1902.

    18. Charmaz K. ‘Discovering’ chronic illness: using grounded
    theory. Soc Sci Med. 1990;30(11):1161-1172.

    19. Granero-Molina J, Díaz-Cortés MM, Hernández-Padilla
    JM, Garcia-Caro MP, Fernández-Sola C. Loss of dignity in
    end-of-life care in the emergency department: a phenom-

    forms and cultural artifacts might be useful as well. A
    fascinating and heartbreaking example of an ethno-
    graphic study relating to medicine is captured in Anne
    Fadiman’s book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall
    Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the
    Collision of Two Cultures.20 The book describes a Laotian
    refugee family’s experiences in the American medical
    system through the course of long-term treatment of a
    child with severe epilepsy. The clash of cultures creates
    profound challenges in caring for the child, with devas-
    tating consequences.

    The intent of this column is to provide an introduc-

    tion to qualitative research and to present an overview
    of a limited number of possible approaches. Increasing
    the number of qualitative and mixed-methods stud-
    ies published in Radiologic Technology will enrich the
    body of knowledge within the radiologic science pro-

    Jennifer Yates, EdD, R.T.(R)(M)(BD), is program
    director for Merritt College in Oakland, California. She is
    a member of the Radiologic Technology Editorial Review
    Board and can be reached at jyates@peralta.edu.

    Tricia Leggett, DHEd, R.T.(R)(QM), is vice president
    for student success for Zane State College in Zanesville,
    Ohio. She is vice chairman of the Radiologic Technology
    Editorial Review Board and can be reached at tleggett@

    1. Creswell JW. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and

    Mixed Methods Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA:
    Sage; 2003.

    2. Abawi K. Qualitative and quantitative research. Talk pre-
    sented at: Ministry of Public Health Reproductive Health
    Research Methodology Training; January 3-12, 2008; Kabul,
    Afghanistan. http://www.gfmer.ch/Medical_education_En
    _research_Abawi_Afghanistan_2008 . Accessed
    September 23, 2016.

    3. Patton MQ. Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. 3rd
    ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing; 2002.

    231RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2

    Writing & Research
    Yates, Leggett

    enological study with health professionals. J Emerg Nurs.
    2016;42(3):233-239. doi:10.1016/j.jen.2015.10.020.

    20. Fadiman A. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A
    Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two
    Cultures. New York City, NY: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux;

    Start with an idea.

    Review your resources.

    Write your article.

    Submit it.

    Complete a review.

    Make a decision.

    Work out details with
    the author.

    Publish the article.*

    You have an idea,
    a question, a trick to share.

    We have an audience, a simple
    process and people to help.

    *Although many articles are published — most after revisions are requested — some are outside the scope of the journal and, therefore, not published by ASRT.

    Copyright of Radiologic Technology is the property of American Society of Radiologic
    Technologists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a
    listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print,
    download, or email articles for individual use.

    Second Edition.
    Published by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Northcentral University, 202


    Marie Bakari, Jennifer Biddle, Linda Bloomberg, John Frame, Namhee Kim, Sharon
    Kimmel, Jaime Klein, Paul Markham, Craig Martin, Stephanie Menefee, Eva Philpot,
    Wes Rangel, Randee Sanders, Abigail Scheg, Kimberly Scott, Patricia Steiner, Robert

    Thompson, Marsha Tongel, Steven Ziemba

    In addition to the collaborative process that engendered this guide, it was also informed
    by the qualitative methods course in the School of Business, BUS-7380 Qualitative

    Business Research Design and Methodology.

    For comments or suggestions for the next edition, please contact the
    School of Business: sb@ncu.edu


    Foreword (P1)

    Introduction (P2)

    Student-Chair Engagement (P2)

    Qualitative Research Design (P3)

    Research Questions (P3)

    Case Study (P5)

    Multiple Case Studies/Comparative
    Case Study (P6)

    Participant Selection (P7)

    Interviews (P7)

    Interviews: Minimum Number
    Recommended (P9)

    Focus Groups (P10)

    Observation (P11)

    Document Analysis (P12)

    Hermeneutics (P12)

    Phenomenological Design (P13)

    Constructive Research (P15)

    Ethnography (P16)

    Grounded Theory (P18)

    Narrative Design (P19)

    Delphi Method (P20)

    Mixed-Methods Research (P21)

    Online Questionnaires and Unsuitable
    Data Collection Practices (P21)

    Interview Guides and Other
    Instruments (P22)

    Audio Recording and Transcribing
    Interviews (P24)

    Sampling in Qualitative Research (P25)

    Data Saturation (P26)

    Triangulation (P27)

    Trustworthiness (P28)

    Member Checking (P30)

    Coding and Thematic Analysis (P30)

    Including Data in the Findings (Chapter
    4) of the Dissertation (P32)


    Dear School of Business Community,

    Welcome to the Best Practice Guide for Qualitative Research Design and Methods in

    With well over 600 doctoral students in the School of Business working on their dis-
    sertation this year, this guide serves as an important resource in helping us shape and
    implement quality doctoral-level research. Its primary purpose is to offer direction on
    qualitative research in School of Business dissertations, serving students as they craft and
    implement their research plans, and serving faculty as they mentor students and evaluate
    research design and methods in dissertations.

    We encourage you to explore this guide. It is filled with details on important topics that
    will help ensure quality and consistency in qualitative research in the School of Business.
    Offering support for both faculty and students, this resource covers many topics, from
    those related to early stages of qualitative research design, to guidance on how to in-
    clude qualitative data in a dissertation.

    Thank you to the faculty and staff of the School of Business and wider NCU community
    that worked to create this guide. It is a great contribution to our School, and each of
    these individuals played an important role in its development.

    We wish you the best on your dissertation journey!

    SB Leadership Team


    As an accredited university, NCU aims to have ro-

    bust expectations and standards for dissertations

    produced by its students. This guide, developed

    collaboratively by NCU School of Business (SB)

    faculty in 2019, and updated in 2021, aims to

    provide guidance on best practice in qualitative

    research design and methods for SB disserta


    While this guide can serve as a refresher to those

    less familiar with qualitative methods, it will also

    help ensure consistency in how faculty advise

    students on qualitative methods. It is meant to help

    ensure good practice vand rigor across commit-

    tees and students.

    To that end, this document is a guide to help

    students when designing their research, as well as

    faculty, when judging the merits of student disser-

    tation prospectuses, proposals, and manuscripts.

    Students should be familiar with the best practices

    in this guide and apply them to their dissertation.

    References and suggested reading:

    Yin, R.K. (2015). Qualitative research from
    start to finish. New York, NY: Guilford

    Student-Chair Engagement
    Close engagement between students and facul-

    ty is expected through the dissertation process.

    Faculty should ensure that students are knowl-

    edgeable about expectations, and students should

    ensure they obtain necessary mentoring from their

    Chair throughout the process. Key areas in the

    dissertation sequence where closer than normal

    engagement include:

    • Developing chapter 1 and ensuring the re-

    search questions align with the purpose statement,

    problem statement, and methods.

    • The IRB process.

    • DIS-9902, which requires the completion of

    several milestones (Chapters 2 and 3, and the






    Developing a qualitative design requires system-

    atic planning and the ability to remain flexible.

    According to Maxwell (2012: 215), “The activi-

    ties of collecting and analyzing data, developing

    and modifying theory, elaborating or refocusing

    the research questions, and identifying and deal-

    ing with validity threats are usually going on more

    or less simultaneously, each influencing all of the

    others.” In order to develop an effective design,

    qualitative research procedures must be based on

    the problem, purpose, and re

    search questions.

    Specifically, the research questions must reflect

    the nature of the design. In addition, the purpose

    must illustrate how the study is a logical, explicit

    research response to the stated problem and the

    research questions. Importantly, whereas in a

    quantitative study, researchers measure or test

    something, in a qualitative study one explores

    and understands something. The language used

    to describe this exploration should not include the

    word ‘prove,’ but, rather, ‘explore’ (or another

    similar word).

    References and suggested reading:
    Maxwell, J.A. (2012). Qualitative research
    design: An interactive approach. Thousand
    Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Research Questions
    Rigorous research questions help ensure a student

    deeply probes and examines the issue under

    investigation in the dissertation. Crafting rigorous

    research questions takes time and great effort.

    Typically, a student will want to have more than

    one research question; but if having only one is

    the best way to explore the topic, then the ques-

    Dissertation Proposal). Progression data in the SB

    indicates that students often need supplemental

    courses (e.g. DIS-9902B) in order to complete

    these milestones.

