This assignment asks you to review a real-world scenario to assess your ability to outline the appropriate actions of someone in managerial epidemiology.
The situation at the regional Good Health Hospital has become overwhelming since the outbreak of COVID-19. It appears that there are 15 cases of the disease with more cases each day.
To better understand the situation, the hospital has been in constant communication with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
After a meeting yesterday with the chief administrator, Joe Wellborn, it has been decided that a more detailed process must be created to manage the situation.
Research has indicated that hospitals operating in the Tampa Bay area are also filling to capacity with COVID-19 patients. This substantiates the need for further communication and collaboration with the county and state health departments.
As a health care manager, it is your job to both manage the situation and make a detailed record of the circumstances and your process in a report from an epidemiological management perspective.
For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation with 6–7 slides for the hospital administration outlining the steps to be taken to manage the situation. Please include the following:
From Managerial Epidemiology:
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment:
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