    • Data collection: student and Chair should work

    closely before and during data collection so that

    the Chair is frequently apprised of the student’s

    progress. Chairs should coach students to ensure

    they are comfortable with data collection (e.g.

    how to conduct interviews, with whom, and how


    • Writing up the findings. Chairs should ensure

    students are knowledgeable about how to an-

    alyze data and report their findings. See the

    “Including Data in the Findings (Chapter 4) of

    the Dissertation” section in this guide for further


    Qualitative Research Design
    A research design is the ‘map’ that will guide the

    study. Sufficient time and consideration should be

    given to ensure that the design of a study is the

    best ‘route’ for the student to take to complete the

    dissertation journey. In other words, the research

    design should clearly lead to answering the re-

    search questions.

    Regardless of the method or design that is uti-

    lized, all research must be clear, concise, and

    focused. Qualitative studies must demonstrate

    validity within the context of the specific qualita-
    tive design (e.g., credibility, dependability, trans-
    ferability, trustworthiness). All research decisions
    should be justified with high-quality scholarly



    tion needs to be a rigorous question, ensuring the
    topic is explored in a wholistic way.

    Research questions need to be narrow and
    focused, and related to the student’s degree
    program and specialization. They need to be
    connected to the problem statement in the disser-
    tation, rooted in the literature, and reflect re-
    search gaps. Having too many research questions
    is not wise, as the scope of the dissertation needs
    to be clear and focused. Research questions are
    not yes/no questions, because if the questions
    could be answered this easily, there would be no
    need to conduct a study. Furthermore, research
    questions should be more than ‘what’ questions
    (though a ‘what’ question can be asked). Em-
    phasis should be on examining the topic, not just
    reporting on the topic (a dissertation is not a list
    or answer to a ‘what’ question). Adding rigor
    to research questions can be done by including
    more complexity, such as by asking: ‘Why?,’
    ‘How?,’ ‘In what ways?,’ ‘To what extent?,’ or
    ‘What difference does X make?,’ for example.

    Research questions can be considered the heart
    of the dissertation–the engine that drives the
    thinking behind the dissertation. As a dissertation
    is a deep exploration and analysis of something,
    the research questions need to relate to the past

    or present (not something that may occur in the
    future, as that cannot be examined presently).
    Thus, great care needs to be taken with questions
    that include the word ‘Can’ (as this likely might
    indicate that the questions relate to a future event
    that may not be adequately researchable in the

    An example of an inadequate research question is:

    This question is inadequate because it is a yes/no
    question, and it is too broad and not specific.

    An example of a good research question is:


    This question is strong because it is focused,

    clearly connected to a specific topic, and rigor-


    Finally, research questions are different than the

    interview questions asked of the participants in

    a study. Whereas research questions drive the

    entire study, interview questions are a means of

    data collection, and are the specific questions

    asked to get data to answer the research ques-

    tions. There will thus be a clear link between

    research questions and interview questions.

    Case Study
    A case study is a study that looks, for example, at

    one issue in one or more businesses or organiza-

    tions. It involves in-depth exploration, guided by

    the dissertation research questions. As Bloomberg

    (2018: 237) states, “Case study research is typ-

    ically extensive; it draws on multiple methods of

    data collection and involves multiple data sourc-

    es. This method culminates in the production of

    a detailed description of a setting and its partic-

    ipants, accompanied by an analysis of the data

    for themes, patterns, and issues.”

    Case studies should create rich and complex

    understanding of the topic under exploration.

    Bloomberg (2018) states that a case study needs

    to have clear boundaries (thus, students need to

    be able to articulate what the case study does

    and does not include). In addition, the student

    needs to provide rationale for why a particular

    case is being selected (Bloomberg, 2018).

    Students need to collect data from more than one

    source in order to ensure deep understanding of

    the case. As further described in the Triangulation

    section of this guide, having two or more data

    sources is required in dissertations. For example,

    a student could conduct interviews and analyze

    documents from the organization(s) or busi-

    ness(es) examined in the study.

    Students may choose to design their case study

    to include interviews, document analysis (e.g.

    reports or specific content on relevant websites,

    though this is not a literature review of peer-re-

    viewed publications, etc.), direct observations,

    participant observation, and/or analyzing physi-

    cal artifacts (e.g. audiovisual materials). The goal

    is to ensure thick narrative description, including


    context and important details that allow read-

    ers to gain a deep understanding of the case

    (Bloomberg, 2018). Importantly, the data collec-

    tion methods should be closely aligned with the

    research questions (Bloomberg, 2018). In other

    words, data collected should directly result in

    answering the dissertation research questions.

    References and suggested reading:
    Yin, R.K. (2017). Case study research and
    applications: Design and methods. Thousand
    Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Bloomberg, L.D. (2018). Case study method.
    In B.B. Frey (Ed.), The Sage encyclopedia
    of educational research, measurement, and
    evaluation (pp. 237-239). Thousand Oaks, CA:
    Sage Publications.

    Yin, R. K. (2012). Case study methods. In APA
    handbook of research methods in psychology,
    Vol 2: Research designs: Quantitative,
    qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological
    (pp. 141–155). Washington, DC: American
    Psychological Association.

    Multiple Case Studies/Comparative
    Case Study
    Multiple case studies (or a comparative case
    study) analyze similarities, differences, patterns,
    and themes across two or more cases (e.g. or-
    ganizations, companies). Yin (1993: 34) states,
    “The development of consistent findings, over
    multiple cases and even multiple studies, can then
    be considered a very robust finding.”

    Goggin and Orth (2002: 49) state that cases in
    a comparative study are purposely selected “on
    the basis of similarity and comparability,” so that
    they “vary on the dimensions that are theoretically

    relevant” (e.g. organisation type), and yet are
    “similar in as many other respects as possible.”

    Comparative case studies should be carefully
    designed, with justification given as to why the
    research includes the cases planned for inclusion.
    There should also be care in how the study is
    described, as a study with multiple sites may be a
    multi-site (single) case study, rather than one that
    includes multiple case studies. Thus, a student

    should consider if his or her design is actually a
    multiple case study or a multi-site (single) case
    study. This should be discussed in the dissertation.
    In any case, whether it is a multiple case study,
    or a multi-site (single) case study, a student needs
    to clearly articulate why the cases or sites were
    selected for inclusion in the study. In other words,
    the student should elaborate and defend what
    criteria were used to select them, and why that is

    References and suggested reading:
    Goggin, Malcolm L., & Orth, D.A. (2002).
    How faith-based and secular organizations






    tackle housing for the homeless. Roundtable on
    Religion and Social Welfare Policy.

    Yin, R.K. (1993). Applications of case
    study research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

    Yin, R. K. (2012). Case study methods. In APA
    handbook of research methods in psychology,
    Vol 2: Research designs: Quantitative,
    qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological
    (pp. 141–155). Washington, DC: American
    Psychological Association.

    Yin, R.K. (2009). Case study research: Design
    and methods, 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA:
    Sage Publications.

    Participant Selection
    Participants are people recruited to participate

    in a study. Often, participants are those who are

    interviewed. In selecting participants for a qual-

    itative study, it is essential for a student to first

    identify who will be included in the sample based

    on the information that needs to be obtained to

    answer the research questions. The student needs

    to ensure that participants have experience or

    knowledge about the topic being explored and

    are the most appropriate choices to include in the

    study. Also, students need to ensure that they will

    be able to obtain access to the participants (e.g.

    interviewing U.S Senators would not be a feasible

    research design because it would be very unlikely

    that a student could interview enough U.S. Sena-

    tors to complete a dissertation). Importantly, once

    participants are selected, students need to outline

    how and why the participants were selected.


    Interviews are a method in which there is a con-

    versation focused around interview questions or

    topics that are discussed with the purpose of gath-

    ering information to answer the research ques-

    tions guiding the dissertation. Interviews allow the

    researcher to get in-depth data from participants

    in a one-to-one setting.

    Structured interviews include pre-determined

    open-ended questions that are asked in a prede-

    termined order. For data analysis, the researcher

    is able to compare and contrast the answers to






    the specific questions. In unstructured interviews,

    the questions are not predetermined. Data anal-

    ysis can be more challenging given variation in

    the questions that were asked. Semi-structured

    interviews contain the components of both struc-

    tured and unstructured interviews. Interviewers

    ask pre-determined questions to be answered by

    all respondents but allow for clarification and

    additional questions to be asked. Typically, stu-

    dents will conduct structured, or semi-structured


    Interviews may be conducted in-person or through

    an online medium, such as Skype, or by phone

    (not email). With the participant’s permission,

    interviews should be audio recorded (see “Audio

    Recording and Transcribing Interviews” elsewhere

    in this guide); if interviews are conducted by

    phone, the student will need to consider how to

    audio record the call. Students will also need to

    consider—and discuss in their dissertation—the

    limitations of conducting an interview virtually, or

    on the phone (rather than in person), including

    what ways communication and data may have

    been hindered or limited because the interview

    was not conducted in person.

    According to Boyce & Neale (2006), conduct-

    ing interviews should follow the same general

    principles of the research plan: plan, develop

    instruments, collect data, analyze data, and

    disseminate findings. The plan identifies who will

    be interviewed and what information will be ob-

    tained. Developing the instruments will guide the

    implementation of the interviews. When the data

    is being collected, consent should be obtained

    along with an explanation of the purpose of the

    interview. To analyze the data, the researcher

    will transcribe all data and review the findings.

    The final step is to disseminate the findings to the

    stakeholders and community.

    References and suggested reading:
    Boyce, C., & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting
    in-depth interviews: A guide for designing
    and conducting in-depth interviews. Pathfinder
    International Tool Series.

    Easwaramoorthy, M., & Zarinpoush, F. (2006).
    Interviewing for research: Tip sheet #6.
    Toronto: Canada Volunteerism Institute

    Yin, R.K. (2015). Qualitative research from
    start to finish. New York, NY: Guilford

    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiSjLT24vPkAhUsxqYKHbGaBHEQFjAAegQIABAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsectorsource.ca%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fresources%2Ffiles%2Ftipsheet6_interviewing_for_research_en_0 &usg=AOvVaw2qyOG3IP7T_cH9iN8ln1qm




    Interviews: Minimum Number
    Several factors should be considered when de-
    termining the number of interviews a researcher
    should conduct in a qualitative study. Bryman
    (2012) recognizes the variety of recommenda-
    tions in the literature about the number of inter-
    views in qualitative studies, highlighting ranges
    from 20-30 and 60-150 interviews. A further

    range was offered by Marshall, Cardon, Poddar,
    and Fontenot (2013: 20), who argued that, in
    research related to their own discipline (Informa-
    tion Systems), “Single case studies should gener-
    ally contain 15 to 30 interviews.” Furthermore,
    in a study of 179 doctoral theses from British and
    Irish universities that used the case study method,
    Mason (2010) found that the average number of
    interviews conducted was 36 (the mode was 40,
    and the median was 33).

    While the target number of interviews for which a
    researcher should aim is usually not delineated in
    the literature, a minimum number of interviews is
    sometimes explicated. For example, the Archives of
    Sexual Behavior articulated policy for the minimum
    sample size for grounded theory studies published
    in their journal (Dworkin, 2012). They did this so
    that authors would have clarity on sample size
    expectations for a grounded theory design. Thus, it
    can be valuable for researchers—especially those
    rather new to the field—to have some guidance on
    what is expected in their discipline.

    While constraints such as time and funds must be
    considered, Charmaz’s (2012: 22) advice should
    be given important consideration: “…learn what
    constitutes excellence rather than adequacy in
    your field—and beyond, if your project portends
    of having larger import—and conduct as many
    interviews as needed to achieve it.”

    To ensure appropriate rigor and consistency with-
    in NCU SB dissertations, it is recommended that
    students conduct a minimum of 15-20 interviews.
    A maximum number is not stated. An accurate
    assessment of saturation should guide the number
    of interviews conducted (see “Data Saturation” in
    this guide).

    The design of a qualitative study should be of an
    appropriate design and nature that allows for this
    recommended minimum number of interviews.
    This should be considered when designing the
    study, including the research questions and po-
    tential site(s) where the study will take place. In
    some research designs, such as phenomenolog-
    ical studies (see “Phenomenological Design” in
    this guide), students may wish to interview par-
    ticipants more than once (with different questions
    and at different times) in order to get thick and
    rich data. If this is part of the research design, a
    fewer number of participants may be selected, if
    appropriate (because they will be interviewed at
    least twice).

    In all cases, saturation should be ensured (see
    “Data Saturation” in this guide), and the student

    should provide a clear explanation and defense

    of why saturation was believed to have been


    obtained. In addition, when possible, students are

    encouraged to follow the best practice, stated by

    Marshall, Cardon, Poddar, and Fontenot (2013),

    of citing any previous studies that were conducted

    with a similar design.

    References and suggested reading:
    Bryman, A. (2012). Untitled contribution,
    in S.E. Baker, & R. Edwards, How many
    qualitative interviews is enough? Expert voices
    and early career reflections on sampling
    and cases in qualitative research (pp.18-20).
    National Centre for Research Methods Review

    Charmaz, K. (2012). Untitled contribution,
    in S.E. Baker, & R. Edwards, How many
    qualitative interviews is enough? Expert voices
    and early career reflections on sampling and
    cases in qualitative research (pp. 21-22).
    National Centre for Research Methods Review

    Dworkin, S.L. (2012). Sample size policy for
    qualitative studies using in-depth interviews.
    Archives of sexual behavior, 41(6), 1319-1320.

    Marshall, B., Cardon, P., Poddar, A., &
    Fontenot, R. (2013). Does sample size matter
    in qualitative research?: A review of qualitative
    interviews in IS research. Journal of computer
    information systems, 54(1), 11-22.

    Mason, M. (2010). Sample size and saturation
    in PhD studies using qualitative interviews.
    Forum qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum:
    Qualitative social research 11(3.8).

    Focus Groups
    A focus group, as described by Hair, Celsi, Ortin-

    eau and Bush (2013), is a face-to-face experience

    with a small group of individuals that are assem-

    bled to have an interactive discussion concerning

    a research topic of interest. In their dissertation,

    students need to articulate why they have gath-

    ered particular people into focus groups, justify-

    ing the design and numbers of participants includ-

    ed in their study. Students should keep in mind the

    challenge entailed in attempting to gather busy

    people together in the same room at the same

    time. This is a challenge that needs to be consid-

    ered carefully, as a student does not want to real-

    ize when it is too late that gathering focus groups

    is not feasible for his or her study (because partic-

    ipants do not attend). Students should understand

    that deciding to change the research methods

    during the data collection period requires modifi-

    cations to the IRB application, and IRB approval

    needs to be sought again. This takes time away

    from the time allotted to data collection.

    Students need to justify why focus groups are the

    best method for their data collection. Students

    should keep in mind that multiple focus groups

    will be needed in order to collect sufficient data.

    Students should design their study so that the

    amount of data they obtain is comparable to the

    data that would be acquired in the section in this

    guide discussing the minimum number of inter-

    views in case study research (see the section on

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    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjRktnM4_PkAhXR8qYKHfitCz8QFjAAegQIABAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Feprints.ncrm.ac.uk%2F2273%2F4%2Fhow_many_interviews &usg=AOvVaw3vPhUcxU7gI8TOK3ONun4D

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    this topic in this guide). If a study includes focus

    groups as one method used (for example, in addi-

    tion to interviews), fewer number of focus groups

    would be acceptable.

    A focus group is comprised of three steps or

    phases: planning the focus group study; imple-

    menting the focus group; and evaluating, analyz-

    ing and communicating the results. When plan-

    ning a focus group, several important elements

    need to be considered: Should the focus group be

    conducted online (for example, in a group Skype

    call) or in a face-to-face environment? How large

    should the focus group be? Who should be con-

    sidered to be part of the focus group, and why?

    How should qualified participants be recruited?

    Should incentives be used to improve the likeli-

    hood of attracting committed participants? Where

    should the focus groups be conducted?

    Creswell (2013) noted that successful focus
    groups are interactive and, therefore, group
    dynamics play a significant role. Creswell (2013)
    also noted that effective focus groups are heavily
    dependent on the facilitator keeping the discus-
    sion focused on the primary objective of the re-
    search. A student thus needs practice and training
    in order to prepare for successfully conducting
    focus groups. Chairs need to ensure students are
    comfortable and prepared with conducting focus
    groups before they begin data collection.

    References and suggested reading:
    Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry
    & research design: Choosing among five
    approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
    Sage Publications.

    Hair, J.F., Celsi, M.W., Ortineau, D.J., & Bush,

    R.P. (2013). Essentials of marketing research
    (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

    Marshall and Rossman (1989: 79) define obser-

    vation as “the systematic description of events, be-

    haviors, and artifacts in the social setting chosen

    for study.” Observation enables one to describe a

    situation using all of one’s senses, thus creating a

    ‘written photograph’ of the situation being studied

    (Erlandson, Harris, Skipper, & Allen, 1993). Stu-

    dents who use observation as a method need to

    be cautious of the influence their presence might


    It is imperative that observers take detailed and

    accurate notes, to be coded and analyzed at

    what could be a potentially much later date. The

    notes taken will be the only record of what was

    observed. So, without accurate and detailed

    notes, the observation could be rendered useless.

    As mentioned above, the observer should use all

    five senses during the process. The environment

    and setting is just as important as the situation

    being observed. Finally, as is always the case,

    research questions and the method to answer

    the research questions must be closely linked.

    If observation is a method used in a study, the


    student should clearly delineate in the dissertation

    how and why observation is the best method to

    answer the research questions.

    References and suggested reading:
    Marshall, C., & Rossman, G.B. (1995).
    Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park,
    CA: Sage Publications.

    Erlandson, D.A., Harris, E.L., Skipper, B.L., &
    Allen, S.D. (1993). Doing naturalistic inquiry:
    A guide to methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

    Yin, R.K. (2015). Qualitative research from start
    to finish. New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

    Document Analysis
    Often used as a means of triangulation, document

    analysis involves examining documents (which

    can include those in print or online, including

    websites) to extrapolate meaning, understanding,

    and knowledge surrounding the topic or phenom-

    enon in question. Importantly, document analysis

    is not a literature review (which students complete

    in Chapter 2 of the dissertation). Instead, docu-

    ment analysis is a method to collect and analyze

    data that will help to answer the research ques-


    Because document analysis is typically used to

    triangulate data, it is thus used in support of

    other methods (e.g. in-depth interviews). So, for

    example, if a student is doing a case study to

    explore organizational decline, a student may

    interview employees and also gather operational

    documents to analyze. One thing to keep in mind

    about this method is the ability (or inability) to ac-

    cess documents. Students need to consider if they

    will have permission from companies or organiza-

    tions to review documents not publicly available

    on the internet.

    When embarking on document analysis, students

    need to carefully consider, and articulate in their

    dissertation, which documents (or types of doc-

    uments) will be analyzed, and why. The process

    for document analysis should be thought out well,

    including how the documents chosen relate to the

    research questions, the types of data expected

    to be found within the documents, and how this

    data collection method fits with the other form(s)

    of data collection (e.g. interviews) planned for the

    study. The process should be systematic and clear.

    As Bowen (2009: 38) states, “the researcher

    should make the process of analysis as rigorous

    and as transparent as possible. Qualitative inqui-

    ry demands no less.”

    References and suggested reading:
    Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as
    a qualitative research method. Qualitative
    research journal, 9(2), 27-40.

    Hermeneutics refers to the interpretation of text.

    Through a hermeneutical study, a researcher

    interprets ‘sacred’ text in a manner that captures

    the essence of the human experience. Since the

    inception of hermeneutics, it has been used effec-

    tively by more than one academic discipline to

    interpret religious scriptures, laws, music, poetry,

    and more. For a student interested in interpreting

    text for deeper meaning, the references below




    are a valuable starting point. For the newcomer

    to hermeneutics, Schmidt’s Understanding Herme-

    neutics is the best place to begin. If hermeneutics

    is a critical element of a dissertation, a student

    should include a discussion of hermeneutics in the

    dissertation, including how he/she will follow best

    practices in the literature.

    References and suggested reading:
    Davey, N. (2012). Unquiet understanding:
    Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics.
    Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

    Schmidt, L.K. (2016). Understanding
    hermeneutics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

    Thiselton, A.C. (2009). Hermeneutics: an
    introduction. Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
    Eerdmans Publishing Company.

    Phenomenological Design
    The phenomenological research design (or phe-
    nomenological study) is focused on examining a
    phenomenon, or specific experience, and how
    it affects people, such as people who have been
    affected by an event. This phenomenon must have
    a business or administration-related context, de-
    pending on the student’s specialization.

    Understanding the effect of an event (the
    phenomenon) requires the researcher to
    identify individuals who had a specific type of
    experience that was directly related to the event.
    If a student chooses a phenomenological design,
    the design should be clearly defended in the
    dissertation, with clear reason as to why the
    design was selected, and what phenomenon will

    be explored.

    All participants a student interviews must have

    lived experiences related to the central phenom-

    enon under study. Research questions guiding

    a phenomenological design should allow for all

    aspects of the experience under study to emerge

    from the participants’ experience.

    In a phenomenological study, a student is likely to

    visit with participants individually (over multiple

    interviews of at least one hour each). Students

    should collect rich narrative and observational

    data (i.e. field notes), and ensure immersion in

    each participant’s world. The focus should be

    on thorough description, and homing in on the

    phenomenon under examination (Bevan, 2014).

    Bevan (2014: 142-143) states that the focus of


    this design “is one of accurately describing and

    thematizing experience in a systematic way. It

    uses themes of contextualizing experience, appre-

    hending the phenomenon, and clarification of the


    At the end of each interview, it is recommended

    that the student complete an entry in a research

    journal, where reflections on the interview are

    entered. In order for this to be done well, detailed

    content and reflections should be added to the

    journal (which can be a Microsoft Word file, etc.)

    as soon as possible after each interview is complet-

    ed. This journal will be especially beneficial when

    developing themes for meanings behind the words

    of the participants (when analyzing data). The

    following research journal template can be used:


    In describing the interview process, Bevan (2014)

    summarized another scholar’s approach (Seid-

    man, 2006), which included interviewing the

    same person 3 times. The first interview focused

    on the interviewee’s life history, which provided

    context. The second interview focused on recon-

    structing the experience, including the relation-

    ships and structures relating to the experience.

    The final interview focused on how the interview-

    ee reflected on the meaning of the experience.

    A student should evaluate if phenomenology is the

    correct method to be used for his or her disserta-

    tion, and should clearly outline the projected inter-

    views planned to explore the phenomenon under

    examination. As stated earlier in this guide (see

    “Interviews: Minimum Number Recommended”), it

    is recommended that students conduct a minimum

    number of 15-20 interviews in a qualitative study.

    The reason is to ensure thick and rich data is col-

    lected about the phenomenon explored. If inter-

    viewing a fewer number of participants better fits

    the research design (or this number is not practi-

    cal because few participants have experienced

    the phenomenon), then it is recommended that

    students interview a minimum of 8-10 participants

    twice (or, potentially, interview a fewer number of

    participants 3 times each, if the phenomenon is

    experienced by a very small number of people).

    Students should ensure that the sample size and

    number of interviews conducted is determined

    from saturation (see “Data Saturation” in this

    guide), continuing data collection until saturation

    is reached. If multiple rounds of interviews are

    planned, different questions should be asked

    in each round. The interview questions should

    be derived from the central research question(s)

    about participants’ lived experiences relative to

    the phenomenon

    under study.

    This design should only be used for deeply ex-

    ploring experiences and phenomena. It involves

    a different approach than the typical act of sitting

    down and talking with interviewees about a par-

    ticular topic or issue.

    Phenomenology is deeply rooted in a philosoph-

    ical base, as well as being a research method-

    ology. The intent of a phenomenological study is

    to uncover, describe and interpret the essence of

    experience and to provide greater insight and

    understanding to the essence of the experience

    under study.

    Data analysis in a phenomenological study

    should follow a thematic analysis process. This

    process allows students to analyze the data via

    coding (see “Coding and Thematic Analysis” in

    this guide).

    References and suggested reading:
    Bevan, M.T. (2014). A method of
    phenomenological interviewing. Qualitative
    health research, 24(1) 136–144.

    Constructive Research
    Constructive research refers to research that has,

    at its focus, a problem-solving mission. It is aimed

    at producing solutions to both practical and theo-

    retical problems (Oyegoke, 2011). As Oyegoke,

    (2011: 576) states, “The identified research prob-

    lems are used to propose research questions that

    address the problem. The questions are solved by


    developing or constructing a solution which will

    be operationalised to determine its workability

    and appropriateness.”

    It is recommended that a constructive research dis-
    sertation be understood and designed as a case
    study (see “Case Study” in this guide). Guidance
    on case study, including triangulation, should thus
    be followed in constructive research. Oyegoke
    (2011) identifies six phases of a constructive
    research project: 1) problem identification; 2)
    in-depth understanding of the topic; 3) construc-
    tion of a solution; 4) justification of the construct;
    5) highlighting both the theoretical and practical
    contributions; and 6) examining the scope of


    While those who may actually use the solution

    constructed in a project are ideally involved in its

    design, as well as the strategy for how it will be

    applied (Oyegoke, 2011), given that a disserta-

    tion is a single-person project, a student should

    consider ways to feasibly include and integrate

    input from these individuals throughout the study.

    References and suggested reading:
    Oyegoke, A. (2011). The constructive research
    approach in project management research.
    International journal of managing projects in
    business, 4(4), 573-595.

    The objective of the ethnographic researcher

    is to gain an in-depth understanding about the

    activities of a group under study and how their

    activities are influenced by the culture within the

    group. This is done by becoming immersed as a

    participant in their daily activities. The researcher

    must be immersed in the culture or the situation to

    observe the culture in its natural environment. In

    the field of business, this could be a business’s or

    organization’s culture. The researcher seeks to

    document the culture, practices and perspectives

    of the group or community studied while partici-

    pating within and observing the group or commu-


    nity in its regular setting (Draper, 2015). Data col-

    lection methods include unstructured observations

    and informal inquiries while the researcher serves

    as a participant. Data collection often includes

    formal interviews, direct observations, document

    reviews and focus groups when the researcher

    acts as an outside observer (Draper, 2015). The

    ethnographer normally will develop an extensive

    set of field notes during the time serving as a

    participant within the group, and as an observer

    of the group setting.

    Ethnography, as a qualitative research design,

    has the intent to advance understanding about

    how a group or community views the world in the

    context of the beliefs, traditions and customs of

    that group or community (Reeves, Kuper & Hodg-

    es, 2008). Ethnography has its origins in an-

    thropology and sociological research; however,

    ethnography in 2019 involves a variety of con-

    texts and settings, including healthcare, educa-

    tion, businesses, and other organizations (Reeves,

    Kuper & Hodges, 2008).

    To facilitate the inductive analysis employed

    in ethnography, the collected data often is fac-

    tored into some combination of the following

    8 dimensions: space, or physical layout, of the

    setting; a description of the group or community

    participants; the set of activities occurring in the

    setting; tangible objects present; specific actions

    of individuals present in the setting; time and/

    or sequencing of actions; goals or objectives

    people establish in the context of the setting; and

    specific emotions expressed by participants while

    in the setting (Reeves, Kuper & Hodges, 2008).

    The researcher uses interpretive and descriptive,

    systematic structures demonstrated as credible to

    conduct the analyses of qualitative data (Patton,

    2015). The objective of the analysis is to devel-

    op interpretations of the meanings of activities

    observed in the group or community setting in

    the context of the beliefs, traditions and customs

    established by the group or community. Explana-

    tions about how or why participants within the set-

    ting behave as they do contribute to a rich, com-

    prehensive report (Humphreys & Watson, 2009).

    Because the researcher often serves as a par-

    ticipant, as well as an observer, ethnography


    research has several additional challenges when

    compared to other qualitative designs (Draper,

    2015). To blend into the setting requires that the

    researcher build rapport with other participants

    within the group or community. The researcher

    should consciously bracket out any prejudgments

    or biases and seek to maintain an objective view-

    point throughout the time of data gathering, so as

    not to skew the interpretation of the data.

    Ethnography studies enable the researcher to im-

    merse oneself deeply within the group or commu-

    nity to obtain an in-depth and rich understanding

    about social interactions and behaviors observed.

    As a participant, ethnographers might acquire

    data hidden from public view which explains fur-

    ther the behavior within the group or community

    studied (Draper, 2015).

    Importantly, because ethnography requires immer-

    sion for a significant period of time, this research

    design is likely not suitable for most NCU stu-


    References and suggested reading:
    Draper, J. (2015). Ethnography: Principles,
    practice and potential. Nursing standard,
    29(36), 219-225.

    Humphreys, M., & Watson, T. (2009).
    Ethnographic practices: From ‘writing-
    up ethnographic research’ to ‘writing
    ethnography’. Organizational ethnography:
    Studying the complexities of everyday life, 40-

    Patton, M.Q. (2015). Qualitative research &
    evaluation methods: Integrating theory and

    practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
    Publications, Inc.

    Reeves, S., Kuper, A., & Hodges, B.D.
    (2008). Qualitative research methodologies:
    Ethnography. British medical journal,
    337(7668), 512-514.

    Grounded Theory
    Grounded theory (GT) is an inductive process

    whereby analysis of collected data allows the

    researcher to produce theory explaining the

    phenomenon in question. In 1967, Glaser and

    Strauss discovered this approach while research-

    ing terminal illness. According to Charmaz and

    Mitchell (2001), the process is characterized

    by five general characteristics: (1) Simultaneous

    data collection and analysis; (2) Searching for

    emerging themes via early analysis; (3) Discov-

    ering basic social processes within the data; (4)

    Explaining those processes via inductive construc-

    tion of abstract categories; and (5) Integrating all

    of the above into a theoretical framework specify-

    ing causes, conditions, and consequences of the


    There is a hidden challenge in grounded theory

    research that makes this design less ideal for dis-

    sertation-type research: to fully develop a theory,

    the researcher must repeatedly test the emergent

    theory to establish its true existence. Grounded

    theory studies are time-consuming because repeat-

    ed measures are required to confirm the existence

    of the theory. It is a very rigorous method, but

    once it is conducted well, it can contribute to the

    foundations of theory building. Because of the

    time it takes to conduct this type of study, it is not


    recommended for an NCU dissertation.

    For an in-depth review of GT, please refer to the

    article listed below by O’Connor, Carpenter &

    Coughlan (2018). In this article, the authors re-

    view both the classic and constructivist viewpoint

    surrounding GT, and the main tenets of properly

    executing a GT study.

    References and suggested reading:
    Charmaz, K., & Mitchell, R.G. (2001).
    Grounded theory in ethnography. In P.
    Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamount, & J. Lofland
    (Eds.), Handbook of ethnography (pp. 160-
    174). London, UK: Sage Publications.

    O’Connor, A., Carpenter, B., & Coughlan,
    B. (2018). An exploration of key issues in
    the debate between classic and constructivist
    grounded theory. Grounded theory review
    7(1), 90-103.

    Narrative Design
    The narrative design is used when the researcher

    is trying to describe the lives of subjects or partic-

    ipants, told by the subjects or participants them-

    selves. The use of narrative design allows for the

    emergence of voices that may otherwise not be

    heard. It provides a means to understand and pres-

    ent real-life experiences as told through the stories

    of those who lived those experiences. The story-tell-

    ing approach of narrative design allows for deep,

    rich descriptions of experience and the meanings

    of the experience to emerge and be shared. Exe-

    cuting this type of research can be time-consuming

    because of the number of hours that must be spent

    with the participants to gather data.

    This design uses stories told in the autobiograph-

    ical words of the participant. The narrative

    approach allows participants to share their ex-

    periences and for the researcher to further exam-

    ine multiple experiences in an effort to shape a

    common true story through a collaborative effort

    of participants and researcher. It focuses on the

    participant creating a story based on the internal

    processing of their own self-awareness, the deep

    learning that resulted from reflection, and external

    consequences as well as internal development as

    a result of change (Connelly, & Clandinin, 1986;

    Creswell, 2008; Mahler, 2008).

    The researcher actively participates in the study

    by interacting with the participants, thereby

    becoming immersed in the study as they partic-

    ipate in the telling of the stories of their partici-

    pants. Semi-structured interviews are conducted

    with each participant, transcribed, and coded to

    capture significant insights into their behavior. A

    descriptive vignette on each participant is devel-

    oped from the coded transcriptions and review of

    the audio recordings. Participants are invited to

    reflect on their profile and provide any follow-up



    In many ways, narrative design can appear sim-

    ilar to phenomenological studies (See “Phenome-

    nological Design” in this guide). In phenomenol-

    ogy, the focus is on the essence of a particular

    experience, while in narrative design the focus is

    on a chain of experiences and the connection of

    the events within the experiences.

    If a student chooses a narrative design, the choice

    should be clearly defended in the dissertation,

    with clear reason as to why the design was select-

    ed. Furthermore, the student will need to clearly

    articulate a plan for how to gather rich data that

    is comparable to the data that would be obtained

    in a case study (see “Interviews: Minimum Num-

    ber in a Case Study Design” in this guide). This

    may be done by conducting multiple interviews

    with the same person, for example.

    References and suggested reading:
    Connelly, F.M., & Clandinin, D.J. (1986).
    On narrative method, personal philosophy,
    and narrative unities in the story of teaching.
    Journal of research in science teaching, 23(4),

    Creswell, J.W. (2008). Educational research:
    Planning, conducting and evaluating qualitative
    & quantitative research (4th Ed.). New Jersey,
    NJ: Pearson Education.

    Mahler, E.B. (2008). Defining career success
    in the 21st century: A narrative study of
    intentional work role transitions. ProQuest.

    McAlpine, L. (2016). Why might you use
    narrative methodology? A story about
    narrative. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri.
    Estonian Journal of Education, 4(1), 32-57.

    Delphi method
    When students wish to employ a research method

    that is untraditional for a qualitative study, they

    need to ensure the data they collect will be rich

    and rigorous; in addition, a similar level of work

    as a more traditional qualitative study needs to be


    For students wishing to do a Delphi Method study,

    it is recommended that 15-20 panelists be inter-

    viewed in a face-to-face meeting (or via zoom or

    the telephone, etc.) in the first round, after which

    another type of data collection method (after the

    participants are interviewed) could gather addi-

    tional data from these same participants.


    While a Delphi study focuses on forecasting and

    the unknowable future, a doctoral dissertation

    focuses on a problem or issue—in the past or

    present (examined empirically). Therefore, at least

    one research question that aligns with a tradition-

    al dissertation focus (related to empirical explora-

    tion of something in the past or present) should be

    included in the dissertation.

    Using this approach, the Delphi Method can be

    adapted to be a design appropriate for a qualita-

    tive doctoral dissertation. Students should ensure

    they conduct adequate research on the Delphi

    Method before choosing this method.

    Mixed-Methods Research
    Mixed-methods research relates to a study that

    involves both qualitative and quantitative data. It

    uses the combination of qualitative and quantita-

    tive methods to better understand the given re-

    search problem (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011).

    Ivankova, Creswell & Stick (2006) advocated the

    need for mixed-method research design in cases

    where the research problem could not be ade-

    quately addressed with either method in isolation.

    Mixed-methods research is not a recommended

    research method approach at Northcentral Uni-

    versity. The use of this method bestows undue

    complexity and time burden on the doctoral can-

    didate. However, because of its rigor, it should be

    understood for future reference.

    References and suggested reading:
    Creswell, J.W., & Plano Clark, V.L. (2011).
    Designing and conducting mixed methods
    research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

    Ivankova, N.V., Creswell, J.W., & Stick, S.L.
    (2006). Using mixed-methods sequential
    explanatory design: From theory to practice.
    Field methods, 18, 3-20.

    Sale, J.E. M., Lohfeld, L.H., & Brazil, K. (2002).
    Revisiting the quantitative-qualitative debate:
    Implications for mixed-methods research.
    Quality and quantity, 36(1), 43-53.

    Online Questionnaires and Unsuitable
    Data Collection Practices
    Qualitative research methods need to be rigorous

    and in line with good practices of the wider aca-

    demic community. One unsuitable data collection

    practice for a dissertation with a qualitative re-

    search design is sending out online questionnaires

    to participants, including a questionnaire with

    open-ended questions for participants to write or

    type their answers, as these methods do not allow

    for students to obtain thick and rich data (nor

    nuances in responses) needed for doctoral-level

    qualitative research. Instead of a questionnaire

    for participants to write their answers, students

    should develop an interview guide for use in in-

    terviews or focus groups that are audio recorded

    and transcribed (see “Interview Guides and Other

    Instruments” in this guide).

    Demographic questions, etc. can be asked during

    an interview through a questionnaire (e.g. at the

    beginning or the end of an interview), or before

    an interview is scheduled (for example to help in

    selecting interview participants), but a question-

    naire should not replace an interview (because


    this type of instrument does not result in gener-

    ating thick and rich data, which is needed for

    thorough inquiry in qualitative research, allowing

    the student to acquire enough data to answer the

    dissertation’s research questions).

    Chairs and SMEs should guide students in select-

    ing an appropriate qualitative data collection

    method. Remember that the value of a qualitative

    design includes the rich data obtained through

    data collection. Therefore, methods, such as in-

    depth interviews, should be used to obtain rich

    qualitative data.

    Another unsuitable practice for a doctoral dis-

    sertation is designing the study to be a literature

    review. The literature review should be one chap-

    ter of the dissertation. The literature is not the data

    in a dissertation. Thus, data that may be included

    in a journal article is not an acceptable form of

    data for a student’s dissertation. The literature is

    an important part of the dissertation, as it informs

    theory, and helps in the interpretation and anal-

    ysis of the findings. But it is not the data itself.

    It should not be confused with the data that is

    collected or used in a dissertation. It is valuable

    to note that the method of Document Analysis (see

    “Document Analysis” in this guide) is different

    than a literature review.

    Interview Guides and Other Instruments
    Instruments created and used in qualitative re-

    search are distinctly different from what are used

    in quantitative studies. Qualitative instruments

    include open-ended questions and must be struc-

    tured so that the researcher is collecting deep

    and broad data to fully understand the research

    questions. In most cases, an instrument should be

    designed to extract specific experiential informa-

    tion from participants.

    Data collection questions (the questions created

    for the interview guide) are different than the

    research questions in the dissertation. The pur-

    pose of data collection questions is to provide

    data to answer the research questions. Thus, there

    is a clear link.


    Data collected should be relevant and compre-

    hensive enough to answer the research questions.

    To gather enough data to answer the research

    questions, the data collection questions need to

    encourage respondents to provide accurate, in-

    depth information.

    It is a good idea to develop a crosswalk to show

    the relationship between the research questions

    and data collection questions. This could be in the

    form of a table, or a figure, and should include

    key concepts and terms.

    A student should polish data collection questions

    by ensuring they are open-ended and evoke flow-

    ing information, carefully reviewing them to en-

    sure they are not answerable with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’

    response. Furthermore, questions should address

    only one topic at a time. They should also not be

    biased, or in any way influence the participant.

    Questions should be conversational.

    Interviews are social experiences. It is important

    to establish and maintain a positive, respectful

    social experience. A warm-up question should

    be included. If the first question is easy to un-

    derstand and answer, and non-threatening, then

    the respondent will be encouraged to continue.

    However, if the first question is too difficult, em-

    barrassing, or threatening, then the respondent

    will become distrustful and draw away from the

    experience. Probing questions should also be

    included as a means to solicit additional infor-

    mation or to further explore an unclear response.

    A probing question might be as simple as, “Can

    you tell me more about that?” This is one reason

    why online questionnaires are unsuitable for qual-

    itative research (see “Unsuitable Data Collection

    Practices” in this guide).

    Students should ensure that the order of the

    questions on the interview guide is logical. If a

    break in topic is necessary, then a break for the

    respondent could be introduced. Any reflective or

    uncomfortable questions can be included about

    two-thirds through the interview.

    A student should consider asking four or more

    persons to review data collection questions before

    they are finalized and before interviews begin.

    Three or more of these persons should represent

    the target population, and one or more should

    have experience in developing data collection


    questions. These reviewers can be asked: Are the

    questions clear? Is wording used in the questions

    understandable to the target population? Does the

    terminology have a shared meaning for the target

    population? Are questions respectful of the target

    population? Are questions free of bias and with-

    out influence? Are there extraneous questions that

    do not address the research topic and purpose?

    Note: Persons acting as reviewers of the questions

    should not be participants in the actual study.

    A pilot study is a ‘test run’ or mock activity that

    includes actual participant responses to the data

    collection questions. Pilot studies require IRB ap-

    proval before the study is performed. Pilot studies

    are beneficial and might be considered to prac-

    tice implementation, become comfortable with the

    interview process, and to ensure the questions are

    phrased well. The first three interviews may be

    treated as a pilot study, adjusting the questions,

    as necessary, after these first interviews.

    Audio Recording and Transcribing
    Audio recording interviews is an important part

    of the interview process, and is expected. This

    should be done with permission. Recording inter-

    views can be done in several ways, such as with

    a voice recorder app on a cell phone. Students

    should ensure beforehand that the chosen record-

    ing device or app is compatible with the chosen

    transcription method.

    The microphone should not be obstructed, and
    recording should be done in a quiet place, if pos

    sible. Background noise can make transcribing

    difficult, if not impossible, in some cases.

    There are several methods available for transcrib-

    ing interviews. The best way to better understand

    the data is to transcribe it personally. There is

    software available online that can replay an

    interview at a slower speed, thus allowing it to be

    typed more easily. If self-transcription is not possi-

    ble, some companies offer transcription services

    by a human, but these can be very costly. Alter-

    natively, there are automated programs, mostly

    web-based, promising anywhere from 90 – 95%

    accuracy on transcript return. See below for links

    to a few resources. (Note: the contributors of this

    guide are in no way affiliated with any of the

    below linked resources. Additionally, there are

    more resources available than the ones listed

    later in this section.) It is important to do a quality

    check with transcripts to ensure they are accurate,

    by carefully reviewing them while listening to the

    audio again, and making corrections, before

    beginning data analysis.

    Something to think about when deciding how

    audio files should be transcribed is the level of

    confidentiality surrounding the interviews conduct-

    ed for analysis, and this should be considered

    when drafting the interview consent form.



    Express Scribe: Transcription software for PC and
    Mac. There is a free version and a paid version
    of this software. As with most transcription soft-
    ware, all controls can be set via keyboard, but a
    foot pedal can also be used. https://www.nch.

    OTranscribe: Much like both of the above-men-
    tioned programs, OTranscribe is a simple tool for
    self-transcribing audio and video. Hosted on the
    web, this is a free service, and it enables one to
    upload a file to the website. https://otranscribe.

    Jotengine: A free website that allows the research-
    er to upload an audio file and transcribe the
    words. It is very simple and has easy shortcuts.
    For example, it allows one to go back 5 seconds
    or play the recording slowly. https://jotengine.

    Transcription Services

    Rev.com: This website allows one to upload audio
    files and receive a transcript in one day. The tran-
    script is done by a person, not speech recognition
    software. The current fee is $1.25 per minute.

    Automated Transcription

    NVivo: Now the coding software, NVivo, offers

    researchers an automated transcription service

    that works seamlessly with their software. The

    cost structure is pay-as-you-go, and starts at 50

    cents per minute. NVivo is now available to NCU

    students through the Student Technology Resource

    Center. You can access the software through the

    University Services module in NCUOne. https://

    Trint: Audio and video files can be uploaded into

    Trint for immediate transcription, through the use

    of artificial intelligence. From there one can edit

    and distribute the transcript. Additionally, with an

    iPhone, one can download a recording app that

    will send the audio files to Trint. Trint is a paid

    service, costing approximately $15 for one hour

    of audio. https://trint.com

    Otter.ai: Files can be uploaded and are automat-

    ically transcribed. A (limited) free option is avail-

    able. https://otter.ai/

    Sampling in Qualitative Research
    Researchers should recognize that each qual-

    itative study is unique. Therefore, qualitative

    researchers must investigate the totality of the

    circumstances related to their problem, research

    site, participants, legal implications, and ethics to

    determine the best approach for recruitment, data

    collection, and analysis. One sampling technique

    does not fit all studies.

    Sampling in Phenomenological Studies: consider-

    ing the challenge of ensuring quality in qualitative

    research, Tracy (2010) identified eight conven-

    tional criteria for producing excellence. Four of

    the criteria defined by Tracy related to the depth

    of inquiry, specifically; the criteria are: rich rigor,

    credibility, resonance, and significance of the

    contribution. Meeting these criteria require a suf-

    ficient number of participants so that the resulting














    descriptions, discussions, and conclusions provide

    rich, deep, and detailed information that is reli-

    able and valid (Bernard, 2013).

    Sampling in Case Studies: the sampling tech-

    niques used in case studies vary and are de-

    pendent on several considerations (Saunders &

    Townsend, 2018). Irrespective of the technique

    chosen, the researcher must justify (rationalize for

    the reader) their use.

    Furthermore, gaining access to a population or

    subgroup for inclusion in a case study relates to

    feasibility; will the researcher have physical or

    virtual access to the participants?

    Another consideration for case studies is the

    issue of sample sufficiency. How and when does

    the researcher know if the sample is enough?

    Saturation is viewed as the gold standard to

    determine when data are collected from enough

    participants (see “Data Saturation” in this guide).

    Triangulation of interview data with other identi-

    fiable sources (i.e., government data, the body

    of literature, reliable and related internet sources,

    etc.) can lead to saturation (see “Triangulation” in

    this guide). Member-checking (selective re-inter-

    viewing of participants) or transcript review (each

    participant reviews a transcript of their interview

    to verify or correct the data) are supportive mea-

    sures a researcher can use to develop a level of

    thoroughness in the collection process.

    References and suggested reading:
    Bernard, H.R. (2013). Social research methods:
    Qualitative and quantitative approaches.
    Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Cassell, Catherine, Cunliffe, A.L. & Grandy,
    G. (2018). The Sage handbook of qualitative
    business and management research methods:
    History and traditions. Sage Publications, Ltd.

    Saunders, M. & Townsend, K. (2018).
    Choosing participants. In The Sage handbook
    of qualitative business and management
    research methods (pp. 480-492). Sage
    Publications, Ltd., https://www-doi-org.proxy1.
    ncu.edu/10.4135/9781526430212 https://

    Tracy, S.J. (2010). Qualitative quality: Eight
    “big-tent” criteria for excellent qualitative
    research. Qualitative inquiry, 16, 837-851.

    Data Saturation
    Data saturation is attained when there is sufficient

    information to replicate the study, when the ability

    to obtain additional new information has been

    achieved, and when further coding is no longer

    possible (Fusch and Ness, 2015). According to

    Fusch and Ness, 2015: 1411), “There is a direct

    link between data triangulation and data satura-

    tion; the one (data triangulation) ensures the other








    (data saturation).”

    During data collection, students should consider

    if and when they have reached saturation. Stu-

    dents should aim for data saturation in their data

    generation. Furthermore, they should state in their

    dissertation how they know that they did, in fact,

    reach saturation. It is not sufficient to simply claim

    saturation was reached. Instead, students need to

    articulate and defend how they reached it.

    References and suggested reading:
    Fusch, P.I., & Ness, L.R. (2015). Are we there
    yet? Data saturation in qualitative research. The
    qualitative report 2015 20(9), 1408-1416.

    Saunders, B., Sim, J., Kingstone, T., Baker, S.,
    Waterfield, J., Bartlam, B., … Jinks, C. (2017).
    Saturation in qualitative research: Exploring
    its conceptualization and operationalization.
    Quality and quantity, 52(4), 1893–1907.

    Weller, S.C., Vickers, B., Bernard, H.R.,
    Blackburn, A.M., Borgatti, S., Gravlee, C.C.,
    & Johnson, J.C. (2018). Open-ended interview
    questions and saturation. Plos one, 13(6), 1-18.

    Triangulation refers to multiple approaches to

    collecting data, with the goal of enhancing the

    credibility – and ultimately the trustworthiness – of

    a qualitative study. Triangulation leads to a more

    comprehensive and rigorous understanding of the

    phenomenon under study (Salkind, 2010), and is

    a required part of case study research at NCU.

    Furthermore, triangulation relates directly to data

    saturation (see “Data Saturation” in this guide for

    further discussion on this topic).

    Dixon, Singleton, and Straits (2016: 329) state

    that triangulation “refers to the use of two or more

    dissimilar methods to address the same research

    question,” where “the strengths of one method

    offset the weaknesses of the other.”According

    to Denzin (1978), there are four main types of
    triangulation: a) data source triangulation, b)
    method triangulation, c) theory triangulation, and
    d) investigator triangulation. The first two types
    are the most common in NCU doctoral research
    studies that employ a qualitative method. Theo-
    ry triangulation is used less frequently, whereas
    investigator triangulation is never used (because
    doctoral candidates must complete their own
    dissertation research, without the assistance of
    others). Data source triangulation means that the


    student is collecting data from different categories

    of people, documents, or sources. For example, a

    student may interview both leaders and followers

    in an organizational case study, in addition to

    analyzing relevant company records about lead-

    ership development programs. Method triangula-

    tion involves “the use of multiple methods of data

    collection about the same phenomenon” (Cope,

    2014: 545) (See “Mixed-Methods Research” in

    this guide). Theory triangulation means that the

    student is analyzing and interpreting data from

    the perspective of multiple theories. For example,

    a student may explore a research question about

    employee motivation by analyzing data from

    interviews through the different lenses of Expec-

    tancy Theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and

    the Theory of Attribution.

    It is possible for students to combine data source,

    method and theory triangulation strategies. Stu-

    dents should explain which types of triangulation

    methods are used, justify the rationale, and ad-

    dress the expected quality enhancements to the

    overall credibility of study results.

    References and suggested reading:
    Cope, D.G. (2013). The use of triangulation
    in qualitative research. Oncology nursing
    research, 41(5), 545-547.

    Denzin, N.K. (1978). The research act:
    A theoretical introduction to sociological
    methods. New York, NY: Praeger.

    Dixon, J.C., Singleton, Jr., R.A. & Straits, B.C.
    (2016) The process of social research. New
    York: Oxford University Press.

    Salkind, N.J. (2010). Triangulation. In
    Encyclopedia of research design (pp. 1538-
    1540). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,

    Vasileiou, K., Barnett, J., Thorpe, S., & Young,
    T. (2018). Characterising and justifying sample
    size sufficiency in interview-based studies:
    Systematic analysis of qualitative health
    research over a 15-year period. BMC medical
    research methodology, 18.

    Yin, R. K. (2012). Case study methods. In APA
    handbook of research methods in psychology,
    Vol 2: Research designs: Quantitative,
    qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological
    (pp. 141–155). Washington, DC: American
    Psychological Association.

    The focus of qualitative research is to develop rich

    and complex explorations of phenomena based

    on a relatively small number of participants, rath-

    er than obtaining large, statistically representative

    samples. This focus has led qualitative researchers

    to substitute the traditional quantitative quality

    measures of validity and reliability, in favor of

    the trustworthiness quality criterion. Trustworthi-

    ness, in a qualitative research study, indicates the

    degree to which “the inquiry’s findings are worth

    paying attention to” (Lincoln & Guba, 1985:


    In practical terms, this means students who use

    a qualitative research method should describe

    how they will address the following four aspects






    of the trustworthiness quality criterion: credibility,

    transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

    Credibility of findings indicate the “confidence in

    the truth of findings” (Cohen & Crabtree, 2006,

    para 1). To enhance the credibility of findings, a

    study may involve member checking, triangulating

    collected data through use of various sources,

    considering negative evidence, and integrat-

    ing existing research into the analysis of study

    findings to reach conclusions. Transferability of

    findings indicates the degree to which findings

    “have applicability in other contexts” (Cohen &

    Crabtree, 2006, para 1). Dependability refers to

    the degree to which research findings “are consis-

    tent and could be repeated” (Cohen & Crabtree,

    2006, para 1). Confirmability is a “degree of

    neutrality, or the extent to which the findings of

    a study are shaped by the respondents and not

    researcher bias, motivation, or interest” (Cohen &

    Crabtree, 2006, para 1).

    Dependability and confirmability are often deter-

    mined through a formal external research audit,

    which may not be feasible or necessary for NCU

    dissertation students. Instead, dependability can

    be enhanced by consistent application of proper

    qualitative data analysis techniques and through

    the researcher’s awareness of personal bias.

    Confirmability can be enhanced through careful

    records management of all collected data; and by

    maintaining a research journal to: a) document

    coding rules and decisions made during data

    collection and analysis; b) allow the researcher to

    reflect on the research process and his or her role

    during data collection and analysis; and c) articu-

    late any observations and insights that may affect

    the outcome of the study (Lamb, 2013).

    References and suggested reading:
    Cohen, D., & Crabtree, B. (2006). Lincoln
    and Guba’s evaluative criteria. Robert Wood
    Johnson Foundation, ‘Qualitative Research
    Guidelines Project’. Retrieved from: http://

    Lamb, D. (2013). Research in the first person:




    Reflection on the research experience using a
    research journal. Market & social research,
    21(2), 32-29.

    Lincoln, Y.S., & Guba, E.G. (1985). Naturalistic
    inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

    Member Checking
    One of the data validation techniques qualitative

    researchers can use to help eliminate bias from

    their data collection and analysis is “member

    checking.” According to Creswell and Miller

    (2000), member checking is the most crucial step

    for ensuring credibility in a study, and consists of

    taking data and interpretations back to partici-

    pants. Member checking can take place in multi-

    ple formats. Researchers can ask participants to

    review an interview transcript to ensure that the

    transcript includes what the participant said (Birt,

    Scott, & Cavers, 2016). It could include the re-

    searcher interpreting the responses received from

    the participant and then allowing the participant

    to review those interpretations to ensure that the

    researcher interpreted the participant’s responses

    correctly (Birt, Scott, & Cavers, 2016). In the case

    of a focus group, it could mean interpreting and

    synthesizing the responses of the collective group

    and then asking the members of the group to re-

    view those interpretations to ensure the researcher

    interpreted the collective responses correctly (Birt,

    Scott, & Cavers, 2016).

    It is important to allow the respondents to have the
    ability to check researcher interpretations of their
    responses to ensure that the researcher has not
    interjected his or her own opinions, experiences,
    or biases into their responses in a way that will
    skew the results of the study. Validation of quali-
    tative research is extremely important, as it helps
    to eliminate a potential weakness of qualitative
    research. Students should build in time in their
    research plan to ensure member checking takes

    References and suggested reading:
    Birt, L., Scott, S., & Cavers, D. (2016). Member
    checking: A tool to enhance trustworthiness or
    merely a nod to validation? Qualitative health
    research 26, 1802-1811.

    Creswell, J.W., & Miller, D.L. (2000).
    Determining validity in qualitative inquiry.
    Theory into practice, 39(3), 124–130.

    Coding and thematic analysis
    Coding is a critical part of analyzing qualitative
    data, including thematic analysis. Coding is not
    rocket science, but it seems to confound the qual-
    itative researcher. Coding data is the disassem-
    bling or deciphering step used to determine what
    the data means (Castleberry & Nolen, 2018).
    Saldaña explained coding as a “word or short
    phrase” that represents or captures the essence of
    a small section of narrative or visual data (Sal-
    daña, as cited in Rogers, 2018: 4).

    There are two common starting points for gener-


    ating codes for data analysis: starting with the

    framework or beginning with the data itself. Con-

    sider that every research problem is framed by a

    theory or a set of concepts; this is an established

    research norm. This theoretical or conceptual

    framework can be the starting point for gener-

    ating codes for data analysis (Gläser & Laudel,

    2013). The researcher who deeply understands

    the framework can develop a list, or nodal map,

    of elements of the theory or concepts. The next

    step would be to search the data for these ele-

    ments to make annotations. Pierre and Jackson

    (2014) used an earlier researcher’s terminology,

    ‘thinking in theory,’ to describe the results of cod-

    ing. Applying codes based on the framework is

    how the researcher disassembles the raw data.

    Alternatively, the researcher can develop codes

    from the data itself, and reverse engineer the data

    into a logical interpretation of the phenomenon

    under study. Essentially, the researcher uses a heu-

    ristic approach to determine what the data means

    (Rogers, 2018). Regardless of the approach cho-

    sen by the researcher, the goal is to deconstruct

    the data in preparation for the next phase of data


    Caulfield (2019) identifies coding as step #2

    (after becoming familiar with the data) of the pro-

    cess of thematic analysis. He states that coding

    is creating short labels for parts of the text in the

    data (e.g. interview transcripts) that describe what

    it is about. All data is coded, adding new labels

    (codes) during the process (Caulfield, 2019). Af-

    ter coding is completed, the third step in the the-

    matic analysis process is identifying patterns and

    themes among the codes. The Caulfield (2019)

    resource (see below) can be viewed for an exam-

    ple of how to do this. Themes are then reviewed

    and further analyzed, including identifying final

    themes and what they mean (Caulfield, 2019).

    Regardless of whether the process of coding

    is aided by a software program (e.g. NVivo),

    coding is done by the researcher (the software

    does not do the coding). NVivo is now available

    at no cost to NCU students through the Student

    Technology Resource Center. You can access the

    software through the University Services module

    in NCUOne. One way of coding data, if done

    in Microsoft Word, is to color code text, making

    all text about the same code (or topic) the same


    color. This text can then be later analyzed, using

    further colors and codes, as necessary.

    References and suggested reading:
    Castleberry, A., & Nolen, A. (2018). Thematic
    analysis of qualitative research data: Is it
    as easy as it sounds? Currents in pharmacy
    teaching and learning, 10, 807-815.

    Caulfield,J. (2019). How to do thematic
    analysis. Available at: https://www.scribbr.

    Evers, J.C. (2016). Elaborating on thick
    analysis: About thoroughness and creativity in
    qualitative analysis. Forum: Qualitative social
    research, 17(1).

    Gläser, J., & Laudel, G. (2013). Life with and
    without coding: Two methods for early-stage
    data analysis in qualitative research aiming at
    causal explanations. Forum: Qualitative social
    research, 14(2).

    Maguire, M., & Delahunt, B. (2017). Doing
    a thematic analysis: A Practical, step-by-step
    guide for learning and teaching scholars. All
    Ireland journal of higher education, 9(3).

    Rogers, R. (2018). Coding and writing analytic
    memos on qualitative data: A review of Johnny
    Saldaña’s the coding manual for qualitative
    researchers. Qualitative report, 23, 889-892.

    St. Pierre, E.A., & Jackson, A.Y. (2014).
    Qualitative data analysis after coding.
    Qualitative inquiry, 20, 715-719.

    Yin, R.K. (2015). Qualitative research from
    start to finish. New York, NY: Guilford

    Including Data in the Findings (Chapter 4)
    of the Dissertation
    In order to substantiate the claims made in disser-

    tations, it is important for students to include data

    they have collected within their Findings chapter.

    Verbatim quotes from interviews, or content from

    documents analyzed, help to substantiate summa-

    ries and general conclusions students make from

    the data. Including data generously throughout

    Chapter 4 of a dissertation helps students better

    defend their claims and justify their arguments.

    Including sufficient data within the dissertation is

    also necessary to demonstrate that the data was

    actually collected by the student, and that the stu-

    dent is knowledgeable about how to adequately

    integrate data into their writing. It also can make

    reading a dissertation more enjoyable and en-

    gaging, and helps ensure the reader that summa-

    ries and the analysis of the data are congruent

    with the actual data.

    Quotes should not only be used to highlight

    unusual or extreme issues (though these can be

    included). Instead, they should be selected on the

    basis of their appropriateness to the findings, and








    how they represent major themes of the over-

    all study. While specific numbers of how many

    quotes to use are not provided here, Chapter 4

    (and also, in some cases, Chapter 5) should be

    rich with the inclusion of this data, providing evi-

    dence for the claims made in the dissertation.

    References and suggested reading:
    Corden, A., & Sainsbury, R. (2006). Using
    verbatim quotations in reporting qualitative
    social research: Researchers’ views. York, UK:
    University of York.

    Yin, R.K. (2015). Qualitative research from
    start to finish. New York, NY: Guilford





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